Henaughan said that the health and safety statistics outlined in
the report are for a 12 month rolling period between July 2016/17
through to June 2017/18. He then drew members’ attention to
paragraph 5.3 and three month reporting for the more serious
incidents reported between April and June 2018.
Cummins referred to paragraph 2.3 where it states that health and
safety incidents are reported on a rolling year basis to June 2018.
Mr Henaughan said that this is a mistake and clarified that the
report refers to the period between July 2017 – June 2018,
against where it has comparisons with the data from July 2016 to
July 2017.
Councillor Gallagher referred to Appendix A. She said that the
number of assaults by a pupil/ client on an employee has increased
significantly. She asked for more information on this. Ms Aciro
said that recently H & S staff contacted passenger services who
deliver door to door services for vulnerable adults and children.
The H & S team noticed that there had been under-reporting in
this area and raised awareness of the data required and how
incidents should be reported on the system. It was noted that
incidents had been written in a book by the driver, but these were
not always recorded onto the system. The number of cases have not
increased, staff are now aware of how incidents should be uploaded
and recorded correctly. Mr Henaughan said that the figures
submitted to the next meeting of this Committee should give clearer
comparison figures.
Cummins said that over the last 12 months, there has been a change
to employment practices in the door to door service team. The
Council had taken the decision to contract out the attendants
services to a third party organisation, and they were reporting to
their own employer. The unions
believe that there were untrained people on the bus and they were a
hazard to the passengers they were carrying. The Council has now
finished that contract and staff are now better placed to
understand Lewisham’s reporting systems. The unions have an
ongoing dialogue with social services regarding who is responsible
for risk assessment for the buses, because three potential groups
are involved; there has not been any progress in these discussions.
The unions consider that Social Services are responsible for the
assessment because they put the passengers on to the
Councillor Bernards referred to page 11 in the agenda. He said
that some entries appear to be missing in CYP non-schools. . Ms
Aciro said that the decline in reporting in CYP non schools could be due to change in service
delivery, youth services were huge reporters but they are no longer
part of the Council as services have been outsourced by Youth
First. Mr Henaughan said that they are their own entity and in
terms of reporting this has an impact on Lewisham’s
Aciro said that at ...
view the full minutes text for item 4.