Venue: Civic Suite
Contact: Email: Head of Governance and Committee Services
No. | Item |
Decision: It was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED that the Minutes of the last meeting were agreed as an accurate record. Minutes: It was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED that the Minutes of the last meeting were agreed as an accurate record. |
Declarations of Interests Decision: No interests were declared. Minutes: No interests were declared. |
Matters Raised by Scrutiny and other Constitutional Bodies · Referral from the Overivew and Scrutiny Committee on Asset Management · Referral from the Overview & Scrutiny Committee on Trauma Informed Approach · Comments of the Housing Select Committee on the use of Schedule 2, Ground 8 of the Housing Act 1988 by Housing Providers in Lewisham Additional documents:
Minutes: The Chair of Overview & Scrutiny Committee
summarised the comments of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on Asset Management
and on taking a Trauma Informed Approach. The Mayor and Cabinet
noted the comments and committed to providing a response in due
Corporate Performance Report Q3 2023/24 Additional documents:
Decision: It was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED that Mayor and Cabinet note the key highlights in the Corporate Performance Report in preparation for the publication of the Corporate Performance Dashboard and commentary on the Lewisham Council’s website Minutes: David Austin, the Acting Executive Director for Corporate Performance introduced the report. It was MOVED by the Mayor, SECONDED by Cllr Barnham and RESOLVED that Mayor and Cabinet note the key highlights in the Corporate Performance Report in preparation for the publication of the Corporate Performance Dashboard and commentary on the Lewisham Council’s website. |
Change of age range - Brent Knoll School - Permission to consult DOTX 55 KB Additional documents: Decision: It was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED that Mayor and Cabinet note the report and agree to officers conducting a statutory consultation on the proposal to change the age range at Brent Knoll School Minutes: It was MOVED by Cllr Barnham, SECONDED and RESOLVED that Mayor and Cabinet note the report and agree to officers conducting a statutory consultation on the proposal to change the age range at Brent Knoll School. |
Authority to Consult on a Local Enforcement Plan Additional documents:
Decision: It was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED that Mayor and Cabinet
1. Approve the content of the draft Local Enforcement Plan.
2. Delegate authority to the Director of Planning to make any corrections or clarifications to the draft Local Enforcement Plan prior to Public Consultation Minutes: Cllr Walsh introduced the report. It was MOVED by the Mayor, SECONDED and RESOLVED that Mayor and Cabinet:
1. Approve the content of the draft Local Enforcement Plan.
2. Delegate authority to the Director of Planning to make any corrections or clarifications to the draft Local Enforcement Plan prior to Public Consultation. |
Implementation of a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) DOTX 55 KB Additional documents:
Decision: It was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED that Mayor and Cabinet:
1. note the evidence base for the introduction of the PSPO
Minutes: Cllr Campbell introduced the report, and Cllr Barnham and the Mayor both spoke in support of the proposals. It was MOVED by Cllr Campbell, SECONDED by Cllr Barnham and RESOLVED that Mayor and Cabinet:
1. note the evidence base for the introduction of the PSPO
Annual progress update on the Autism Strategy Action Plan Additional documents:
Decision: It was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED that Mayor and Cabinet note the update of the implementation of the Strategy and the action plans and priorities alignments to groups. Minutes: Cllr Bell introduced and MOVED the report, and it was SECONDED and RESOLVED that Mayor and Cabinet note the update of the implementation of the Strategy and the action plans and priorities alignments to groups.
Award of contract for Interpreting, Translation and Transcription Services PART 1 DOTX 54 KB Additional documents: Decision: It was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED that approve the award of the contract to DA Languages for the provision of an Interpreting, Translation and Transcription Services from 1st July 2024 to 30th June 2027, with the option to extend for a period of up to one year (up to 30th June 2028). Minutes: It was MOVED by Cllr Barnham, SECONDED by Cllr Cooper and RESOLVED that Mayor and Cabinet approve the award of the contract to DA Languages for the provision of an Interpreting, Translation and Transcription Services from 1st July 2024 to 30th June 2027, with the option to extend for a period of up to one year (up to 30th June 2028). |
Additional documents: Decision: It was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED that Mayor and Cabinet:
1. Grant approval to procure a new contract service to provide a Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) Community and Refuge Service, with a single point of access crisis management (including refuges), advocacy and support service for victims and any form of gendered based violence.
2. Approve the subsequent award of contract to the preferred service provider, provided the contract value is within authorised limits set out in the Part 2 report.
3. Delegate the decision to award the contract following the outcome of this process to Executive Director for Community Services (in consultation with the Director of Law, Governance and Elections and the Director of Communities, Partnerships and Leisure) in accordance with the award criteria published in the tender documentation and agree final form of contract.
4. Agree the recommendations as set out in the Part 2 report. Minutes: Cllr Campbell introduced the report. It was MOVED by Cllr Campbell, SECONDED by Cllr Huynh and RESOLVED that Mayor and Cabinet:
1. Grant approval to procure a new contract service to provide a Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) Community and Refuge Service, with a single point of access crisis management (including refuges), advocacy and support service for victims and any form of gendered based violence.
2. Approve the subsequent award of contract to the preferred service provider, provided the contract value is within authorised limits set out in the Part 2 report.
3. Delegate the decision to award the contract following the outcome of this process to Executive Director for Community Services (in consultation with the Director of Law, Governance and Elections and the Director of Communities, Partnerships and Leisure) in accordance with the award criteria published in the tender documentation and agree final form of contract.
4. Agree the recommendations as set out in the Part 2 report. |
Millwall Football Club - agreement of new lease structure PART 1 Additional documents:
Decision: It was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED that the Mayor and Cabinet:
1. Approve the restructuring and renewal of a 999-year lease for the Millwall stadium site – ‘The New Den’, John Berylson Way (formerly known as Zampa Road).
2. Approve the new 999-year leases being granted across three separate sites surrounding the Millwall stadium site to enable the delivery of mixed use development, including the re-location of facilities for the Millwall Community Trust.
3. Delegate authority to the Executive Director of Place, in consultation with the Executive Director of Corporate Resources and the Director of Law and Corporate Governance, to negotiate and agree the final terms of the lease and all associated documentation. Minutes: Cllr Walsh introduced the report and thanked the Mayor for her prior involvement in her former capacity as Cabinet Member. It was MOVED by Cllr Walsh, SECONDED and RESOLVED that the Mayor and Cabinet:
1. Approve the restructuring and renewal of a 999-year lease for the Millwall stadium site – ‘The New Den’, John Berylson Way (formerly known as Zampa Road).
2. Approve the new 999-year leases being granted across three separate sites surrounding the Millwall stadium site to enable the delivery of mixed use development, including the re-location of facilities for the Millwall Community Trust.
3. Delegate authority to the Executive Director of Place, in consultation with the Executive Director of Corporate Resources and the Director of Law and Corporate Governance, to negotiate and agree the final terms of the lease and all associated documentation.
Exclusion of Press and Public Minutes: All Part 2 reports were considered without discussion alongside the corresponding open reports.
Award of contract for Interpreting, Translation and Transcription Services PART 2 Decision: This item was considered under item 9. |
Re-procurement of the Domestic Abuse and Violence Against Women And Girls Community And Refuge Service PART 2 Decision: This item was considered under item 10. |
Millwall Football Club - agreement of new lease structure PART 2 Decision: This item was considered under item 11. |