Council meetings

Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Room 1 & 2, Civic Suite, Lewisham Town Hall, Catford, SE6 4RU

Contact: Email: or sarah.assibey Email: 


No. Item


Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 202 KB


The Chair advised the Committee that since she had objected to the application in respect of 11 Coopers Lane, which was located in her ward, (as set out in the agenda package) she would be recusing herself from voting on this application and would leave the room for the portion of the meeting where the item was considered and decided. The Vice Chair Cllr Paschoud would Chair the meeting until deliberations on this item were complete and the decision made.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 6 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee B held on 21 April 2021 be confirmed and signed.



159 Woodyates Road, London, SE12 9JJ pdf icon PDF 402 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the Lawful Development Certificate be granted.


The Planning Officer, gave an illustrative presentation recommending that the Lawful Development Certificate be granted.


The Committee noted the report and that the main issues were:


·      Principle of Development

·      Urban Design and Heritage Impact

·      Impact on Adjoining Properties


The applicant was not in attendance.


Members voted unanimously in favour of the recommendation in the report.


RESOLVED that Lawful Development granted.



11 Cooper's Lane SE12 pdf icon PDF 891 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that planning permission be granted subject to conditions and informatives outlined in the report and the extra condition that:


  • The windows proposed in the side dormer be obscure glazed in accordance with approved plans, with the final wording of the condition to be delegated to officers to be agreed with the Chair. 



4.1      The Planning Officer, gave an illustrative presentation recommending that planning permission be granted for the construction of a roof extension to the side and rear roof slopes at 11 Coopers Lane SE12, together with the installation of a window in the front roof slope. She said that additional comments and objections had been circulated to all members of the Committee prior to the meeting.


4.2       The committee noted the report and that the main issues were:


·           Principle of Development

·           Urban Design & Heritage Impact

·           Impact on Adjoining Properties


4.3       Neither the applicant nor the objector attended the meeting.


4.4       In response to questions from members of the Committee the following was noted:


·           A questions was asked about whether the windows in the roof could be positioned at the rear rather than the front of the house. Discussions had taken place with the applicant regarding the position of the roof windows but because the font roof line was compliant with the SPD, an invitation was not made to amend the position of the windows to the rear. The proposed scheme was for the windows to be positioned at the front and was compliant with the guidance.

·           There was a comment regarding the draft Grove Park Neighbourhood Plan. It was stated in the plan that the houses in Coopers Lane were of particular character. However, it was understood that officers did not believe that there would be any significant damage to the character by building the extension. Members were advised that planning officers had sought legal advice on the planning policy progression.  The submission from the applicant was correct in that the extension would be in an area of special character that would be designated in the draft Neighbourhood Plan. However, the plan was not sufficiently progressed that it could be relied upon. The plan would be reported to Mayor and Cabinet on 14 July. So assessing the dormer against the Neighbourhood Plan would not be suitable at this juncture.

·           With regard to the dormer windows, members were advised that on the plans it was clear that these windows should be obscure and fixed. This had been confirmed by the applicant. If members were minded to approve the application, officers recommended that a condition be added, that the windows be glazed and fixed in accordance with the plans. The wording of this condition would be designated to officers.

·           It was noted that the dormer windows in the extension would only be partially visible from the front of the property.

·           It was noted that there were no other dormer extensions in the area of 1 Coopers Lane.



Members voted unanimously in favour of the recommendation and;


RESOLVED that planning permission be granted subject to conditions and informatives outlined in the report and the extra condition that:

·         The windows proposed in the side dormer be obscure glazed in accordance with approved plans, with the final wording of the condition to be delegated to officers to be agreed with the Chair.