Venue: Somerville Youth & Play Provision, 260 Queens Road SE14 5JN
Contact: Sarah Lang Email: 020 8314 6306
No. | Item |
Welcome from the Chair Summary of Meeting
1. Welcome from Cllr Joan Millbank, Chair of the Telegraph Hill Assembly
1.1 Cllr Millbank welcomed everyone to the assembly meeting and introduced Cllr Luke Sorba. She explained that Cllr Bell would join the meeting later.
1.2 Cllr Millbank explained that young people had been involved in planning the agenda and activities.
Young Mayor's Team 2. Young Mayor’s Team
2.1 Cllr Millbank welcomed the Young Mayor’s Team and thanked them for coming to tell the young people about their work.
2.2 Liam Islam, Harry Chappell, Ronnie Pierre, Zak Moshie, Fola Osundina, Asma Abdullahi from the Young Mayor’s Team introduced themselves.
2.3 Each member talked about why they became involved with the Young Mayor’s Team and told the Assembly about the some of the work that they do which includes looking at key decision-making reports and engaging with service managers, policy-makers and elected members to both hear and comment on plans and strategies for the delivery of services.
2.4 The Young Mayor’s Team meet on a Monday at 5.00pm at The Civic Suite in Catford.
2.5 The voting for the Young Mayor takes place every year in October. IT is open to young people who are 13-17 years of age on Wednesday 19th October 2016 who live or go to secondary school in Lewisham
For full information and the application pack visit
2.6 The closing date for applications is Friday 16th September 2016.
Young Mayor's Team |
Somerville Youth & Play Project 3. Update on Somerville Youth & Play Provision (SYPP)
3.1 Peter Dacres introduce himself as the Lead Youth Worker for SYPP.
3.2 Peter outlined that SYPP opened its door on 3rd May and since then there have been just over 1,000 registrations.
3.3 Activities that have been undertaken since the opening include sports activities, art & craft workshops, cooking & healthy and drama.
3.4 Currently SYPP are developing their Youth Forum and we have had successful debates relating to the following subjects: gangs, healthy eating, social media and cyber bullying.
3.5 There have been personal development workshops for the older young people including anger management and conflict resolution, gun/knife crime, mental health, drug/alcohol and bullying.
3.6 From September SYPP will be offering the young people the chance to undertake the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme and will provide opportunities for those who have started their awards to complete them.
3.7 From September onwards we will be running personal development workshops - Raising self-esteem, goal setting, improving self-image and how to have a confident conversation.
3.8 There will also be employability programme for 16-24 year-old where they will learn how to create a CV, Fill out application forms and be successful at interviews. This starts in September - Contact Peter 0207 732 1403 or email to book your place or for more information. We also have a job club every Friday for 16-24 years and 25 years plus.
3.9 SYPP has also been awarded Sportivate funding for young women who do not currently participate in at least 30 mins of planned activity physical activity a week. They will be running roller skating/roller-blading sessions from October-December 2016 & Boot Camp Fitness January-March 2017. Contact Peter to book you place
3.10There will be an official launch at on 24th September with a carnival parade. Danielle Heath will be running costume making work-shops over the summer and leading up to the event for those who would like to participate in the carnival.
The young people then performed a talent show for the Assembly.
This included singing, dancing and rapping.
The show was followed by a performance from Kadijah, a singer, songwriter from New Cross who is currently studying Professional Musicianship at the University of Sussex.
Performances, information stalls, craft exhibition, food, fun & face painting From 4.00-6.30pm there was a barbecue and the chance to see the new building and the adventure playground, visit stalls in the meeting space and enjoy the barbecue in the garden.
Youth First - the future of youth services Youth First sent their apologies. |
Update on Besson Street and Somerville Estate development plans PDF 756 KB 7. Somerville Estate & Besson Street Development Proposals
7.1 Cllr Millbank told the Assembly that there were written updates available on the latest news for the developments and asked those present if they had any concerns or questions. As there was only one person who had a concern, Cllrs agreed to speak to this person outside of the meeting.
7.2 Besson Street
Current Summary
On 13th July 2016 Mayor and Cabinet agreed that Officers go through a procurement process to identify a joint venture partner to deliver the Besson Street site and that this joint venture partnership may then deliver other regeneration opportunities in Lewisham. The procurement process is expected to take place between September 2016 - January 2017 when Mayor and Cabinet will make the final decision on the potential partner. Following this will come further design, consultation and Planning stages.
History and background
The land has been vacant for some time after previous schemes under the New Deal for Communities (NDC) initiative weren’t able to go ahead. The Council continues to work with the New Cross Gate Trust and our plans include providing the key elements from the original proposals such as a new Doctors surgery (for the Queens Road surgery), community space and outdoor gym.
The Council is committed to increasing the number, quality and affordability of homes across all tenures. The Council’s housing provider, Lewisham Homes has a target to build 500 Council homes by March 2018 and there are plans being developed across the borough.
Lewisham’s Mayor and Cabinet decided in December 2015 that the Besson Street scheme would start a new approach in Lewisham to improve housing in the private rented sector. Since this time, Council officers have been working up the technical detail of how the scheme could be delivered.
At a meeting on 13th July 2016 Mayor and Cabinet have now agreed that the Council starting a process in the autumn 2016 to identify a partner who would help finance, build and manage the new homes.
The report has all the details however we are pleased to say that we are looking to provide 35% as affordable homes, with rents linked to the London Living wage. There will be a further report in early 2017 as Mayor and Cabinet will be asked to decide on the partner and proposals.
Residents may have seen the designs developed by Assael architects in December 2015. There has been no further design work carried out so at the moment the designs are the same. The Council expects to carry out further design work with our partner in the Spring 2017 in consultation with the local community.
If anyone would like any further information now please do let us know. We also send out email updates – if people want to have these please get in touch me with me (
The report is available on the Council’s website and has the full details on why the Council is looking to work in this ... view the full agenda text for item 5. |
Tennis Courts Consultation 4. Tennis Court Consultation.
4.1 Andy Thomas introduced himself and explained that part of his remit was for community sport provision.
4.2 He has been working with the Lawn Tennis Association on investment in tennis courts across the borough to improve them as they are generally in poor condition.
4.3 Currently courts are free to use, however Lewisham will need to provide some of the funding and, due to the cuts, this would mean that tennis courts which are improved will be subject to charges.
4.4 The charges would be £2.50 per player for a game or people can buy a membership for £30.00 per year.
4.5 We want to know local resident's views on these changes and will only undertake the improvement if the local people agree.
Contact: |
Vote on Section 106 funding for local projects 8. Section 106 Funding
8.1 Residents were asked to vote to recommend funding for three local projects to be presented to the Section 106 Board. These were agreed unanimously and will be presented to the Section 106 Board at their meeting in August. The projects are
There being no other business, the meeting closed at 7.40pm with no declarations of interest.
Note: These are not verbatim minutes so questions and answers have been summarised.
Update on Tennis Court Improvements |
2016-17 Assembly Fund Launch 5. Assembly Fund 2015-16 Launch
5.1 Sarah Lang introduce the 2016-17 Assembly Fund which is now open for bids from the community.
5.2 This year we will be awarding £12, 500 to projects which meet one of more of the funding criteria.
5.3 This year the criteria are ~Youth activities and support projects. ~Older people & intergenerational projects. ~Clean environment & green spaces. ~Community activities & cohesion.
5.4 The panel will also consider any innovative project that benefits residents of Telegraph Hill.
5.5 The maximum bid for a project is £5, 000.
5.6 The fund opens on Monday 8th August and closes on Monday 3rd October 2016 at 9am.
5.7 Application packs are available on the Telegraph Hill Assembly webpage on the Lewisham website. If you cannot access this please let Sarah know and she will send you out the documents. 020 8314 6306
Community information - find out what's on for the summer and how you can get involved 6. Community updates
Lewisham Pensioners’ Forum
6.1 Tamsin Bacchus from Lewisham Pensioner’s’ Forum told the Assembly about local campaigns and events.
6.2 Save Lewisham Hospital Campaign continues.
6.3 Pensioner’s Forum will be holding a Pensioners’ Day event on Wednesday 21st September at the Broadway Theatre in Catford from 1.00-4.00pm.
Tickets from
6.4 There is a regular Monday project at the Owen Centre in Lewisham Hospital. This includes Knit & Knatter from 11am to 1pm (although there’s wool, needles coffee and company from 10am to 3pm). Games and a Digital Surgery where you can get help on how to use your phones, pads and laptops.
Pensioners’ Forum New letter available from
6.5 The Broadway Theatre is screening The Battle of the Somme with a live Orchestra as part of the Somme100 FILM Project on 30 September 7.30-10.00pm. Tickets are 5.00 or £3.00 for concessions.
6.6 Thames Water will be opening up Nunhead reservoir on 5th August. This has magnificent views over London.
6.7 Telegraph Hill Society have a survey regarding the plans for the tennis courts. Please do let them know your views.
Hill View Community Services
6.8 Cindy introduced herself and explained that she was from Hill View Community Services which run out of The House of Bread on Kitto Road. The Assembly supported them with funding to put on a series of health & wellbeing events this year and thanked everyone for their support.
6.9 As a result of these session, there are now regular Tai Chi session on the 1st & 3rd Thursday of the month from 11.00am-1.00pm. These cost £1.00.
6.10Future event that are planned are Emotional Health & Wellbeing event on Saturday 8th October 10.00-4.30pm and a Careers Fair on Saturday 29th October. All are welcome.
For more information contact 020 7635 0176 or 020 7732 4970 or e-mail
6.11This weekend at The House of Bread there is a talent show and workshops with a journalist, singer/songwriter and entrepreneurs on Saturday. On Sunday there is a cookout with games and music from 2.00pm-4.00pm. From 4.00pm-7.00pm there is a performance from Karen Gibson & the Kingdom Choir.
Telegraph Hill Community Network
6.12Danielle Heath told the Assembly that there are small grants for community clean-ups, planting days and play days where roads are closed so children can play.
Contact 020 7732 1403 or e-mail for information.
North Lewisham Community Health Improvement Team
6.13My Tang is the new Officer who cover 4 wards; Telegraph Hill, New Cross Brockley & Evelyn.
6.14The team offer free health checks, healthy walking groups and services for specific groups. They promote healthy eating and smoking cessation.
6.15There is also a fund each year for community projects. This year half funding will be for organisations that have not had funding before or have not been funded in the last 3 years.
Black History Month
6.16 Cllr Millbank explained that November this year marks the 40th Anniversary of the Race Relations Act (1976). ... view the full agenda text for item 10. |