Venue: 2nd Floor Civic Suite
Contact: Clare Weaser
No. | Item |
Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Licensing Supplementary Committee held on 15 November 2018 be confirmed and signed.
Declaration of interests Minutes: None.
Sex Establishment Fees Licence Fees Minutes: 3.1 Ms Hooper presented the report. She said that the fees have been reviewed and will be on a cost recovery basis in two parts; part A and part B. Part B will only be paid if the application is granted. There is only one sex establishment in Lewisham, the private shop, which is inspected every year. The shop is monitored and has never caused any problems. They have raised concerns about the high level of fees; they have paid £15,400 per year since 2011. This figure is not unusual compared to other authorities, but some, particularly Westminster, have several sex establishments in their borough and cost recovery is high. Lewisham do not have these issues. As part of the fee review, the fees for this establishment will be reduced to £3750 and will be reviewed annually.
3.2 Councillor Elliott asked whether the fees cover cinemas. Ms Hooper said that it covers any establishment showing sexual entertainment activity.
3.3 Councillor Howard asked for confirmation that the establishment is not linked to trafficking. Ms Hooper said that the enforcement team have looked at brothels in the borough, working closely with local Police. One brothel was uncovered which was involved in a trafficking ring but here have been no further issues for over a year. All the brothels have been visited over the past two years, and there is no evidence to suggest that they are linked or encouraged by this sex establishment in any way.
3.4 Ms Hooper said that the fee and the licence for this establishment will be monitored annually.
3.5 Ms Millbank said that the fees are based on cost recovery at the moment. If there were problems at this establishment, it would cost more for enforcement. She asked how this would be financed. Ms Hooper said that it would come from the core budget. If a case was taken to court, officers would look to recover costs at the next review.
3.6 The Chair said that she understands that there has never been any problems with this establishment. Ms Hooper agreed. She said that she has visited the premises on several occasions of the last 18 months. It is small, well run, and adheres to all of the licensing conditions.
(i) a new fee be set to ensure it is charged on a cost recovery basis as set out in the appendix to the report; and
(ii) the length of licence for Sex Establishments provided by the licence authority continues to be 1 calendar year.