Venue: Committee Room 3 - Civic Suite. View directions
Contact: Clare Weaser
No. | Item |
Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Licensing Committee held on 30 January 2019be confirmed and signed.
Declaration of interests Minutes: Councillor Codd declared an interest in 88 Springbank Road SE13 and did not take part in the proceedings for this case.
Additional documents:
Decision: In the matter of the application for a new Premises Licence, the Committee has considered the relevant representations made.
The Committee has made the following determination:
With a view to ensuring the promotion of the licensing objectives, in accordance with the provisions of the statutory guidance and the principles of our licensing policy, the application for a new Premises Licence, was GRANTED subject to the following conditions:
In coming to a determination the Committee considered the following matters;
1. The Committee noted the representations made by residents. The area is mostly residential, in close proximity to Hither Green Station. Noise will be created by the comings and goings of 40 patrons and the refrigeration unit. The amount of litter in the street would also increase.
2. The Committee noted that there would be an increase in the number of cars in the area which is a risk to pedestrian safety.
3. The Committee considered representations made by the applicant. He intends to manage a small micro pub for the benefit of the community; frosted glass will be installed in the back windows and high fences in the rear to obstruct views in and out of the premises.
4. The Committee noted that following consultation with local residents, opening hours had been amended and the front and back doors moved. There would not be any live music; only background music from a radio would be played.
5. It was noted that there is good access via public transport so less patrons would be parking in the area.
6. The Committee noted the evidence from the applicant that the four licensing objectives would be upheld.
7. The Committee noted that the premises is not in a Cumulative Impact Zone, and statutory authorities had not made representations. This is a new application and the objections were, therefore, only supposition.
8. The Committee considered that granting the application with the extra conditions would promote the four licensing objectives.
Minutes: 3.1 The Chair welcomed all parties to the meeting and introductions were made. She then invited Ms Spall to introduce the application.
Licensing Officer
3.2 Ms Spall said that members were being asked to consider this application for a new premises licence for 88 Springbank Road SE13 6XS. 6 objections had been received from local residents in relation to all 4 licensing objectives. She outlined the application including the hours for the supply of alcohol on and off the premises.
3.3 Mr Morrison said that along with the other applicant, Ms Cole, they have always had a vision for these premises to create a small micro pub for local people in a place where the community can enjoy. It is important to them that this is an inclusive project and so they have shared their vision with local residents. As a consequence of comments from local residents they changed and amended their plans. This included a change in trading times and moving the front and back doors.
3.4 Ms Cole explained how their application upholds the licensing objectives. Springbank Road is a busy road and there are two modes of public transport that emits noise during the day and late into the night. The station is 1 minute walk from the station and train tracks are a 25 metres away. She described the noise made by the trains and buses until 1am and outlined the various commercial properties that are open late into the evening including those with alcohol licences.
3.5 Ms Cole said that they would take all reasonable steps to prevent noise nuisance, including:
3.6 The following steps will be taken to Prevent Crime and Disorder:
· CCTV will be installed inside and outside the premises. · Real ale, craft beer, wine and premium spirits will be sold without any links to irresponsible drinks promotions · This is not the type of establishment that would attract gangs of young people · The hours of application are not excessive
3.7 Public Safety
3.8 Protecting children from harm.
Interludee 12 Leegate Lee SE12 8SS Additional documents:
Decision: In the matter of the application for a full variation of a Premises Licence, the Committee has considered the relevant representations made.
The Committee has made the following determination:
With a view to ensuring the promotion of the licensing objectives, in accordance with the provisions of the statutory guidance and the principles of our licensing policy, the application for a full variation of a premises licence was AGREED and the following conditions added to the premises licence.
The premises shall install and maintain a comprehensive CCTV system. All entry and exit points will be covered enabling frontal identification of every person entering in any light condition. The CCTV system shall continually record whilst the premises is open for licensable activities and during all times when customers remain on the premises. All recordings shall be stored for a minimum period of 31 days with date and time stamping. Recordings shall be made available upon the request of Police or authorized officer throughout the preceding 31-day period, such copies shall in any event be provided within forty-eight (48) hours.
A staff member from the premises who is conversant with the operation of the CCTV system shall be on the premises at all times when the premises are open to the public. This staff member must be able to show a Police or authorized council officer recent data or footage with the absolute minimum of delay when requested.
The premises shall prominently display signage at all entrances informing customers:- · All persons entering these premises are liable to be searched. Agreement to search is a condition of entry. If persons do not consent entry will be refused · Police may be called if drugs or weapons are found. · CCTV is in operation throughout these premises and is made available to the police. · Any person found carrying weapons or illegal drugs will be permanently excluded and the police will be informed. · Management reserve the right to refuse entry. · A notice at all exits requesting patrons to respect the needs of the local residents/businesses and leave the area quietly.
On a Friday and Saturday night or when the premises is operating under a temporary event notice after midnight a minimum of (2) two SIA registered door staff, of which one (1) should be female. They must be on duty from 20:00hrs until 30 minutes after closing when the club is conducting licensable activities or any other advertised or private event.
All Door staff must be employed by an external company.
All staff engaged outside the entrance to the premises, or supervising or controlling queues shall wear high visibility jackets or vests
On a Friday and Saturday night or when the premises is operating under a temporary event notice after midnight, all persons entering or re-entering the premises must be searched as a condition of entry to the club by an SIA trained member of staff and monitored by the premises CCTV system. This condition will commence from 22:00hrs.
At the commencement of work, security personnel must ... view the full decision text for item 67. Minutes: 4.1 The Chair welcomed all parties to the meeting and introductions were made. She said that members were being asked to consider an application for the variation of a premises licence for Interludee 12 Leegate SE12. She then invited Ms Spall to introduce the application.
Licensing Officer
4.2 Ms Spall said that one objection had been received for the application for the variation of this premises licence. She outlined the current licenced hours and the proposed new licence as applied for. One objection had been received from a resident but he was not in attendance.
4.3 Mr Golding said that Interludee has been open since last year. It is a restaurant/bar; food is sold throughout the day and in the evening it is more like a lounge. He said that customers at the weekend would like to leave later than midnight and seven Temporary Event Notices had been applied for over the past year. These events finished at 2am, they were successful and there were no issues.
4.4 Councillor Howard asked whether the premises is close to residential areas. Ms Spall said that the premises is on the corner of the Leegate Centre almost directly opposite the fire station. The nearest residents are in a tower block in front.
4.5 Councillor Millbank asked for confirmation that there were no complaints following the seven Temporary Event Notices. Ms Spall confirmed that complaints were not received. She said that there had been issues with the previous management. The complainant has complained about all the managers at the property. Interludee have agreed to all conditions recommended by the Police and licensing officers prior to their opening.
4.6 Members of the Committee then withdrew to make their decision. When they returned it was:
RESOLVED thatwith the added conditionsthe application be agreed.
4.7 Ms Spall said that an appeal may be made against this decision to the Magistrates Court within 21 days from the date of the decision letter which would be sent out within 5 days of the meeting.
Millwall Community Hall TEN Additional documents:
Minutes: This application was withdrawn.