Venue: Committee Room 1 - Civic Suite. View directions
Contact: Katie Wood - 0208 3149446
No. | Item |
Minutes of the meeting held on 19 September 2018 PDF 248 KB Decision: That the minutes of the on the 19 September be agreed as an accurate record of proceedings and the Chair be authorised to sign them. Minutes: 1.1 That the minutes of the on the 19 September be agreed as an accurate record of proceedings and the Chair be authorised to sign them. |
Declarations of interest PDF 201 KB Decision: Councillor Mallory declared a personal interest under item 4 "Budget Cuts" as he was Chair of Lee Green Lives which was in receipt of a local assembly grant and a Main Grant.
Councillor Morrison declared a personal interest in respect of Item 4 "Budget Cuts" and Item 6 “Main Grants Consultation Results” as she was a trustee and officer of a trust in receipt of a main grant.
Councillor Rathbone declared a personal interest in item 4 “Budget Cuts” and item 6 “Main Grants Programme Consultation Results” as he was a member of Lewisham Citizens Advice Bureau and Voluntary Action Lewisham and he was a member of the Board of Lee Green Lives and Manor House Community Library.
Minutes: 2.1 Councillor Mallory declared a personal interest under item 4 "Budget Cuts" as he was Chair of Lee Green Lives which was in receipt of a local assembly grant and a Main Grant.
2.2 Councillor Morrison declared a personal interest in respect of Item 4 "Budget Cuts" and Item 6 “Main Grants Consultation Results” as she was a trustee and officer of a trust in receipt of a Main Grant.
2.3 Councillor Rathbone declared a personal interest in item 4 “Budget Cuts” and item 6 “Main Grants Programme Consultation Results” as he was a member of Lewisham Citizens Advice Bureau and Voluntary Action Lewisham and he was a member of the Board of Lee Green Lives and Manor House Community Library.
Response to Referrals from this Committee No responses to be considered at this meeting. Decision: There were no responses to referrals discussed at this Committee. Minutes: 3.1 There were no responses to referrals discussed at this meeting. |
Budget Cut Proposals PDF 566 KB The following proposals fall within the remit of the Committee:
CYP 6 Cease funding for former CYP funded post in VAL COM 10 Crime, Enforcement & Regulation Reorganisation COM 11 Hub Libraries cuts to staffed opening hours COM 13 Reduction in Arts, Development and Events funding COM 16 Cultural and Community Development Staffing Structure COM 17 Ending the Small and Faith Fund RES 7 Reduce Corporate Apprenticeship Salary Budget RES 10 Cease Graduate Programme
In addition to these, the following proposals will be considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee but are of particular relevance to this Committee:
COM 12 Cut to Main Grants Budget COM 14 Reduce Local Assemblies Budget Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED:
The Committee resolved to advise the Public Accounts Select Committee of the following:
COM 10: Crime Enforcement and Regulation Reorganisation
The Committee stated that whilst they understood the severity of the budget situation, they felt a decision should not be made on the part of this saving proposal relating to the review of CCTV Service (£161k (20/21)), without a complete assessment of the full impact of this cut. This should include consideration of how often CCTV is used to stop crime taking place as it happens and retrospectively in prosecutions, as well as the extent to which the capacity being reduced would affect residents and partner organisations.
COM 11: Hubs Libraries Cuts to staffed opening hours
The Committee felt the proposals in their current form were unacceptable and further consultation was necessary before a decision could be made. A full Equalities Impact Assessment should also be undertaken. The Committee highlighted that section 9 of the budget pro-forma stated that those affected included “some of the most vulnerable in our society (who) will have been signposted to the library service by other public sector bodies such as Job Centre Plus, Central Government Departments, council services, GP etc.”
COM 12: Cuts to main grants budget
The Committee were concerned that the proposed cut of 30% was too high and there should be further consideration as to whether the scale of the cut could be reduced before a final decision was made.
COM 14: Local Assemblies Fund and COM 17: Ending the Small and Faith Fund
The Committee felt that these two proposals should be considered together. The Committee stated that the retention of some form of small grant programme, accessible to community and neighbourhood groups, was essential to building strong communities. The Committee believed that Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) money could not achieve this and that not all wards would receive regular CIL money. As such the Committee felt a new scheme must be created that would provide funds for small groups/initiatives and that this funding should be subject to approval of Ward Assemblies to retain local democracy and accountability.
Minutes: 4.1 Selwyn Thompson introduced the report to the Committee and highlighted that for the next two years, pending the Comprehensive Spending Review in summer 2019, the level of cuts needed were estimated at £30m, (£17m and £13m in 19/20 and 20/21 respectively). This round of cuts proposals were for proposals totalling just under £21m for 19/20 and 20/21.
4.2 Paul Aladenika highlighted that each savings proposal would need to consider equalities implications.
4.3 Sara Williams, Executive Director for Children and Young People introduced cut proposal CYP 6 “Cease funding for former CYP funded post in Voluntary Action Lewisham” to the Committee. Mark Drinkwater, Policy and Communications Coordinator and Tony Nixon, Director, Voluntary Action Lewisham also addressed the Committee on this proposal. During these presentations and in the discussion that followed, the following key points were highlighted: · The Council would always continue to have a close and positive relationship with Voluntary Action Lewisham and highly valued the work they did. · There was no referral to PAC on this proposal.
4.4 Geeta Subramaniam-Mooney, Head of Public Protection and Safety, introduced cut proposal COM10 “Crime Enforcement and Regulation Reorganisation”. In the discussion that followed the following key points were highlighted: · Members of the Committee felt more information on the potential impact of the part of the saving related to CCTV services should be obtained prior to a decision on this aspect of the saving being made. This should include consultation with partner organisations.
4.5 Liz Dart, Head of Culture and Community Development, introduced cut proposal COM11 “Hub Libraries Cuts to Staffed Opening Hours” and explained that the proposal contained 2 options. Caroline Jupp, Save Lewisham Libraries, was invited to address the Committee. Caroline tabled a document listing concerns on the proposed cuts reports, a copy of which will be included in the agenda documentation. Peter Richardson, Friends of Manor House Library, was also invited to address the Committee. In the discussion that followed the following key points were raised: · Members of the Committee felt that more information on the equalities implications was needed and further consultation would be important. · Members of the Committee commented that the proposals in their current format could lead to an unacceptable level of detriment to the most vulnerable in society.
4.6 Liz Dart, Head of Culture and Community Development, introduced cut proposal COM13 “Reduction in Arts Development and Events Funding”. In the discussion that followed the following key points were raised: · Alternative funding sources had been looked into but it had been very challenging to secure additional funds. · Hidden additional costs included the costs for policing Blackheath Fireworks and People’s Day. These costs were currently met by the Police but would be increasingly challenging for them. · There was no referral to PAC on this proposal.
4.7 Liz Dart, Head of Culture and Community Development, introduced cut proposal COM14 “Reduce Local Assemblies Budget”. This cut proposal had been looked at by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee. A copy of their referral on this and COM 12 “Cuts to Main ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED:
That the report be noted. Minutes:
5.1 Geeta Subramaniam-Mooney, Head of Public Protection and Safety introduced the report to the Committee. In the discussion that followed, the following key points were highlighted:
· Gender based violence included in its definition violence against men and boys. · Each secondary school in the borough had a named Police contact they could communicate with. Each Primary School had a Safer Neighbourhood Team they could contact. · The Lammy Review on the treatment of, and outcomes for, the BAME community in the criminal justice system, The Casey Review on Opportunity and integration, and the Young Review on Improving outcomes for young Black/and or Muslim men in the criminal justice system continued to be important reference documents for the team and the findings had been reviewed. · The Casey Review included a section looking at Prevent. · Work had been undertaken with Muslim women’s groups to help understand and address fear and perceptions of crime.
That the report be noted. |
Main Grants Programme Consultation Results PDF 8 KB Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED:
The Committee noted the importance for some Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) groups of receiving funding from the Council as an endorsement allowing them to more easily secure additional funding from other sources. The Committee also noted that many VCS groups and services worked across more than one of the four funding streams on the Main Grants Programme and that this needed to be acknowledged within the process of awarding of grants. The Committee therefore made the following recommendation to be considered by the Mayor and Cabinet:
1. That emphasis should be placed on the ability of Voluntary and Community Sector Groups to access additional resources alongside any grants from the London Borough of Lewisham. 2. That emphasis should be placed on the ability of Voluntary and Community Sector Groups to meet more than one theme included in the Main Grants Programme. 3. That no decision should be made on Main Grants Funding periods until a decision has been reached on the budget cuts proposal COM 17 “Ending the Small and Faith Fund”.
6.1 James Lee, Head of Service, Culture and Community Development, introduced the report to the Committee. In the discussion that followed, the following key points were raised:
· The importance for some Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) groups of receiving funding from the Council as an endorsement allowing them to more easily secure additional funding from other sources was raised. · Members of the Committee noted that many VCS groups and services worked across more than one of the four funding streams on the Main Grants Programme and that this needed to be acknowledged within the process of awarding of grants. · The cuts proposal COM17 “Ending the Small and Faith Fund” should be considered alongside the Main Grants Fund proposals.
That the following recommendation be referred to the Mayor and Cabinet:
1. That emphasis should be placed on the ability of Voluntary and Community Sector Groups to access additional resources alongside any grants from the London Borough of Lewisham. 2. That emphasis should be placed on the ability of Voluntary and Community Sector Groups to meet more than one theme included in the Main Grants Programme. 3. That no decision should be made on Main Grants Funding periods until a decision has been reached on the budget cuts proposal COM 17 “Ending the Small and Faith Fund”.
Select Committee work programme PDF 188 KB Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED:
That the report be noted.
That comments on the NPS and CRC report be passed on to partners at the NPS and CRC. Minutes: 7.1 Katie Wood, Scrutiny Manager, introduced the report to the Committee. The following points were noted during the discussion:
· The following information was suggested as being included as part of the report the Committee would receive from the Community Rehabilitation Company (CRC) and the National Probation Service (NPS): 1. As much data as possible to include: data on the offending/re-offending rates; breakdown of gender/age/ethnicity. 2. Information on the improvement plan 3. Information on what was different between those that reoffended and those that were successfully rehabilitated.
That the report be noted.
That comments on the NPS and CRC report be passed on to partners at the NPS and CRC. |
Items to be referred to Mayor and Cabinet Decision: Referrals were made as listed under Item 4 and Item 6. Minutes: Referrals were made as listed under Item 4 and Item 6. |