Venue: Beecroft Garden School, Beecroft Road, London SE4 2BS
Contact: Paul Gale
No. | Item |
Welcome from the Chair Minutes: Cllr Pauline Morrison Chair of the Crofton Park Assembly welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced the two other Crofton Park Councillors, Cllr Chris Barnham and Cllr Tauseef Anwar.
Presentation on Neighbourhood CIL Minutes: Chris Frazer explained that The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a levy that local authorities can choose to charge on certain new development. CIL must be spent on infrastructure to support the development of an area, such as for schools, hospitals, roads, open space, and leisure facilities. Lewisham has been collecting CIL since 2015: 2015/16: £1,440,463.66 2016/17: £4,487,774.86 2017/18: £3,359,091.04
The CIL Regulations enable the Council to set aside 15% of CIL receipts (25% in areas with an adopted neighbourhood plan) to spend on priorities that should be agreed with the local community in areas where development is taking place (NCIL). Mayor & Cabinet agreed to allocate 25% of CIL to NCIL in all wards. Agreed NCIL Process (Mayor & Cabinet 2019) for the borough is: Stage 1: Priority setting workshop with ward assemblies (four year cycle) Stage 2: ‘Open call’ for projects to all Lewisham residents (biennial or annual process) Stage 3: Evaluate projects and publish long-list (biennial or annual process) Stage 4: Develop ‘project bank’ by public vote (biennial or annual process) Stage 5: Allocate and delivery through RCDB and M&C (annual process) Stage 6: Monitoring, evaluation and reporting (annual process) Chris then took the assembly through a presentation of the Crofton Park NCIL a copy of which is available from
The current NCIL pot for Crofton Park is £28,422.45
The five priorities as identified by Commonplace are:
· Transport and Streets · Open/Green spaces and nature · Community Safety · Community Facilities · Air quality
Priorities Exercise Minutes: The assembly was then split into small groups to discuss and agree these priorities with the option to add a further priority for Crofton Park ward.
Feedback and Priority Setting Minutes: The assembly agreed with the 5 priorities but wanted felt that there needed to be a priority around young people and youth services. Therefore the 6 priorities for Crofton Park will be:
· Transport and Streets · Open/Green spaces and nature · Community Safety · Community Facilities · Air quality · Children and Youth Services
Councillor and Community updates Minutes: Electric Car Charging Points – Cllr Anwar explained that by next year the Council aims to have charging points within 500 metres of each household. Q Is there a policy relating to kerbside use of charging points due to narrowness of some pavements and how will these locations be consulted upon? A I do not have an answer at present, but will look into this
Neighbourhood Forum – Please do visit the website to support the re-designation of Hopcroft Forum which ends on the 24th January.
Cllr Morrison thanked Anna-Maria Cahlane for all her work relating to the Neighbourhood Forum.
Cllr Morrison thanked Liz James for all her work with both the Assembly and the Coordinating Group, Liz is moving away from Lewisham and will be missed.
Healthy Neighbourhoods - Healthy neighbourhoods is a programme that will change our streets to encourage people to walk and cycle rather than drive. The first stage is Lewisham and Lee Green. At the next assembly we will look at how this can benefit Crofton Park.
There being no other business the assembly finished at 9pm, no declarations of interest were made.