Venue: Kender School, Kender Street. London SE14
Contact: Sarah Lang
No. | Item |
Welcome from the Chair 1. Welcome from Cllr Joan Millbank, Chair of the Telegraph Hill Assembly
1.1 Cllr Millbank welcomed everyone to the assembly meeting and introduced Cllr Luke Sorba. She explained that Cllr Bell sent apologies.
1.2 Cllr Millbank explained that the presentation on the Besson Street Development would was the end of the agenda as Jeff Endean was asked to attend another meeting at shot notice. |
Update on Somerville Youth & Play Project 2. Update on Somerville Youth & Play Project
2.1 Bradley Cummings explained that Big Lottery funding had been secured by Somerville Youth & Play Project to allow the building of a new, purpose built youth facility.
2.2 Initially there was an award of £25,000 for a feasibility study, consultation and development of the designs before the main part of the grant was released.
2.3 In total there has been over £1 million of investment in the new building from a range of grants and in kind funding including MITIE who are donating £30,000 of flooring and fittings for the building as part of their corporate social responsibility.
2.4 The building will soon be made watertight and internal fitting-out can begin.
2.5 Once open, there will new services delivered such as Cooking and healthy eating from the new kitchen. There will also be a dedicated space for young parents so that they can develop their parenting skills.
2.6 In addition we will be delivering employability to people who have been excluded from school, developing the bicycle maintenance and delivering road safety in partnership with schools.
2.7 Cllr Millbank thanked Bradley for the update and explained that he was a local resident who had used the adventure playground at Somerville. She commended him for the work that he had undertaken to secure the investment in the new build which will take the development of the services forward.
Project Update; Friends of Frendsbury Gardens 3. Friends of Frendsbury Gardens Assembly Fund Project Update
3.1 Ema Felix explained that Frendsbury Gardens was a small community gardens situated by the railway bridge near Turnham Road who were awarded funding from the Local Assembly Fund to run a project with local schools.
3.2 They worked with John Stainer and Turham Schools on projects that brought groups to the garden for 5 sessions. Everyone received and introductory pack that contained seed and information sheets. They also held sessions at the school and there was an end of term party.
3.3 The sessions focussed on a range of activities such as life skills, growing vegetables, cooking, nature activities like pond dripping and making thing such as bird feeder and a bug hotel.
3.4 Children were encouraged o try new things to eat through a cooking activity and parents were invited to join them to try what they had cooked.
3.5 Jill from New Cross Gate Trust added that children who had taken part in the activities showed more confidence when coming to join sessions at Besson Street Gardens.
3.6 The children were year 2 from John Stainer School (6-7 year old) and year 4 at Turnham School (8-9 years old).
3.7 We found that there was considerable difference between the groups’ experience of the outdoors, with Turnham School pupils being less used to being outside.
3.8 Cllr Millbank thanked Ema for her feedback on the project which had clearly made an impact on those who had taken part. She explained the important value that the community gardens contribute across the ward.
Assembly Fund 2015-16 Launch 4. Assembly Fund 2015-16 Launch
4.1 Sarah Lang introduce the 2015-16 Assembly Fund which is now open for bids from the community.
4.2 This year we will be awarding £12, 500 to projects which meet one of more of the funding criteria.
4.3 This year the criteria are ~Youth activities and support projects. ~Older people & intergenerational projects. ~Clean environment & green spaces. ~Community activities &cohesion.
4.4 The panel will also consider any innovative project that benefits residents of Telegraph Hill.
4.5 The maximum bid for a project is £5, 000.
4.6 The closing date for application is 12 midnight on 20th December.
4.7 Application packs are available on the Telegraph Hill Assembly webpage on the Lewisham website. If you cannot access this please let Sarah know and she will send you out the documents.
Small & Faith Grants Fund 5. Small & Faith Grants Fund
5.1 Winston Castello told the Assembly that the council also have a Small & Faith Grants fund open.
5.2 This is open to organisations which are not receipt of funding from our Main Grants Programme and is for community activities.
5.3 In order to assess if the projects are supported by the community we have teamed up with a crowd funding platform, Spacehive. We are asking organisations upload their project and raise some money towards it. Those that hit their target will then be considered for funding from the Small & Faith Grants Fund.
5.4 There was an event at the Stephen Lawrence Centre which so attendees at the Assembly had attended. This explained that we are using this approach to encourage creativity and ensure that the community is behind the projects that we fund.
5.5 Support is available from Spacehive and the Council’s Team.
Community Needs Assessment 6. Community Needs Assessment
6.1 Danielle Heath introduced herself as the new Community Development Worker for Telegraph Hill Community Network.
6.2 Part of her role is to undertake a needs assessment for the community so that we can ensure resources are targeted where they are needed.
6.3 The assessment was circulated to all present so that it could be completed.
Community information 7. Community updates
Changes to electoral registration
Lewisham Pensioners’ Forum
7.1 Tamsin Bacchus drew attendees attention to the list of festive lunches that are going on Christmas Day & Boxing Day for older & isolated residents in the borough.
7.2 On 5th December Save Lewisham Hospital Campaign are holding a conference and discussion to inform the public of the current issues and potential ways forward.
7.3 As a result of the petition in the summer there has been clarification that the A&E service at Lewisham Hospital will remain and that community services will be offering
7.4 Please do take Lewisham Pensioners’ Forum directories for any older people that you know and also if you work for organisations and copies Positive Aging Council Newsletter.
Drakefell Road Action Group
7.5 Julian Sanchez introduced himself. He has started the Drakefell Road Action Group to make tings safer for pedestrians.
7.6 The Group has been contacted by other groups, streets and schools and they are working together to outline a broader way forward.
7.7 There will be a consultation with the community and an event.
7.8 Please contact Julian for more information or to become involved.
7.9 Julian expressed concern regarding the current CPZ consultation around Brockley station which does not include Drakefell Road as there could be a knock on effect of traffic displacement.
7.10Cllr Millbank stated that the councillors generally do not support CPZs in the area.
Besson Street Gardens
7.11Jill Mountford told the Assembly that they are holding a series of Health & Social Care training courses at Besson Street Garden over the next few months.
7.12These courses include Dementia Awareness, Diabetes Awareness & Stroke Awareness. These a day courses and cost £10.00 for people who are unemployed.
7.13More information is available at
The Real Suffragettes, The Red Suffragettes
7.14Jill Mountford is giving a talk at RHB Building, Goldsmiths University on 25th November at 6.30pm.
Momentum Meeting
7.157th December is the first full meeting since Jeremy Corbyn was elected leader of the Labour Party and is about Global Warming.
7.16Sarah told the Assembly about the Apprenticeships available at the Albany. These are advertised on the front page of the Lewisham website.
7.17Adult learning Lewisham are running a Craft Fair at Glass Mills Leisure Centre on Saturday 5th December.
7.18Catford Theatre has Sing a-long-a Frozen at 2.00pm on Saturday 5th December. Flyers for both events are at the back.
Voter Registration
7.19Sarah told the Assembly that each household should have received a letter detailing their entry on the electoral register. It is important that this is completed and returned to the council to ensure that they remain correctly registered.
7.20Last year forms were sent out to each household to fill in, but many did not return them. This has resulted in about 10% of people not being included.
7.21Sarah added that, although you cannot vote until you are 18, you can register ... view the full agenda text for item 7. |
Besson Street Development Proposals PDF 828 KB 8. Besson Street Development Proposals
8.1 Cllr Millbank introduced Jeff Endean and Rachel George from Lewisham Housing Strategy Team to talk about the plans for Besson Street which is the site beyond the community garden.
8.2 Geoff explained that the presentation outlines the current proposal for the development of the Besson Street site and this is part of the council’ strategy to develop as many new homes across the borough as possible.
The presentation is attached to the minutes.
Q. Will there be cycle parking provided and will there be improvements to the junctions?
A. Rachel confirmed that there will be provision for cycle parking. The planner would need to look at the junctionsand we would need to consult on this
Q. Can you clarify rent levels?
A. Jeff clarified that the proposal is that all of the block is rented
8.3 Jill expressed concern that New Cross Gate Trust were finding out about the % at this meeting as this is not what had been discussed previously. They were expecting that 1/3 would be council rented.
8.4 Cllr Millbank & Rachel apologised and explained that there had been some changes made that day.
8.5 Jeff explained that these are affordable homes with rents capped at 35% of national minimum and London living wage. The reason that the council is looking at this model is that they can offer these rents and that they will be able to keep properties in the rented sector. If these were social housing they would become subject to right to buy.
Q. How is the community going to benefit?
A. - Rents will be capped at 35% of wages. - There will be long-term income for New Cross Gate Trust from retails premises rental. - The council will make money which can be invested further in the community. - The Health care Centre is part of the plan.
Q The Telegraph Hill Society did not know about this, how widely has it been published?
A. Rachel explained that this is early days yet and will go to planning until spring 2016. This general proposal will go to Mayor & Cabinet on 9th December. Cllr Millbank added that this a pre-consultation phase.
8.6. You talked about office space, but there is loss of workshops and other employment space. There are many Goldsmith graduates who would like to stay in the area but cannot find adequate, affordable workshop space. The potential in income is then lost from the area.
8.7. Rachel stated that the office space mentioned is the way that we plan to generate income for New Cross Gate Trust, we will look at the wider provision on the site and are already working with Goldsmith’s around the provision of workshop space locally.
Q. Is this a done deal?
A. Cllr Millbank confirmed that the land is owned by Lewisham Council and they are working in partnership with the New Cross Gate Trust to deliver a project that meets everyone’s needs.
8.8. Cllr Sorba ... view the full agenda text for item 8. |