Council meetings

Agenda and decisions

Venue: Remote - Via Microsoft Teams - the public are welcome to observe via the Council's website at

Contact: Clare Weaser 


No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 57 KB




Declarations of Interests pdf icon PDF 80 KB


Councillor Atkinson declared  that she was a Deptford ward member.


Sip City Lounge 189 Deptford High Street SE8 3NT pdf icon PDF 143 KB

Additional documents:


1. Sip City Ltd (“the Applicant”) applied for a new Premises Licence on 14th December 2024 for Sip City, 189 Deptford High Street, Deptford London SE8 3NT (“the Premises”).


 2. The application was made by the Director of the company and advertised in accordance with Reg. 25 of the Licensing Act 2003 (Premises licences and club premises certificates) Regulations 2005. The ‘blue notice’ at the Premises did not initially include the Seasonal Variation and so the last date for representations was extended to 5th January 2025. The Sip City currently operates under a premises licence, including for the sale of alcohol for consumption on the premises from 11:00 to 23:00 hours.


 The particulars proposed for the new licence were:

 Sale of Alcohol for consumption on and off the premises:

11:00 – 00:00 Sunday – Wednesday

11:00 – 01:00 Thursday – Saturday


 Late Night Refreshment:

23:00 – 00:00 Sunday – Wednesday

23:00 – 01:00 Thursday – Saturday


 Regulated Entertainment - Recorded Music/Films/anything of a similar description to Live Music, Recorded Music or Performances of dance:

 11:00 – 00:00 Sunday – Wednesday

11:00 – 01:00 Thursday – Saturday


Opening hours: 30 minutes after the end of licensable activities to allow for orderly closure of premises.

Seasonal Variation: Applying to all the above activities:

New Years Eve to be extended to 03.00 New Years Day.

On any Sunday where the Monday is a bank holiday the hours are extended to 01.00 on the Monday Morning.


 3. No representations were received from the Local Authority or the Police, but a series of proposed conditions had been added to the application with their approval. Written representations were received from 10 members of the public. 4 were in support of the application and 6 were raising objections on promotion of the four licensing objectives.


4. The Licensing Committee held a hearing on 28th of January 2025 to consider the Application. 4 of the 6 local residents who had raised objections to the grant of the licence attended to speak to their written representations. None of the 4 persons who had made representations in support attended the meeting. The applicant was represented by the agency Complete Licensing, and James Hoffelner attended along with Dave Nevitt, environmental health and safety consultant. Felicity Sobers also attended and spoke on behalf of the Applicant company.


5. In making its decision the Committee has considered all the papers contained in the report pack and submitted documents, together with the oral submissions and evidence presented on behalf of the Applicant and the Residents at the hearing. The committee also considered the Council’s own Statement of Licensing Policy 2020-25 and the latest Home Office Statutory Guidance, revised in December 2023.


 6. The Committee’s decision is to grant the application in the terms submitted. Its reasons for doing so are as follows:


a. The Committee noted the incidents of anti-social behaviour, noise and public nuisance reported by residents, along with management failures, including to deal properly with reports and complaints. Some of the incidents  ...  view the full decision text for item 3.