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Former Tesco's Car Park, 209 Conington Road, SE13 PDF 902 KB
Additional documents:
Site Location Plan - Former Tesco's Car Park, 209 Conington Road, SE13 , item 10.
PDF 331 KB
Appendix 1 - LDRP Response - March 2021 , item 10.
PDF 203 KB
Appendix 2 - Appeal Decision , item 10.
PDF 757 KB
Officer Presentation - Former Tesco's Car Park, 209 Conington Road, SE13 , item 10.
Addendum - 2 September 2021 - Former Tesco’s Car Park, 209 Conington Road, SE13 , item 10.
PDF 193 KB
That it be noted that
the Committee agreed to:
GRANT planning
permission for an application submitted under Section 73 of the
Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) in connection with
planning permission (LBL reference 'DC/17/101621' dated 22/01/2020
as varied by Application 'DC/21/121696' dated 11/05/2021) for
'Construction of three buildings to provide residential dwellings
(use class C3) and commercial/ community/ office/ leisure space
(Use Class A1/A2/A3/ B1/ D1/ D2) with associated access, servicing,
car and cycle parking, landscaping and public realm works at the
former car parks, Tesco Store, 209 Conington Road SE13 (revised plans)' to vary
Conditions 2 (Approved Plans), 12 (Site Contamination), 13
(Remediation Strategy), 18 (Combined Heat and Power Networks), 19
(CHP Abatement), 20 (External Materials / Detail Design), 25
(Living Roofs), 26 (Hard Landscaping Details), 27 (Soft
Landscaping), 29 (Bird, Bat Boxes and other Ecology Features), 37
(Retention of Amenity Spaces) and 47 (Approved Quantum) for minor
amendments to residential mix, internal layouts, elevational treatment, the introduction of an
additional storey (at level 34) to Block B1, a reduction in floor
to floor heights to 3metres, a reduction in heights of all three
buildings, landscape and access changes.
Subject to conditions and informatives outlined in the report.
That it be noted that
the Committee agreed to:
GRANT planning
permission for an application submitted under Section 73 of the
Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) in connection with
planning permission (LBL reference 'DC/17/101621' dated 22/01/2020
as varied by Application 'DC/21/121696' dated 11/05/2021) for
'Construction of three buildings to provide residential dwellings
(use class C3) and commercial/ community/ office/ leisure space
(Use Class A1/A2/A3/ B1/ D1/ D2) with associated access, servicing,
car and cycle parking, landscaping and public realm works at the
former car parks, Tesco Store, 209 Conington Road SE13 (revised plans)' to vary
Conditions 2 (Approved Plans), 12 (Site Contamination), 13
(Remediation Strategy), 18 (Combined Heat and Power Networks), 19
(CHP Abatement), 20 (External Materials / Detail Design), 25
(Living Roofs), 26 (Hard Landscaping Details), 27 (Soft
Landscaping), 29 (Bird, Bat Boxes and other Ecology Features), 37
(Retention of Amenity Spaces) and 47 (Approved Quantum) for minor
amendments to residential mix, internal layouts, elevational
treatment, the introduction of an additional storey (at level 34)
to Block B1, a reduction in floor to floor heights to 3metres, a
reduction in heights of all three buildings, landscape and access
Subject to conditions and informatives outlined in the report.
Apologies: Councillors Kevin Bonavia and Andre Bourne.
OFFICERS: Planning Officer
(Officer), Head of Development Management (HDM), Committee Officers
x 2 (1 in person and 1 remotely).
Young, Senior Lawyer, Legal Services
Item No.
Declarations of Interest
Prior to the
Planning Officers presentations, the HDM provided the Committee
with a brief supporting commentary, regarding item 3 on the
meeting’s Agenda, as outlined in the officer’s
RESOLVED that the
minutes of the meetings of the Strategic Planning
Committee held on
29 June 2021 and the Strategic Planning
Committee held on
13 July 2021 be agreed and signed as a correct record.
Former Tesco’s Car Park, 209 Conington Road, SE13
The Planning
Officer, gave an illustrative presentation recommending the grant
of planning permission for
An application submitted
under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as
amended) in connection with planning permission (LBL reference
'DC/17/101621' dated 22/01/2020 as varied by Application
'DC/21/121696' dated 11/05/2021) for 'Construction of three
buildings to provide residential dwellings (use class C3) and
commercial/ community/ office/ leisure space (Use Class A1/A2/A3/
B1/ D1/ D2) with associated access, servicing, car and cycle
parking, landscaping and public realm works at the former car
parks, Tesco Store, 209 Conington Road
SE13 (revised plans)' to vary Conditions 2
(Approved Plans),
12 (Site Contamination), 13 (Remediation
Strategy), 18
(Combined Heat and Power Networks), 19 (CHP
Abatement), 20
(External Materials / Detail Design), 25 (Living
Roofs), 26 (Hard
Landscaping Details), 27 (Soft Landscaping), 29 (Bird, Bat Boxes
and other Ecology Features), 37 (Retention of Amenity Spaces) and
47 (Approved Quantum) for minor amendments to residential mix,
internal layouts, elevational treatment, the introduction of an
additional storey (at level 34) to Block B1, a reduction in
floor to floor heights to
view the full minutes text for item 10.