Venue: Civic Suite
Contact: Email: Head of Governance and Committee Services
No. | Item |
Decision: Moved, seconded and RESOLVED that the minutes were agreed as an accurate record. Minutes: Moved, seconded and RESOLVED that the minutes were agreed as an accurate record. |
Matters Raised by Scrutiny and other Constitutional Bodies Additional documents:
Decision: Moved, seconded and RESOLVED to: 1) Note the comments of the OSC on the PSPO and ask the relevant officers to respond in due course in line with the 6 month review following its implementation;
2) Approve the response to the referral from the Housing Select Committee concerning Ground 8 of Schedule 2 of the Housing Act 1988, and forward it to the Housing Select Committee;
3) Note the position as set out below and approve the request for a full detailed report to be undertaken to formulate a comprehensive response to the Forest Hill Assembly:
a. Public Health Lewisham will complete the PNA supplementary statement process and submit to the next Health and Wellbeing board scheduled for 20th November 2024 who have the authority to approve the statement (currently in progress). b. Conduct a detailed analyses of primary care provision (GP and pharmaceutical) within the Forest Hill Ward. This has started and will be completed by August 2024 to be feedback through the ward Assembly. Minutes: Moved, seconded and RESOLVED to: 1) Note the comments of the OSC on the PSPO and ask the relevant officers to respond in due course in line with the 6 month review following its implementation;
2) Approve the response to the referral from the Housing Select Committee concerning Ground 8 of Schedule 2 of the Housing Act 1988, and forward it to the Housing Select Committee;
3) Note the position as set out below and approve the request for a full detailed report to be undertaken to formulate a comprehensive response to the Forest Hill Assembly:
a. Public Health Lewisham will complete the PNA supplementary statement process and submit to the next Health and Wellbeing board scheduled for 20th November 2024 who have the authority to approve the statement (currently in progress). b. Conduct a detailed analyses of primary care provision (GP and pharmaceutical) within the Forest Hill Ward. This has started and will be completed by August 2024 to be feedback through the ward Assembly. |
2024/25 P2 Financial Monitoring Report Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED to note the current financial forecasts for the year ending 31 March 2025 and that the Executive Management Team will continue to work on bringing forward overspend reduction measures to ensure that these overspends do not need to be added to the Council’s cuts target for 2025/26 and 2026/27 as set out in the Medium Term Financial Strategy.
Minutes: RESOLVED to note the current financial forecasts for the year ending 31 March 2025 and that the Executive Management Team will continue to work on bringing forward overspend reduction measures to ensure that these overspends do not need to be added to the Council’s cuts target for 2025/26 and 2026/27 as set out in the Medium Term Financial Strategy.
Corporate Performance Dashboard Q4 2023/24 Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED to: 1) Note and comment on the performance indicators, trend analysis and narrative for the KPIs; and 2) Approve the publication of the Quarter 4 Corporate Performance Dashboard on the council’s website by the 22nd July 2024. Minutes: RESOLVED to: 1) Note and comment on the performance indicators, trend analysis and narrative for the KPIs; and 2) Approve the publication of the Quarter 4 Corporate Performance Dashboard on the council’s website by the 22nd July 2024. |
2025/26 - 2028/29 Medium Term Financial Strategy DOTX 56 KB Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED to: 1) Note the risks with regards to current year budget reduction measures, the persistent overspends and the uncertainty of future government funding; and the potential for this to impact negatively on the forecast balanced budget position for 2025/26; 2) Agree the 2025/26 to 2028/29 Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) and outline approach being taken to identify £20m of budget reduction proposals required to meet the remaining estimated budget gap over the next four years; 3) Agree the 2024/25 Climate Budget for the Council and to note that the 2025/26 Budget will come forward as part of the budget setting process in February 2025; and 4) Agree the Council’s Productivity Plan appended to this report which is required to be submitted to the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and by the 19 July 2024. Minutes: RESOLVED to: 1) Note the risks with regards to current year budget reduction measures, the persistent overspends and the uncertainty of future government funding; and the potential for this to impact negatively on the forecast balanced budget position for 2025/26; 2) Agree the 2025/26 to 2028/29 Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) and outline approach being taken to identify £20m of budget reduction proposals required to meet the remaining estimated budget gap over the next four years; 3) Agree the 2024/25 Climate Budget for the Council and to note that the 2025/26 Budget will come forward as part of the budget setting process in February 2025; and 4) Agree the Council’s Productivity Plan appended to this report which is required to be submitted to the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and by the 19 July 2024. |
2024/25 Strategic Transport and Highways Capital Programme Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED to 1) Provide officers with authority to deliver the projects and project stages which form the 2024/25 capital programme as detailed within this report; 2) Provide officers with authority to carry out public engagement and consultation for those projects and project stages where that is required; 3) Provide officers with authority to advertise any draft Traffic Management Orders (TMO) and carry out a statutory consultation for those projects where that is required; 4) Provide officers with authority to make any TMO based on the advertised draft TMO following the outcome of the respective statutory consultation, where no objections are made; 5) Delegate authority to the Director of Public Realm to make decisions on whether or not to make any TMO based on the advertised draft TMO following the outcome of the respective statutory consultation, where objections are made. Minutes: RESOLVED to 1) Provide officers with authority to deliver the projects and project stages which form the 2024/25 capital programme as detailed within this report; 2) Provide officers with authority to carry out public engagement and consultation for those projects and project stages where that is required; 3) Provide officers with authority to advertise any draft Traffic Management Orders (TMO) and carry out a statutory consultation for those projects where that is required; 4) Provide officers with authority to make any TMO based on the advertised draft TMO following the outcome of the respective statutory consultation, where no objections are made; 5) Delegate authority to the Director of Public Realm to make decisions on whether or not to make any TMO based on the advertised draft TMO following the outcome of the respective statutory consultation, where objections are made. |
Decision - Change of age range at Brent Knoll School DOTX 54 KB Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED to: 1) Note the results of the period of representation conducted on the proposal to change the age range of Brent Knoll School; 2) Agree to the proposal to change the age range at Brent Knoll School, from 4-16 to 4- 17 to make permanent the 2-year trial period in which the school provided transitional KS5 provision, with an implementation date of September 2024. Minutes: RESOLVED to: 1) Note the results of the period of representation conducted on the proposal to change the age range of Brent Knoll School; 2) Agree to the proposal to change the age range at Brent Knoll School, from 4-16 to 4- 17 to make permanent the 2-year trial period in which the school provided transitional KS5 provision, with an implementation date of September 2024. |
Integration of Children and Family Centres with Family Hubs DOTX 56 KB Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED to: 1) Approve the integration of the Early Childhood Offer into the Family Hubs offer from 1 October 2024; 2) Approve the proposal to insource the existing Children and Family Centres from 1 October 2024 and redesign it to deliver the new core early childhood offer integrating it into the in-house Family Hub structure from 1 January 2025. Minutes: RESOLVED to: 1) Approve the integration of the Early Childhood Offer into the Family Hubs offer from 1 October 2024; 2) Approve the proposal to insource the existing Children and Family Centres from 1 October 2024 and redesign it to deliver the new core early childhood offer integrating it into the in-house Family Hub structure from 1 January 2025. |
Building for Lewisham Programme update PART 1 Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED to approve: 1) The revised delivery approach for the Building for Lewisham programme, which includes the strategy to put the schemes at Drakes, Greystead, Valentine Court and Fairlawn on hold to enable funding capacity for schemes that are in-contract and/or pipeline opportunities. 2) The budget allocation as set out in Part 2 of this report for the proposed works to rectify latent defects at Longfield Road, the appointment of a specialist consultant to undertake these works, and to delegate authority to Executive Director of Place, in consultation with the Director of Law and Corporate Governance, to agree the instruction of United Living or the procurement of an alternative contractor, to carry out the works, provided the contract value is within authorised limits set out in Part 2 of this report. 3) The transfer of £660,000 of section106 funding from Home Park to Bampton Road as set out within part 2 of this report. 4) The procurement of a contractor to complete the development project on Algernon Road utilising the surplus in the development programme, as set out in part 2 of this report and to authorise the subsequent award of contract provided the contract value is within the authorised limits set out in Part 2 of this report. Mayor and Cabinet are further asked to delegate authority to Executive Director of Place, in consultation with the Director of Law and Corporate Governance, to select the procurement route, final form of contract and to enter into the subsequent award of contract to the preferred contractor, provided the contract value is within authorised limits set out in the Part 2 and the contractor selection is in accordance with the award criteria published in the tender documentation. 5) The revised financial position and budget implications to the HRA and GF as set out within part 2 of this report. RESOLVED to note: 6) The commercial settlement made to Guildmore Ltd as set out within part 2 of this report. 7) The progress of the programme since December 2023 and the ongoing risks and market challenges that are impacting the delivery of the programme and how they are being addressed and mitigated. 8) That the Council continues to engage with developers to identify acquisition and joint development opportunities and the final terms will be subject to Mayor and Cabinet approval prior to entering into contract. 9) That the Council is also engaging the contracting market to devise an investment partnership approach and that the procurement strategy will be subject to further Mayor and Cabinet approval in September 2024.
Kaleidoscope - Childrens Centre Optimisation and Use of s106 Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED to approve the use of £2,087,113.89 of borough wide health related s106 contributions to fund works to remodel the Kaleidoscope building in Rushey Green to enable it better support current and future health services delivery requirements. Minutes: RESOLVED to approve the use of £2,087,113.89 of borough wide health related s106 contributions to fund works to remodel the Kaleidoscope building in Rushey Green to enable it better support current and future health services delivery requirements. |
Proposal to Dispose of 3 Council Houses PART 1 Additional documents:
Decision: Declare the follow void housing properties surplus to the Council’s requirements. • Property A – Perry Vale Ward • Property B – Lee Green Ward • Property C – Sydenham Ward 2.2 In the event that the agreed terms for disposal are not covered by a General Consent issued under the Housing Act 1985, recommend that Council authorises the Executive Director for Housing to seek authority to dispose of the three sites from the Secretary of State for the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities. 2.3 Subject to that authority being obtained and specific consent from the Secretary of State being obtained (if necessary), delegates authority to the Executive Director for Corporate Resources in consultation with the Executive Director for Housing and Executive Director for Place to agree the most appropriate method of disposal, and to dispose of the sites. 2.4 Agree to the ringfencing of any capital receipt to be reinvested in current housing stock or to acquire new suitable stock for the portfolio. Minutes: Declare the follow void housing properties surplus to the Council’s requirements. • Property A – Perry Vale Ward • Property B – Lee Green Ward • Property C – Sydenham Ward 2.2 In the event that the agreed terms for disposal are not covered by a General Consent issued under the Housing Act 1985, recommend that Council authorises the Executive Director for Housing to seek authority to dispose of the three sites from the Secretary of State for the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities. 2.3 Subject to that authority being obtained and specific consent from the Secretary of State being obtained (if necessary), delegates authority to the Executive Director for Corporate Resources in consultation with the Executive Director for Housing and Executive Director for Place to agree the most appropriate method of disposal, and to dispose of the sites. 2.4 Agree to the ringfencing of any capital receipt to be reinvested in current housing stock or to acquire new suitable stock for the portfolio. |
Procurement of Housing DLO Repairs Support Contracts PART 1 Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED to: 1) Approve the use of London Construction Programme DPS for the procurement of contracts related to the delivery of housing repairs and maintenance, and other associated housing works and services, where successful contractors will be appointed via mini competition, based on best value, up to the value of the allocated budget; 2) Approve the award of contracts to multiple contractors in relation to the contracts set out in the Part 2 report, provided the contract values are within authorised limits as set out in the recommendation; 3) Delegate authority to the Executive Director of Housing (in consultation with Director of Law and Corporate Governance and the Head of Repairs & Maintenance for Housing Quality & Investment) to select the preferred contractors in accordance with the award criteria published in the tender documentation and agree final form of contract; 4) Authorise the Director of Law and Governance to take such further actions as may be necessary to give effect to the recommendations in this report. Minutes: RESOLVED to: 1) Approve the use of London Construction Programme DPS for the procurement of contracts related to the delivery of housing repairs and maintenance, and other associated housing works and services, where successful contractors will be appointed via mini competition, based on best value, up to the value of the allocated budget; 2) Approve the award of contracts to multiple contractors in relation to the contracts set out in the Part 2 report, provided the contract values are within authorised limits as set out in the recommendation; 3) Delegate authority to the Executive Director of Housing (in consultation with Director of Law and Corporate Governance and the Head of Repairs & Maintenance for Housing Quality & Investment) to select the preferred contractors in accordance with the award criteria published in the tender documentation and agree final form of contract; 4) Authorise the Director of Law and Governance to take such further actions as may be necessary to give effect to the recommendations in this report. |
Levelling Up Funding Project 2 - Lewisham Library PART 1 Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED to: 1) Approve Officers to undertake a procurement exercise to find a suitable Main Contractor to deliver the refurbishment works to the value set out in the Part 2 report using the procurement process set out in this report; 2) Approve the award of contract to the preferred contractor to deliver the refurbishment works provided the contract value is within authorised limits set out in the Part 2 report. 3) Delegate authority to the Executive Director for Place (in consultation with Director of Law and Corporate Governance and Senior Programme Manager) to select the preferred contractor in accordance with the selection and award criteria published in the tender documentation and agree final form of contract. 4) Note the change in scope of the project with the removal of the rooftop bar for reasons outlined in this report. 5) Declare the non-strategic asset at 315 Hither Green Lane, SE13 6TJ, the Library Resource Centre, as surplus to requirements and authorise its disposal. 6) Delegate authority to the Executive Director for Corporate Resources, in consultation with the Executive Director for Place, to agree the terms of disposal of 315 Hither Green Lane, the Library Resource Centre. 7) Ring fence any capital receipt from the sale of 315 Hither Green, Library Resource Centre, for the LUF Programme budget, specifically Project 2 Business and Culture Hub. Minutes: RESOLVED to: 1) Approve Officers to undertake a procurement exercise to find a suitable Main Contractor to deliver the refurbishment works to the value set out in the Part 2 report using the procurement process set out in this report; 2) Approve the award of contract to the preferred contractor to deliver the refurbishment works provided the contract value is within authorised limits set out in the Part 2 report. 3) Delegate authority to the Executive Director for Place (in consultation with Director of Law and Corporate Governance and Senior Programme Manager) to select the preferred contractor in accordance with the selection and award criteria published in the tender documentation and agree final form of contract. 4) Note the change in scope of the project with the removal of the rooftop bar for reasons outlined in this report. 5) Declare the non-strategic asset at 315 Hither Green Lane, SE13 6TJ, the Library Resource Centre, as surplus to requirements and authorise its disposal. 6) Delegate authority to the Executive Director for Corporate Resources, in consultation with the Executive Director for Place, to agree the terms of disposal of 315 Hither Green Lane, the Library Resource Centre. 7) Ring fence any capital receipt from the sale of 315 Hither Green, Library Resource Centre, for the LUF Programme budget, specifically Project 2 Business and Culture Hub. |
The Former Catford Constitutional Club - Budget increase PART 1 Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED to: 1) Note the shortfall in the total project budget and proposed funding sources as set out in Part 2 of the report; 2) Approve the allocation of £1,364,002.46 of Strategic Community Infrastructure Levy to contribute towards the budget shortfall; 3) Authorise a variation to the works contract with Claremont Refurbishment Ltd to complete the project up to the maximum value set out in Part 2 of the report; 4) Delegate to the Executive Director for Place to agree the final terms of the variation and value, provided it is within the maximum budget, of the contract with Claremont Refurbishment; 5) Approve the revised total budget envelope for the scheme, details of which are contained within Part 2 of the report. Minutes: RESOLVED to: 1) Note the shortfall in the total project budget and proposed funding sources as set out in Part 2 of the report; 2) Approve the allocation of £1,364,002.46 of Strategic Community Infrastructure Levy to contribute towards the budget shortfall; 3) Authorise a variation to the works contract with Claremont Refurbishment Ltd to complete the project up to the maximum value set out in Part 2 of the report; 4) Delegate to the Executive Director for Place to agree the final terms of the variation and value, provided it is within the maximum budget, of the contract with Claremont Refurbishment; 5) Approve the revised total budget envelope for the scheme, details of which are contained within Part 2 of the report. |
Besson Street Annual Business Plan - Update PART 1 Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED to:
1) Agree the Seventh annual Business Plan for Besson Street attached as Appendix A to the Part 2 report and authorise the Council’s appointed directors to the HoldCo to sign the Business Plan; 2) Following the sign-off of the Business Plan, delegate authority to the Executive Director for Finance, Digital and Corporate Resources, in consultation with the Interim Executive Director of Place, to implement the Besson Street Business Plan once finalised; 3) Approve the extension of the pre-development loan from 31 August 2024 to no later than 31 January 2025 and increase the maximum loan as set out in the Part 2 report; 4) Delegate authority to the Executive Director for Finance, Digital and Corporate Resources, in consultation with the Interim Executive Director of Place and the Cabinet Member for Finance, Resources & Procurement, to approve the optimal financing arrangement (including necessary amendments to the HoldCo agreement) for the costs to be incurred to fund the 2024/25 Business Plan activities where these are not already funded by the existing loan agreement, as set out in the Part 2 report; 5) Approve the extension of the longstop date from August 2024 to no later than 30 September 2025; 6) Approve the Council entering into an agreement with Besson Street LLP for the use of Right to Buy receipts for the affordable homes and CIL funding as set out in the Part 2 report; 7) Delegate authority to the Executive Director for Finance, Digital and Corporate Resources in consultation with the Interim Executive Director of Place, the Director of Law and Corporate Governance and the Cabinet Member for Inclusive Regeneration & Planning to take to take all such further ancillary actions as are necessary to give effect to the recommendations set out in this report; 8) Confirm that all agreements, including but not limited to grant funding, clawback and overage agreements, be in a form approved by the Director of Law & Corporate Governance. Minutes: RESOLVED to:
1) Agree the Seventh annual Business Plan for Besson Street attached as Appendix A to the Part 2 report and authorise the Council’s appointed directors to the HoldCo to sign the Business Plan; 2) Following the sign-off of the Business Plan, delegate authority to the Executive Director for Finance, Digital and Corporate Resources, in consultation with the Interim Executive Director of Place, to implement the Besson Street Business Plan once finalised; 3) Approve the extension of the pre-development loan from 31 August 2024 to no later than 31 January 2025 and increase the maximum loan as set out in the Part 2 report; 4) Delegate authority to the Executive Director for Finance, Digital and Corporate Resources, in consultation with the Interim Executive Director of Place and the Cabinet Member for Finance, Resources & Procurement, to approve the optimal financing arrangement (including necessary amendments to the HoldCo agreement) for the costs to be incurred to fund the 2024/25 Business Plan activities where these are not already funded by the existing loan agreement, as set out in the Part 2 report; 5) Approve the extension of the longstop date from August 2024 to no later than 30 September 2025; 6) Approve the Council entering into an agreement with Besson Street LLP for the use of Right to Buy receipts for the affordable homes and CIL funding as set out in the Part 2 report; 7) Delegate authority to the Executive Director for Finance, Digital and Corporate Resources in consultation with the Interim Executive Director of Place, the Director of Law and Corporate Governance and the Cabinet Member for Inclusive Regeneration & Planning to take to take all such further ancillary actions as are necessary to give effect to the recommendations set out in this report; 8) Confirm that all agreements, including but not limited to grant funding, clawback and overage agreements, be in a form approved by the Director of Law & Corporate Governance. |
Proposal to Dispose of 3 Council Houses PART 2 |
Procurement of Housing DLO repairs PART 2 |
Levelling Up Funding Project 2 PART 2 |
The Former Catford Constitutional Club - Budget increase PART 2 |
Besson Street Annual Business Plan - Update PART 2 |
Building for Lewisham Programme Update PART 2 |