Venue: Civic Suite
Contact: Emma Campbell Smith Head of Governance and Committee Services
No. | Item |
Additional documents:
Decision: The Minutes of the last meeting on 6 December 2023 were agreed. Minutes: The Minutes of the last meeting on 6 December 2023 were agreed. |
Declaration of Interests Decision: No interests were declared. Minutes: No interests were declared. |
Matters Raised by Scrutiny and other Constitutional Bodies To consider referrals from: · Brockley Local Assembly on community space · Public Accounts Select Committee on Social Value
To agree responses to previously received referrals from: · Sustainable Development Select Committee (SDSC) on Sustainable Streets · SDSC on Levelling Up Fund Programme in Lewisham Town Centre Additional documents:
Decision: The Mayor (Acting) and Cabinet:
· Noted the motion from Brockley Assembly regarding community space and plans for Brockley Social Club and agreed that the relevant officers provide a response at a future Mayor and Cabinet meeting. · Noted comments and views of the Public Accounts Select Committee that arose from discussions on the Council’s social value annual report and agreed that the relevant officers provide a response. · Noted officer’s response to comments from the Sustainable Development Select Committee on the Levelling Up Fund Programme in Lewisham Town Centre. · Noted officer’s responses to the comments of the Sustainable Development Select Committee on the Sustainable Streets Programme and agreed that those be provided to the Sustainable Development Select Committee. Minutes:
The meeting received: · A report introduced by Councillor Penfold regarding the motion from Brockley Local Assembly on Community Space. · A report relating to a referral from the Public Accounts Select Committee on Social Value. · Reports to responses to previously received referrals from the Sustainable Development Select Committee (SDSC) on Sustainable Streets, and on Levelling Up Fund Programme in Lewisham Town Centre.
The Mayor (Acting) and Cabinet, having considered the reports, REVOLVED to:
· Note the motion from Brockley Assembly regarding community space and plans for Brockley Social Club and agreed that the relevant officers provide a response at a future Mayor and Cabinet meeting. · Note comments and views of the Public Accounts Select Committee that arose from discussions on the Council’s social value annual report and agreed that the relevant officers provide a response. · Note officers’ response to comments from the Sustainable Development Select Committee on the Levelling Up Fund Programme in Lewisham Town Centre. · Note officers’ responses to the comments of the Sustainable Development Select Committee on the Sustainable Streets Programme and that those be provided to the Sustainable Development Select Committee. |
Period 8 Budget Monitoring Additional documents: Decision: Councillor De Ryk MOVED, Barnham SECONDED, and it was RESOLVED to:
· Note the current financial forecasts for the year ending 31 March 2024 and that the Executive Management team continue to work in bringing forward action plans to manage down budget pressures within their directorates. · Note that Lewisham has been allocated £1m of grant funding as a local authority in tranche 3 of the Delivering better Value (DbV) initiative. The bid is based on workstreams that the local authority will progress based on the findings from case study work undertaken, with the focus on training, development and culture change, aimed at supporting Lewisham to reduce the historic deficit on the high needs block. · Approve the write off of unrecovrable business rates debts totalling £166k as set out in paragraph 18.2 of the report.
Minutes: The meeting received a report introduced by Councillor De Ryk in relation to the following: · The financial monitoring position for the 2023/24 financial year. · The latest position on the following: o the Council’s General Fund; o the Dedicated Schools Grant; o the Housing Revenue Account, and the Collection Fund and the Capital Programme; and o an update on progress against savings delivery. · The Council-wide financial forecast for General Fund activities. · The work of the extended leadership team on savings and cost avoidance measures. · Timeline of engagement and decision-making regarding the Council’s financial activities up to 29 January 2024.
The Mayor (Acting) and Cabinet, having considered the open officer report, Councillor De Ryk MOVED, Barnham SECONDED, and it was RESOLVED to:
· Note the current financial forecasts for the year ending 31 March 2024 and that the Executive Management team continue to work in bringing forward action plans to manage down budget pressures within their directorates. · Note that Lewisham had been allocated £1m of grant funding as a local authority in tranche 3 of the Delivering better Value (DbV) initiative. The bid, based on workstreams that the local authority will progress based on the findings from case study work undertaken, with the focus on training, development and culture change, aimed at supporting Lewisham to reduce the historic deficit on the high needs block. · Approve the write off of unrecovrable business rates debts totalling £166k as set out in paragraph 18.2 of the report. |
Permission to procure and award Repair and Maintenance of Ventilation Plant and Controls Additional documents: Decision: Councillor Cooper MOVED, Councillor Krupski SECONDED, and it was RESOLVED to:
· Approve the re-procurement of Repair and Maintenance of Ventilation Plant and Controls for a period of 2 years with the option to extend for a further 2 years with a total contract value of £1.4m over 4 years. · Approve the use of the Crown Commercial Services Framework Agreement (RM6232) – Lot 2a: Hard Facilities Management to carry out the procurement via a mini competition. · Approve the award of contract to the preferred service provider for the provision of Repair and Maintenance of Ventilation Plant and Controls. · Delegate authority to the Executive Director for Housing, in consultation with Director of Law and Corporate Governance and the Director of Housing Quality and Investment to select the preferred provider in accordance with the selection and award criteria published in the tender documentation and agree the award and final form of the contract.
Minutes: The meeting received a report introduced by Councillor Cooper regarding the re-procurement, and award of the contract for a period of 2 years with the option to extend for up to a further 2 years for the repair and maintenance of ventilation plant and controls with a total contract value of £1.4m over 4 years.
It was recognised that an extension of 9 months to the existing contract was mutually agreed with the incumbent provider and the current schedule of rates had been held.
The Mayor (Acting) and Cabinet, having considered the open officer report, Councillor Cooper MOVED, Councillor Krupski SECONDED, and it was RESOLVED to:
· Approve the re-procurement of Repair and Maintenance of Ventilation Plant and Controls for a period of 2 years with the option to extend for a further 2 years with a total contract value of £1.4m over 4 years. · Approve the use of the Crown Commercial Services Framework Agreement (RM6232) – Lot 2a: Hard Facilities Management to carry out the procurement via a mini competition. · Approve the award of contract to the preferred service provider for the provision of Repair and Maintenance of Ventilation Plant and Controls. · Delegate authority to the Executive Director for Housing, in consultation with Director of Law and Corporate Governance and the Director of Housing Quality and Investment to select the preferred provider in accordance with the selection and award criteria published in the tender documentation and agree the award and final form of the contract. |
Additional documents: Decision: Councillor Cooper MOVED, Councillor Barnham SECONDED, and it was RESOLVED to:
· Approve the use of the Strategic Asset Management agreement - Lot 6 of the Procurement Hub framework. · Approve the direct award of contract to Savills (UK) Limited in accordance with the terms of Lot 6 (Strategic Asset Management) of the Procurement Hub framework.
Minutes: The meeting received a report introduced by Councillor Cooper that supported the Council’s aim of working to provide residents with safe, comfortable accommodation, including energy efficiency measures as part of its ambition to be carbon-neutral by 2030.
Information that the Council was undertaking its statutory and legislative duty to maintain its housing stock to a good state of repair was welcomed by Members.
The Mayor (Acting) and Cabinet, having considered the open officer report, Councillor Cooper MOVED, Councillor Barnham SECONDED, and it was RESOLVED to:
· Approve the use of the Strategic Asset Management agreement - Lot 6 of the Procurement Hub framework. · Approve the direct award of contract to Savills (UK) Limited in accordance with the terms of Lot 6 (Strategic Asset Management) of the Procurement Hub framework. |
Permission to establish a DPS framework for provision of transport services Additional documents: Decision: Councillor Barnham MOVED, Councillor Krupski SECONDED, and it was RESOLVED to:
· Approve the establishment of a Dynamic Purchasing System (“DPS”) for taxi and minibus travel assistance for two years, with the option to extend for up to a further four years up to a maximum value of £38.4m over the lifetime of the DPS (six years). · Approve the admission of the preferred providers onto the DPS, provided that they meet the selection and award criteria for admission as set out in the tender documents. · Delegate authority to Executive Director for Children and Young People (in consultation with the Director of Law and Corporate Governance to select the preferred providers in accordance with the selection and award criteria published in the tender documentation. · Approve an extension of up to 10 months until 31st March 2024 of the current DPS at cost of £4.5m. · Approve the award of contract from the YPO single supplier framework to Access Adam Care Commissioning for the DPS software licence, which provides the multifunctional platform and support functions needed to operate the DPS. The contract length will be for two years from 1 April 2024 with the option to extend for a further four years. The total value of the contract is £338.8k.
Minutes: The meeting received the report introduced by Councillor Barnham which sets out recommendations to approve and establish a new a new Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for Taxis and Minibus Travel Assistance from 1 April 2024 for two years, with the option to extend for a further four years.
The Mayor (Acting) and Cabinet, having considered the open officer report, Councillor Barnham MOVED, Councillor Krupski SECONDED, and it was RESOLVED to: · Approve the establishment of a Dynamic Purchasing System (“DPS”) for taxi and minibus travel assistance for two years, with the option to extend for up to a further four years up to a maximum value of £38.4m over the lifetime of the DPS (six years). · Approve the admission of the preferred providers onto the DPS, provided that they meet the selection and award criteria for admission as set out in the tender documents. · Delegate authority to Executive Director for Children and Young People (in consultation with the Director of Law and Corporate Governance to select the preferred providers in accordance with the selection and award criteria published in the tender documentation. · Approve an extension of up to 10 months until 31st March 2024 of the current DPS at cost of £4.5m. · Approve the award of contract from the YPO single supplier framework to Access Adam Care Commissioning for the DPS software licence, which provides the multifunctional platform and support functions needed to operate the DPS. The contract length will be for two years from 1 April 2024 with the option to extend for a further four years. The total value of the contract is £338.8k. |
Determined Admissions Arrangements DOTX 62 KB Additional documents:
Decision: Councillor Barnham MOVED, Councillor Krupski SECONDED, and it was RESOLVED to approve the local authority’s admissions arrangements for the academic year 2025/26 as outlined in the report. Minutes: The meeting received the report introduced by Councillor Barnham regarding the Council’s Determined Admissions Arrangements for 2025/26. Councillor Barnham highlighted two changes to the previous arrangements, which were consulted on during the period 27 November 2023 to 12 January 2024 as follows: · A decrease in the Published Admissions Number at Deptford Park Primary School from 90 to 60. · Amendment to the admissions policies for mainstream community school to give preference to children of staff members.
The Mayor (Acting) and Cabinet, having considered the open officer report, Councillor Barnham MOVED, Councillor Krupski SECONDED, and it was RESOLVED:
· To approve the local authority’s admissions arrangements for the academic year 2025/26 as outlined in the report. |
Green Space Management and Maintenance Contract Additional documents:
Decision: Councillor Walsh MOVED, Councillor Bell SECONDED, and it was RESOLVED to:
· Approve the procurement of a new 15-year Green Space Management and Maintenance Contract commencing 1 January 2025 and approve the award of contract provided that the contract sum does not exceed agreed budgets. · Delegate authority to Executive Director for Community Services (in consultation with Director of Law and Corporate Governance and the Director of Communities, Partnerships and Leisure) to select the preferred provider in accordance with the selection criteria and award criteria published in the tender documentation and agree and enter into the final form of contract. · Agree in principle to the disposal land as envisaged by this report and authorise ED Community Services in consultation with the Director of Law and Corporate Governance and Director of Communities, Partnerships and Leisure to advertise any disposal of open space as required by section 123(2A) Local Government Act 1972 · Delegate authority to ED Community Services to consider and determine any objections made in response to any advert for the open space disposal in accordance with recommendation 2.3 above. · Agree that subject to the responses to the advertisement above, and to compliance with best consideration requirements in section 123(2) Local Government Act, to delegate authority to the ED Community Services in consultation with the Director for Law and Corporate Governance and Director of Communities, Partnerships and Leisure to agree lease terms and enter into a lease with the selected provider. Minutes: The meeting received the report introduced by Councillor Walsh regarding the procurement of a new 15-year Green Space Management and Maintenance Contract commencing 1 January 2025, with a request to approve the award of contract provided that the contract sum does not exceed agreed budgets.
Information that the Council’s 16 nature conservation sites would remain outside of the scope of the new contract because a careful, specialist, and iterative management would be required to protect the species and habitats present in those environments was welcomed by Members.
The Mayor (Acting) and Cabinet, having considered the open officer report, Councillor Walsh MOVED, Councillor Bell SECONDED, and it was RESOLVED to:
· Approve the procurement of a new 15-year Green Space Management and Maintenance Contract commencing 1 January 2025 and approve the award of contract provided that the contract sum does not exceed agreed budgets. · Delegate authority to Executive Director for Community Services (in consultation with Director of Law and Corporate Governance and the Director of Communities, Partnerships and Leisure) to select the preferred provider in accordance with the selection criteria and award criteria published in the tender documentation and agree and enter into the final form of contract. · Agree in principle to the disposal land as envisaged by this report and authorise ED Community Services in consultation with the Director of Law and Corporate Governance and Director of Communities, Partnerships and Leisure to advertise any disposal of open space as required by section 123(2A) Local Government Act 1972 · Delegate authority to ED Community Services to consider and determine any objections made in response to any advert for the open space disposal in accordance with recommendation 2.3 above. · Agree that subject to the responses to the advertisement above, and to compliance with best consideration requirements in section 123(2) Local Government Act, to delegate authority to the ED Community Services in consultation with the Director for Law and Corporate Governance and Director of Communities, Partnerships and Leisure to agree lease terms and enter into a lease with the selected provider. |
Additional documents: Decision: Councillor Powell MOVED, Councillor Cooper SECONDED, and it was RESOLVED to:
· Approve the procurement of a provider for the provision of affordable workspace within the Town Hall Chambers. The value of the contract to the Provider will be estimated £168,000 per annum and a total of £1,008,000.00 for the whole contract period. The contract will be for a period of 5 years with an option for a further year of delivery. · Agree to extend contract of Bow Arts to deliver workspace in the 4th Floor Old Town Hall until the 31st December 2024 or until the termination of the lease by the Council. · Approve the award of contract and entry into a lease with the preferred service provider for the provision of affordable workspace. · Delegate authority to the Executive Director for Place (in consultation with Director of Law and Corporate Governance and the Cabinet Member for Business, Jobs and Skills to select the preferred service provider in accordance with the selection and award criteria published in the tender documentation and agree final form of contract and lease. Minutes: The meeting received the report introduced by Councillor Powell which requested agreement to approve the Economy, Jobs and Partnerships team to undertake the procurement of a provider to deliver Affordable Workspace within the Town Hall Chambers for a minimum period of five years with the option for a further year of delivery.
Information that the potential provider would be expected to offer the space to a variety of users within the creative sector was welcomed by Members.
The Mayor (Acting) and Cabinet, having considered the report, Councillor Powell MOVED, Councillor Cooper SECONDED, and it was RESOLVED to:
· Approve the procurement of a provider for the provision of affordable workspace within the Town Hall Chambers. The value of the contract to the Provider will be estimated £168,000 per annum and a total of £1,008,000.00 for the whole contract period. The contract will be for a period of 5 years with an option for a further year of delivery. · Agree to extend contract of Bow Arts to deliver workspace in the 4th Floor Old Town Hall until the 31st December 2024 or until the termination of the lease by the Council. · Approve the award of contract and entry into a lease with the preferred service provider for the provision of affordable workspace. · Delegate authority to the Executive Director for Place (in consultation with Director of Law and Corporate Governance and the Cabinet Member for Business, Jobs and Skills to select the preferred service provider in accordance with the selection and award criteria published in the tender documentation and agree final form of contract and lease. |
Catford Regeneration Partnership Limited (CRPL) Update Additional documents: Decision: Councillor Dacres MOVED, Councillor Bell SECONDED, and it was RESOLVED to:
· Note the current operating position of the company including the latest cashflow projection and associated assumptions. · Agree that the Council, as sole shareholder of CRPL, continue to provide additional financial support to the company through parent company guarantee to enable it to continue to manage and operate the assets within and around the Catford Centre. · Agree a further deferment of loan interest payments and capitalisation on the current loan for a further two years to 2026 to enable the company to stabilise its cashflow. · Agree that as part of the wider Catford Town Centre Regeneration plan, to agree the disposal of the former Thomas Lane Depot site and delegate authority to the Executive Director of Corporate Resources, in consultation with the Executive the Director for Place, to agree final terms of the disposal. The receipt from the disposal will be used to pay down part of the loan with the Council and help stabilise the Company’s cashflow in the short-term. · Note that the outcome of an ongoing review of the Company together with a new Business Plan detailing further efforts that the company will be making to ensure it continues to operate the centre in a manner that remains consistent with the outcomes agreed at its inception will be reported to Mayor and Cabinet in due course.
Minutes: The meeting received an update report introduced by Councillor Dacres regarding the Catford Regeneration Partnership Limited (CRPL).
The Mayor (Acting) and Cabinet, having considered the officer open report, Councillor Dacres MOVED, Councillor Bell SECONDED, and it was RESOLVED to:
· Note the current operating position of the company including the latest cashflow projection and associated assumptions. · Agree that the Council, as sole shareholder of CRPL, continue to provide additional financial support to the company through parent company guarantee to enable it to continue to manage and operate the assets within and around the Catford Centre. · Agree a further deferment of loan interest payments and capitalisation on the current loan for a further two years to 2026 to enable the company to stabilise its cashflow. · Agree that as part of the wider Catford Town Centre Regeneration plan, to agree the disposal of the former Thomas Lane Depot site and delegate authority to the Executive Director of Corporate Resources, in consultation with the Executive the Director for Place, to agree final terms of the disposal. The receipt from the disposal will be used to pay down part of the loan with the Council and help stabilise the Company’s cashflow in the short-term. · Note that the outcome of an ongoing review of the Company together with a new Business Plan detailing further efforts that the company will be making to ensure it continues to operate the centre in a manner that remains consistent with the outcomes agreed at its inception will be reported to Mayor and Cabinet in due course.
Additional documents: Decision: Councillor Dacres MOVED, Councillor Cooper SECONDED, and it was RESOLVED to:
· Agree to the appropriation of the Council-owned land known as the former Fairlawn Primary School Annexe, as outlined in red on the plan attached at Appendix A, from housing purposes to planning purposes under Section 122 of the Local Government Act 1972, as it is no longer required for the purpose for which it is currently held and the Council believes that the acquisition will facilitate the carrying out of development, re-development or improvement on or in relation to the land pursuant to section 226(1)(a) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990; · Agree to the appropriation of the Council owned land known as the Former Fairlawn Primary School Annexe, as outlined in red on the plan attached at Appendix A, from planning purposes back to housing purposes under Section 122 of the Local Government Act 1972; · Agree to the appropriation of the Council-owned land known as the former Ladywell Leisure Centre, as outlined in red on the plan attached at Appendix B, from housing purposes to planning purposes under Section 122 of the Local Government Act 1972, as it is no longer required for the purpose for which it is currently held, and the Council believes that the acquisition will facilitate the carrying out of development, re-development or improvement on or in relation to the land pursuant to section 226(1)(a) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990; · Agree to the appropriation of the Council-owned land known as the former Ladywell Leisure Centre, as outlined in red on the plan attached at Appendix B, from planning purposes back to housing purposes under Section 122 of the Local Government Act 1972; · Delegate authority to the Executive Director Place in consultation with the Director of Law, Governance and Elections to deal with any necessary arrangements to record the appropriation of the site for planning purposes including the transfer of the land from the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) to the General Fund account (GF) at the current red book value; the transfer of the land from the GF to the HRA at the current red book value; to negotiate and enter into agreements by deed and payment of compensation for the release of third-party rights where this can be achieved on reasonable terms within a reasonable timescale; and to take all necessary steps to settle claims for compensation pertaining to rights of light under section 204 of the Housing and Planning Act 2016.
Minutes: The meeting received a report introduced by Councillor Dacres regarding Building for Lewisham, Appropriation for Planning Purposes programme in relation to the Former Fairlawn Primary School Annexe Site and Former Ladywell Leisure Centre Site.
The Mayor (Acting) and Cabinet, having considered the officer open report, Councillor Dacres MOVED, Councillor Cooper SECONDED, and it was RESOLVED to:
· Agree to the appropriation of the Council-owned land known as the former Fairlawn Primary School Annexe, as outlined in red on the plan attached at Appendix A, from housing purposes to planning purposes under Section 122 of the Local Government Act 1972, as it is no longer required for the purpose for which it is currently held and the Council believes that the acquisition will facilitate the carrying out of development, re-development or improvement on or in relation to the land pursuant to section 226(1)(a) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990; · Agree to the appropriation of the Council owned land known as the Former Fairlawn Primary School Annexe, as outlined in red on the plan attached at Appendix A, from planning purposes back to housing purposes under Section 122 of the Local Government Act 1972; · Agree to the appropriation of the Council-owned land known as the former Ladywell Leisure Centre, as outlined in red on the plan attached at Appendix B, from housing purposes to planning purposes under Section 122 of the Local Government Act 1972, as it is no longer required for the purpose for which it is currently held, and the Council believes that the acquisition will facilitate the carrying out of development, re-development or improvement on or in relation to the land pursuant to section 226(1)(a) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990; · Agree to the appropriation of the Council-owned land known as the former Ladywell Leisure Centre, as outlined in red on the plan attached at Appendix B, from planning purposes back to housing purposes under Section 122 of the Local Government Act 1972; · Delegate authority to the Executive Director Place in consultation with the Director of Law, Governance and Elections to deal with any necessary arrangements to record the appropriation of the site for planning purposes including the transfer of the land from the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) to the General Fund account (GF) at the current red book value; the transfer of the land from the GF to the HRA at the current red book value; to negotiate and enter into agreements by deed and payment of compensation for the release of third-party rights where this can be achieved on reasonable terms within a reasonable timescale; and to take all necessary steps to settle claims for compensation pertaining to rights of light under section 204 of the Housing and Planning Act 2016.
Building for Lewisham: Approval of Capital Budgets and Procurement Strategy - PART 1 Additional documents: Decision: Councillor Dacres MOVED, Councillor Walsh SECONDED, and it was RESOLVED to:
· Approve the updated forecast Contract Sums as detailed in Part 2 of this report; · Approve the forecast total scheme On-Costs as detailed in Part 2 of the report; · Approve the updated forecast Total Scheme Costs as detailed in Part 2 of the report; · Approve the allocation of Right to Buy receipts to contribute to the funding for Valentine Court, Mayfield, Fairlawn, and Ladywell Park Gardens, as detailed in Part 2 of the report; · Approve the receipt and use of GLA grant to contribute to the funding for Valentine Court, Mayfield, Fairlawn, and Ladywell Park Gardens, as detailed in Part 2 of the report; · Approve such additional GLA or other grant funding that facilitates successful delivery and delegate authority to the Executive Director of Housing Regeneration and Public Realm in consultation with the Director of Law and Corporate Governance to approve and enter into such agreements and ancillary documentation as may be required to utilise such grant funding; · Approve the procurement strategies for demolition, enabling and main works construction contracts for Valentine Court, Mayfield, Fairlawn, and Ladywell Park Gardens, as further detailed in Part 2 of the report; · Approve the procurement strategies and the progress to tender of the sites at Valentine Court, Mayfield, Fairlawn, and Ladywell Park Gardens, and delegates authority to ED Place (in consultation with Director of Law and Governance) to enter into contract with the most economically advantageous tenderer as determined by the evaluation criteria set out in the tender documentation provided the relevant contract sum is within the financial limits set out in the Part 2 report. · Approve the procurement of a Principal Contractor for Valentine Court, delegate authority to the Executive Director for Place to award a Pre-Construction Services Agreement (PCSA) to the most economically advantageous tenderer (to be determined in accordance with the published evaluation criteria) and, subject to both satisfactory performance of the PCSA and provided the contract sum is within the limits set out in the Part 2 report, delegate authority to the Executive Director for Place to enter into the main works contract with the PCSA contractor. · Delegate authority to the Executive Director, Place (in consultation with the Executive Director for Housing, Regeneration and Public Realm and with the Director of Law, and Corporate Governance), to agree the final contract sum for demolition and enabling works for Mayfield and Fairlawn, up to delegated authority approval levels; · Delegate authority to the Executive Director, Place to approve the estimated costs detailed in part 2 of this paper for remedial works to Longfield Crescent to continue on the first two houses while further surveys on the other houses and flats are undertaken.
Minutes: The meeting received a report introduced by Councillor Dacres requesting approval of Capital Budget and Procurement Strategy relating to the Building for Lewisham, programme.
The Mayor (Acting) and Cabinet, having considered the officer open report, proposed that the recommendations in Part 2 of the report be agreed in the Part 1 session of the meeting, and thereafter, Councillor Dacres MOVED, Councillor Walsh SECONDED, and it was RESOLVED to:
· Approve the updated forecast Contract Sums as detailed in Part 2 of this report; · Approve the forecast total scheme On-Costs as detailed in Part 2 of the report; · Approve the updated forecast Total Scheme Costs as detailed in Part 2 of the report; · Approve the allocation of Right to Buy receipts to contribute to the funding for Valentine Court, Mayfield, Fairlawn, and Ladywell Park Gardens, as detailed in Part 2 of the report; · Approve the receipt and use of GLA grant to contribute to the funding for Valentine Court, Mayfield, Fairlawn, and Ladywell Park Gardens, as detailed in Part 2 of the report; · Approve such additional GLA or other grant funding that facilitates successful delivery and delegate authority to the Executive Director of Housing Regeneration and Public Realm in consultation with the Director of Law and Corporate Governance to approve and enter into such agreements and ancillary documentation as may be required to utilise such grant funding; · Approve the procurement strategies for demolition, enabling and main works construction contracts for Valentine Court, Mayfield, Fairlawn, and Ladywell Park Gardens, as further detailed in Part 2 of the report; · Approve the procurement strategies and the progress to tender of the sites at Valentine Court, Mayfield, Fairlawn, and Ladywell Park Gardens, and delegates authority to ED Place (in consultation with Director of Law and Governance) to enter into contract with the most economically advantageous tenderer as determined by the evaluation criteria set out in the tender documentation provided the relevant contract sum is within the financial limits set out in the Part 2 report. · Approve the procurement of a Principal Contractor for Valentine Court, delegate authority to the Executive Director for Place to award a Pre-Construction Services Agreement (PCSA) to the most economically advantageous tenderer (to be determined in accordance with the published evaluation criteria) and, subject to both satisfactory performance of the PCSA and provided the contract sum is within the limits set out in the Part 2 report, delegate authority to the Executive Director for Place to enter into the main works contract with the PCSA contractor. · Delegate authority to the Executive Director, Place (in consultation with the Executive Director for Housing, Regeneration and Public Realm and with the Director of Law, and Corporate Governance), to agree the final contract sum for demolition and enabling works for Mayfield and Fairlawn, up to delegated authority approval levels; · Delegate authority to the Executive Director, Place to approve the estimated costs detailed in part 2 of this paper for remedial works to Longfield Crescent to continue on the first two houses while further surveys ... view the full minutes text for item 13. |
Thomas Lane Yard - Acquisition and Planning Submission - PART 1 Additional documents:
Decision: Councillor Dacres MOVED, Councillor Walsh SECONDED, and it was RESOLVED to:
· Note the progress on developing the Thomas Lane Yard scheme, including the proposed housing mix; · Approve the freehold acquisition of land from Catford Regeneration Partnership Ltd shown shaded in green and pink on the plan in Appendix 1 of the report; · Delegate authority to the Executive Director of Place to: · Agree final terms for the freehold acquisition · Agree final terms for the leaseback arrangement with CRPL pending vacant position of the site being required · Agree the final scheme and submit a full planning application to the Local Planning Authority .
Minutes: The meeting received a report introduced by Councillor Dacres regarding the Thomas Lane Yard acquisition and planning submission.
The Mayor (Acting) and Cabinet, having considered the officer open report, proposed that the recommendations in Part 2 of the report be agreed in the Part 1 session of the meeting, and thereafter, Councillor Dacres MOVED, Councillor Walsh SECONDED, and it was RESOLVED to:
· Note the progress on developing the Thomas Lane Yard scheme, including the proposed housing mix; · Approve the freehold acquisition of land from Catford Regeneration Partnership Ltd shown shaded in green and pink on the plan in Appendix 1 of the report; · Delegate authority to the Executive Director of Place to: · Agree final terms for the freehold acquisition · Agree final terms for the leaseback arrangement with CRPL pending vacant position of the site being required · Agree the final scheme and submit a full planning application to the Local Planning Authority .
Additional documents: Decision: Councillor Walsh MOVED, Councillor Krupski SECONDED, and it was RESOLVED to:
· Approve the award of a concession contract to PTP Coaching Ltd for the provision of swimming and other lake activities in Beckenham Place Park. The contract will be for five years, commencing 1 June 2024, and will provide investment into the site and an income to the Council based on a combination of rent and percentage share of annual gross turnover. · Agree in principle to the disposal of open space and authorise the Director of Communities, Partnerships and Leisure to advertise the disposal as required by section 123(2A) Local Government Act 1972. · Delegate authority to the Execiutive Director for Community Services to consider and determine any objections made in response to the advert for the open space disposal advertised in accordance with recommendation 2.2 in the report. · Agree that subject to the responses to the advertisement above, delegate authority to the Executive Director for Community Services in consultation with the Director for Law and Corporate Governance to agree lease terms and enter into a lease in accordance with section 123 Local Government Act 1972.
Agree to award a concession contract to PTP Coaching Ltd. to manage lake activities (swimming & boating) on the lake at Beckenham Place Park and lease. Minutes: The meeting received the report introduced by Councillor Krupski relating to the award of a concession contract to PTP Coaching Ltd for the provision of swimming and other lake activities in Beckenham Place Park.
The Mayor (Acting) and Cabinet, having considered the officer open report, proposed that the recommendations in Part 2 of the report be agreed in the Part 1 session of the meeting, and thereafter, Councillor Walsh MOVED, Councillor Krupski SECONDED, and it was RESOLVED to:
· Approve the award of a concession contract to PTP Coaching Ltd for the provision of swimming and other lake activities in Beckenham Place Park. The contract will be for five years, commencing 1 June 2024, and will provide investment into the site and an income to the Council based on a combination of rent and percentage share of annual gross turnover. · Agree in principle to the disposal of open space and authorise the Director of Communities, Partnerships and Leisure to advertise the disposal as required by section 123(2A) Local Government Act 1972. · Delegate authority to the Execiutive Director for Community Services to consider and determine any objections made in response to the advert for the open space disposal advertised in accordance with recommendation 2.2 in the report. · Agree that subject to the responses to the advertisement above, delegate authority to the Executive Director for Community Services in consultation with the Director for Law and Corporate Governance to agree lease terms and enter into a lease in accordance with section 123 Local Government Act 1972.
Agree to award a concession contract to PTP Coaching Ltd. to manage lake activities (swimming & boating) on the lake at Beckenham Place Park and lease. |
Exclusion of Press and Public Decision: The Mayor (Acting) and Cabinet noted that recommendations relating to Item 17, Item 18, and Item 19, which were to be considered under Section 100 (A) (4) of the Local Government Act 1972 in Part 2 of the agenda were agreed in the open part of the meeting.
Minutes: The Mayor (Acting) and Cabinet noted that recommendations relating to Item 17, Item 18, and Item 19, which were to be considered under Section 100 (A) (4) of the Local Government Act 1972 in Part 2 of the agenda were agreed in the open part of the meeting.
Building for Lewisham: Approval of Capital Budgets and Procurement Strategy - PART 2
Decision: The recommendations were agreed in the open part of the meeting. Minutes: The recommendations were agreed in the open part of the meeting. |
Thomas Lane Yard - Acquisition and Planning Submission - PART 2
Decision: The recommendations were agreed in the open part of the meeting. Minutes: The recommendations were agreed in the open part of the meeting. |
Approval to appoint operator for concessions contract at Beckenham Place Park Lake - PART 2 Decision: The recommendations were agreed in the open part of the meeting. Minutes: The recommendations were agreed in the open part of the meeting. |