Contact: Olga Cole
No. | Item |
Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the open meeting held on 13 March 2018 be confirmed as an accurate record. |
Declarations of Interests PDF 205 KB Minutes: None was reported. |
Exclusion of the Press and Public PDF 25 KB Minutes: Noted.
The following is a summary of the discussion at the closed meeting: |
Decision made by Mayor and Cabinet on 11 July 2018 Minutes: Contract Award School Minor Capital Works Programme
The Chair informed Panel Members that Councillor Sorba, Chair of the Children and Young People Select Committee had hoped to be at the meeting but could not now attend. In his absence he had forwarded his questions to the responsible officers.
The Executive Director for Children and Young and the SGM Capital Programmes, responded to questions raised by Councillor Sorba and other Panel Members.
Following a detailed discussion which included a contribution from Councillor Barnham, Cabinet Member for School Performance. Panel Members expressed their disappointment that the Council would fund the capital works for Childeric school, even though the school would shortly become an academy. Panel Members requested that officers investigate all possibilities of getting recompense for the faulty roof work done by the previous contractor or architect.
Councillor Barnham stated that he would be writing to the school to express his disappointment over the situation.
Action >>>>>> ED Resources & Regen, ED CYP
Panel Members also received assurance that officers would ensure that the Council’s contract specification with Breyer Group Ltd would be tightened to ensure that the contractor complete the job diligently and within the specified timeframe.
Action >>>>>> ED Resources & Regen, ED CYP
RESOLVED that the decision of Mayor and Cabinet be noted
Meeting ended: 7.30pm Chair ……………… |