Venue: Council Chamber - Civic Suite. View directions
Contact: Geeta Subramaniam-Mooney
No. | Item |
Introduction and apologies |
Minutes and matters arising |
Peer on Peer Abuse Local Assessment Profiles The risks and harms that some young children are exposed to is significant in their abilities to lead positive lives. It impacts on their ability to learn and engage in positive social engagement. The trauma experienced as a victim of crime, as a witness of Domestic Abuse, as a member within the community where serious violence has occurred as all impacting on the young people. The Partnership has through this work now understood the issues, the local profile and some of the options for tackling this issue
Domestic Violence Deep Dive This report highlights key trends and issues identified regarding Domestic Violence. This report should be read in conjunction with the Peer on Peer abuse report which considers this issue alongside other risk and vulnerability considerations for young people. The lessons learnt from Domestic Homicides (standing Together review Nov 16) is important in considering the distinction and understanding of Intimate partner Violence and Family Violence. It is important that a review of the current provision and approach is done to assess impact as well as ongoing review and training across all professionals to address Domestic abuse. Domestic Abuse has been identified as one of the key priorities for the Safer Lewisham Partnership for 17-18 and as such there will a detailed action plan in place which will be reviewed Quarterly |
Safer Lewisham Plan There is a legal obligation to have a crime and Disorder Strategy in place and it is proposed that the MOPAC Police and Crime Plan 2017-2021 will be adopted. The annual plan is presented as part of the priority setting process for the Partnership. There is a single priority focus for 2017-18 which is Violence: Gender Based violence, Peer on Peer abuse/ violence and all other aspects of violence in the community. |
Disproportionality in the Criminal Justice Agenda Following a workshop with partners in Jan 17 this report and recommendations for joint action is proposed. It is clear that many professionals and community leaders have been rightly concerned about the disproportionality issues within the criminal justice system for some time. The work both nationally and locally done to date has enabled a greater understanding of the issues and has enabled dialogue about the possible reasons. It is important that Lewisham reflects on the findings and that whilst there are a number of things that will need to be resolved at a National and London wide level, there are local actions which the Partnership should focus on and look to make changes to improve the situation and to improve outcomes for those who are disadvantaged as reflected in this paper. |
Youth Justice Improvement Plan Following the sign off by HMIP of the Improvement plan, this report is presented to update on progress against the Plan. YJB will monitor this quarterly and locally we are monitoring this through the Youth Justice Management board revised structures.
Domestic Homicide review task and finish group update This report updates on the composite recommendations from the last 6 DHRs for Lewisham.
Safer Neighbourhood Board Activity update This verbal report will update on the activities of the SNB, the forthcoming bids to MOPAC for funding and future planning of the Board. for funding and future planning of the Board. |