Council meetings

Agenda and minutes

Venue: Committee Room 3 Civic Suite, London SE6 4RU

Contact: Clare Weaser 

No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 25 KB



RESOLVED     that the minutes of the meeting of the Health and Safety Committee, which was open to the press and public, held on 5 November 2018 be confirmed and signed.





Declaration of interests pdf icon PDF 208 KB




Corporate Health and Safety Team Update pdf icon PDF 558 KB



Corporate Health and Safety Team Update
























































































































































































Mr Austin referred to the figures in the table at paragraph 5.2 in the report. He said that was a variation of -9% over the year on a rolling basis and would continue to be kept under review through directorate discussions and at the corporate Health and Safety Board. There were no particular concerns at the last board meeting but officers continue to ensure that under reporting is monitored and that officers are aware of any H and S incidents.


Mr Austin said that two issues were considered with regard to non-employee matters; schools and community services buildings. Mr Rizzo was in attendance and would discuss how community leisure centres and library contracts are managed and those health and safety risks. There was also discussion about management at non-Lewisham schools and concerns that unions have about staffing levels where T A’s, who are not qualified teachers, are teaching classes  CYP officers were present and will address this issue.


Councillor Kelleher said that she had raised concerns, at the last meeting of this Committee, regarding how officers can ensure that there is a good relationship between Lewisham and academised schools and how H & S issues could be reported to Lewisham. Mr Austin said that Health and Safety is the responsibility of the employer and Lewisham cannot intervene unless there is an on-going relationship with the school and Lewisham owns the building for example. All school buildings were transferred to academies in Lewisham so there is no direct connection. Monitoring can be done informally through the schools network or for more important issues, Lewisham could review H and S issues referred to the Health and Safety Executive by academies.


Mr Cummins found this frustrating because he has been a member of CYP H & S for four years. During this time the responses from schools has changed and he is finding it increasingly difficult to obtain information. He declared an interest as a parent of a child who was, until recently, at an academy school in the borough. He wanted to know who was taking responsibility for children’s welfare and their health and safety whilst they are at school and questioned accountability within the context of academy schools..


Mr Cummins said that he had met with Mr Henaughan to discuss the issue of Health and Safety in schools and he has undertaken to do certain tasks and he said that it will be interesting to discover the outcomes of these tasks. Councillor Best said that her understanding is that governors are responsible for schools. Ms Der Man acknowledged what had been said.  She suggested that particular concerns raised regarding specific schools may only be merely noted here given the limited terms of reference of this committee; but a note of this may also be forwarded across to the schools concerned and the appropriate Executive Director too for  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.