Venue: Leander Community Centre, Ship Street, SE8 4DH
Contact: Maya Onyett
No. | Item |
Welcome from the Chair Minutes: Cllr Adefiranye welcomed everyone to the meeting and gave apologies on behalf of Cllr Alicia Kennedy and Cllr John Coughlin.
Section 106 funding for Brockley - Petra Marshall, Community Resources Manager Minutes: Petra Marshall, Community Resources Manager explained thatSection 106 is money that is paid to the Council by a Developer, when they build a new development, that will mitigate the impact of that new development on the area. For example if you build housing, you will need more school places or more GP’s, also potentially you may need improved community facilities or parks. Larger pots of Section 106 money is spent on a more strategic level but there are smaller pots of funding which the Council uses the local assemblies as a conduit for local people to decide on how the money is spent. In Brockley there is £8,280 allocated for the Coulgate Street Improvement Works- 180 Brockley Road to improve community facilities within the area.
The assembly was asked for ideas on what this money could be spent on. Ideas were as follows: · Safety rails around allotments. Probably would not be successful as the allotments are not open to all. · Trees , probably not as this would come under open spaces and not community facilities · Breakspears Community Gardens has a building that needs to be repaired and could be used to run activities from. · Graffiti Art removal · BCAG have been trying to resolve issues of street drinking and antisocial behaviour in an area off Coulgate Street. Possible use of money could be to reinvent this space for community use. · Dog bins in park- St Johns guy · Trees and lamppost 011 obstructing view of oncoming buses. · A resident commented that it might be a good idea to wait to see how the development settles into Brockley before deciding where improvements can be made as a clear improvement and good use of section 106 money may present itself at a later time. He asked what the time frame was for spending the money. The answer is up to 10 years. · St Donatts one way street to be altered to include a contraflow cycle lane. · Review local sign posting (although it was advised that TFL and the council are trying to reduce the amount of street clutter. )
Once the assembly decides on the best choice (in terms of meeting the criteria and costs) it will be taken to a panel of officers within the Council for sign off.
Goldsmiths activities - Selena Bolingbroke Minutes: Goldsmiths activities - Selena Bolingbroke talked through the following Goldsmiths Community engagement overview:
1. Building strong relationships with local schools and colleges and community organisations
2. Accessible learning and research
3. Being a good neighbour
4. Sharing space and facilities
5. Contributing to local workforce development
6. Connecting with Political and Representative Stakeholders within the Community
Launch 2016-17 Assembly fund Minutes: The 2016/17 Brockley fund will focus on one or more of the following priorities: 1. Creating a high-quality living environment - looking for proposals that will help improve our local living environment and make Brockley a safer, cleaner and greener place to live, work and learn. We also want proposals that seek to create development opportunities for Brockley residents 2. Connecting Communities– looking for proposals that bring Brockley residents together, foster a sense of community spirit, mutual understanding and respect, through community projects, events and activities. These could include those that are Art, Music, Drama and Sports based. We are also keen to open up the criteria to include ideas around exciting intergenerational projects.
How much is available? There is £14,400 available for the Brockley ward in 2016-17. You can apply for a maximum of £2,500 for each individual project. What can it be spent on? The priorities highlighted have been identified by residents, community groups and local businesses who have attended the Brockley Meetings. We want to fund projects that aim to tackle these important issues raised by the local community. The money could be used to start up a project, support a group to develop new activities, or support a larger project that has secured funding from other sources. How to apply
Go to the Lewisham Council website, Brockley assembly page and download the Assembly Fund 2016/17 application Form, fully complete and email to There is further important information on page 5 of this form.
Closing date for all proposal forms is 5pm on Friday 23rd September 2016 The assessment of all bids received will take place at the Brockley Coordinating meeting to be held on 4th October 2016. Following this, the results will be announced at the next assembly on Tuesday 8th November 2015.
Vicky Foxcroft MP Minutes: Apologies sent |
Community Updates - Adult Learning Lewisham
Minutes: - Deptford Marbles- Patricio Forrester from Artmongers explained that it is a mural on Tanners Hill which was bought back to life in 2009 after being formerly misused as a space for street drinking and urinating. Currently there are problems with fly tipping and street drinking and the mural needs maintenance. He is going to apply for some assembly funds to do this but asked the assembly for members who would like to get involved and support the project. If you would like more information or to get involved contact:
- Brockley Festival of ideas for change People are encouraged to attend to discuss ideas based around a theme of ‘Think global, act local’. Ideas they hope to discuss include: democracy (and lack of), education (what’s it designed for?), international law (lack of effective), ethics for a new age, money creation (by banks), arms trafficking, inequality, scrutiny of public finance, corruption… and many other ideas. It will take place on Sunday November 20, 2016 @ 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Venue: The Mural Hall, Prendergast Hilly Fields College, Adelaide Avenue, SE4 1LE They expect a broad attendance and intend the event to be practical, speaking to everyone in the community. Morning and afternoon sessions will each consist of four selected speakers of 10 minutes each, followed by shorter selected from the floor and an open discussion. You can book a slot to speak if preferred. For more information, go to
- Brockley Street trees A call out to anyone who wants to request tree planting in Brockley needs to be in by the end of August. For further information go to:
- St Johns Society with Vicky Foxcroft MP Rail Summit 22nd September, 7.30pm meeting at St.John’s church to discuss the issues with the current Southeastern services to St. Johns and New Cross stations. Representatives from Network Rail and Southeastern will be in attendance.
- Sian is a local resident and chair of the Safer Neighbourhood Panel, which is set up to have conversations with the local police on local issues or community concerns and anything around well-being. If you don’t want to attend meetings you can email. Meetings take place once every 3 months, Lewisham College, at 7pm.
- Tamsin Bacchus talked about various borough wide projects and aspects of interest including NHS, Recycling, Brockley nature reserve, Telegraph Hill tennis proposals, (go to ) and Lewisham Local History who hold monthly talks on the last Friday of the month: For more information contact:
- Lewisham Council with the Brockley Society have run an Initiative trailed in 6 roads to remove or replace rubbish bins. It has been successful (10 bins removed in June) and they are hoping to roll it out to other wards. - Cllr Adefiranye updated that the Council will be introducing a borough-wide 20mph speed limit which will come into effect in September 2016. For more information go to the Lewisham Council website:
Closing remarks - Join the Brockley Assembly Coordinating Group - Feedback forms - Date and agenda items for next meeting: Tuesday 8th November 2016
Minutes: - Join the Brockley Assembly Coordinating Group - Feedback forms Cllr Adefiranye highlighted the importance of completing the feedback forms and invited members to join the coordinating group which plans the assembly and discusses local issues and updates. If you would like to join contact for further information.
Close Cllr Adefiranye thanked everyone for attending the assembly with an added thank you to Joan for providing the refreshments. The next assembly will be on: Tuesday 8th November 2016