Council meetings


Venue: Corbett Community Library, Arts and Heritage Centre

Contact: Lucy Formolli 

No. Item


Welcome from the Chair - Cllr Eva Stamirowski


NCIL - Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy - Presentation and Priorities workshop

The way assemblies fund local priorities is changing ‘NCIL’ FUNDING IS HERE!
At this meeting we will be hearing more about how these changes will affect your ward, how to apply for NCIL funding and agreeing our local priorities together.

What is the Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy (NCIL)?
When new building projects take place in Lewisham developers are usually charged a fee – this is called the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). This money is spent on improvements to the environment or services in the borough. There is now funding for each ward in Lewisham – including Catford South


Team Catford - Catford Town Centre Regeneration

Our neighbourhood is on the brink of big and exciting change.
Come along and find out more about the masterplan framework for the town as well as how the Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy (NCIL) could fund exciting projects and initiatives in the town centre.

Contact them direct: email: Twitter/ Instagram: @TeamCatford Facebook: @TeamCatfordSE6 Web:



Changes to Lewisham Ward Boundaries

Cllrs will highlight the consultation currently taking place on the changes to local Lewisham ward boundaries happening over the next 3 years. This item is information only.


Catford In Bloom - Ravensbourne Residents Association

Ravensbourne Residents Association are asking us for our ideas and support for reviving this popular activity in our ward. Lovely gardens, window boxes and pots make us all happy. Let’s get involved again this year.



Meet your new Safer Neighbourhood Team

We are delighted to introduce your new safer neighbourhoodrepresentative Kinara Inderjeet Manku, and our old friend Gul Cater. Why not get involved and join the Safer Neighbourhood Ward Panel



Community Updates from the Floor

If you would like to update the assembly on anything, please let us know and we will try to give you a forum to promote your news




Meeting Close