Proposed venue: Council Chamber - Civic Suite. View directions
Contact: Laura Luckhurst
Note: To be followed by lighting up the Christmas Tree in Catford Broadway with Carol-singing
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Welcome from the Chair Minutes: Cllr James Walsh welcomed everyone to the meeting, and gave Cllr Klier’s apologies, explaining that she was unfortunately hospitalised following an accident.
Councillors Walsh and Muldoon proposed that the funding available for projects today be agreed as £8,000. This was agreed by the Assembly.
Cllr Walsh mentioned that Peggy Fitzsimmons is standing down as Chair of Positive Ageing Council. The Assembly’s thanks for her years of service and good wishes for the future were expressed.
Cllr Walsh asked people who had attended the Rushey Green Festival in 2017 to complete the survey that had been compiled by Nalini Rahmana, a member of the Co-group. He also asked people who wished to give community updates to notify these on the slips available from reception desk.
Marketplace and voting. Minutes: The first hour was a marketplace during which attendees visited stalls from the projects seeking Assembly Funding and voted for those they wished to see funded. Those eligible were asked to vote for at least 4 projects, to ensure a reasonable spread of votes.
The results were as follows:
Mountsfield Parkrun did not receive funding on this occasion, but were advised of alternative sources of funding, and are invited to apply again in 2018
Team Catford, Supersets
Catford, Rushey Green Safer Neighbourhood Team, and Lewisham Waste
and Environment Team were also present at the Marketplace to meet
local people and talk about their work and any concerns of local
people. It was a well-attended and lively occasion with many interesting conversations taking place.
Supersets Catford Update and Mural Minutes: Caitlin McMillan gave a short presentation introducing exciting new Supersets set-building company who are in the process of renovating and moving into the Thomas Lane Depot. She asked people for their ideas on a mural they are planning as part of the new crowd-funded community space. The ideas suggested include:
· Cats! (lots of) · Community graffiti wall · Famous locals · LGBT rainbow · Giant mousetrap · Catford history · Collaborations with local artists · Images of community and diversity · Beach · A Beatles Sergeant Pepper style mural but with only cats
The presentation can be viewed here:
Assemblies programme for 2018 - share your ideas Minutes: Cllr James Walsh introduced the Mentimeter voting system, inviting people to log in on their smartphones and answer two questions:
a) “How are you feeling about today’s Assembly?”
b) “What topics or activities would you like to see here in the future?”
Based on this straw poll, the three most popular topics appear to be · Transport and Cycling – especially access around the station(s) and provision for cycling · Environment and Air Quality – especially trees and pollution/air quality · Arts and Entertainment – with suggestions including more music/gigs, tea dances, open air theatre in the park, art gallery.
Other topics which had significant support were: · Town Centre and Regeneration · Green spaces · Health and Older People
This information will be used in planning forthcoming assemblies in 2018. Thank you to everyone who took part.
Cllr Walsh reminded everyone to keep up with news about Rushey Green and Catford at: @TeamCatford on Twitter @TeamCatfordSE6 on Facebook.
Community Updates Minutes: a) Winter Wild Craft sessions on Fridays 12.15 – 3.30pm at PLACE Ladywell b) Mountsfield Park Carols – 2 pm Saturday 16th December in the Community Garden, Mountsfield Park – with mince pies and brass band. c) Asian Elders and Carers – Friday lunch club at Calabash Centre.
Question and Answer session Minutes: Q: Why is the Broadway Theatre not able to present quality productions? A: Originally a music hall and wrestling arena, there are challenges to putting on full scale theatre at Broadway Theatre due to its construction with very narrow wings. Also due to cutbacks there are only 2 staff based there. There is a good youth offer and also many very popular Black comedy shows, which are not available to see elsewhere in South London and attract audiences from beyond Catford. Q: Are there any accessible toilets inside the theatre? A: Questioner was referred to Team Catford to address this as part of regeneration. Q: So far most of the information on regeneration is on the road layout. A: The decision by the Mayor to progress the change of road plan is a major step towards being able to regenerate the centre of Catford. Q: We need more toilets in Rushey Green generally, open to the public A: Agreed, this is a human right and we will provide toilets in the new Shopping Centre as part of the regeneration when that happens. Rushey Green Timebank are also working on a project to develop more Community Toilets. New builds have to have accessible toilets as part of the Disability Discrimination Act and we do enforce this at planning stage. Q: What is happening about problem street drinkers? A: Referred to SNT for an answer.
Feedback and Close Minutes: The meeting was closed at 4.10 pm and adjourned to the Assembly Christmas Tree in Catford Broadway for the Announcement of Votes and Xmas Tree Switch-on with Heidi Alexander MP.
Around 100 people including many families with young children attended this lovely festive event. Rushey Green Timebank brought along decorations made by hand in their craft sessions for children to hang on the tree, and carols were led by Cats Chorus directed by Mairead Sheerin, locally based operatic singer and singing teacher. The event ended at approx. 5.00 pm.
Thanks to Hunter’s Estate Agents for sponsoring the Christmas Tree, and to Archibald’s and Team Catford for the delicious refreshments.