Venue: Remote - Via Microsoft Teams - the public are welcome to observe via the Council's website at
Contact: Clare Weaser
No. | Item |
Additional documents: Decision: Agreed. Minutes: |
Declarations of Interests Decision: None. Minutes: None. |
Ten-Embee Sports Development Centre The Pavillion 120A Old Bromley Road BR1 4JY Additional documents:
Decision: 1. An application was received from three local residents (“Applicants”), two of whom reside together, calling for a review of the Club Premises Certificate at Ten Em Bee Sports Development Centre, The Pavilion, 120A Old Bromley Road, BR1 4JY, (“Premises”) on the groups of the prevention of public nuisance.
2. Ten Em Bee (“Respondent”), as respondents to the application for review, submitted written representations to the application as well as letters in support of the Premises from 6 local residents together with a petition in support of the Premises maintaining their Club Premises Certificate also signed by a number of local residents.
3. The Licensing Committee was held a hearing on 27 February 2024 to consider the application. One of the Applicants spoke to make submission in support of the application to review the Club Premises Certificate. A Trustee of the Respondent also spoke to address the Committee. The Licensing Authority also addressed the Committee.
4. In making its decision the Committee has considered all of the papers contained in the report pack together with the submissions and evidence presented by all parties at the hearing. The committee has also considered the Council’s own Statement of Licensing Policy and the Home Office’s Statutory Guidance.
5. The Committee’s decision is to take no further steps. Its reasons are as follows:
a. The Committee heard evidence from both the Applicant and Respondent that the changes made at the Premises in recent months had resulted in a significant improvement in the noise levels such that there had been no issues in 2024.
b. A series of improvements and changes have been made by the Respondent to address the concerns raised by the Applicants including: no longer applying for Temporary Event Notices for private hire events; limiting the hire of the Premises to members/guests; any external music supplier routes their systems through the Premises sound limiter; reducing the sound limiter level; ensuring windows and doors are closed (saving ingress and egress; restricting access via the front door; displaying signs asking patrons to leave quietly; and providing the Applicant with a direct contact number for the Premises (via the Council).
c. The Committee heard evidence from the Licensing Authority that the Respondent had fully engaged with their investigation of the noise complaints raised by the Applicants. The Respondent had willingly agreed to take steps to mitigate any public nuisance caused by the operation of the Premises. The evidence from the Licensing Authority and supported by both the Applicants and Respondent demonstrated that the changes that had been made had resulted in improvements to the extent that no reports had been made to the Council in 2024.
d. Section 9.9 of Lewisham’s Statement of Licensing Policy sets out the clear intention of the Council together with the Police and other relevant enforcement agencies to work together with responsible licence holders and for licence holders to work with the Council in acting responsibly. The Committee was satisfied that the Respondent had demonstrated ... view the full decision text for item 3. Minutes: 3.1 The Chair welcomed all parties to the Licensing Committee. She introduced those present and outlined the procedure to be followed for the meeting. She then invited the Safer Communities Senior Officer to introduce the application.
3.2 Ms Mullin said that this hearing was being held to determine a review application made by two members of the public in relation to Ten-Em Bee Sports Development Centre The Pavilion 120A Old Bromley Road BR1 4JY. The application was received on 5 January 2024 and served as per requirements. The last date for receiving representations was 2 February 2024 and during this consultation period, 5 representations and one petition were received in support of the Ten Em Bee club. No objections were received from local residents or any responsible authority. The club had submitted documents to the review and were included in the agenda. The Safer Communities Officer in the licensing team had also submitted a report.
3.3 Ms Mullin then outlined the options available to members when making their decision.
Applicant 3.4 Mr Stewart said he was addressing the Committee on behalf of residents in Meadowside Court. He wished to make clear that they valued Ten Em Bee in the community and did not wish to impede the valued service they provided in Downham. The noise nuisance had improved, and he thanked Ten Em Bee and licensing officers for their co-operation. However, before the review application, residents had been suffering from noise nuisance and had not been able to sleep until the noise ceased after midnight. The impact on their wellbeing had been too great to ignore.
3.5 Mr Stewart proposed two positive steps forward. Dialogue was the first; residents would be willing to engage directly with Ten Em Bee. Secondly, residents were willing to consider a mutual agreement and he suggested that events should end at 11pm as recommended in the Council’s licensing policy. Many successful events were held at the premises including on New Year’s Eve; residents did not want to impede these special events. He made suggestions about how noise nuisance could be reduced. He looked forward to finding a solution for all parties which enabled them to thrive together in this location.
3.6 Councillor Howard said that the relationship between the parties had improved, and she asked the objector what he hoped to achieve from this review. The objector said that there had not been any objections since the application to review the licence was made in January 2024 and the work that had been done was appreciated. Residents wanted more dialogue or adjustment to the licence and the hope that good relations would continue. Some physical adjustments could be made to the building in an effort to reduce noise nuisance. The side door caused most of the noise nuisance for local residents.
3.7 Councillor Brown asked whether there had been changes to the times of the events. The objector advised that the nature of the events had changed, and they did not end so ... view the full minutes text for item 3. |
Silks 177-181 Rushey Green SE6 4BD Additional documents:
Decision: This application was withdrawn.
Minutes: This application was withdrawn.