Venue: Civic Suite Catford SE6 4RU
Contact: Clare Weaser
No. | Item |
Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Licensing Committee held on 15 November and 21 December 2018 be confirmed and signed.
Declaration of interests Minutes: None.
Mordens Wine Bar 7-9 Montpelier Vale London SE3 0TA Additional documents:
Decision: Representation in respect of the application made by Mr Nick Coxonfor a full variation of the Premises Licence, for Morden’s Wine Bar 7-9 Montpelier Vale London SE3 0TA.
In the matter of the application for a full variation of a Premises Licence, the Committee has considered the relevant representations made.
The Committee has made the following determination:
With a view to ensuring the promotion of the licensing objectives, in accordance with the provisions of the statutory guidance and the principles of our licensing policy, the application for a full variation of a premises licence was GRANTED as applied for.
In coming to a determination, the following factors were taken into account;
1. Members of the Committee considered the representations made by local residents. They objected to the application because of the noise made by patrons. Residents witness fighting, urination in the street and patrons being sick every four to six weeks.
2. The Committee noted that members of the public endure loud music emanating from the premises; some residents had been forced to leave the area. Every Saturday night there is a DJ in a booth on the ground floor just inside the door; music is played until 11.30pm at night. This is a breach of the licence.
3. Members of the Committee considered the representations made by the applicant. If the variation is granted, it will allow a better management of the flow, and gradual dispersal of patrons from the club. The garden area will be monitored after 11pm, after this, only eight smokers will be allowed on the terraced area at a time and no drinks will be allowed to be taken outside.
4. In future, anyone admitted to the premises will go through the club scanner after 10pm on a Friday and Saturday and ID taken. This normally reduces crime by 70% because identification must be given. In addition a noise limiter will be fitted and the limit set by a qualified sound engineer. Most music will be played in the basement. It will be adjusted if the noise is too high.
5. The premises are within a Cumulative Impact Zone. The Metropolitan Police are confident that the application, as now being modified, will in fact promote the licensing objectives. No representations were made by any responsible authorities.
Minutes: 3.1 The Chair welcomed all parties to the meeting and introductions were made. She then invited Ms Hooper to introduce the application.
Licensing Officer
3.2 Ms Hooper said that members were being asked to consider this application for the variation of a premises licence for Mordens Wine Bar 7-9 Montpelier Vale London SE3 0TA. She outlined the current licence and the proposed variation. She said that a review hearing this evening, had agreed conditions to be added to the licence to alleviate concerns raised by the Police. Those members of the public present had seen a copy of the conditions. Four objections from members of the public and the Blackheath Society had been received. She outlined the powers available to members of the Committee.
3.3 The Chair asked for clarity about the licence and whether the hours will remain but will include all floors. Ms Hooper said that there are different activities at different times across the floors. Regulated entertainment is predominantly in the basement and there are different times for alcohol in the basement and the ground floor. This application will ensure that one licence covers the whole of the premises.
3.4 Mr Dadds said that the application is summarised on page 11 of the agenda and allows all of the floors to operate with the same licence conditions. It will allow a better management of the flow, and gradual dispersal of patrons. The Police agree that this is good management of premises and no other responsible authority has objected to the application.
3.5 Mr Dadds said that this application is strengthened, because since this application, further conditions have been added to the licence. In future, anyone admitted to the premises will go through the club scanner after 10pm on a Friday and Saturday and ID taken. This normally reduces crime by 70% because identification is given. In addition a noise limiter will be fitted and the limit set by environmental health. Most music will be played in the basement. Although complaints have been made by residents, environmental health have investigated but did not have any objections.
3.6 Mr Dadds said that with regard to the outside area, Police agree with the PLH that it will be better for smokers to be in the rear garden rather than at the front of the property. No more than eight patrons will be allowed outside at one time. Management will ensure that they are only on the terrace nearest the premises and no drinks will be allowed outside. The limiter will be set so that when the rear door opens any noise that escapes will not be above the ambient level.
3.7 Mr Dadds said that he has read the complaints to the application. He does not know whether the Blackheath Society had discussed this application, made a resolution, and produced minutes. He does not know whether the society has made any complaints in the last 12 months. Mr Comber had given hearsay evidence from a tenant who used to ... view the full minutes text for item 58. |
Exclusion of the Press and Public Minutes: RESOLVED that in accordance with Regulation 4 (2) (b) of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012 and under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 1 and 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12(A) of the Act, and the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information:
The following is a summary of the item considered in the closed part of the meeting.
5. Mordens Wine Bar 7-9 Montpelier Vale London SE3 0TA
The interim steps were lifted and a raft of conditions added to the premises licence.
Mordens Wine Bar Summary Report |