Council meetings


Venue: Civic Suite Catford SE6 4RU

Contact: Email: 

No. Item


Welcome and Apologies for Absence

To introduce new members, note apologies for absence.


Minutes of last meeting and matters arising not on the agenda pdf icon PDF 82 KB

To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the last meeting held on Wednesday 3 June 2015 at Emmanuel Pentecostal Church.

Confirmation of order of business for the meeting

To confirm the order of business and notify of any urgent business.


Also notify the chair of any items to be raised in information exchange



Agreed Syllabus Conference Update

Oral update on progress with the ASC and

Election of a Vice Chair for the ASC


Membership & LA Update pdf icon PDF 34 KB

To be updated on membership issues and changes in the LA.


SACRE Annual Report pdf icon PDF 369 KB

To approve the SACRE Annual Report for distribution.


Public Examination national headlines 2015

To received national information about this summer’s results. Lewisham results will be available for SACRE after half term.


Survey of SACRE members' views pdf icon PDF 505 KB

This survey will explore the views of individual SACRE members in every SACRE regarding the purpose of RE. Initial results to be made available September 2015.


Lewisham Values

To receive information from John Goodey and Mohammed Barrie about a project they are collaborating on with their schools


National Update

Information from the RE Council, the APPG and other National bodies.


Items circulated to schools pdf icon PDF 274 KB

a)         BHA Happiness competition

b)         Smsc self-evaluation tool

c)         Southwark Cathedral Education Centre request


Any Other Business and Information Exchange

To allow the opportunity for SACRE members to exchange issues/information

If you have any information to circulate please inform the Chair before the meeting


SACRE Handbook

2016 Accord Inclusivity Award

Holocaust Memorial Day 2016


To consider dates

  • the next Lewisham SACRE meeting  (meetings take place from 6.30 p.m. to 8.30 p.m.)
  • an Agreed Syllabus Conference
  • Training for  new SACRE members