Venue: Civic Suite Catford SE6 4RU
Contact: Clare Weaser
No. | Item |
Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Licensing Committee held on 25 September and 25 October 2018 be confirmed and signed as a correct record.
Declaration of interests Minutes: None.
Secret Cinema Unit 15 Convoys Wharf Princes Street SE8 3JH Additional documents:
Decision: In the matter of the application for a new Premises Licence, the Committee has considered the relevant representations made.
The Committee has made the following determination:
With a view to ensuring the promotion of the licensing objectives, in accordance with the provisions of the statutory guidance and the principles of our licensing policy, the application for a new Premises Licence, was GRANTED subject to the following conditions:
1. Use of Outside Areas All licensable activities (including amplified music) in outdoor areas shall cease at 22:00hrs Sunday to Thursday and 23:00hrs Friday and Saturday.
2. Public Safety The licence holder shall determine the occupant capacity of the premises on the basis of documented risk assessment(s). (a) The risk assessment(s) must take into account all relevant factors including space, audience density, means of access and egress, toilet provision, load-bearing capacity of floors, ventilation, etc. and must be reviewed regularly, and if circumstances change. (b) Where necessary separate occupancy levels must be set for different parts of the premises and, when necessary, for different premises layouts and different types of events. (c) Measures must be put in place and documented to ensure that the capacity is not exceeded at any time. (d) All documentation pertaining to the proposed figure must be kept on the premises and must be available immediately on request to any authorised officer. (e) The premises licence holder shall regularly review, update and amend any risk assessments particularly following any changes to the layout or operation of the venue. Such reviews etc. shall be fully documented and form an integral part of the risk assessment. (f) The occupancy shall be restricted to the number of persons identified within the Risk Assessment(s) for the premises. In the event of a change to the layout risk assessment (and therefore the occupancy limit), the license holder will notify the Fire Safety Authority and Licensing Authority prior to commencement of licensable activities. The occupancy figure includes staff, performers and public.
3. CCTV The premises shall install and maintain a comprehensive CCTV system. All entry and exit points will be covered enabling frontal identification of every person entering in any light condition. The CCTV system shall continually record whilst the premises is open for licensable activities and during all times when customers remain on the premises. All recordings shall be stored for a minimum period of 31 days with date and time stamping. Recordings shall be made available upon the request of Police or authorized officer throughout the preceding 31-day period, such copies shall in any event be provided within forty-eight (48) hours.
A staff member from the premises who is conversant with the operation of the CCTV system shall be on the premises at all times when the premises are open to the public. This staff member must be able to show a Police or authorized council officer recent data or footage with the absolute minimum of delay when requested.
There shall be signs displayed at the entrance to the customer area ... view the full decision text for item 45. Minutes: 3.1 The Chair welcomed all parties to the meeting and introductions were made. She then invited Ms Spall to introduce the application.
Licensing Officer
3.2 Ms Spall said that members were being asked to consider an application for a new premises licence sought by Secret Cinema, Unit 15 Convoys Wharf, Princes Street SE8 3JH. Objections had been received from 9 residents who live in close proximity to the premises. The objection is sought on the grounds of perceived public nuisance, crime and disorder, and public safety. Ms Spall then introduced the applicant and objectors who would be addressing the Committee.
3.3 Mr Grant addressed the Committee on behalf of the applicant. He said that the event his client would like to produce is extraordinary. It is an immersive experience of theatre and cinema. Patrons become part of the show; they dress up as characters according to the information given and the venue is unknown until shortly before the event. Patrons are told to meet at a transport hub and the reason why so few people take their cars. There will be no parking in the area, only 3 spaces disabled spaces for the entire event.
3.4 These events have been held for ten years in a number of London boroughs including Newham, Southwark and Hounslow and there has been universal praise because organisers have done exactly what they said they would do. For example, after nearly two years at Canning Town, the Deputy Mayor of London is on record as being full of praise for the events. At the time there were 50 objections to the application all with similar concerns to Lewisham’s local residents.
3.5 A promotional video of the event was then shown to members of the Committee.
3.6 Mr Grant said that the video showed a glimpse of all that the company has to offer and they would like to bring it to Convoys Wharf which is a large, unused industrial site, earmarked for a substantial development in 3 years time. The application is only for a certain period of time and will not be a permanent event. This does not mean that his clients are complacent to the impact on residents. A lot of the policy documents circulated to members before the meeting, outline the level of detail that his clients have gone into in the past, and will continue if the application is granted, in order to minimise the impact on local residents.
3.7 Mr Grant said that he cannot promise that residents will not hear any noise, they will; but his client believes that it will not amount to a nuisance or inconvenience and the benefits outweigh the negatives. Despite concerns that have been expressed during applications within other boroughs, they have not come to fruition.
3.8 Mr Grant referred to the bundles that had been circulated before the meeting. The open papers had been sent to all parties including members of the public who had made a representation. The closed paper had ... view the full minutes text for item 45. |
Chicago Grill 315 New Cross Road SE14 6AS Additional documents:
Minutes: This case was withdrawn.