Council meetings

Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Remote: Via Microsoft Teams

Contact: Jasmine Kassim 


No. Item


Declarations of Interests


Councillor Walsh advised he had been contacted by a resident and he had responded. Councillor Walsh confirmed he did not have a personal interest in items 3 and 4 on the meeting’s Agenda.




RESOLVED that the minutes of the Strategic Planning Committee meetings held on 17 November 2020 and 16 December 2021 be agreed.


164-196 Trundleys Road and 1-9 Sandford Street, SE8 5JE - ref: 106941


The Planning Officer, gave an illustrative presentation recommending the grant of planning permission for the demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment of the site for two new buildings comprising:


·       flexible commercial floorspace (Use Class B1c/B2/B8) at ground and mezzanine floors and residential units (Use Class C3) above, with associated access and highway works, amenity areas, cycle, car parking and refuse/recycling stores at 164-196 Trundleys Road and 1-9 Sanford Street, SE8 5JE.


The Committee noted the report.


Following the Officers presentation, Members questions related to public transport and disabled parking.

The Officer advised Members that the application site currently straddled the PTAL 1 and 2 rating. However, the PTAL rating would be raised to PTAL 3, once the new over ground station at Surrey Canal Road opened.

The Officer confirmed there were 13 car spaces allocated to 19 disabled units. The Officer advised Members there had been more spaces proposed, but TfL had requested a reduction following consultation. The intention would be to encourage a shift from private car ownership. The Officer clarified the provisions as set out in the London Plan.


The Chair adjourned the meeting at 7.52pm, so that Members could observe a minutes silence to remember all those who had died during the coronavirus pandemic. The meeting reconvened at 8.06pm.


The applicant and agent addressed the Committee providing an illustrative presentation. The applicant noted the development was an ‘employment led’ scheme. Emphasis was placed on the consultation between the applicant and the local authority. The applicant explained the differences between the two applications, as had been outlined in the officer’s report.

Following the presentation, Members queries were related to higher education partnerships, student accommodation, contracts, tenure, assurances, amenities, standards and transport provisions.

The agent advised the Committee that the applicant had been approached by the University of London.

The S106 agreement would include a ‘nominations agreement’, which would set out the strategy for letting student units.

The unit sizes were confirmed by the agent, who emphasized they were larger than the current regularly approved standard of 12 m².

Members were assured there would be communal living space, work space and a green roof underneath the photovoltaics. Shared doors, lobbies and external space would also be conditioned in the S106 agreement. The agent advised Members there would be ‘reasonable

endeavour’ clauses included in the S106 agreement to secure pepperpotting of affordable and private units.

The Officer advised Members that it would be possible for the applicant and the local authority to agree that prior to approval, the local authority would retain control of how the concerns raised were mitigated.

The applicant advised Members that the contracts associated with student accommodation were flexible, which would be helpful to some students. The applicant confirmed that student accommodation would be allocated to students most in need and that measures to support this would be conditioned into the S106 agreement. It was confirmed to the Committee that during the summer period between terms, the units could be let for other purposes.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.


164-196 Trundleys Road and 1-9 Sandford Street, SE8 5JE - ref: 117966


The Planning Officer, gave an illustrative presentation, which conveyed the differences between the applications for Item 3 and Item 4 applications, as outlined in the officer’s report, recommending the grant of planning permission for.


·       flexible commercial floorspace (Use Class B1c/B2/B8) at ground and mezzanine floors and residential units (Use Class C3) and purpose-built student accommodation bedspaces (Use Class Sui Generis) above, with associated access and highway works, amenity areas, cycle, car parking and refuse/recycling stores at 164-196 Trundleys Road and 1-9 Sanford Street, SE8 5JE.


The Committee noted the report


Following the Officers presentation, there were no questions from Members.


The Chair reminded Members that the application could be agreed on principle and the application with the agreed conditions could then be returned to Committee for approval.


At 9.26 pm, a Member advised they had lost connection during the consideration of Item 4. They confirmed it was for about 30 seconds and they had not missed anything. The Chair reiterated the information that had been relayed during that time. The Member was advised they would be allowed to participate in the vote that would follow.


The Committee considered the submissions made at the meeting, and


RESOLVED – unanimously


That it be noted that the Committee agreed to:


GRANT planning permission for the demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment of the site for two new buildings comprising:


·       flexible commercial floorspace (Use Class B1c/B2/B8) at ground and mezzanine floors and residential units (Use Class C3) and purpose-built student accommodation bedspaces (Use Class Sui Generis) above, with associated access and highway works, amenity areas, cycle, car parking and refuse/recycling stores at 164-196 Trundleys Road and 1-9 Sanford Street, SE8 5JE.


Subject to conditions and informatives outlined in the report, GLA referral and completion of the s106 agreement and,


A requirement that officers should:


Amend the S106 Obligation as follows:


·       Details of protocol for marketing and letting of the affordable student units that ensures the 'affordable housing student component' is safeguarded for the benefit of students from a less affluent socio-economic background and/or in line with the Access and participation Plans (or successors) of the nominating HE provider as registered with the Governments Office for Students.


·       Condition 53 is to be amended to require details of all student communal areas (including kitchens lounges, laundrettes, study/ workspaces and outdoor spaces) to be approved by the local authority.


·       When the applicant submits this condition, it is to be referred to SPC for a decision.


·       Instruct Legal re: S106 Agreement and refer to GLA for stage 2


The meeting closed at 9.39 pm.