Venue: Civic Suite, Lewisham Town Hall, Catford, SE6 4RU
Contact: Email:
No. | Item |
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5-9 CREEKSIDE, LONDON SE8 4SA PDF 2 MB Additional documents:
Decision: The Committee unanimously
RESOLVED to GRANT planning permission subject to the completion of a S106 Legal Agreement, and the conditions and informatives outlined in the report, subject to the following requirements:
1. To revise conditions 15 and 33 to ensure that when undertaking the proposed excavation works, the applicant consider the impact of ground water a result of the proposals on the proposed site and onto neighbouring properties.
2. To add an informative so that the applicant will continue dialogue with officials at the Art in Perpetuity Trust Agency, with a possibility to agree a financial compensation for the impact on light and inconvenience that might arise as a result of the proposed development and during the construction of works. |
135 MINARD ROAD, LONDON, SE6 1NN PDF 245 KB Additional documents:
Decision: The Committee unanimously
RESOLVED to REFUSE retrospective planning application for the erection of a single storey rear extension at 135 Minard Road SE6 1NN on the basis:
1. That the extension exceeds the Council’s Supplementary Planning Documents in relation to building height recommendation for rear extensions in conjunction to poor design quality, use of inappropriate materials and overall, not in keeping with the design of the host property and properties in the wider terrace.
2. That the excessive height and scale of the extension impacts on the neighbouring amenity of the adjoining residential properties in terms of loss of daylight/sunlight and outlook. |