Venue: Civic Suite Lewisham Town Hall Catford SE6 4RU
Contact: Troy Robinson
No. | Item |
Declaration of interests PDF 209 KB Minutes: None were made. |
Additional documents:
Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the Committee meetings held on the 9th November 2016 and 27th March 2017 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair. |
Introduction and Role of the Committee Presentation by Head of Law. Minutes: All members of the Committee and officers present introduced themselves to other members of the Committee. Gratitude was extended to the previous Chair, Councillor Colin Elliott.
Kathy Nicholson, Head of Law made a presentation to the committee on “The Role of the Standards Committee”. A handout of prepared slides was given to those members present.
During the course of the presentation members of the Committee raised various questions and made suggestions to ensure that ethical standards in Lewisham remains high and to review current practice in Lewisham as against practice elsewhere in London. Councillor Hall requested a comparison as to what other London authorities do in relation to the composition of Committees.
RESOLVED that the presentation by Kath Nicholson, Head of Law and Monitoring Officer be noted. |
Local Code of Corporate Governance - Review of Compliance 2016-17 PDF 549 KB Minutes: Paul Aladenika, Principal Policy Officer, introduced the report and explained that this is a standard report presented to the Committee annually.
A brief discussion followed and an enquiry was raised as to whether there was a better way of interrogating the Code of Corporate Governance. It was explained that this Committee had approved the Local Code of Corporate Governance and had recommended its adoption to Council. .
It was explained that examples are provided within the report to demonstrate compliance with the Code. It was noted that the current report fails to make any reference to two contemporary activities which should properly be incorporated in the review. It was also suggested that consideration be given to a reference to the Overview and Scrutiny mid- term review within the review of the Code of Corporate Governance. It was agreed that revisions would be made and a further report be presented to the next meeting of the Standards Committee.
It was suggested that this would be an opportune time to look at making the Code more customer friendly and accessible.
An enquiry was made as to the inspection regime following the abolition of the Audit Commission. It was agreed that officers will provide Committee members with the requested information clearly demonstrating those areas no longer inspected following the abolition of the Audit Commission.
(i) the review of the Local Code of Corporate Governance be revised to include additional examples of Council activity and be brought to the next meeting of the Committee.
(ii) officers provide Committee members with information confirming Council provision which is no longer inspected post Audit Commission abolition.
(iii) the report be otherwise noted |
Work Programme 2017 PDF 120 KB Minutes: Kath Nicholson, Head of Law and Monitoring Officer presented the item and invited the Committee to comment.
As resolved at Item 4 an amended review on the Local Code of Corporate Governance be brought to the next meeting of the Committee. It was also suggested that a report on the Council’s use of its powers under the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 also be brought to the next meeting of the Standards Committee.
RESOLVED that the work programme shown in paragraph 3.3 be agreed and that a revised report on the Local Code of Corporate Governance and on the Council’s use of powers under the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 be brought to the next meeting of the Standards Committee.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING: 17th October 2017
The meeting ended at 8:10pm |