Venue: Remote - Via Microsoft Teams - the public are welcome to observe via the Council's website at
Contact: Clare Weaser
No. | Item |
Additional documents:
Decision: Agreed. Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the Licensing Committee held on 27 February, 11 April and 15 August 2024 be confirmed and signed. |
Declarations of Interests Decision: Minutes: |
Jerk Haven, 118 Bromley Road, SE6 2UN Additional documents:
Decision: 1. Cleos Thompson (“the Applicant”) applied for the grant of a new Premises Licence for Jerk Haven, 18 Bromley Road, Catford, London, SE6 2UN (“the Premises”).
2. Theapplication wasfor thegrant ofa premiseslicence to allowfor: theretail saleof alcohol on and off the Premises Mondays to Thursdays from: 11:00 hours – 02:30, Friday and Saturday11:00 –04:30 hoursand Sunday11:00 hours– 00:30hours. Theapplicant also applied forlate night refreshmentto be permitted Monday – Thursday from 23:00 hours – 02:00hours, Fridayand Saturdayfrom 23:00hours –04:00 hoursand Sundayfrom 23:00 hoursto 00:00hours. Theapplication alsorequested seasonal variationsto thepermitted hours for the retail sale of alcohol and the provision of late-night refreshment any day precedinga bankholiday until02:00 hoursand onJamaican IndependenceDay, 6August, until 02:00 hours.
3. The Applicant offered several conditions as part of their application.The Licensing Authority, as a Responsible Authority, and the Police made representations to the application and because of discussion with the Applicant the representations were withdrawn following agreement to the following amendments to the application:
Additional Conditions:
1. Nowaste orrecyclable materials,including bottles,shall bemoved, removedfrom or placed in outside areas between (23.00) hours and (08.00) hours on the following day. 2. During the hours of operation of the premises, the licence holder shall ensure sufficient measures are in place to remove and prevent litter or waste arising or accumulating from customers in the area immediately outside the premises, and thatthis areashall beswept andor washed,and litterand sweepingscollected and stored in accordance with the approved refuse storage arrangements by close of business. 3. Thepremises licenceholder shallensure thatany patronsdrinking and/orsmoking in the rear garden and the outside seating area to the front of the premises do so in an orderly manner so as not to cause a public nuisance or obstruction of the public highway. 4. Frontoutside seatingarea toclose by22:00 andany seatingremoved 5. Reargarden notto beused bypatrons
6. The supply of alcohol at the premises shall only be to a person seated taking atable meal there and for consumption by a person as ancillary to their meal 7. Thesupply ofalcohol shallbe bywaiter/waitress serviceonly.
8. All sale of alcohol for consumption off the premises shall be in sealed containers only and shall not be consumed on the premises. 9. Smokingarea solelyat thefront ofthe venueand limitedto 4people ata timeafter 22:00 Amended Hours
The hourspermitted forall licensableactivities amendedas follows: Monday to Thursday until 00:30 hours Frida andSaturday until02:00 hours Sunday until 00:00 hours 4. The application also received representations from 16 residents on the grounds that the Application failed to promote the ... view the full decision text for item 3. Minutes:
Introduction 3.2 The Safer Communities Officer Senior Officer said this hearing was being held to determine a premises licence application made by Cleo Thompson for Jerk Haven, 118 Bromley Road. The applicant had agreed conditions which were outlined in the agenda. The application was received and processed on 25 June 2024 3.3 The application was not originally advertised in accordance with regulations, so the consultation period was extended to ensure compliance. 3.4 During the consultation period, sixteen relevant representations were received by the licensing authority from members of the public. The licensing authority and the Police submitted an objection, but these were withdrawn due to the applicant agreeing conditions and amendments to the hours applied for. Representations were not received from any other relevant authorities. 3.5 Representations were received within the consultation period and were not considered frivolous or vexatious. 3.6 The Safer Communities Senior Officer then outlined the options open to members when making their decision. Applicant 3.7 Mr Thompson acknowledged that there had been some objections, but the shop next door to his restaurant was an off licence. There was also a Turkish restaurant 100 yards up the road which had an alcohol licence. There was no drug dealing or bad behaviour in the area. The Police were stationed in the area, and sometimes they were patrons of his restaurant. 3.8 Music had not been played at the premises and an event had not been held for 3 years. There had been a customer appreciation day where food was free.
3.9 In the Summer, jerk chicken is cooked outside. If this was causing a problem for residents, the chicken could be cooked inside. Mr Thompson did not think that the smoke from cooking the chicken caused any problems because the restaurant was situated on a busy main road where there were a lot of cars and noise.
3.10 Mr Thompson believed that he was the pillar of society, supporting youths in the area and his Caribbean restaurant was rated as the best in London; there had never been any incidences on the premises. He abides by all the rules and regulations. The premises would be managed as a restaurant not a club.
3.11 Councillor Onikosi asked whether chicken was cooked outside the premises on a regular basis. Mr Thompson said that outside cooking took place about twice a week. Most of the time cooking would be inside the premises but would be held outside if the weather was good.
3.12 Councillor Harding asked the applicant how he would manage people loitering and drinking outside the premises and ensure that residents were not disturbed. Mr Thompson said that if the premises licence was granted, management would ensure that patrons adhered to all the rules and regulations.
3.13 Councillor ... view the full minutes text for item 3. |
Dimitri Burgers Ltd 379-383 New Cross Road, SE14 6AT Additional documents:
Decision: 1. Dimitri Burgers Limited (“the Applicant”) applied for the grant of a new Premises Licence for Dimitri Burgers, 379-383 New Cross Road, SE14 6AT (“the Premises”). 2. The application was for the grant of a premises licence to allow for: the retail sale of alcohol on and off the Premises for: Sunday to Thursday from: 08:00 hours – 23:30 hours, and Friday and Saturday from 08:00 hours to 00:30 hours. The applicant also applied for late night refreshment, live music, recorded music, performance of dance and anything of a similar description to live music or performance of dance for: Friday and Saturday from 23:00 hours to 00:30 hours. The application also requested seasonal variations for Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Years Eve and New Years Day from 23:00 hours to 02:30 hours. 3. The Applicant offered several conditions as part of their application. The Licensing Authority, as a Responsible Authority, and the Police made representations to the application and because of discussion with the Applicant both those representations were withdrawn following agreement to the addition of the following conditions on the Premises Licence:
Additional Conditions: 1. The premises shall install and maintain a comprehensive CCTV system. All entry and exit points will be covered (including the internal stairs adjoining the property above), enabling frontal identification of every person entering in any light condition. The CCTV system shall continually record whilst the premises is open for licensable activities and during all times when customers remain on the premises. 2. All recordings shall be stored for a minimum period of 31 days with date and time stamping. Recordings shall be made available within 48 hours upon the request of the Police or authorized officer throughout the preceding 31-day period. The CCTV system should be updated and maintained according to police recommendations. 3. A staff member from the premises who is conversant with the operation of the CCTV system shall be on the premises at all times when the premises are open to the public. This staff member must be able to show a Police or authorised council officer recent data or footage with the absolute minimum of delay when requested. 4. The CCTV must cover all areas of the premises that the public has access to. There should be no obstructions to any internal camera that creates areas that are not wholly covered by CCTV, apart from within toilet cubicles and directly covering men’s urinals. 5. A minimum of two SIA-registered door staff are to be employed through an Accredited Contractor Scheme (ACS) registered company. They must be on duty on Fridays, Saturdays, Bank Holidays, and any day preceding a Bank Holiday night from 21:00 hrs until 30 minutes after closing and when conducting licensable activities or any other advertised or private event. 6. A register of security personnel employed on the premises shall be maintained in a legible format and made available to police upon reasonable request. The register should be completed by the DPS/ duty manager/ ... view the full decision text for item 4. Minutes: 4.1 The Vice - Chair welcomed all parties to the Licensing Committee. She introduced those present and outlined the procedure to be followed for the meeting. She then invited the Safer Communities Services Senior Officer to introduce the application.
Introduction 4.2 The Safer Communities Senior Officer said this hearing was being held to determine a premises licence application made by Dimitri Burgers Ltd in relation to the basement premises, access to the rear of 379-383 New Cross Road. The seasonal variations originally applied for were omitted from the public notice as well as the newspaper advert so did not form part of this application. 4.3 The applicant had agreed conditions which were outlined in the agenda. The application was received on 27 June. The application was not originally advertised in accordance with regulations, so the consultation period was extended from 25 July to 1 August. The local authority received one relevant objection from a local resident during this time and was not considered to be frivolous or vexatious. The Police and licensing authority had submitted relevant representations but were withdrawn when the applicant agreed conditions. No other relevant representations were received from any other responsible authority. 4.5 The Safer Communities Senior Officer then outlined the options open to members when making their decision. Applicant 4.6 Mr Alusolaaddressed the Committee on behalf of the applicant. He said that the application had been advertised in accordance with regulations and then he outlined the licensable activities as applied for. Licensing officers had recommended conditions which were agreed by the applicant and their objection was subsequently withdrawn. The Police withdrew their objections when the applicant agreed all the conditions. 4.7 A representation had been received from one of the residents. Their concerns were discussed with the licensing officer and Mr Alusola understood that the conditions were forwarded to the resident to allay his concerns. Representations 4.8 One objector addressed the Committee. He said that the premises was in an area that was inappropriate for a late-night licence. It was situated on the corner of a busy junction and came off a one-way system. The premises was the back entrance to the lower floor of a larger building which was under a block of flats and surrounded by residential dwellings. The building was not sound insulated, and part of the premises was outside with a temporary shuttering over it. He could hear talking inside his home as well as moderately loud music. This area then opened out into a very long, dark, one ended car park.
4.9 The premises was near a school, and opposite a park. It was also within metres of St Mungo’s who support people who were homeless. The objector was concerned that an establishment open from 8am until midnight would be serving alcohol in an area where there were people with substance and alcohol misuse issues.
4.10 The objector said that the premises was not situated in a safe area. He had witnessed stabbings and assaults. There were ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |