Venue: Committee Rooms 1 & 2 - Civic Suite. View directions
Contact: Jasmine Kassim Email:
Note: Also via Microsoft Teams
No. | Item |
Additional documents:
Minutes: RESOLVED that minutes of meetings held on 14 March 2023 and 29 March 2023 be confirmed and signed as accurate records.
Declarations of Interests PDF 208 KB Minutes: No interest was declared. |
Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED
To agree the proposals to RECOMMENDATION (A), andrefer the application, this report, and any other required documents to the Mayor of London (Greater London Authority) under Article 5 of the Town and Country Planning (Mayor of London) Order 2008.
To agree the proposals to RECOMMENDATION (B), that subject to no direction being received from the Mayor of London, to authorise the Head of Law to complete a Deed of Variation of the legal agreement under Section 106 (dated 23 March 2016) of the 1990 Act (and other appropriate powers) to cover the principal matters as set out in Section 8 of this report, including other such amendments as considered appropriate to ensure the acceptable implementation of the development.
To agree the proposals to RECOMMENDATION (C), that subject to determination of the s96a Non-Material Planning Application (DC/23/130911) and completion of a satisfactory legal agreement, to authorise the Head of Planning to GRANT s73 PLANNING PERMISSION subject to conditions including those set out below and such amendments as considered appropriate to ensure the acceptable implementation of the development.
And to add an informative:
· That the Applicant, in consultation with the Local Planning Authority, shall consider appropriate measures to undertake improvement works to the existing boundary treatment at the Trinity Estate along Dragoon Road. Minutes: 3.1 The Principal Planning Officer gave an illustrative presentation to the report, with a suggestion that the Committee should agree the recommendations therein.
3.1.1 The Officer also gave an overview of the consented Masterplan for the development site to highlight the context of the proposals. The Committee noted the following:
· That in 2016, a hybrid planning application for a comprehensive mixed-use development was considered to deliver 1132 residential units across the wider development site of building heights that ranged from 3 to 24 storeys, together with office and commercial floor spaces. · That the application received full planning permission for development on Plots 1, 2 and 3, and an outline permission was approved for development on Plots 4, 5, and 6 to deliver the following: o on Plot 1 - 219 units; o on Plot 2 - 203 units, which also included shared-ownership units; o on Plot 3 - 158 units; and o an outline permission for Plots 4,5,6 for 552 units to be shared across these plots. · That subsequently, reserved planning applications were received and approved to deliver the following: o on Plot 4 – 251 units; o on Plot 6 – 189 units; o with 112 residential units outstanding.
3.2 In considering the report in conjunction with the published addendum to it, the Committee:
· Noted that Plots 1 and 3 formed the basis of the s73 Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) application for minor material amendments, which formed the basis of the proposals under consideration · Noted that the amendments would deliver the following changes for a mixed-use redevelopment for five buildings comprising: o residential dwellings (Class C3 Use) o purpose-built student accommodation (Sui Generis) and o a range of commercial, business and service use (Use Class E), together with cycle parking, public realm works and provision of open space at Land bounded by Oxestalls Road, Evelyn Street, Dragoon Road, and Grove Street SE8.
3.2.1 The Committee understood that for the proposals to become effective, variations would have to be made to the following conditions:
· Condition 1 (Approved Drawings and Documents). · Condition 8 (Total Built Non- Residential Floorspace). · Condition 9 (Total Residential Units). · Condition 19 (Accessibility). · Condition 36 (Landscaping) · Condition 50 (Motorcycle Parking Spaces)
3.2.2 Specific to Plot 1, the Committee noted that the proposed works would include:
· The removal of Building 1A and a new public garden to Dragoon Road and provision of a 115 sqm non-residential unit. · An additional 86 residential units to accommodate 305 homes between Buildings 1B and 1C. · An increase in height to Building 1B from 7 storeys to 8 storeys · Alteration to Building 1C of the consented masterplan from a 24-storey building to 35 storey building · Alteration to first floor podium garden. · Elevational changes to all buildings.
3.2.3 Also noted by the Committee were proposed works in relation to Plot 3 as follows:
· Amendments to Blocks 3B, 3C, 3D to include an additional 26 residential units to accommodate 184 homes between Buildings 3B, 3C and 3D with 28 additional units in ... view the full minutes text for item 3. |
Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED Unanimously
To agree the proposals to RECOMMENDATION (A), andrefer the application, this report, and any other required documents to the Mayor of London (Greater London Authority) under Article 5 of the Town and Country Planning (Mayor of London) Order 2008.
To agree the proposals to RECOMMENDATION (B), subject to no direction being received from the Mayor of London, authorise the Head of Law to complete a legal agreement under Section 106 of the 1990 Act (and other appropriate powers) to cover the principal matters as set out in Section 12 of this report, including other such amendments as considered appropriate to ensure the acceptable implementation of the development.
To agree the proposals to RECOMMENDATION (C), subject to determination of the s96a Non-Material Planning Application (DC/23/130911) and completion of a satisfactory legal agreement, authorise the Head of Planning to GRANT PLANNNG PERMISSION subject to conditions including those set out below and such amendments as considered appropriate to ensure the acceptable implementation of the development.
Minutes: 4.1 The Principal Planning Officer gave an illustrative presentation to the report, with a suggestion that the Committee should approve the recommendations therein.
4.1.1 The Committee noted the report in conjunction of the addendum to it. It was recognised that the proposal was for a full planning permission for a Mixed-use redevelopment for five buildings at Land bounded by Oxestalls Road, Evelyn Street, Dragoon Road and Grove Street SE8 – Plot 5, comprising of:
· 405 residential units (C3) · 382 student bedspaces · Employment units, including affordable workspace · Commercial floorspace
4.1.2 The Officer informed the Committee that the proposals aimed to deliver:
· Building heights ranging between 6-storeys and 29-storeys, 13 · 13 blue badge bays · Soft landscaping, including a podium garden · Affordable C3 housing –35% by habrooms (126 units) · Affordable student units (35%)
4.1.3 The Committee noted key public benefits and that upon implementation, the following would be realised:
· Evelyn Tower (5A) -22-storeys - student rooms · Court Building (5B) -11-storeys - 81 affordable units · Waterline Tower (5C) -29-storeys - 220 units · Corner Building (5D) -12-storeys - 104 units (S/O & Mar) · Timberyard Studios (5E) –Employment space
4.2 The agent on behalf of the applicant:
· That the application was related to a revised scheme for Plot 5 of the consented scheme for the wider Deptford landing site, and the proposals would provide an uplift in new homes and employment space, and that was consistent with Lewisham Council’s emerging plan. · That the applicant was proud of what had been achieved on the Deptford landing site to date, and was keen to build more high-quality homes, and deliver employment space. · That the proposed scheme would deliver 126 new affordable homes, with habitable rooms in accordance with the tenure breakdown outlined by the presenting Officer · That the applicant had worked closely with the Council’s Planning Team and Housing officers to ensure that the proposals were acceptable in terms both design and impacts on residential amenities. It was stated that the applicant also engaged with the Design Review Panel (DRP), Greater London Authority (GLA), and the local community. It was stated that the DRP raised a few concerns, and those had been responded to. · That the current scheme had been subjected to an environmental impact assessment, which was tested by an independent specialist and Council’s experts were satisfied with the conclusions. · That the proposed area was assessed as a good location for developing taller buildings, subject to the Local Views Management Framework Compliance (LVCF) · That the DRP endorsed the scale and height of the massing of the development, subject to the impact of the LVCF and achievement of exemplary standard of design and architecture, and both had been achieved. · That the GLA considered that the proposed building would not detract from viewers’ ability to recognise St Paul’s Cathedral, and on heritage, the GLA concluded that the scheme would result in a low level of less than substantial harm, and that was in accordance with the Council’s emerging local plan. · That the applicant noted that few representations were received objecting ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |