Council meetings

Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: Stanstead Lodge, 260 Stanstead Rd. SE23 1DD

Contact: Laura Luckhurst 

No. Item


Chair's welcome, introductions and apologies

There will be a short performance by Seniors Drama Group from 6.50 – 7.00 pm


Cllr Paschoud welcomed everyone to the meeting, explaining the agenda, and introduced the councillors elected at the recent Council Elections: Cllr John Paschoud, Cllr Susan Wise and Cllr Sakina Sheikh.  Cllr Sheikh said she was looking forward greatly to working with people in Perry Vale ward.  Cllr Paschoud requested  all those wishing to ask questions in Mayor’s Question Time, to hand in their question on the question slips provided.



Review of Perry Vale Priorities and topics for 2018 Assemblies


There was an open forum on issues that are important for Perry Vale and need to be reflected in our priorities.  These included concern with infrastructure such as water mains affecting people in the ward, and the need for the Assembly to fully reflect the diversity of people who live, work and learn in the ward.

The following priorities were unanimously agreed for the year 2018/19:

  1. Diversity and inclusion (including children, young people and older people)

  2. Environment, infrastructure and ecology

  3. Unemployment and skills development

  4. Crime and antisocial behaviour


Safer Neighbourhood Team


The SNT reported their work on 3 priorities: Flytipping, Crime Prevention and Speeding.  They have been working closely with the Council on flytipping.  In response to a recent spike in motor theft they reminded people to lock up all doors and windows when going out (even in hot weather), ad lock car.  Take extra precautions with SatNavs left in cars.

SNT also mentioned they have information available for people concerned about gangs.



Book exchange project


Janet Griffiths and George Smith (Young Lewisham Project) introduced their idea for a Book Exchange project. This involves people donating books which will be kept in several public locations around the ward where people can help themselves.  Venues under consideration included Rockbourne Youth Club, Seniors, St. George’s School and Forest Hill Station.  Cllr Paschoud suggested Perrymount School. Ideas for locations and donations of books were requested, together with volunteers to help with sorting books and publicising the initiative.  People were asked to sign up on the sheet at the Assembly or contact Laura Luckhurst or their councillor.



BeInspired Lewisham healthy lifestyle programme


Fay Williams explained that at least 1 in 3 adults are either overweight or obese.  GCDA’s programme is designed to increase understanding of healthy eating, with:

·         Free Cookery clubs

·         Food growing

·         Encouraging local businesses to stock healthy options

·         Promoting Free vitamins for pregnant women and young mums available on the NHS



Celebrating Volunteering - Lewisham Local Card


Fay Millen explained that the card is a Thank you to volunteers. Working with over 170 shops and small businesses in Lewisham, it gives volunteers discounts in local shops.  4,000 cards have been given out to volunteers.  Fay encouraged local organisations to sign up so their volunteers can benefit.



Community Updates


No Community update were brought forward.




Mayor's Question Time


New Mayor, Cllr Damien Egan was given a warm welcome to the meeting, and thanked the Assembly for his invitation.

Q: “What is the new Mayor’s position re. increasing stop and search in light of the rise in deaths of young people and knife crime?”

(In her verbal question Angela clarified that she was particularly concerned about disproportionate impact of Stop and Search on young black men).


A: the Mayor agreed that it was striking that so many young black men were stopped and searched, when white young people are not.  He noted the reduction in youth provision, contributing to more young people being out on the streets.  He stated that the Labour party is committed to ensuring that Stop and Search powers are used proportionately and not in a discriminatory way.


Q: What will happen when the Glendales contract for parks and green spaces management ends?


A: The Glendales contract will be reviewed, and there is a presumption in favour of bringing the contract back in-house if practical.


Q: Please would you do something about the pavement/kerb at the junction of Hindley’s Place and Perry Vale? Its shape, out of sync with the bend in the road makes this a dangerous spot for cyclists.  I’ve suffered several “close passes” over the years.  A young friend has also recently experienced the same thing a couple of times recently.


A: I am happy to look at this.


Q:  While new housing must be a priority in Perry Vale, do you agree that this should not be to the detriment of existing residents and their outlook?  Should Lewisham Homes build 5 storey blocks within 16m of people’s front rooms?


A: We need to build very large numbers of homes in the next few years. The new London Plan includes high levels of density in order to achieve this.  The Mayor is keen to build high quality with good interior space specifications. Also keen to create good places to live – including green spaces and other amenities for people.  The last Lewisham administration approved 500 new homes.  The council has now pledged to deliver 1000 new council homes.


Q: What plans do you have for controlling motor traffic to reduce pollution and stop speeding?


A: We are restricted in what we can do by the presence of the South Circular running alongside the ward.  However, these issues are high up on our agenda. Our initiatives will include challenging the ULEZ extension to the South Circular, which is feared could make traffic problems worse in the borough. We are lobbying Heidi Alexander on the Bakerloo Line extension, to help encourage more people to leave their cars at home.  And we are looking to develop more cycle super-highways and stopping car idling outside schools.


Q: How do you propose to improve response and accountability with council departments. Particularly those responsible for: Street lighting, illegal/dangerous parking on double yellow lines/replenishing road marking and refuse collection.


A: Iwill place great emphasis on customer service. We have  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9.


Any Other Business


One person gave feedback that they had always felt very well supported by council staff when organising a street party and wished to record their thanks.


Many older people struggle with digital and need more help. Seniors have classes on Friday afternoons to help with this. POSAC (Positive Ageing Council) also work on this area. Techy Tea parties also help older people feel more confident using their IT. It was suggested details of all these should go in Lewisham Life. 



Feedback and Close


Cllr Paschoud thanked the Mayor for attending, and closed the meeting at
9.00 pm


Date of Next Meeting: This will be a date in October tbc.