Contact: Stewart Weaver-Snellgrove
No. | Item |
Minutes of last meeting and matters arising Minutes:
1.1 The Chair welcomed Dr Faruk Majid to the Health and Wellbeing Board in his role of Vice Chair. Dr Faruk Majid has replaced Dr Marc Rowland as new Chair for NHS Lewisham Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).
1.2 The Chair noted the omission of a referral from Healthier Communities Select Committee in the dispatch of the papers for the November HWB meeting. The SGM Inter-agency, Service Development and Integration apologised for the error and said that this issue was being dealt with and actions taken to ensure that it didn’t happen again.
1.3 The minutes of the last meeting were agreed as an accurate record.
Declarations of Interest Minutes:
2.1 There were no declarations of interest.
BAME Health Inequalities: Mental Health Minutes: 3.1 Mayor Egan noted that Lewisham is one of the most diverse populations in the world and it said that it is concerning that there are significant health inequalities in the borough.
3.2 Mayor Egan thanked Cllr Rathbone for helping to set up the BAME Mental Health Summit, in conjunction with Healthwatch, Lewisham BAME Network and the other officers.
3.3 Kenny Gregory presented this item. It summarised the findings from the BAME Mental Health Summit which was held on the 8th October 2018.
3.4 The following points were discussed:
· Kenny Gregory stressed that it was important to the BME Health Network that this was seen as the start of a longer conversation between the Health and Wellbeing Board and the Network to look at how they can work together on tackling BAME health inequalities. · Danny Ruta said that if the HWB and BME Network wanted to start genuine co-production then it makes sense that in determining the next steps the board should come together with the BME network, rather than either group doing it on their own. · Engagement with an academic institution to help evaluate the approach to co-production once it is developed would be useful.
· Kenny Gregory agreed and commented that at that initial meeting the key operational groups should be identified. · Cllr Best said that she thought the BAME Mental Health Summit had been really productive and she was impressed with the enthusiasm. One of the things she noted was that there was a lack of knowledge about what different organisations were already doing in relation to mental health issues. · That future work in this area should include young people as they had not yet been involved in the discussion. · Funding options for future work should be explored across board member organisations. · That there should be a stronger focus on prevention and early intervention for mental health, particularly within BAME communities.
3.5 RESOLVED: The board noted the work carried out since July and the feedback from the community regarding BAME mental health inequalities.
3.6 The board also agreed the following:
· To set up a meeting between the BAME Network and HWB to discuss approaches to sustainable co-production to support commissioning of all-age mental health services.
BAME Health Inequalities: Future Areas of Focus Minutes: 4.1 Danny Ruta introduced the item explaining that in addition to Mental Health the HWB agreed at the last meeting to agree future areas of focus relating to BAME health inequalities.
4.2 Trish Duffy provided a presentation which outlined the methodology for identifying other potential areas of focus for the HWB to investigate health inequalities. Using a Public Health England guide (Understanding Health Inequalities) as an outline BAME health inequalities were looked at nationally, regionally and locally.
4.3 The following points were discussed:
· Mayor Egan said that the key focus should be to ensure that BAME residents have the same experience and improved outcomes in line with the rest of the population. · Val Davison said that the Trust should be able to provide some relevant patient experience data. · Martin Wilkinson asked how far some of the issues are condition specific e.g. are there access and awareness issues that are prevalent across multiple illnesses or are there specific issues relating to individual diseases. · That it would be useful to find out how other HWB’s in London are looking at BAME Health Inequalities. · It would be useful to map the public/community services are already available relating to BAME health inequalities.
4.4 RESOLVED: The board noted the work carried out by the working group.
4.5 RESOLVED: The board agreed that cancer and obesity will be future areas of focus for the HWB in terms of BAME health inequalities.
Information Items |
Healthwatch Annual Report 17/18 Additional documents: Minutes: 5.1 Michael Kerin introduced the Healthwatch Annual Report 2017-18.
5.2 RESOLVED: The Board noted the contents of the report.