Contact: Emma Aye-Kumi
No. | Item |
Additional documents: Decision: The Minutes of the last meeting were declared as an accurate record. Minutes: The Minutes of the last meeting on 5 October 2022 were agreed as an accurate record. |
Declaration of Interests PDF 116 KB Decision: No interests were declared. Minutes: No interests were declared. |
Matters Raised by Scrutiny and other Constitutional Bodies Decision: There were no matters raised by Scrutiny and other Constitutional Bodies. Minutes: There were no matters raised. |
Oak Hill Nursery expansion of Commercial Lease into Designated Children Centre PDF 66 KB Additional documents: Decision: It was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to:
1. Approve the application for de-classification of the vacant space as a designated Children Centre 2. Approve the expansion of the commercial lease of Oak Hill Nursery to cover the whole site
Minutes: The Mayor and Cabinet considered an open officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Community Safety, Councillor Barnham.
It was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to: 1. Approve the application for de-classification of the vacant space as a designated Children Centre. 2. Approve the expansion of the commercial lease of Oak Hill Nursery to cover the whole site. |
Award of Contract (Stop Smoking Service) PART 1 PDF 67 KB Additional documents: Decision: It was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to appoint Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust to deliver the Stop Smoking Contract. The contract will be for an initial period of 3 years commencing on January 2023 with an option to extend for a further 1+ 1 years. Minutes: Having considered an open and a confidential officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for Communities, Refugees and Well-Being It was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to appoint Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust to deliver the Stop Smoking Contract. The contract will be for an initial period of 3 years commencing on January 2023 with an option to extend for a further 1+ 1 years. |
Additional documents: Decision: It was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to approve a contract variation for the current financial year (2022/2023) which includes additional Council investment of £300,000 and award LGT the contract from April 1st 2023 to 31st March 2029. Minutes: Having considered an open and a confidential officer report, and a presentation on behalf of Health and Adult Social Care, Councillor Bell, it was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to approve a contract variation for the current financial year (2022/2023) which includes additional Council investment of £300,000 and award LGT the contract from April 1st 2023 to 31st March 2029. |
Service Charge Policy PDF 211 KB Additional documents:
Decision: It was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED that Mayor and Cabinet approve the policy outlined in the report. Minutes: Councillor Sophie Davis, Cabinet Member for Housing Management and Homelessness present the open report. It was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED that Mayor and Cabinet approve the policy outlined in the report. |
Management of Parks and Open Spaces PDF 385 KB Additional documents:
Decision: It was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED that the Mayor and Cabinet agree:
1. that due to the financial situation facing the Council that the authority should remain with an current model of delivery for the foreseeable future 2. that the current contract is extended by a further 14 months to 31 December 2024 and delegate the contractual details to the Executive Director of Community Services, in consultation with the Director of Law, Governance & Elections, within agreed budgets Minutes: Having considered an open and a confidential officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for Environment and Climate Action, it was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED that the Mayor and Cabinet agree:
1. That due to the financial situation facing the Council that the authority should remain with a current model of delivery for the foreseeable future; and
2. That the current contract is extended by a further 14 months to 31 December 2024 and delegate the contractual details to the Executive Director of Community Services, in consultation with the Director of Law, Governance & Elections, within agreed budgets |
Consultation on a borough-wide Public Space Protection Order PDF 148 KB Additional documents:
Decision: It was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED that Mayor and Cabinet agree to a public consultation to seek views on whether the Council should introduce a new PSPO across the borough for three years from the date of commencement.
Minutes: The Mayor and Cabinet considered an open officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Community Safety, Councillor Barnham. This item (Item 9 on the published agenda) was taken and considered first.
It was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED that Mayor and Cabinet agree to a public consultation to seek views on whether the Council should introduce a new PSPO across the borough for three years from the date of commencement. |
Highways and Traffic Works Partnering Contract PART 1 PDF 209 KB Additional documents: Decision: It was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to award a contract to the following provider as set out below to deliver the Highways and Traffic Work Partnering Contract: · FM Conway The contract will be for eight years with a potential extension of two years, commencing April 2023, up to a predicted contract value of £6.2m per annum Minutes: Having considered an open and a confidential officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for Environment and Climate Action, it was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to award a contract to the following provider as set out below to deliver the Highways and Traffic Work Partnering Contract:
· FM Conway
The contract will be for eight years with a potential extension of two years, commencing April 2023, up to a predicted contract value of £6.2m per annum |
Launch of Lewisham Climate Action Bond PDF 194 KB Additional documents: Decision: It was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to
Minutes: The Mayor and Cabinet considered an open officer report and a presentation by Councillor Amanda de Ryk, Cabinet Member for Finance and Strategy. It was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to: 1. Sign the Green Finance Institute’s “Local Climate Bond Pledge”; 2. Subject to Full Council approval of the Treasury Management Strategy at its meeting on 23 November 2022, agree the launch of the Lewisham Climate Action Bond; 3. Delegate to the Executive Director for Corporate Resources the appointment of a Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) regulated loan counterparty and platform provider to launch the Bond; 4. To note the plan to launch an initial Climate Action Bond for £1m with a 5 year maturity at a rate which will match or undercut PWLB borrowing rates, and delegate to the Executive Director for Corporate Resources to agree the final terms of the bond including value, maturity and rate; and 5. To note the plan to use the proceeds to part fund a package of approved programmes that contribute to a net reduction in carbon emissions in the Borough and delegate to the Executive Director for Corporate Resources, in consultation with the Executive Director for Housing, Regeneration and Public Realm, to amend the schedule of projects if required. |
The Corporate Strategy (2022-2026) of Lewisham Council PDF 64 KB Additional documents:
Decision: It was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to
1. Approve the Corporate Strategy 2022-26 and note that this replaces the 2018-2022 Corporate Strategy 2. Recommend the Corporate Strategy 2022-26 to Council for adoption. 3. Agree to delegate any further updates and amendments to the Corporate Strategy to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Mayor.
Minutes: The Mayor and Cabinet considered an open officer report and a presentation by Councillor Amanda de Ryk, Cabinet Member for Finance and Strategy. It was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to:
Exclusion of the Press and Public PDF 26 KB Decision: There was no need to exclude the press and public since the Part 2 reports were considered in conjunction with the corresponding items in Part 1 of the agenda. Minutes: There was no need to exclude the press and public since the Part 2 reports were considered in conjunction with the corresponding items in Part 1 of the agenda. |
Contract Variation and Contract Award for Specialist Sexual and Reproductive Health Services PART 2 Decision: Considered in conjunction with Part 1 report. Minutes: Considered in conjunction with Part 1 report. |
Highways and Traffic Works Partnering Contract PART 2 Decision: Considered in conjunction with Part 1 report.
Minutes: Considered in conjunction with Part 1 report.
Award of Contract (Stop Smoking Service) PART 2 Decision: Considered in conjunction with Part 1 report.
Minutes: Considered in conjunction with Part 1 report.