Venue: Online via Teams
Contact: Lucy Formolli
No. | Item |
Welcome from the Chair |
NCIL Funding - Presentation 1 Officers will provide residents with more information about the NCIL process, including the funding available, application process and assessment process. |
NCIL Presentation 2 Find out more about the projects that made applications for NCIL and review the recommendations to support Mayor and Cabinet in their final decisions |
Listening to your NCIL feedback You will have an opportunity to discuss the projects that were recommended for NCIL funding, let us know what you think about the projects and the process. You can have your say in the room, add your comments to the chat or contact officer’s after the meeting. The feedback will be provided to Mayor and Cabinet to support them in making their final decisions on the fund. |
Any Other Business and Announcements |
Next Assembly meeting announcement The next Rushey Green local assembly will be held: Tuesday 15 March 2022 Online Via Teams At this meeting you will be able to hear from Mayor of Lewisham Damien Egan, and get more news and updates from your Rushey Green ward and local councillors. |
Meeting Close |