Council meetings

Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: St Matthew's Academy, St Joseph's Vale London SE3 0XX

Contact: Sarah Lang  020 8314 6306

No. Item


Welcome from the Chair


1.0             Welcome from Cllr Amanda DeRyk


Cllr DeRyk welcomed everyone to the assembly meeting and introduced Cllr Kevin Bonavia and Cllr Gareth Siddorn.


Know Your Council Services - Environmental Services


2.0       Your Council Services - Environmental Services

Nigel Tyrell, Head of Environment


Nigel gave a presentation outlining the scope of environmental services including waste management and recycling; street cleaning; parks and open spaces; transport and highways; animal welfare and bereavement services.


14 posts will be lost in April as a result of the budget cuts which means that you may notice a difference in your neighbourhood, however we will act on issues that are reported to us. This can be done via the Report It section of the website or using the Love Lewisham App.


Questions were invited (NOTE: The Q & As throughout this document are not a verbatim record)


Q.What happens to the recycling, is it just burnt, as Lewisham does not compare well with other boroughs in London?


A. (Nigel) The figures for recycling are not always comparing like for like. Many borough include heavy waste such as green waste in their totals. If you compare our figures for dry recycling these are similar to the best performing borough.


If you would like more detailed figures, these can be provided if you

e-mail Nigel


Q.(Chris) There are automatic toilets on Blackheath Grove which are not being cleaned. Can this be addressed with the contractor?


A. (Nigel) The current contract is coming to and end and we are seeking new contractors who will be appointed soon.


Q. There used to be a group of volunteers who helped to keep Blackheath tidy. Have you thought about utilising volunteers more in public spaces?


A. (Nigel) Yes, we are particularly looking at park user groups however we need to ensure that the processes are in place otherwise this could result in staff spending more time managing the scheme than is practicable.


Q. (Richard) Can I have an extra green bin as there are two flat in my property and only one recycling bin? I have tried customer service and was told that I it was not possible.


A. (Nigel) Please e-mail me the details and I will pass this on to the appropriate member of staff to look into.


Cllr Bonavia thanked Nigel for his presentation.



Blackheath Event Policy pdf icon PDF 183 KB


3.0             Blackheath Events Policy


Cllr Bonavia introduced the Events Policy explaining that the addition to the policy relating to events on Blackheath was developed as a holding measure until the whole policy is reviewed.


The license for the events was granted in 2010 and there was concern that, if events were successful, Blackheath could become overused. To prevent this the policy states that there can only be a maximum of two events per year. On Blackheath and Jimmy Mizen Foundation are the two authorised promoters. This is over seen by Blackheath Joint Working Party which is made up of three councillors from Blackheath ward (LB Lewisham), three councillors from Blackheath Westcombe ward (LB Greenwich) and members of local societies.


Q. (Julian) Does the 2 events outlined in section 4.9 apply just to Lewisham borough or Blackheath as a whole?


A. (Cllr Bonavia) This is a joint policy covering Lewisham & Greenwich boroughs. Lewisham have ratified the policy but as far as we know, Greenwich has not.


Q. Is there a procedure in the policy for reviewing events ?


A. (Cllr Bonavia) This is not in the policy, however for statutory licensing there does have to be both pre and post event consultations. For this year’s event the pre-consultation is on 20th May. You can also e-mail and there are two representatives at the back of the room who are available during the break.


Q. (Ben) There were previously three working windmills on Blackheath, could there be one built as part of the culture policy and  to act as an educational centre.


A. (Cllr Bonavia) You could ask the Blackheath Society to canvas opinion on this project.


Q. (Matt) This is more of a word of caution rather than a question. I have been a music promoter for more than 20 years and urge you not to see promoter as friends, the money can be intoxicating but do not be drawn. Police them well and trust no one. Westminster Council has good practice around this.


Cllr Bonavia thanked Matt for his comments which were noted.


Q. Currently the events are in Dartmouth Field, will this always be the location?


A. (Cllr Bonavia) At the moment the policy does not preclude that, but you can raise this as part of the consultation process.


A copy of the policy has been uploaded with the meeting notes.



Lewisham Gateway Update pdf icon PDF 3 MB


4.0       Lewisham Gateway Update

Phil Stanier, Local Dialogue


Phil gave an update on the latest road layout which is on page four of the attached document. The next phase of the development which sees the reopening of the access along Station Road which is a priority, together with the bus stops open along Molesworth Street and a new pedestrian crossing by the police station which is detail on page five of the attachment. There is also a bus map attached with the notes.


Bus stop A has reopened.


Q. Will the stop opposite A be reopened? (stop B on map).


A. (Phil) This has not yet been determined.

  (Stuart) It is my understanding that this stop will not reopen. Also it is my understanding that the south bound carriageway is only going to be one lane after the works are complete. This will cause congestion when the buses are stopped. Can the pavement not be cut back to form a bus pull in, in front of the police station?

  (Matt) That is ludicrous and dangerous.


Q. Will there still be a footpath railway bridge on the east side of the road?


A. (Phil) Yes that will still be there.


Q. There is currently a chicane near bus stop A under the railway bridge. This is very dangerous as there is a zebra crossing by Maggie’s Café and this cannot be seen by drivers who are unfamiliar with the area.


A. (Phil) I will raise this with the contractors and ensure that appropriate signage is put up. The chicane will disappear when the road works are complete.


            Q. Can you give us a status update on the Premier Inn development?


A. (Phil) Unfortunately I am not able to do that as it is not part of our remit.

(Resident) I have been told that the company who is building it has gone into liquidation.


            Q. Will the direct access to platform 4 be reinstated?


A. (Cllr DeRyk) We have been campaigning on this issue and Heidi Alexander has taken it to the head of South Eastern Trains. They have told us that it is not possible due to revenue protection, which is ridiculous as there are no gates at Blackheath Station or on the DLR.


Cllr DeRyk added that she had attended a meeting with TfL and the Deputy Mayor to discuss the issues of one southbound lane of traffic and widening the road by stops H & J. The is an issue that the river is culverted under the pavement and therefore buses are likely to prove too heavy if a pull in was created. The deputy Mayor has taken this issue to The Environment Agency.



Blackheath Joint Working Party - Successful Funding Bids pdf icon PDF 392 KB


4.0       Blackheath Joint Working Party Funding (BJWP)

Cllr Kevin Bonavia


Cllr Bonavia informed the assembly that On Blackheath had provided £30, 000 to Glendale and £15, 000 of this was set aside for community projects in the ward. At the last BJWP meeting which took place on 19th February and the Lewisham residents in attendance were asked to vote on the project bids which were submitted. There were 11 bids in total and these were short listed to six potential projects, which were ranked in the following order.


1st        Installation of bollards to prevent further damage to the heath (caused by vehicles parking on the grass in St Germans Place)

2nd       A small ‘scrape’ with the aim of restoring the acid grassland plants and other flora

3rd        New ‘interpretation’ signs for Blackheath

4th        Installation of five new planted islands in the Prince of Wales pond.

5th        Creation of ‘bee bank’ at Eliot Pits

6th        Hare & Billet Pond enhancements


The fund would full or part fund five of the six bid and Cllrs are exploring match funding options.


Q. Who is it that is parking on the grass in St German’s Place?


A. (Cllr Bonavia) Parents picking up their children.

(Resident) Surely they should be made to pay for the bollards, not the community fund.

(Cllr Bonavia) We will be writing to the school regarding the behaviour of some drivers.


Q. Why do they not get clamped?


A. (Cllr Bonavia) This is not covered by the Highways Act, however we could take a civil action against them.


Community information pdf icon PDF 31 KB

Additional documents:


5.0       Community Updates


5.1       Safer Neighbourhood Team Update


Unfortunately the SNT were not able to attend the meeting today but they have provided a written update which has been provided to you.


A copy of this has been uploaded with the notes.


5.2       Community Clean Up Day


This Saturday, 21st March, Martin Hyde is organising a Community Clear Up event on Blackheath, meet at 2.00pm at Talbot Road Car Park. Please bring your own gloves. Flyers are at the back.


5.3       Voter Registration Deadline


The last day for registration is 20th April. This is also the deadline for proxy and postal voting requests.


Please encourage people to register if they have not done so. The easiest way is to go on-line You will need your address and national insurance number to complete your registration.


5.4       Wash House Half Term Scheme.


Simon Riley Thanked the Assembly for their continued support and informed those present that there had been a well attended scheme over half term week with further activities planned for the Easter break. Simon provided copies of the written report attached to the which has further details.


There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.30pm with no declarations of interest.