Council meetings

Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Civic Suite

Contact: Email:  Head of Governance and Committee Services


No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 124 KB


Declarations of Interests pdf icon PDF 84 KB


Matters Raised by Scrutiny and other Constitutional Bodies pdf icon PDF 84 KB

1.     Report of the Improving Scrutiny Task and Finish Group

2.     Report of the Youth Provision Task and Finish Group

3.     Response to OSC on taking a trauma informed approach

Additional documents:



·         receive the two Task and Finish Group reports and ask the relevant officers to provide responses directly to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee

·         approve the response to the trauma informed approach report and refer it back to the Overview & Scrutiny Committee




The Deputy Mayor allowed Cllr Jackson 5 minutes to introduce and summarise the Improving Scrutiny Task and Finish Group report.

The Deputy Mayor welcomed the report and thanks Members and officers for their involvement.


Cllrs Atkinson and Schmidt introduced and summarised the Youth Provision Task and Finish Group report.


Cllr Barnham welcomed the report and reminded the Cabinet that the Youth Review would be considered at Mayor and Cabinet in October.


Cllr Huynh echoed his support for the report. He had previously chaired the TFG.  


The Deputy Mayor informed the Cabinet that she had had a productive meeting about play that morning, and encouraged the Cabinet to go along to Deptford High St, which would be a temporary a play street during the coming weekend. She said there would around 20 temporary play streets over the coming weekend, which had been organised by the community.



·         receive the two Task and Finish Group reports and ask the relevant officers to provide responses directly to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee

·         approve the response to the trauma informed approach report and refer it back to the Overview & Scrutiny Committee




Treasury Management Outturn and Mid-year review pdf icon PDF 113 KB

Additional documents:




1.            Approve and recommend that Council approves the Treasury Management Outturn report for 2023/24 and the prudential and treasury indicators.


2.            Approve and recommend that Council approves the Mid-year Treasury Management report 2024/25 including the prudential indicators, the revised Capital Programme 2024 - 28 and borrowing forecast in line with the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA).


Having considered an officer report, Cllr Krupski moved, Cllr Barnham seconded and it was RESOLVED to:


1.            Approve and recommend that Council approves the Treasury Management Outturn report for 2023/24 and the prudential and treasury indicators.


2.            Approve and recommend that Council approves the Mid-year Treasury Management report 2024/25 including the prudential indicators, the revised Capital Programme 2024 - 28 and borrowing forecast in line with the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA).


Sustainable Streets - existing CPZ reviews pdf icon PDF 76 KB

Additional documents:




                    Note the feedback of the Sustainable Streets existing CPZ reviews public consultations for Lewisham Central (Zone B), Rushey Green West (Zone E), Blackheath (Zone BHA), Deptford Central (Zone S), Deptford South (Zone DS), Elverson (Zone G) and Ladywell (Zone T).


                    Agree that the hours and days of operation of the Blackheath (Zone BHA), Rushey Green West (Zone E), Deptford Central (Zone S), Deptford South (Zone DS), Elverson (Zone G) and Ladywell (Zone T) remain the same.


                    Agree that the hours and days of operation be extended to 7pm Monday to Saturday for all of Lewisham Central (Zone B) and the zone be split, with the southern section also including operational hours of 9am to 1:30pm on Sundays.


                    Agree that footway parking be removed where there are opportunities to do so across all zones reviewed, and new street trees, electric vehicle charging points (EVCP) and cycle storage be implemented in roads where demand has been identified through the results of the consultation.


                    Agree that the double yellow line junction protection markings be extended where they do not currently ensure 10m clearance from the junctions.


                    Agree that all existing EVCPs have a designated electric vehicle only parking bay implemented adjacent to them.


                    Agree that amendments to the permanent traffic orders for the existing CPZs reviewed be published and that the statutory processes be conducted for the changes identified.


Having considered an officer report, Cllr Krupski moved, Cllr Huynh seconded and it was RESOLVED to


                    Note the feedback of the Sustainable Streets existing CPZ reviews public consultations for Lewisham Central (Zone B), Rushey Green West (Zone E), Blackheath (Zone BHA), Deptford Central (Zone S), Deptford South (Zone DS), Elverson (Zone G) and Ladywell (Zone T).


                    Agree that the hours and days of operation of the Blackheath (Zone BHA), Rushey Green West (Zone E), Deptford Central (Zone S), Deptford South (Zone DS), Elverson (Zone G) and Ladywell (Zone T) remain the same.


                    Agree that the hours and days of operation be extended to 7pm Monday to Saturday for all of Lewisham Central (Zone B) and the zone be split, with the southern section also including operational hours of 9am to 1:30pm on Sundays.


                    Agree that footway parking be removed where there are opportunities to do so across all zones reviewed, and new street trees, electric vehicle charging points (EVCP) and cycle storage be implemented in roads where demand has been identified through the results of the consultation.


                    Agree that the double yellow line junction protection markings be extended where they do not currently ensure 10m clearance from the junctions.


                    Agree that all existing EVCPs have a designated electric vehicle only parking bay implemented adjacent to them.


                    Agree that amendments to the permanent traffic orders for the existing CPZs reviewed be published and that the statutory processes be conducted for the changes identified.


Lewisham and Lee Green LTN monitoring update report pdf icon PDF 37 KB

Additional documents:




               To note the findings of the data monitoring that took place in May 2024;


               To note the delivery of further active travel measures within the LTN and surrounding areas;


               That this is the final monitoring assessment of the Lewisham and Lee Green LTN.


Cllr Krupski introduced the report and highlighted the key points. In particular, she noted that collisions had reduced by 19%.


Cllr Walsh recorded his thanks to the Deputy Mayor for her personal leadership on the LTN.


Cllr Barnham commented that he was particularly impressed by the percentage reduction in collisions, and that it would be helpful to see the numbers behind the statistics because the numbers tell the story of on less person injured or killed on the road.  


Moved by Cllr Krupski, Seconded by Cllr Cooper and RESOLVED


               To note the findings of the data monitoring that took place in May 2024;


               To note the delivery of further active travel measures within the LTN and surrounding areas;


               That this is the final monitoring assessment of the Lewisham and Lee Green LTN.


Civic Partnership Programme Riverdale Sculpture Park pdf icon PDF 90 KB

Additional documents:




               Enter into grant agreement with the Greater London Authority’s Civic Partnership Programme for a total of £2.486m capital works funding.


               Approve match funding of £1m as detailed in section 8 of this report.


               Use the GLA’s Architecture and Urbanism (A+U) framework and delegate appointment of a lead consultant to the Executive Director of Place. The recommended Framework Lot is Lot 4: Landscape, Green Infrastructure & Public Realm. The Supplier will act as the Design and Community Co-Design Lead to deliver the capital works project by March 2027, together with subconsultants with relevant technical expertise.


               Procure a capital works contractor through a competitive, open tender process, and delegate appointment of the Lead Contractor to the Executive Director of Place.


Having considered an officer report, it was moved by CLlr Krupski, seconded by Cllr Walsh and RESOLVED to


               Enter into grant agreement with the Greater London Authority’s Civic Partnership Programme for a total of £2.486m capital works funding.


               Approve match funding of £1m as detailed in section 8 of this report.


               Use the GLA’s Architecture and Urbanism (A+U) framework and delegate appointment of a lead consultant to the Executive Director of Place. The recommended Framework Lot is Lot 4: Landscape, Green Infrastructure & Public Realm. The Supplier will act as the Design and Community Co-Design Lead to deliver the capital works project by March 2027, together with subconsultants with relevant technical expertise.


               Procure a capital works contractor through a competitive, open tender process, and delegate appointment of the Lead Contractor to the Executive Director of Place.


Permission to extend Sexual Health London (SHL) for the delivery of online sexual and reproductive health services (e-service) for 2 years pdf icon PDF 102 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED to agree to extend the delivery of the online E-Service SRH services for 1 years commencing on 1st April 2025 at the maximum value of £1,200,000 for Lewisham’s contribution.


Having considered an officer report, Cllr Bell moved, Cllr Powell seconded and it was RESOLVED to agree to extend the delivery of the online E-Service SRH services for 1 years commencing on 1st April 2025 at the maximum value of £1,200,000 for Lewisham’s contribution.


Seeking permission to procure Healthwatch and Independent Heath Complaints Advocacy Services pdf icon PDF 104 KB

Additional documents:




            Procure Healthwatch and Independent Heath Complaints Advocacy Services as a single contract. The contract value will be £140,000 per annum, equating to £420,000 over 3 years, and £700,000 over 5 years if the option to extend is utilised.


            Approve the subsequent award of contract to the preferred service provider, provided the contract value is within £700,000 over 5 years.


            Delegate authority to the Executive Director of Adult Social Care and Health to select the preferred service provider (in consultation with Director of Law and Corporate Governance and Director of Adults Integrated Commissioning) in accordance with the selection and award criteria published in the tender documentation and agree final form of contract.


Having considered an officer report, Cllr Bell moved, Cllr Barnham seconded and it was RESOLVED to


            Procure Healthwatch and Independent Heath Complaints Advocacy Services as a single contract. The contract value will be £140,000 per annum, equating to £420,000 over 3 years, and £700,000 over 5 years if the option to extend is utilised.


            Approve the subsequent award of contract to the preferred service provider, provided the contract value is within £700,000 over 5 years.


            Delegate authority to the Executive Director of Adult Social Care and Health to select the preferred service provider (in consultation with Director of Law and Corporate Governance and Director of Adults Integrated Commissioning) in accordance with the selection and award criteria published in the tender documentation and agree final form of contract.


Asset Management Strategy pdf icon PDF 109 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED to adopt the Asset Management Strategy 2024-2034


Cllr Walsh introduce the report. He recorded his thanks for the lead officers that had been involved. The Deputy Mayor commended the work which she said was a pragmatic step towards achieving net zero.


Cllr Walsh moved, Cllr Powell seconded and it was RESOLVED to adopt the Asset Management Strategy 2024-2034


Community Asset Policy PART 1 pdf icon PDF 78 KB

Additional documents:




            Adopt the Community Asset Policy.


            Approve the grant of leases for seven community assets (as set out in this and Part 2 report) and delegate authority to the Executive Director for Place to approve the final lease terms.


            Approve officers to use an Expression of Interest process to identify suitable management organisations for three community assets (as set out in this report).


Having considered an open and closed officer report, Cllr Huynh moved, Cllr Walsh seconded and it was RESOLVED to


            Adopt the Community Asset Policy.


            Approve the grant of leases for seven community assets (as set out in this and Part 2 report) and delegate authority to the Executive Director for Place to approve the final lease terms.


            Approve officers to use an Expression of Interest process to identify suitable management organisations for three community assets (as set out in this report).


School Premises Officer Houses PART 1 DOTX 51 KB

Additional documents:




            Note the review of School Premises Officer Houses, including associated assessments and recommendations.


            Delegate authority to the Executive Director of Place, in consultation with the Executive Director of Children and Young People (CYP), to approve the future usage of five properties currently occupied by School Premises Officers.


            Approve the regularization of nine sites where educational use is so ingrained that no further development or disposal is possible, ensuring alignment with current school operations.


            Grant authority to the Executive Director of Place, in consultation with the Executive Director of CYP, to approve the future usage of two properties currently providing non-educational services.


            Approve maintaining the Temporary Accommodation (TA) status of five houses.


            Approve the conversion of three school premises officer houses to children’s residential homes.


            Declare two school premises officer houses (non-strategic assets) as surplus to requirements and authorize their disposal.


            Delegate authority to the Executive Director for Corporate Resources, in consultation with the Executive Director of Place, to agree on the terms of disposal for these two assets.


            Delegate authority to the Executive Director of Place, in consultation with the Executive Director of CYP, to authorise the future usage of five properties, once all outstanding issues are resolved. These properties are currently under review due to ongoing negotiations with schools and challenges in separating them from school sites without disrupting operations.


            Delegate authority to the Executive Director of Place, in consultation with the Executive Director of CYP to seek Secretary of State approvals where necessary.


Cllr Barnham declared a non-prejudicial interest in this item. He is the governor of one of the schools listed in the Part 2 report.


Having considered an open and closed officer report, Cllr Barnham moved, Cllr Walsh seconded and it was RESOLVED to



            Note the review of School Premises Officer Houses, including associated assessments and recommendations.


            Delegate authority to the Executive Director of Place, in consultation with the Executive Director of Children and Young People (CYP), to approve the future usage of five properties currently occupied by School Premises Officers.


            Approve the regularization of nine sites where educational use is so ingrained that no further development or disposal is possible, ensuring alignment with current school operations.


            Grant authority to the Executive Director of Place, in consultation with the Executive Director of CYP, to approve the future usage of two properties currently providing non-educational services.


            Approve maintaining the Temporary Accommodation (TA) status of five houses.


            Approve the conversion of three school premises officer houses to children’s residential homes.


            Declare two school premises officer houses (non-strategic assets) as surplus to requirements and authorize their disposal.


            Delegate authority to the Executive Director for Corporate Resources, in consultation with the Executive Director of Place, to agree on the terms of disposal for these two assets.


            Delegate authority to the Executive Director of Place, in consultation with the Executive Director of CYP, to authorise the future usage of five properties, once all outstanding issues are resolved. These properties are currently under review due to ongoing negotiations with schools and challenges in separating them from school sites without disrupting operations.


            Delegate authority to the Executive Director of Place, in consultation with the Executive Director of CYP to seek Secretary of State approvals where necessary.


Proposed Development of Lewisham Residential Children's homes' pdf icon PDF 743 KB




a)        Delegate authority to the Executive Director for Children and Young People (in consultation with the Executive Director for Place) to award the refurbishment contract for the three proposed residential homes following the procurement process.


b)        Commence the recruitment process for a Registered Manager to provide technical expertise to set up three children's homes and oversee the management of the three homes, submit a children's home registration application to Ofsted and draft policies and procedures required to run council owned childrens homes that meet regulatory requirements.


c)         Commence the recruitment process to appoint the staff team for the three homes.


d)        Add the refurbishment project for the three properties within the capital programme and the allocation of £307k of funding for this, funded by available capital receipts.


Having considered an open and closed officer report, Cllr Barnham moved, Cllr Cooper seconded and it was RESOLVED to


a)        Delegate authority to the Executive Director for Children and Young People (in consultation with the Executive Director for Place) to award the refurbishment contract for the three proposed residential homes following the procurement process.


b)        Commence the recruitment process for a Registered Manager to provide technical expertise to set up three children's homes and oversee the management of the three homes, submit a children's home registration application to Ofsted and draft policies and procedures required to run council owned childrens homes that meet regulatory requirements.


c)         Commence the recruitment process to appoint the staff team for the three homes.


d)        Add the refurbishment project for the three properties within the capital programme and the allocation of £307k of funding for this, funded by available capital receipts.


Building for Lewisham - Achilles Street PART 1 DOTX 85 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED to approve


A.    The revised redline for the Achilles Estate regeneration project.


B.    The submission of planning application for the scheme; noting that the scheme delivers the Landlord Offer and the positive feedback from estate residents.


And to note

C.   The updated financial model (part 2).


D.   The delivery timeline and grant conditions.


E.    That M&C approval of procurement approach will be sought in October 2024.


Having considered an open and closed officer report, Cllr Walsh moved, Cllr Powell seconded and it was RESOLVED to approve


A.    The revised redline for the Achilles Estate regeneration project.


B.    The submission of planning application for the scheme; noting that the scheme delivers the Landlord Offer and the positive feedback from estate residents.


And to note

C.   The updated financial model (part 2).


D.   The delivery timeline and grant conditions.


E.    That M&C approval of procurement approach will be sought in October 2024.


Cllr Bell paid tribute to the patience of residents in the ward who were waiting for this development to proceed.


Housing Ombudsman Service Complaint Handling Code Annual Submission pdf icon PDF 331 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED to note the contents and for the Member Responsible for Complaints to respond.




Having considered an officer report, Cllr Cooper moved, Cllr Walsh seconded and it was RESOLVED tonote the contents and for the Member Responsible for Complaints to respond.




Housing Acquisitions Programme Update - approval to proceed PART 1 pdf icon PDF 112 KB

Additional documents:




1.            Increase the Total Scheme Cost of the Programme up to £105m, up from £95.3m noting that borrowing will fall by £26.5m due to increases in external subsidy.


2.            Increase the Refurbishment contract component of the March 2023 M&C Report from £4.5m to £6.75m which reflects the higher refurbishment cost per unit of units acquired and approve any necessary contract variation.


3.            Continue the programme to acquire up to 300-unit programme, with reviews very 50 units to be approved by the Executive Directors for Place in Consultation with the Executive Directors of Corporate Resources and Housing and in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Place.


4.            To extend the programme from March 2026 to March 2027 to ensure the delivery of the full 300 units, if progressed.


5.            To increase the development allowance from to 2.5% to 3.5% to reflect that the scheme is now acquisition and works not acquisition only, as originally envisaged.


6.            To lease HAP units to Lewisham Homes Limited, if required, subject to the required governance processes of both bodies.


Cllr Walsh introduced and moved the report, which was seconded by Cllr Cooper.


Cllr Walsh recorded his thanks to delivery partners, Mayor Sadiq Khan, as well as the GLA and LHCLG for their grant funding.


Having considered an open and close officer report, it was RESOLVED to


1.            Increase the Total Scheme Cost of the Programme up to £105m, up from £95.3m noting that borrowing will fall by £26.5m due to increases in external subsidy.


2.            Increase the Refurbishment contract component of the March 2023 M&C Report from £4.5m to £6.75m which reflects the higher refurbishment cost per unit of units acquired and approve any necessary contract variation.


3.            Continue the programme to acquire up to 300-unit programme, with reviews very 50 units to be approved by the Executive Directors for Place in Consultation with the Executive Directors of Corporate Resources and Housing and in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Place.


4.            To extend the programme from March 2026 to March 2027 to ensure the delivery of the full 300 units, if progressed.


5.            To increase the development allowance from to 2.5% to 3.5% to reflect that the scheme is now acquisition and works not acquisition only, as originally envisaged.


6.            To lease HAP units to Lewisham Homes Limited, if required, subject to the required governance processes of both bodies.


LUF Project 1 - Lewisham Market (Market Canopy) PART 1 DOTX 60 KB

Additional documents:




            Approve Officers to undertake a procurement exercise to find a suitable Contractor to manufacture and install the new canopy to the value shown in part 2 of this report using the procurement process set out in this report.


            Approve the award of contract to the preferred contractor to supply and install the structure provided the contract value is within authorised limits set out in the Part 2 report.


            Delegate authority to the Executive Director for Place (in consultation with Director of Law and Corporate Governance and Senior Programme Manager) to select the preferred contractor in accordance with the selection and award criteria published in the tender documentation and agree final form of contract.


Having considered an open and closed officer report, Cllr Krupski moved, Cllr Huynh seconded and it was RESOLVED to


            Approve Officers to undertake a procurement exercise to find a suitable Contractor to manufacture and install the new canopy to the value shown in part 2 of this report using the procurement process set out in this report.


            Approve the award of contract to the preferred contractor to supply and install the structure provided the contract value is within authorised limits set out in the Part 2 report.


            Delegate authority to the Executive Director for Place (in consultation with Director of Law and Corporate Governance and Senior Programme Manager) to select the preferred contractor in accordance with the selection and award criteria published in the tender documentation and agree final form of contract.


Algernon Road (site adjacent to 70 Algernon Road) - Approval for use of s106 money PART 1 pdf icon PDF 134 KB

Additional documents:




1.1.        Note that the 10 July 2024 Mayor and Cabinet decision delegated authority to Executive Director of Place, in consultation with the Director of Law and Corporate Governance, to agree the final form of contract and to enter into the subsequent award of contract to the preferred contractor, provided the contract value is within authorised limits and the contractor selection is in accordance with the award criteria published in the tender documentation. This delegation has not yet been exercised and Mayor and Cabinet are requested to confirm the delegation in light of the updated total scheme costs detailed in this report.


1.2.        Approve the allocation of unused Section106 monies, thus surplus to the development programme, from Home Park to fund the project as detailed in Part 2 of this report.


1.3.        Approve updated total scheme costs for the project, which increases the authorised limits as detailed in Part 2 of this report.


Having considered an open and closed officer report, Cllr Walsh moved, Cllr Huynh seconded and it was RESOLVED to


1.1.        Note that the 10 July 2024 Mayor and Cabinet decision delegated authority to Executive Director of Place, in consultation with the Director of Law and Corporate Governance, to agree the final form of contract and to enter into the subsequent award of contract to the preferred contractor, provided the contract value is within authorised limits and the contractor selection is in accordance with the award criteria published in the tender documentation. This delegation has not yet been exercised and Mayor and Cabinet are requested to confirm the delegation in light of the updated total scheme costs detailed in this report.


1.2.        Approve the allocation of unused Section106 monies, thus surplus to the development programme, from Home Park to fund the project as detailed in Part 2 of this report.


1.3.        Approve updated total scheme costs for the project, which increases the authorised limits as detailed in Part 2 of this report.


Exclusion of Press and Public pdf icon PDF 57 KB


Community Asset Policy PART 2


The recommendations were agreed in the open part of the meeting


School Premises Officer Houses PART2


The recommendations were agreed in the open part of the meeting.



Building for Lewisham - Achilles Street PART 2


The recommendations were agreed in the open part of the meeting.



Housing Acquisition Programme Update - approval to proceed PART 2


The recommendations were agreed in the open part of the meeting



LUF Project 1 - Lewisham Market (Market Canopy) PART 2


The recommendations were agreed in the open part of the meeting.



Algernon Road (site adjacent to 70 Algernon Road) - Approval for use of s106 money PART 2


The recommendations were agreed in the open part of the meeting.