Contact: Kevin Flaherty 0208 3149327
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Declaration of Interests Decision: None. Minutes: None were made. |
Additional documents: Decision: Approved. Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on April 18 2018 be confirmed and signed as a correct record. |
Outstanding Scrutiny Matters Decision: Noted. Minutes: The Mayor explained that the new administration needed further time in regard to the majority of the outstanding items in order to be able to present nuanced responses to the various Select Committees.
RESOLVED that the report be noted. |
Community Infrastructure Levy Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule Additional documents:
Decision: Having considered an officer report and a presentation by the Mayor, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that:
(1) The Mayor (to the extent that it is an executive function) should approve the PDCS for public consultation and recommend that the Council do the same.
(2) the Draft CIL Infrastructure Delivery Schedule, CIL Viability Review Report, Affordable Housing Delivery and Planning Obligations Report and Equalities Analysis Assessment be noted;
(3) authority be delegated to the Executive Director, Resources and Regeneration to:
Approve any minor changes to the text and format of the PDCS and supporting documents prior to consultation; Approve minor modifications to the PDCS and supporting documents following public consultation; Where no material modifications are required to the proposed Charging Schedule following the consultation on the PDCS, approve the undertaking of a subsequent consultation on a DCS; Where no material modifications are required following the consultation on the DCS, to approve the submission of the Council’s proposed Charging Schedule and associated evidence base for public examination; and recommend that Council do the same.
(4) if material modifications to the Charging Schedule following consultation on the PDCS are required, approval to undertake a subsequent consultation be referred back to the Mayor and Cabinet and Council; and
(5) the adoption of an updated Community Infrastructure Levy Instalments Policy be approved and Council be recommended to do the same. Minutes: The Mayor introduced the report and explained the imposition of higher charges on private developers would help fund needed associated community developments.
The Mayor noted the Head of Planning was about to embark on maternity leave and he wished her well for the future.
Having considered an officer report and a presentation by the Mayor, the Mayor and Cabinet, for the reasons set out in the report, unanimously:
(1) The Mayor (to the extent that it is an executive function) should approve the PDCS for public consultation and recommend that the Council do the same.
(2) the Draft CIL Infrastructure Delivery Schedule, CIL Viability Review Report, Affordable Housing Delivery and Planning Obligations Report and Equalities Analysis Assessment be noted;
(3) authority be delegated to the Executive Director, Resources and Regeneration to:
Approve any minor changes to the text and format of the PDCS and supporting documents prior to consultation; Approve minor modifications to the PDCS and supporting documents following public consultation; Where no material modifications are required to the proposed Charging Schedule following the consultation on the PDCS, approve the undertaking of a subsequent consultation on a DCS; Where no material modifications are required following the consultation on the DCS, to approve the submission of the Council’s proposed Charging Schedule and associated evidence base for public examination; and recommend that Council do the same.
(4) if material modifications to the Charging Schedule following consultation on the PDCS are required, approval to undertake a subsequent consultation be referred back to the Mayor and Cabinet and Council; and
(5) the adoption of an updated Community Infrastructure Levy Instalments Policy be approved and Council be recommended to do the same. |
Memorandum of Understanding with Veolia to develop a Lewisham heat network Additional documents:
Decision: Having considered an officer report and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for the Community Sector, Councillor Jonathan Slater, the Mayor agreed that:
(1) the Memorandum of Understanding with Veolia to support the development of a Lewisham strategic heat network be approved; and
(2) the approach proposed by officers to develop a detailed business case for the Council’s involvement in a strategic heat network and specifically the terms under which the Council will bid for funding under the Government’s Heat Network Investment Project be approved. Minutes: Having considered an officer report and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for the Community Sector, Councillor Jonathan Slater, the Mayor and Cabinet, for the reasons set out in the report unanimously:
(1) the Memorandum of Understanding with Veolia to support the development of a Lewisham strategic heat network be approved; and
(2) the approach proposed by officers to develop a detailed business case for the Council’s involvement in a strategic heat network and specifically the terms under which the Council will bid for funding under the Government’s Heat Network Investment Project be approved. |
Torridon Instrument of Goverment Additional documents: Decision: Having considered an officer report and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for School Performance, Councillor Chris Barnham, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that the Instrument of Government for Torridon Primary School be made by Local Authority order dated 1 September 2018. Minutes: The Cabinet Member for School Performance introduced the report and drew the attention of Cabinet Members to tabled revised equalities implications.
Having considered an officer report and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for School Performance, Councillor Chris Barnham, the Mayor and Cabinet, for the reasons set out in the report unanimously:
RESOLVED that the Instrument of Government for Torridon Primary School be made by Local Authority order dated 1 September 2018. |
Local Authority Governors Additional documents: Decision: Having considered an officer report and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for School Performance, Councillor Chris Barnham, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that the persons set out below be nominated as local authority governors
Minutes: The Cabinet Member for School Performance introduced the report and again drew the attention of Cabinet Members to tabled revised equalities implications. He added that the revised text reflected a Labour Party manifesto commitment to ensure that as far as possible governing bodies reflected the make up of the borough’s population. He said he expected to see a report in the autumn on the current make up of governing bodies and to consider options to make progress towards achieving the manifesto commitment.
Having considered an officer report and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for School Performance, Councillor Chris Barnham, the Mayor and Cabinet unanimously:
RESOLVED that the persons set out below be nominated as local authority governors
Response to HCSC Review on Social Prescribing Additional documents: Decision: Having considered an officer report and a presentation by the Deputy Mayor, Councillor Chris Best and representations from the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Healthier Communities Select Committee, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that
(1) the response (paragraphs 9 to 17) be sent to Healthier Communities Select Committee in answer to their recommendations; and
(2) the next steps for the development of social prescribing in Lewisham to be taken forward by Health and Care Partners be noted. Minutes: The Mayor and Cabinet received the initial views on the proposed response of the Chair and Vice-Chair designate of the Healthier Communities Select Committee, Councillors John Muldoon and Coral Howard.
Having considered an officer report and a presentation by the Deputy Mayor, Councillor Chris Best and representations from the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Healthier Communities Select Committee, the Mayor and Cabinet unanimously:
(1) the response (paragraphs 9 to 17) be sent to Healthier Communities Select Committee in answer to their recommendations; and
(2) the next steps for the development of social prescribing in Lewisham to be taken forward by Health and Care Partners be noted. |
OSC Response to Building Regs and Dame Hackitt Report MC060618 Additional documents: Decision: Having considered an officer report and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for Housing, Councillor Paul Bell, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that the proposed responses laid out be approved and reported in answer to the queries raised by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee. Minutes: Having considered an officer report and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for Housing, Councillor Paul Bell, the Mayor and Cabinet unanimously:
RESOLVED that the proposed responses laid out be approved and reported in answer to the queries raised by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee. |
Comments of Sustainable Development Select Committee on Lewishams vision for rail Decision: Having considered an officer report, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that the Committee’s comments as set out be noted and the Cabinet Member for Parks, Neighbourhood & Transport in association with the Executive Director for Resources and Regeneration be asked to provide a response. Minutes: Having considered an officer report, the Mayor and Cabinet unanimously:
RESOLVED that the Committee’s comments as set out be received with thanks and the Cabinet Member for Parks, Neighbourhood & Transport in association with the Executive Director for Resources and Regeneration be asked to provide a response. |
Comments of Sustainable Development Select Committee on work and skills Decision: Having considered an officer report, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that the Committee’s comments as set out be noted and the Cabinet Member for Finance, Jobs & Skills in association with Executive Director for Resources and Regeneration be asked to provide a response. Minutes: Having considered an officer report, the Mayor and Cabinet unanimously:
RESOLVED that the Committee’s comments as set out be received with thanks and the Cabinet Member for Finance, Jobs & Skills in association with Executive Director for Resources and Regeneration be asked to provide a response. |
Comments of Sustainable Development Select Committee on home energy conservation Decision: Having considered an officer report, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that the Committee’s comments as set out be noted and the Cabinet Member for Community Sector in association with Executive Director for Resources and Regeneration be asked to provide a response. Minutes: Having considered an officer report, the Mayor and Cabinet unanimously:
RESOLVED that the Committee’s comments as set out be received with thanks and the Cabinet Member for Community Sector in association with Executive Director for Resources and Regeneration be asked to provide a response. |
Exclusion of Press and Public Decision: Agreed. Minutes: RESOLVED that in accordance with Regulation 4(2)(b) of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information)(England) Regulations 2012 and under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3, of Part 1 of Schedule 12(A) of the Act, and the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information
14. Award of Contract Inpatient Detoxification Service (Adults)
15. One Oracle Data Archiving |
Award of Contract Inpatient Detoxification Service (Adults)
Decision: Having considered a confidential officer report and a presentation by the Deputy Mayor, Councillor Chris Best, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that the contracts for Drug and Alcohol Services be awarded to Cranstoun Drug Services and Equinox Brook Drive for a period of 3 years, with an option for the council to extend the contract for a further 2 years, with an annual stated maximum combined value. Minutes: Having considered a confidential officer report and a presentation by the Deputy Mayor, Councillor Chris Best, the Mayor and Cabinet unanimously
RESOLVED that the contracts for Drug and Alcohol Services be awarded to Cranstoun Drug Services and Equinox Brook Drive for a period of 3 years, with an option for the council to extend the contract for a further 2 years, with an annual stated maximum combined value. |
One Oracle Data Archiving
Decision: Having considered a confidential officer report and a presentation by the non voting jobshare Cabinet Member for Finance, Skills and Jobs, Councillor Amanda De Ryk, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that the award of contract for One Oracle Data Archiving to Capgemini as a single source under paragraph 18 of the Contract Procedure Rules in the Council’s Constitution, be approved for a period of eight years at a stated total contract value for Lewisham and upon the terms detailed in the report and appended strategy document with the contract commencing on 19 July 2018, upon the existing contractual arrangement with Capgemini coming to an end. Minutes: Having considered a confidential officer report and a presentation by the non voting job share Cabinet Member for Finance, Skills and Jobs, Councillor Amanda De Ryk, the Mayor and Cabinet unanimously:
RESOLVED that the award of contract for One Oracle Data Archiving to Capgemini as a single source under paragraph 18 of the Contract Procedure Rules in the Council’s Constitution, be approved for a period of eight years at a stated total contract value for Lewisham and upon the terms detailed in the report and appended strategy document with the contract commencing on 19 July 2018, upon the existing contractual arrangement with Capgemini coming to an end.
The meeting closed at 6.32pm. |