Council meetings

Agenda, decisions and minutes

No. Item


Appointment of Chair


AGREED the minutes from the previous meeting held on: Tuesday 15 October 19


Apologies for Absence and Clarification of Alternate Members


Declarations of Interest




AGREED the minutes from the previous meeting held on: Tuesday 15 October 19


Provision for Public Participation


Update report on the ICT Shared Service for the London Boroughs of Brent, Lewisham and Southwark


·         NOTED the update provided and actions being taken in relation to the ongoing performance and delivery of the shared service, as detailed within Section 3 of the report.

·         NOTED the contents of the Performance Pack (Quarter 3 2019) as detailed in Section 3 and Appendix A of the report.


As additional actions it was agreed:


·         That reference to the breakdown of service tickets logged by individual Boroughs be removed from future service performance updates, given the different arrangements between Boroughs.  Members remained keen however, to ensure that the level of service demand between each Borough continued to be monitored.

·         An update be provided for the next meeting on progress with the review of the Key Performance Indicators within the Shared Service SLAs (Service Level Agreements) and Inter Authority Agreement

·         The Joint Committee continue to be updated on progress with the options being considered in relation to Lewisham Homes returning to Lewisham for their ICT support and impact on the Shared Service.

·         A list of the major procurement projects due to be undertaken by all three Boroughs, be provided for the next Joint Committee in order to review any potential shared procurement and social value opportunities through the Shared Service.

·         Further details be provided as part of the Financial Update for the next Joint Committee on the budget provision regarding Shared Service staff Pension Contributions.

·         That risk scores be included within the Risk Management update provided as part of all future Performance Update Packs for the Joint Committee

·         To increase the frequency of Joint Borough meetings from 2 to 3 per Municipal Year with dates to be split between June, October & March.


Exclusion of Press and Public


Any Other Urgent Business


Date of Next Meeting


Wed 8 July 2020 – 6:30pm to be hosted by London Borough of Southwark