Council meetings

Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: Online ~ via Team

Contact: Sarah Lang 

No. Item


Welcome from the Chair


1.1      Cllr Barnham welcomed everyone to the assembly meeting and introduced Cllr Carol Webley-Brown and Cllr Tauseef Anwar.



Sustainable Transport and Parking Proposals


2.1   Cllr Barnham introduced Zahur Khan, Head of Public Realm and then handed over to Seamus Adams, Head of Commercial Operations and Development, Public Realm who ran through the attached presentation outlining the proposal for improving infrastructure and parking arrangements in the local area.



2.2      Zahur emphasised that this approach was not developed in the context of silo working as there had been substantial collaboration with other borough to align proposal and ensure that schemes of work do not cause adverse impact across borough boundaries.


2.3      The strategy and consultation has been developed to be delivered in three phases programme through consultation. Stage one consists of proposals for two areas:


~ Catford

~ Deptford 


        Crofton Park ward is included in the Catford scheme.



2.4   Currently Lewisham has 23% CPZ coverage which is low for an inner London borough and residents report frustration with the amount of commuter parking in the borough.


2.4      CPZ schemes operate well through an area-based approach, rather than individual roads which just push parking onto other streets.


2.5      The approach that has been taken also focuses on sustainability and improving air quality through environmental change on a street by street basis, where residents can influence what infrastructure is needed on their street.


2.6      Slide 8 of the presentation details the streets that are included in the scope of the consultation.


2.7      The plans include the introduction of double yellow lines at junctions to improve road safety by increasing visibility for pedestrians.


2.8      There will also be a review of existing CPZs.


2.9      Consultation will run 17 Jan~26 Feb 2023.


2.10   Drop-in sessions:

3 February 2:30pm ~ 4:30pm St William of York Primary School

6 February 12 noon ~ 2pm Ackroyd Community Centre

7 February 3pm ~ 5pm Stillness Primary School

8 February 4:30 ~ 6:30pm Honor Oak Station

17 February 10:30 ~ 12:30 St Saviours Church


2.11   Results of the consultation will be presented at Mayor and Cabinet meeting.


Q.    How do I get involved and show support?


A.     There will be an online survey and the 5 drop-in sessions where people can see detailed plan. Residents will be sent information and we will also undertake door knocking in streets where we are seeing a low uptake of engagement.


Q.    What provision will you put in place to ensure that older people, carers and people with disabilities are able to voice their needs about the proposals.


A.     We will actively reach out to people in these groups as part of the door knocking exercises.


Q.    What is the percentage of parked cars that come from outside of the borough.


A.     We are doing some modelling with other boroughs, but we do know that Around 60% of road space in Lewisham is used for on-street parking, but less than half of households in the borough own a car.


Q.     In four years’ time what do you think the uptake of cycling will be?


A.     It’s hard to say but these measures are designed to contribute to our  ...  view the full minutes text for item 2.


Hopcroft Neighbourhood Plan ~ get involved


Neighbourhood Forum


3.1   Nicholas gave an overview of the work of the Crofton Park and Honor Oak Neighbourhood Forum which was ratified by residents’ votes at the referendum which was held alongside the local elections.


3.2    The Neighbourhood Forum is a statutory group leadsthe neighbourhood planning process in a neighbourhood area where there is no town or parish council. This decentralises planning and give residents a say in controlling developments.


3.3   There was a considerable amount of work undertaken to develop the Neighbourhood Plan and residents are needed to help to ensure the plan is taken forward.


3.4   Members do not have to have any expertise to join the forum, but some may bring specific knowledge that is useful, e.g. scrutinising planning applications, knowledge of parks and nature reserves or streetscapes etc and practical help needed for keeping notice boards up-to-date. Contact or if you want to be involved.


3.5   There have been changes in the demographics of the ward since COVID-19 with lots of professionals with children moving into the ward so please spread the word.


3.6   A link to the Plan is below.


Crofton Park and Honor Oak Neighbourhood Plan Adoption Version - May 2022.pdf


3.7   The next meeting is in January 2023.


3.8   Anna-Maria added that the stagnation of the Neighbourhood Forum had allowed granting of planning permission for the site of the British Legion which was in the plan as Cllrs were not interested.


3.9   Cllr Barnham replied that he had chaired a public meeting on this.


3.10    Roger added that Anna-Maria example illustrated why people should get involved as this is a community plan which sits between the Council and residents.


3.11    Nicholas added that he did not know about the planning proposal for the British Legion site.




NCIL Updates on Funded Projects


4.1   Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy (NCIL) is the money that developers pay to councils to offset the impact of their development on local services.


4.2   Councils must devolve between 15%~25% of this funding for residents to influence how it is spent. Lewisham devolved 25% which formed two different funding pots to fund:

                    Borough wide projects

                    Ward based projects


4.3   Each ward received funding for projects that met the local priorities that had been agreed at their ward Assembly prior to Covid-19.


4.4   Crofton Park ward had £43,959 to award to projects that addressed the following priorities;


·       Transport and streets

·       Community safety

·       Open/green spaces and nature

·       Air quality - Community facilities

·       Children and Youth services



4.5   In addition, it was agreed that the following priority would be added for all wards.


·       Covid~19 Recovery


4.6   Five bids were submitted and all of these received funding for their projects.


4.7   Lucy from Friends of Crofton Park Railway Garden said that there had been some delays due to increased prices of materials, but works will be starting in the second week of January. This will include levelling ground to create a platform for a bug hotel and additional seating.


4.8   Lucy also informed resident that there will be a Christmas event with mulled wine.


4.9   Jamie reported that Stillness Eco Garden build was also delayed due to difficulties in getting materials, but the landscaping is now completed and planting will start soon.


4.10  The team have been successful in securing £6k of further funding using the NCIL as a kick start funding.


4.11  The children are really enjoying the space and the school will be holding and official opening in the spring.


4.12  4th Reserve have spent 2/3rds of the funding, creating the orchard and the living hedgerow.


4.13  The final part of the project, creating the tea garden will be undertaken in the spring.




Community information


5.1   Nicholas gave a short update on behalf of Friends of Blythe Hill Fields which has been successful in gaining funding from the Council’s greening fund for improvements in the park.


5.2   This is in addition to the money raised from the festival which was used for new notice boards designed by a graphic artist.



There being no other business, Cllr Barnham closed the meeting.


Note: These are not verbatim minutes so discussions, questions and answers have been summarised.

5.1   Nicholas gave a short update on behalf of Friends of Blythe Hill Fields which has been successful in gaining funding from the Council’s greening fund for improvements in the park.


5.2   This is in addition to the money raised from the festival which was used for new notice boards designed by a graphic artist.



There being no other business, Cllr Barnham closed the meeting.


Note: These are not verbatim minutes so discussions, questions and answers have been summarised.