Council meetings

Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Remote - Via Microsoft Teams - the public are welcome to observe via the Council's website at

Contact: Clare Weaser 


No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 58 KB



Declarations of interest pdf icon PDF 80 KB





Zhulin Hidden Village, 2nd Floor 100-104 Lewisham High Street, London, SE13 5JH. pdf icon PDF 147 KB

Additional documents:




1.    Zhulin Hidden Village, 2nd Floor, 10-104 Lewisham High Street, SE13 5JH has applied for the grant of a new Premises Licence (“the Premises”).


2.    The application was for the grant of a premises licence to allow for the retail sale of alcohol Fridays to Sundays from 08:00-04:00 and for the provision of live music, recorded music and late night refreshments Fridays to Sundays from 23:00 to 04:00 hours, The application also requested seasonal variations for New Year’s Eve into New Year Day, the Thursday before Good Friday running into Good Friday, Christmas Eve running into Christmas Day and Christmas Day running into Boxing Day.


3.    Relevant representations were received from the Licensing Authority and the Police Licensing Authority and from 11 local residents including a local business on the grounds that granting the application would not meet the objective of upholding three of licensing objectives – public nuisance, the prevention of crime and disorder and public safety. 


4.    The Licensing Authority and Police withdrew their representations following agreement with the applicant to accept conditions on the Premises Licence if granted by the committee.


5.    The Licensing Committee held a hearing on 8 May 2024 to consider the application.  A solicitor spoke on behalf of the Applicant.  Two residents and a local business operator attended the meeting and addressed the Committee.



6.    In making its decision the Committee has considered all of the papers contained in the report pack together with the submissions and evidence presented by all parties at the hearing.  The committee has also taken into account the Council’s own Statement of Licensing Policy and the Home Office’s Statutory Guidance.


7.    The Committee’s decision is to grant the application subject to the conditions agreed with the Licensing Authority and Police, attached as Appendix A which include revised terminal hours of 03:00 hours on Fridays and Saturdays and 01:00 hours on Sundays. In addition a terminal hour of 03:00 hours for days which precede a bank holiday.  Its reasons are as follows:


a.    The Committee noted that the Applicant had agreed the conditions with the Licensing Authority and Police and the Committee has determined that the additional conditions recommended by the Licensing Authority support the promotion of the licensing objectives and address a number of the representations made by the local residents, in particular:


                                          i.    They reduce the number of events the Premises can hold to one day each week and only for ticketed or invite only events;

                                         ii.    The terminal hour is reduced from 04:00 hours to 03:00 hours on Fridays and Saturdays and 01:00 hours on Sundays, except for the days preceding a Bank Holiday where the terminal hour will be 03:00 hours

                                        iii.    A Personal Licence Holder to be on duty at all times that the premises sells alcohol – this is not a legal requirement.

                                        iv.    The use of SIA approved door staff.

                                         v.    A dispersal policy which will be agreed with the Licensing Authority and Police


b.    The Committee was  ...  view the full decision text for item 3.


3.1      The Chair welcomed all parties to the Licensing Committee. She introduced those present and outlined the procedure to be followed for the meeting. She then invited the Safer Communities Officer to introduce the application.




3.2     Mr Obazee said that this hearing was being held to determine a premises licence application made by Paul Simpson in relation to Zhulin Hidden Village2nd Floor at 100-104 Lewisham High Street, London, SE13 5JH.  He outlined the details of the application.


3.3       The application was received and served on all responsible authorities on 13 March 2024 and advertised in accordance with regulations. The last date for receipt of representations was originally 10 April, but this was extended to 15 April 2024 due to modification made by the applicant to the application.


3.3       During the consultation period, 11 objections were received from residents as well as the Police and Licensing Authority. Representations were received in time and were not considered vexatious or frivolous.


3.4       An updated list of conditions was agreed by the applicant; consequently, the licensing authority and the Police withdrew their objections. Mr Obazee then outlined the options available to members when making their decision.




3.5      Mr Gibson, licensing agent for the applicant, said that there had been extensive discussions between the licensing team and the applicant, and a new set of conditions had been agreed between both parties. The hours of operation had been amended and licensing activity would finish at 3am and the premises locked by 3.30am. On Sunday, activity would finish at 1am with the premises locked at 1.30am.


3.6      The application was for the premises to open one night a week on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday only. It would not be managed as a night club; it would be a space used for various events and would be closed before the Alpha lounge and bar below.


3.7      Events at Zhulin Hidden Village would be by invite or by ticket only. Tickets could be purchased before the event and on the door during the first hour only. Examples of events to be held at the premises included a Northern Soul evening, wedding receptions, anniversaries, family birthdays, and baby showers. Two SIA staff would be employed for events held after midnight, unless written notice was received by the licensing authority or the Police stating that such security was not required.


3.8      A written dispersal policy would be in place. Patrons would be encouraged to leave the area quickly and quietly. A premises licence holder would be always on the premises when licensable activities took place and there would not be any admittance or readmittance after 2am for an event closing at 3am.


3.9      Approximately 10 Temporary Events had been held at the premises over the past year. Most of the objections referred to the Alpha Lounge situated below Zhulin Hidden Village. The applicant wanted to manage a different business to the Alpha Lounge which is a nightclub. The objections were not relevant to this application; parking,  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.