Council meetings

Agenda and decisions

Venue: Room 1 & 2, Civic Suite, Lewisham Town Hall, Catford, SE6 4RU

Contact: Sarah Assibey 


No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 6 KB

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Declarations of Interests pdf icon PDF 203 KB


272 Brockley Road DC/21/124199 pdf icon PDF 310 KB

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RESOLVED the Committee agreed the officer recommendation to approve the application for:


Alterations and conversion of the existing dwelling and construction of a lower ground floor rear extension with a roof balcony at 272 Brockley Road SE4 to create two self-contained flats, with alterations to front boundary and front garden area, refuse and cycle storage, together with the demolition of outbuildings and structures in the rear garden and redevelopment to provide a partially sunken two storey dwelling with refuse and cycle storage, subject to the conditions set out in the report.


Hesper House DC/21/120262 pdf icon PDF 920 KB

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RESOLVED the Committee agreed the officer recommendation to approve the application for:


Demolition of existing buildings on site and the construction of a 5-storey residential building (plus lower ground) (Use Class C3) at the site known as Hesper House, Wells Park Road, SE26, incorporating off-street parking spaces, together with associated landscaping and refuse and cycle parking facilities.


1 Liphook Crescent DC/22/126132 pdf icon PDF 960 KB

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RESOLVED the Committee agreed the officer recommendation to approve the application for:


The demolition of the existing garage and the construction of a two storey, two-bedroom dwellinghouse in the rear garden of 1 Liphook Crescent, SE23, together with the provision of 1 cycle space and refuse storage, subject to the conditions set out in the report.


156 Erlanger Road DC/22/125477 pdf icon PDF 461 KB

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RESOLVED, that subject to the conditions set out in the report that application below be approved:


The construction of a rear dormer roof extension together with the insertion of one rooflight to the rear roof slope, two rooflights to the outrigger roof slope and two rooflights to the front roof slope and replacement of the existing roof tiles at 156 Erlanger Road, SE14.