Council meetings

Agenda and minutes

Venue: To Be Confirmed

Contact: Lucy Formolli 

No. Item


Welcome from the Chair


Celebrating our Dementia Friendly Community

A celebration of the members of our community who have worked so hard to towards Dementia Friendly accreditation in Catford South


Dementia Friendly

ITV  London news did a report on how Lewisham is working to become a dementia friendly community. Clip shown

Cllr Stamirowski introduced the Catford South Dementia Friendly update and made a statement about Catford South’s involvement in being the first area in Lewisham to become accredited as working to be dementia Friendly.

Read Councillor Stamirowski’s statement here


Awards were given out to the following receipients.


  1. Catford South Dementia Friendly Resource – Abbotshall Road Healthy Lifestyle Centre
  2. Catford South Dementia Friend – Jenny Owens
  3. Catford South Dementia Friendly Organisation – The Diamond Club
  4. Catford South Dementia Friendly Centre – Corbett Community Centre and Library
  5. Catford South Dementia Friends Champion – Lesley Allen
  6. Catford South Dementia Friendly Community – Corbett Estate Residents Association
  7. Catford South Dementia Friendly Business – Good Food Catford
  8. Catford South Dementia Friendly Ambassador – Barbara Grey


Councillor Stamirowski praised all organisations and Barbara Grey for their efforts.

View GoodFood Catford Dementia Friendly Video here


*Small piece on Corbett Community Library – that they have become a Dementia Friendly centre, the groups they run and how to find out, plus that they've become fully volunteer staffer
Find out about the activities at the library here

*Age Exchange also spoke about the work being done in Catford South and beyond to become dementia friendly, Rebecca Packwood the CEO of Age Exchange, asked for people to refer carers to Age Exchange who were looking for support

View Presentation Slides



Lewisham Youth Theatre

LYT Are coming to feedback on the Catford Exchange Project that was funded by the Catford South Assembly


Lewisham Youth Theatre - Helen Stanley

Fed back on what the assembly funding had been spent on

Worked with 192 young people on LT projects last year and many more on ST

Started in Jan 2016

Grant was used for the project and used for evidence to gain more funding for the youth theatre and for the project

Met with students from Milan, Kingston Jamaica, then created their piece and went on tour - performed it at People's Day and went to Northamptonshire, Hexcam, Goldsmiths

New projects to see March 22 showing of the project for NEET young people

Annual reports and flyers were distributed and thanks given to Catford South

We viewed a video by Lewisham Youth Theatre film called '3 little words'


Friends of Forster Park

Friends of Forster Park

Friends of Forster Memorial Park are a group of local volunteers who are working to improve the park closest to many in the Catford South ward. We have been consulting with the community to better understand what changes you would like to see. We are now starting to analyse these results and use them to apply for funding. We would like to share with you what we have learnt from this consultation and our future plans.



Friends of Forster Park – Alys Exley - Have been consulting on the park

*Looking for links to Forster Park school to work with on the park

*Want Phoenix residents to support their bid to Phoenix for funding

Main themes that came out of the user profiling - play equipment, surfaces, lack of toilets, safety, dog fouling, lack of signage, lack or care and outdoor gym provision - came out as needing improving

Whitefoot funding - to have pigs in the park as it was historically a pig farm, and a local school wants to have a pig farm

Want to explain the history of the park

*Want more engagement - do their consultation findings cove it all? Opportunity to volunteer



Generations of local families use the park and the audience member praised the efforts to improve it and consider what works and doesn't

Think a lot of what people think is dog poo is fox poo, and signposting that might help understanding

Have they looked at setting up a park run? Response: can't without a cafe but would be interested if they can find a solution

Bellingham road entrance is strewn with litter, puts people off coming in, audience member suggested volunteers would come to help with one-off clean-ups. Response: planning to do litter-picking days, and maybe involve Conisborough students

Park has gone downhill tremendously over last twenty years - Ladywell has improved so much it makes one wonder why Catford has let it get this bad - playground is neglected and worst children's playground in the borough and audience member congratulates the Friends for their efforts


Break - Refreshments Courtesy of Archibald's Cafe Catford

Sample delightful cakes and pastries from great new local business ‘Archibald’s Café’ Sangley Road, Catford. Thanks so much to Danny and Miles for their contribution to the assembly.



Community News and Updates

Joining the Assembly Coordinating group.
Find out more about being involved in planning these local assembly meetings.


Joining the Lewisham Pensioners Forum

Spoke briefly about the forum for 50/55+

*Advertised their groups - knit and natter, games etc for a small charge

*Have a stand at the Phoenix festival in May and People's Day in July - invited to come along 

*Bimonthly mailouts

Contact To enquire, call 020 8690 7869,


 Joining the Catford South Coordinating group


Barbara Grey and Cllr Amrani spoke

Fed back from someone from NL on the high street festival in Catford and commented on sense of community

Local assembly provides opportunity for anyone in the community with an idea to have it happen

Lead by coordinating group who work out what to have at each meeting, what projects to include etc. 

Look at funded projects, work with community groups, take concerns to the council etc.

Coordinating group is councillors and residents, meet once a quarter, discuss local issues

*Invite to join

*Ask Barbara on or Lucy



Be A Catford Placemaker - Lewisham Regeneration and Place Team

The Council’s regeneration team needs your input on how to make Catford a better place. To make it representative of all the community’s needs They need as many people as possible to have their say.

By coming along and telling them how you want to improve the area, you are actively participating in the planning of your neighbourhood. 


There will be an exercise as part of this item


Deborah Efemini, Lewisham Council regeneration and place team

Deborah recapped the update at the last assembly and talked about timeframes and goals

Discuss the cultural and placemaking strategy

*Can volunteer to be involved in these placemaking events and need volunteers for it to all happen

Will also be doing a huge engagement and consultation programme - public views are essential

*Invite to get involved using the portal for placemaking



We had the same thing last year - get tired of not being told what is actually going to happen to Catford.

Response: completely understand the upset, but not here to convince him otherwise but it is on the agenda and announcement should be made in the summer

Should have a tram through Catford from Beckenham to Lewisham to reduce traffic

*Cllr Stamirovski spoke about the TfL consultation about the bakerloo extension and asked everyone to lobby for it to come through Catford

<a href="">Look at the consultation here</a>


Asked for email to go around about TfL consultation and concerns around where money would come from for services like schools, GPs etc with the regeneration. Response: master plan will cover this, and it will all be specified and identified shortly


Has the funding been allocated for the regeneration?

Response: £30mil housing zone fund for it, and other funds raised by selling homes that we build to fund the rest of the regen and social housing, no good shops due to short term leases as the shopping centre will be knocked down

What are we doing about traffic?

Response: working with TfL and engaging to plan it


*Call Lucy for paper copies for those who aren't online

Request for a stakeholder group to be implemented


Cllr Amrani explained about 106 agreement money which will support key services in areas of regeneration

Deputy Mayor came to the front to brief on regen and explain the issues as portfolio holder - acknowledged funding and traffic issues - joining up with ultra low emission scheme to limit pollution or levy penalty on high pollutant vehicles. New buses being introduced - hybrids and fully electric - to reduce the pollution of standing vehicles. Will be lots of planting and greenery - everything considered is being worked into the plan to ensure that this comes together properly. Also trying to persuade TfL to re-route the buses and build a proper cohesive development by the gyratory. The developments will be phased so shops can stay open, but the shopping centre, including the Milford Towers, will have to be taken down in one go as it's an integrated frame.


*Julia Burke announced a meeting in the Corbett library on Torridon Road on 13th of march, 7-7.30 about air pollution and invited Catford South residents to attend



Catford South Fly-Tipping Action Group - Put your Fly Tipping Hotspots on our map

As part of the ‘Catford Placemaker’ exercise, members of the ‘Catford South Fly-tipping Action Group’ will be asking you to put your fly-tipping hotspots on their map ready to take work forward on their plans to help clean up Catford South.





Parking more than a quarter of a mile away, wasted police time with confrontations about parking, wants a consultation in Culverley about instating a CPZ (controlled parking zone).


Response: Cllr Stamirovski spoke about parking and said consultations are too costly to run regularly and that controlled parking zones are the only real solution, but are costly, and the Culverly Green RA organised a vote a few years ago and voted against it.


New resident stood up: refuted the claim, said the Culverly Green consultation was free as the RA ran it, and suggested that all residents concerned should write to the council to complain, about parking and litter in the area. Response: that wasn't a democratic consultation as it was just a meeting, not a full consultation.

Amendment to above minutes on CPZs:
- In the recent Catford South Assembly there was this mention below of a consultation  less than  ten years ago, but that one was in reference to a public meeting held by our own Culverley Green Residents’ Association held in St. Laurence Church hall, and that was seven years ago. 


You report as below that ‘a new resident refuted the claim' by Cllr Stamirovski . That person refuting the claim was not new, but none other than Kate Richardson, Chairperson of Culverley Green Conservation Area, a resident of over thirty years, and a retired Lewisham school teacher.


The discussion back then was about a CPZ for our Conservation Area only. Our Area is bordered by Bromley, Thornsbeach, Culverley and Inchmery, and Newquay Roads, including Penerley, Bargery, and Aran Roads. At our own meeting many attended from their own areas south of Newquay and  those  voted against. It was reported that the Council’s official consultation in our area was over ten years ago (actually eleven) and many residents have changed their minds, our area being the only remaining area around Catford Centre without a CPZ.



*17th and 18th June - street party call out to commemorate Jo Cox - please come forward if you want to volunteer


Resurfacing New Quay road - been promised for last year, but hasn't happened. Response: is in the programme and Cllr Amrani will feed back the date


Street sweeping raised by more than one respondent - claims no sweeping during the autumn, and leaves are composting, claims more than 10 weeks, and that the debris from Doris, including 5ft branches.

Another resident: The whole of Catford is dirty.


Response: Cllr Amrani explained cuts lead to prioritising the sweeps and that environment have been contacted for the list of the sweeping schedule and he will publish that for residents once it is obtained.


Cllr Stamirovski: we feel the same, but the workforce has been decimated, the cuts have been huge and we can't do it all, as Cllr Amrani said, we have to look after our elderly and educating our young people and we don't have a lot of options.

Resident response: tired of being told that if  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9.


Meeting Closed