Contact: Kevin Flaherty 0208 3149327
No. | Item | ||||||||||||
Declaration of Interests Decision: None made. Minutes: None were made. |
Additional documents: Decision: Approved. Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on October 19 2016 be confirmed and signed as a correct record. |
Matters Raised by Scrutiny and other Constitutional Bodies Decision: None. Minutes: None were raised. |
London Living Wage accreditation discount review Additional documents: Decision: Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for Policy & Performance, Councillor Joe Dromey, the Mayor agreed that
(1) a one off discount in NNDR based on the cost of accreditation be offered again in 2017/18 to businesses that become accredited by the Living Wage Foundation during 2017/18 and who meet the criteria set out in appendix 1 . (2) the discount be offered on a first come first served basis until the Council’s overall contribution equals £20,000 within the 2016 -2018 financial years and once the Council’s £20,000 contribution has been reached to offer no further discounts; and
(3) the scheme be reviewed in 2017/18 to determine whether it should be offered in future years.
Minutes: Councillor Joe Dromey introduced the report which reviewed the scheme after being in operation for one year. In answer to a question from Councillor Millbank about the number of employers with more than 50 employees who had been approached to take part, Councillor Dromey stated 52 such businesses had been contacted but that approaches had not been made to organisations which did not have local discretion over pay rates.
Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for Policy & Performance, Councillor Joe Dromey, the Mayor, for the reasons set out in the report:
(1) a one off discount in NNDR based on the cost of accreditation be offered again in 2017/18 to businesses that become accredited by the Living Wage Foundation during 2017/18 and who meet the criteria set out in appendix 1 . (2) the discount be offered on a first come first served basis until the Council’s overall contribution equals £20,000 within the 2016 -2018 financial years and once the Council’s £20,000 contribution has been reached to offer no further discounts; and
(3) the scheme be reviewed in 2017/18 to determine whether it should be offered in future years. |
Catford Regeneration Programme Update Additional documents: Decision: Having considered an amended officer report and a presentation by the Deputy Mayor, Councillor Alan Smith, the Mayor agreed that:
(i) the recommended masterplanning approach for progressing the Catford Regeneration Programme be approved; and
(ii) the programme for delivering the proposed approach be approved. Minutes: The Executive Director for Regeneration and Resources’s representative tabled an updated report which amended paragraphs 1.1 and 5.1.3.
Having considered an amended officer report and a presentation by the Deputy Mayor, Councillor Alan Smith, the Mayor for the reasons set out in the report:
(i) the recommended masterplanning approach for progressing the Catford Regeneration Programme be approved; and
(ii) the programme for delivering the proposed approach be approved. |
Deptford Reach development Additional documents: Decision: Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for Housing, Councillor Damien Egan, the Mayor agreed that:
(1) Having considered the relevant benefits and risks associated with the funding of the Deptford Reach development project, the Council increases the grant funding for the development, from £924,000 to £1,500,000 using S106 funding; and
(2) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Resources and Regeneration, in consultation with the Executive Director for Customer Services and Head of Law, to finalise the terms of the grant agreement with Deptford Reach for the S106 funding. Minutes: Councillor Joan Millbank requested that imprecise references to ‘grant funding’ should be replaced by a more accurate term such as ‘allocation’ in order to avoid confusion.
Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for Housing, Councillor Damien Egan, the Mayor, for the reasons set out in the report:
(1) Having considered the relevant benefits and risks associated with the funding of the Deptford Reach development project, the Council increases the grant funding for the development, from £924,000 to £1,500,000 using S106 funding; and
(2) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Resources and Regeneration, in consultation with the Executive Director for Customer Services and Head of Law, to finalise the terms of the grant agreement with Deptford Reach for the S106 funding. |
Annual Complaints Report Additional documents: Decision: Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for Policy & Performance, Councillor Joe Dromey, the Mayor agreed that the report be noted. Minutes: The report was introduced by Councillor Joe Dromey who noted there had been a 17% reduction in complaints.
Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for Policy & Performance, Councillor Joe Dromey, the Mayor,
RESOLVED that the report be noted. |
Licensed Deficits Forest Hill and Prendergast Additional documents: Decision: Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for Children & Young People, Councillor Paul Maslin, the Mayor agreed that
(1) Prendergast Ladywell School budget plan be approved and a loan of £558k be made to cover the school’s budget shortfall in the first year of the recovery plan
(2) Forest Hill School’s budget plan be approved and a loan of £879k be made to cover the school’s budget shortfall in the first year of the recovery plan;
(3) in accordance with the Scheme of Delegation and loan agreement both schools pay back the loan over a five year period;
(4) authority be delegated to the Executive for Resources and Regeneration in consultation with the Executive Director for Children’s Services and the Head of Law to agree the terms of the Loan Agreements.
Minutes: Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for Children & Young People, Councillor Paul Maslin, the Mayor, for the reasons set out in the report:
(1) Prendergast Ladywell School budget plan be approved and a loan of £558k be made to cover the school’s budget shortfall in the first year of the recovery plan
(2) Forest Hill School’s budget plan be approved and a loan of £879k be made to cover the school’s budget shortfall in the first year of the recovery plan;
(3) in accordance with the Scheme of Delegation and loan agreement both schools pay back the loan over a five year period;
(4) authority be delegated to the Executive for Resources and Regeneration in consultation with the Executive Director for Children’s Services and the Head of Law to agree the terms of the Loan Agreements. |
Lewisham Homes Business Plan.doc Additional documents:
Decision: Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for Housing, Councillor Damien Egan, the Mayor agreed that
(1) the performance of Lewisham Homes against its targets, as set out in Be noted along with the Action Plan outlining how Lewisham Homes plans to continue to improve performance and resident satisfaction; and
(2) the Business and Delivery Plan for 2016-19 be approved. Minutes: Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for Housing, Councillor Damien Egan, the Mayor, for the reasons set out in the report:
(1) the performance of Lewisham Homes against its targets, as set out in Be noted along with the Action Plan outlining how Lewisham Homes plans to continue to improve performance and resident satisfaction; and
(2) the Business and Delivery Plan for 2016-19 be approved. |
Private Rented Sector Additional Licensing Scheme Additional documents: Decision: Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for Housing, Councillor Damien Egan, the Mayor agreed that
(1) the designation of an additional licensing scheme for Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) so as to include those which are above commercial premises in the whole of the Council’s area using the power set out in Section 56 (1) of the Housing Act 2004 be confirmed;
(2) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Customer Services to publish the 3 month Statutory Notices for the scheme as part of the statutory implementation demands;
(3) the Executive Director for Customer Services, with the relevant portfolio holder, be authorised to review the scheme, its implementation and resourcing and make amendments as necessary so as to ensure the principles of the scheme are achieved.
(4) the change in fine levels applicable to the scheme be noted. Minutes: Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for Housing, Councillor Damien Egan, the Mayor, for the reasons set out in the report:
(1) the designation of an additional licensing scheme for Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) so as to include those which are above commercial premises in the whole of the Council’s area using the power set out in Section 56 (1) of the Housing Act 2004 be confirmed;
(2) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Customer Services to publish the 3 month Statutory Notices for the scheme as part of the statutory implementation demands;
(3) the Executive Director for Customer Services, with the relevant portfolio holder, be authorised to review the scheme, its implementation and resourcing and make amendments as necessary so as to ensure the principles of the scheme are achieved.
(4) the change in fine levels applicable to the scheme be noted. |
Local Authority Governor Nominations Additional documents: Decision: Having considered an officer report, and a formal presentation by the Cabinet Member for Children & Young People, Councillor Paul Maslin, the Mayor agreed that the following persons be nominated as local authority governors for the schools indicated:
Janet Willis All Saints’ Church of England Primary Michelle Fenniche New Woodlands Rhian Douglas Rathfern Primary Mel Church Sandhurst Infants and Nursery Jane Clark St Margaret’s Lee Church of England Primary Roger Lewis St Michael’s Church of England Primary Minutes: Having considered an officer report, and a formal presentation by the Cabinet Member for Children & Young People, Councillor Paul Maslin, the Mayor,
RESOLVED that the following persons be nominated as local authority governors for the schools indicated:
Referral from CYP SC on response to Review into Careers Information, Advice and Guidance Decision: Having considered the Select Committee’s report, the Mayor agreed that the views of the Select Committee as set out be received the Executive Director for Children and Young People be asked to prepare a response for Mayoral consideration. Minutes: Having considered the Select Committee’s report, the Mayor,
RESOLVED that the views of the Select Committee as set out be received and the Executive Director for Children and Young People be asked to prepare a response for Mayoral consideration. |
Housing SC and SDSC Referral on Housing Zones Decision: Having considered the joint Select Committee’s report, the Mayor agreed that the views of the Select Committees as set out be received the Executive Director for Resources and Regeneration be asked to prepare a response for Mayoral consideration. Minutes: Having considered the joint Select Committees report, the Mayor:
RESOLVED that the views of the Select Committees as set out be received the Executive Director for Resources and Regeneration be asked to prepare a response for Mayoral consideration. |
Copperas Street Disposal Part 1 Additional documents:
Decision: Having considered an open and a confidential officer report and a presentation by the Deputy Mayor, Councillor Alan Smith, the Mayor agreed that:
(1) authority be granted to dispose of the Copperas St site to Kitewood Creekside Limited on the terms set out; and
(2) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Resources & Regeneration, in consultation with the Head of Law, to finalise the terms of the legal documentation for the disposal with Kitewood Creekside Limited (or any of their group companies). Minutes: In considering the options the Mayor observed that the Essential Living submission had considerable merit but that only acceptance of the Kitewood proposal would allow the Council to honour long standing commitments made to the Trinity Laban centre.
Having considered an open and a confidential officer report and a presentation by the Deputy Mayor, Councillor Alan Smith, the Mayor, for the reasons set out in the report:
(1) authority be granted to dispose of the Copperas St site to Kitewood Creekside Limited on the terms set out; and
(2) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Resources & Regeneration, in consultation with the Head of Law, to finalise the terms of the legal documentation for the disposal with Kitewood Creekside Limited (or any of their group companies). |
Exclusion of Press and Public Decision: Approved. Minutes: RESOLVED that in accordance with Regulation 4(2)(b) of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information)(England) Regulations 2012 and under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs [3, 4 and 5] of Part 1 of Schedule 12(A) of the Act, and the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.
16. Disposal of Copperas Street Depot Part 2 |
Copperas Street Disposal Part 2
Decision: As shown in the Part 1 decision. Minutes: This report was considered in conjunction with the open report on the same item.
The meeting closed at 6.44pm |