Council meetings

Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: On line via Teams

Contact: Sarah Lang 

No. Item


Welcome from the Chair


1.  Welcome from Cllr Paul Bell, Chair of the Telegraph Hill Assembly


1.1   Cllr Bell welcomed everyone to the assembly meeting and introduced Cllr Joan Millbank and Cllr Luke Sorba.




Safer Neighbourhood Team Update


2.2   Cllr Millbank delivered the following update which included information on local issues and from the new Commissioner for the Met Police:


  1. A funding application for improved Security and Entry Control Systems at Honor Oak Community Centre has been progressed and a final application will be submitted over the coming weeks.


b.    Following the murder of Alex Josephs on Malyons Road, there were some concerns about the evening of remembrance being held on Honor Oak Estate. Roger attended this at a respectful distance and liased with Marlon. There were no issues reported to us and the family and friends of Alex were able to pay their respects.


  1. There has been a spate of motor vehicle crime around Revelon Road, Arica Road, Finland Road and Dundalk Road. Car windows smashed and items taken. Police have increased patrols of the area and have spoken to some of the local residents with a view to creating a Neighbourhood Watch Area. Households have had posted leaflets regarding this and will continue to be encouraged to report suspicious behaviour via Crime Stoppers or online.


d.    There have been multiple incidents of shoplifting from the Co-op on St Norbert Road. The SNT are working to identify offenders and liase with the staff at the store  to improve security. Local residents are concerned that if this continues, they will lose the shop which is an essential local asset.


e.    The SNT will be attending Hillfields Summer Fayre this Saturday and will have 2 x Classic Police Cars and Officers from the Territorial Support Group. Please come and say hello.


f.      Another chance to meet the SNT will be at  Ladywell Food, Folk and Fun event on 23rd July where they will be with colleagues from Mounted Branch.


g.    The Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police has officially launched his “Turnaround Plan”, which details how the Met will achieve its mission of More Trust, Less Crime and High Standards. The Met has been listening to communities and partners. The first priority on the list is to have the strongest ever neighbourhood policing. In order to do this, there will be more police officers and PCSOs.



2.3   Joan added that there had been extra duties over the last few months due to the funeral of HM Queen Elizabeth and the subsequent Coronation of HM  King Charles.


2.4   Tamsin asked about the policing panels that used to take place.


2.5   Cllr Millbank replied that these had been re-established after Covid but that she had been the only person in attendance. If there is enough interest, meetings can be organised.


2.6   Corina said that she welcomed the return of the bobby on the beat.



Feedback on Haberdashers' School Consultation on Re-siting Statue of Robert Aske


3.  Consultation on the Statue of Robert Aske


3.1   Cllr Bell asked Cllr Sorba to give and update on the work that Haberdashers Askes are undertaking on statue that is in the playground of the school.


3.2    Cllr Sorba explained that the statue is in a prominent position and it is listed by English Heritage.


3.3   The school have contacted English Heritage and are awaiting a decision on the proposal that the statue is retained but moved to a less prominent position.


3.4   Tamsin said that if you dig into the 55 years of investments less than 2% was in the Royal African Company.


3.5   Corina added in the chat that there is a deep hypocrisy in trying to edit history by applying modern values to an entirely different period with other ethics and beliefs. Most pension schemes today (in which a number of those who are voting to remove the statue may well have a stake) have investment in so called unethical funds. If Aske is tainted by the slavery connection because he has a small (considering his fortune) stake in an African slave company, then anyone who accept or enjoys any of his benevolence & largesse would, by definition, also be tainted. Therefore, those who remove the name, or the statue forfeit their right to get any benefits from Asks's charitable altruism and philanthropy unless they want to be equally tainted or known as hypocrites. I would object to repositioning- explaining is totally correct, with a plaque etc.


3.6   Sarah was asked to share the plaque in the meeting notes.




3.7   Malcolm requested that it be noted in the minutes that the Telegraph Hill Society had not been consulted and that the school had erected fences without the appropriate planning permission.


3.8   Malcolm called for a public meeting as the statue is an important part of the heritage of the Telegraph Hill and removing it damages the area.


3.9   Cllr Millbank said that this was the start of the process and it was led by the young people who attend the school.


3.10 Tamsin added that she found it really encouraging that young people want to lead the learning and ask if they would share findings with the community.


3.11 Cllr Millbank agreed that we need to feed back the importance to the community to Haberdashers.


3.12 As the meeting was running ahead of time, Elisha had not joined the meeting to give her update so Cllr Bell handed over to Sarah to talk about the priorities for Telegraph Hill.



Consultation on local priorities


4.Consultation on Telegraph Hill Priorities


4.1   Sarah stated residents are regularly consulted on their priorities through the Assemblies programme.


4.2   We will be consulting over the coming months at events and meetings to speak to as many people as possible.


4.3   The current priorities are


·       Children’s services

·       Transport and streets

·       Community facilities

·       Community safety

·       Open green spaces and nature

·       Environment


4.4   Attendees did not have objection or additions to these at this time and Sarah added that they could e-mail her if anything else came to mind and that we would continue to work on this though the Telegraph Hill Community Network.


4.5      Cllr Millbank picked up on children’s service and told the Assembly that the Honor Oak Youth Centre will receive funding as it will become the second Family Hub; a model of co-locating a range of services in one building.


NCIL Project Update


5.Update on Community NCIL Funding                     


5.1   Elisha Roberts joined the meeting and Cllr Millbank explained that Elisha was funded through a funding bid to NCIL for a part-time post to support the work of the Community Network.


5.2   Elisha gave an overview of the past and current projects that had been identified for her to undertake with to support exiting projects.


5.3   The initial project was to replicate the Walking Bus model that runs from Turnham School to the youth centre/adventure playground to try to increase the number of residents using the Warm Space provision at Honor Oak Community Centre.


5.4   The initial stage of the project was door knocking to make residents aware of the warm space, followed by visits to pick people up and walk with them to the centre resulting in residents agreeing to meet each other or feel confident enough to go along to sessions on their own.


5.5   The next project was to create resources to help recognise and promote volunteering opportunities across the ward.


5.6   Elisha is working with Bradley and a team of young people at The Sommerville on as series of short films about volunteering.


5.7   If any project wants to have a short film made, please let Elisha know.




Community information


6. Community Updates       



6.1   Tamsin told the Assembly that applications for the 2023 Telegraph Hill Festival will be opening on 30th November.


6.2   Save Lewisham Hospital Campaign will be celebrating the 10th Anniversary of their victory at the High Court in 2013 to save Lewisham Hospital.


6.3   Les asked about how he could get more street trees as there are not as many on his road as elsewhere in the ward.


6.4   Sarah explained that all the tree planting is co-ordinated through Street Trees for Living. Three need a sponsor who will agree to look after them and water them through the summer months to ensure that they survive.


6.5   Sarah agreed to send Les the link to their information. Street Trees for Living


6.6   There being no more business or community updates, Cllr Bell thanked attendees for attending and closed the meeting at 8.18pm




Note: These are not verbatim minutes so questions and answers have been summarised.