Venue: Remote - Via Microsoft Teams - the public are welcome to observe via the Council's website at
Contact: Jasmine Kassim, Senior Committee Manager
Note: Remote - Via Microsoft Team
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interests PDF 111 KB Minutes: No interest was declared at the meeting but Councillor Suzannah Clarke asked that, in relation to Item 3, it should be noted that she was involved in theatrical work as an opera singer. Councillor James James-J Walsh also advised that he was a former Governor at the Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance (Trinity Laban). |
Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED that the Minutes of meeting of 14 October 2020, be confirmed as a correct record. |
Creekside Village East, Copperas Street SE8 PDF 956 KB Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED:
That it be AGREED to approve proposals in the report, and refer the application and any other required documents to the Mayor of London (Greater London Authority) under Article 5 of the Town and Country Planning (Mayor of London) Order 2008
subject to no direction being received from the Mayor of London, authorise the Head of Law to complete a legal agreement under Section 106 of the 1990 Act (and other appropriate powers) to cover the principal matters as set out in Section 12 of this report, including other such amendments as considered appropriate to ensure the acceptable implementation of the development;
subject to completion of a satisfactory legal agreement, authorise the Head of Planning to GRANT PLANNNG PERMISSION for the demolition of existing buildings/ structures on land bound by Copperas Street and Deptford Creek SE8, and the construction of two blocks of 26 and 30 storeys comprising 393 residential units, 757m² of commercial floor space (Use Class A1/A2/A3/A4/B1) and a 5 storey building incorporating cultural/ performance venue, dance studios and education space for Trinity Laban, underground car and cycle parking, open space, associated landscaping and Creekside walk;
To additional requirements, that as part of the Section 106 Agreement, planning officers to negotiate further provisions for sufficient community benefits, with a view to: i. legally secure as public highway the space identified in the illustrative drawing for vehicle turning on Creek Road in perpetuity – designed to adoptable standards; and ii. secure an improved community benefit offer as part of the Trinity Laban Community Use Agreement, including that in relation to the identified community participation programmes a minimum of 40% of enrolment shall be from Black and Minority Ethnic groups in order to reflect the population of the borough of Lewisham, and that an annual report on delivery against the commitments within the Community Use Agreement shall be submitted to the Council which includes information on the ethnic profile of participants; and secure public access through the existing Laban Building campus to provide a continuous stretch of Creekside route with public access 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in perpetuity, subject to securing suitable security measures such as CCTV. Minutes: The Principal Planning Officer gave an illustrative presentation of the report, and suggested that the Committee should approve the proposals therein.
The Committee noted that the proposals would enable the applicants to demolish existing buildings and structures on land bound by Copperas Street and Deptford Creek SE8, and deliver three buildings. It was stated that two of the proposed buildings would comprise of 30 and 26 storeys respectively, with residential dwelling units and two commercial floor spaces within each block at the ground floor level. The third building would deliver a 5-storey facility as an extension of Trinity Laban, with a commercial floor space at the south east corner of that building. In addition, the proposals would deliver an underground car park, cycle parking facilities, public realm open space with associated landscaping, and a new route along Deptford Creek.
In considering the proposals, the Committee noted that the application site, bounded by Copperas Street to the north, and Deptford Creek to the south, was adjacent to the Trinity Laban centre on the west. The central area of the site is owned by the applicants, the eastern part by the London Borough of Lewisham, and the western element by Trinity Laban. It was recognised that financial contributions associated with the delivery of the development would be made to the Council on the basis of a land sale agreement between the London Borough of Lewisham and the applicants. The Committee also noted that the applicants would deliver a new building to shell and core to facilitate the expansion of facilities on the Trinity Laban campus.
The Committee expressed concerns about potential for traffic problems due to the narrowness of Copperas Street, and in light of increased car parking activities on that stretch of road. In response to questions on the matter, the Officer confirmed that analysis undertaken by the applicant, and subsequently reviewed by Lewisham’s Highways Team, demonstrated that refuse and emergency vehicles can access Copperas Street. Copperas Street lies along the borough boundary but is currently the responsibility of the Royal Borough of Greenwich in highway terms. The proposed double-width entrance in the public realm fronting to Copperas Street would likely improve the situation by providing a turning head facility for various sizes of vehicles, in addition to providing access to both the basement car park and the vehicular servicing area along the north east side of the proposed site. However there would be no scope to widen the width of the existing carriageway at Copperas Street. Notwithstanding that, the Royal Borough of Greenwich, which has responsibility for that stretch of highway, had agreed in principle that the proposed public realm works to Copperas Street could be carried out by the London Borough of Lewisham on its behalf. Thus, there would be an opportunity to use financial contributions from the applicants towards the implementation of a Controlled Parking Zone, with a view to increase the amount of usable road space on Copperas Street.
The Officer responded to further questions, clarifying to ... view the full minutes text for item 3. |