Council meetings

Agenda, decisions and minutes

Contact: Emma Campbell Smith 


No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 400 KB


It was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 21 June 2023 were agreed and held as an accurate record.


It was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 21 June 2023 were agreed and held as an accurate record.


Declaration of Interests pdf icon PDF 207 KB


Cllr Bell declared a non-pecuniary interest in the Task and Finish Group report on Community Food Growing (Item 3). He is currently on the waiting list for an allotment in Lewisham.


Cllr Bell declared a non-pecuniary interest in the Task and Finish Group report on Community Food Growing (Item 3). He is currently on the waiting list for an allotment in Lewisham.


Matters Raised by Scrutiny and other Constitutional Bodies pdf icon PDF 243 KB

·         Referral from Safer Stronger Communities Select Committee - Public Space Protection Order

·         Reports of the Task and Finish Groups

o   Workspaces

o   Community Food Growing

Additional documents:


It was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED that Mayor and Cabinet:


1)    Noted the referral from the Safer Stronger Communities Select Committee

2)    Noted the final reports and recommendations of the Workspaces and Community Food Growing Task and Finish Groups and requested that responses be prepared to come back to Mayor and Cabinet for approval.


Cllr Shrivastava, Chair of the Safer Stronger Communities Select Committee, introduced a referral on the Public Space Protection Order consultation outcome, setting out a number of concerns and making recommendations to the Mayor & Cabinet.


Cllr Schmidt, Chair of the OSC, had intended to make a presentation on the Workspaces Task and Finish Group (TFG), but he was unable to attend. Cllr Ingleby, former Chair of OSC, spoke briefly in support of the Workspaces TFG report.


Cllr Howard, Chair of the Community Food Growing TFG, outlined the recommendations in the report.


The Cabinet Member for Communities, Refugees and Wellbeing referenced the council’s Food Justice Action Plan, which included work to address food inequality and injustice. She welcomed the work of the TFG which expanded on existing work.


It was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED that Mayor and Cabinet:


1)    Noted the referral from the Safer Stronger Communities Select Committee

2)    Noted the final reports and recommendations of the Workspaces and Community Food Growing Task and Finish Groups and requested that the relevant Executive Directors prepare responses to come back to Mayor and Cabinet for approval.


Loan to Lewisham Plus Credit Union pdf icon PDF 243 KB

Additional documents:


It was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to approve the loan of £200k to Lewisham Plus Credit Union subject to the merger with Crownsavers Credit Union and to delegate to the Director of Finance the agreement of the final terms of loan agreement.


Having considered an open officer report, it was MOVED by Councillor De Ryk, SECONDED by Councillor Walsh and RESOLVED to approve the loan of £200k to Lewisham Plus Credit Union subject to the merger with Crownsavers Credit Union and to delegate to the Director of Finance the agreement of the final terms of loan agreement.


New Procurements for Oracle support and enhancement services pdf icon PDF 65 KB

Additional documents:


It was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to approve procurements for:


1. An Oracle support service (comprising of Human Resources, Finance and Payroll services) starting from 1st August 2024 for a period of 3 years with the option to extend for up to a year at an annual cost of £250k and total cost of £1 million over the contract period.


2. an enhancement contract to deliver new functionality. The contract is expected to start from 1st January 2024 for a period of 3 years with the option to extend for up to a year at an annual cost of £250k and total cost of £1 million over the contract period.


3. Approve the award of contract for both the support service contract and the enhancement contract to the preferred providers, provided the contract value is within authorised limits.


4. Delegate authority to Executive Director for Corporate Resources (in consultation with Director of Law & Corporate Governance and Applications Manager) to select the preferred providers in accordance with the selection and award criteria published in the tender documentation and agreed final form of contracts.


5. Seek approval to use a compliant public body organisation framework (G-Cloud 13) for both procurements.



Having considered an open officer report, it was MOVED by Councillor De Ryk, SECONDED by Councillor Davis and RESOLVED to approve procurements for:


1. An Oracle support service (comprising of Human Resources, Finance and Payroll services) starting from 1st August 2024 for a period of 3 years with the option to extend for up to a year at an annual cost of £250k and total cost of £1 million over the contract period.


2. an enhancement contract to deliver new functionality. The contract is expected to start from 1st January 2024 for a period of 3 years with the option to extend for up to a year at an annual cost of £250k and total cost of £1 million over the contract period.


3. Approve the award of contract for both the support service contract and the enhancement contract to the preferred providers, provided the contract value is within authorised limits.


4. Delegate authority to Executive Director for Corporate Resources (in consultation with Director of Law & Corporate Governance and Applications Manager) to select the preferred providers in accordance with the selection and award criteria published in the tender documentation and agreed final form of contracts.


5. Seek approval to use a compliant public body organisation framework (G-Cloud 13) for both procurements.



Delegated Authority for use of school premises pdf icon PDF 63 KB

Additional documents:




1.    To note that Governing Bodies of maintained schools in the Borough have responsibility for lettings and use of their premises by third parties outside of school hours


2.    To delegate to the Executive Director for Children and Young People the authority to approve the entry by maintained schools into transfer of control agreements during school hours provided that the purpose (or one of the purposes) is to promote community use of school premises and such use does not interfere with the primary activity of the school


Having considered an open officer report, it was MOVED by Councillor Barnham, SECONDED by Councillor Davis and RESOLVED:


1.    To note that Governing Bodies of maintained schools in the Borough have responsibility for lettings and use of their premises by third parties outside of school hours


2.    To delegate to the Executive Director for Children and Young People the authority to approve the entry by maintained schools into transfer of control agreements during school hours provided that the purpose (or one of the purposes) is to promote community use of school premises and such use does not interfere with the primary activity of the school


LUF Lewisham Library Refurbishment Works - Approval to award contract to Lead Consultant Part 1 pdf icon PDF 67 KB

Additional documents:


It was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to approve the appointment of Architecture 00 as the lead consultant to carry out and deliver the refurbishment of Lewisham Library 199 – 201 Lewisham High St, SE13 6LG in accordance with RIBA stages 1-7 at the tendered sum of £570,375 for a period of three years and six months.


Having considered open and closed officer reports, Cllr Walsh MOVED, Cllr Krupski SECONDED and it was RESOLVED to approve the appointment of Architecture 00 as the lead consultant to carry out and deliver the refurbishment of Lewisham Library 199 – 201 Lewisham High St, SE13 6LG in accordance with RIBA stages 1-7 at the tendered sum of £570,375 for a period of three years and six months.


Update on the 6 Annual Besson Street Business Plan pdf icon PDF 70 KB

Additional documents:




1.    Note that the 2023/24 Annual Business Plan will come forward in September 2023.


2.    Note the variation to the scale and duration of the predevelopment loan


3.    Approve the appointment of Katharine Nidd (to replace David Austin) as a Member Representative on Lewisham Grainger Holdings LLP and Besson Street LLP and as a Director of Besson Street Second Member Limited; and


4.    Agree to enter into a Deed of Indemnity with Katharine Nidd in respect of the appointments referred to at recommendation 2.4.


Item 9 was considered ahead of Item 8.


Having considered open and closed officer reports, Cllr Dacres MOVED, Cllr Davis SECONDED and it was RESOLVED to:


1.    Note that the 2023/24 Annual Business Plan will come forward in September 2023.


2.    Note the variation to the scale and duration of the predevelopment loan


3.    Approve the appointment of Katharine Nidd (to replace David Austin) as a Member Representative on Lewisham Grainger Holdings LLP and Besson Street LLP and as a Director of Besson Street Second Member Limited; and


4.    Agree to enter into a Deed of Indemnity with Katharine Nidd in respect of the appointments referred to at recommendation 2.4.


Excalibur Phase 4 and 5 updates - Part 1 pdf icon PDF 74 KB

Additional documents:


It was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED that Mayor and Cabinet:

1.    Noted the progress of the Excalibur Estate Regeneration Scheme as set out in this report;

2.    Approved the increase in the land assembly budget as set out in the accompanying Part 2 report;

3.    Agreed to the Council pursuing the purchase of 18 units from L&Q under the ‘Housing Acquisition Programme for Homeless Households’ programme within the parameters as set out in the accompanying Part 2 report;

4.    Delegated authority to the Executive Director of Corporate Resources in consultation with the Executive Director for Place and Director of Law, Governance and Elections, to negotiate the terms of, and complete the purchase of the 18 units from London and Quadrant Housing Association within the parameters as set out in the accompanying Part 2 report; and

5.    Approved the lease of properties purchased through the Housing Acquisitions Programme to a housing management agent or council subsidiary, to provide housing management services for the 300 units. Delegate to the Executive Director for Place the authority to approve the issue of such lease.


Having considered open and closed officer reports, Cllr Dacres MOVED, Cllr Davis SECONDED and it was RESOLVED that Mayor and Cabinet:

1.    Noted the progress of the Excalibur Estate Regeneration Scheme as set out in this report;

2.    Approved the increase in the land assembly budget as set out in the accompanying Part 2 report;

3.    Agreed to the Council pursuing the purchase of 18 units from L&Q under the ‘Housing Acquisition Programme for Homeless Households’ programme within the parameters as set out in the accompanying Part 2 report;

4.    Delegated authority to the Executive Director of Corporate Resources in consultation with the Executive Director for Place and Director of Law, Governance and Elections, to negotiate the terms of, and complete the purchase of the 18 units from London and Quadrant Housing Association within the parameters as set out in the accompanying Part 2 report; and

5.    Approved the lease of properties purchased through the Housing Acquisitions Programme to a housing management agent or council subsidiary, to provide housing management services for the 300 units. Delegate to the Executive Director for Place the authority to approve the issue of such lease.


Home Park and Edward Street Development Budget and Programme Update report - THIS ITEM HAS BEEN WITHDRAWN


This item was withdrawn.


This item was withdrawn.


CIL Governance pdf icon PDF 72 KB

Additional documents:


It was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED that Mayor and Cabinet:


1.    Approves the SCIL Governance proceedures which are set out in the report.


2.    Approves the allocation of SCIL to three projects, subject to detailed PIDS being submitted in regard to each;


·         Movement of the South Circular - £3,694,782

·         Works at Lewisham Play Tower - £265,600

·         Levelling up Fund (LUF) projects match fund requirement plus funding to enable additional elements to be delivered - £4,000,000


3.    Authorise Officers to review the prioritisation process after a year of implementation to ensure and make any necessary changes to the Project Prioritisation Forms.


4.    Note the legal and financial implications set out in Section 6 and 7.


Having considered an open officer report, Cllr Dacres MOVED, Cllr De Ryk SECONDED and it was RESOLVED that Mayor and Cabinet:


1.    Approves the SCIL Governance procedures which are set out in the report.


2.    Approves the allocation of SCIL to three projects, subject to detailed PIDS being submitted in regard to each;


·         Movement of the South Circular - £3,694,782

·         Works at Lewisham Play Tower - £265,600

·         Levelling up Fund (LUF) projects match fund requirement plus funding to enable additional elements to be delivered - £4,000,000


3.    Authorise Officers to review the prioritisation process after a year of implementation to ensure and make any necessary changes to the Project Prioritisation Forms.


4.    Note the legal and financial implications set out in Section 6 and 7.



The Committee invited Emma Talbot, Director of Planning, to the table. They reported that after 19 years at Lewisham Council, she was leaving. The thanked her for her service and wished her well with her future endeavours.


Sustainable Transport and Parking Improvements programme - recommendations for Phase 1 pdf icon PDF 73 KB

Additional documents:




1.    Note the updated Parking Policy, as noted in Section 10.9


2.    Note the feedback of the Phase 1 Sustainable Streets public consultation


3.    Agree that proposals for a permanent traffic order for new Sustainable Streets zones in Deptford, Honor Oak Park, and Ravensbourne Park be published and that the statutory processes be conducted


4.    Agree to implement ‘no waiting at any time’ junction protection markings (double yellow lines) at junctions of all roads consulted within Phase 1 areas


5.    Agree to officers using their delegated powers to make any changes they consider necessary to address any issues raised following a 6-12 month review of the Phase 1 zones


6.    Agree to proceed to Phase 2 engagement and consultation in Evelyn


7.    Agree to proceed to the review of existing Controlled Parking Zones in Zone B (Lewisham), Zone BHA (Blackheath) and Zone E (Rushey Green West)


8.    Agree to the revised engagement and consultation approach for future phases of the Sustainable Streets programme


Having considered an open officer report and a presentation from the Cabinet Member, Cllr Krupski MOVED, Cllr Davis SECONDED and it was RESOLVED to:


1.    Note the updated Parking Policy, as noted in Section 10.9


2.    Note the feedback of the Phase 1 Sustainable Streets public consultation


3.    Agree that proposals for a permanent traffic order for new Sustainable Streets zones in Deptford, Honor Oak Park, and Ravensbourne Park be published and that the statutory processes be conducted


4.    Agree to implement ‘no waiting at any time’ junction protection markings (double yellow lines) at junctions of all roads consulted within Phase 1 areas


5.    Agree to officers using their delegated powers to make any changes they consider necessary to address any issues raised following a 6-12 month review of the Phase 1 zones


6.    Agree to proceed to Phase 2 engagement and consultation in Evelyn


7.    Agree to proceed to the review of existing Controlled Parking Zones in Zone B (Lewisham), Zone BHA (Blackheath) and Zone E (Rushey Green West)


8.    Agree to the revised engagement and consultation approach for future phases of the Sustainable Streets programme


2023/24 Capital Programme for Highways and Transport - Borough-wide Footway Improvements & Carriageway Resurfacing and Local Implementation Programme pdf icon PDF 65 KB

Additional documents:


It was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED that the Mayor and Cabinet in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport:


1.    authorise the implementation of the 2023/24 Local Implementation Plan (LIP) capital programme and the 2023/24 borough wide carriageway footway improvements and carriageway resurfacing capital programme to this report.


2.    authorise officers to make permanent the Experimental Traffic Orders for school streets currently in force as listed in this report and due to expire 4th August 2023, 4th October 2023, 21st Feb 2024. Also, that no public Inquiry is required on the basis that there has been significant opportunity for all views to be canvassed during the consultation period, including objections to making the orders permanent.


3.    authorise officers to make decisions on road danger reduction schemes using the methodology outlined in this report and this be adopted as policy.


4.    authorise officers to make decisions on Electric Vehicle (EV) implementation using the methodology outlined in the Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Implementation Plan 2023 – 2026 and this be adopted as policy.


Having considered an open officer report, Cllr Krupski MOVED, Cllr Barnham SECONDED and it was RESOLVED that the Mayor and Cabinet in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport:


1.    authorise the implementation of the 2023/24 Local Implementation Plan (LIP) capital programme and the 2023/24 borough wide carriageway footway improvements and carriageway resurfacing capital programme to this report.


2.    authorise officers to make permanent the Experimental Traffic Orders for school streets currently in force as listed in this report and due to expire 4th August 2023, 4th October 2023, 21st Feb 2024. Also, that no public Inquiry is required on the basis that there has been significant opportunity for all views to be canvassed during the consultation period, including objections to making the orders permanent.


3.    authorise officers to make decisions on road danger reduction schemes using the methodology outlined in this report and this be adopted as policy.


4.    authorise officers to make decisions on Electric Vehicle (EV) implementation using the methodology outlined in the Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Implementation Plan 2023 – 2026 and this be adopted as policy.


Approval of a 5 year Physical Activity Strategy and implementation plans pdf icon PDF 67 KB

Additional documents:




1.    Adopt the Physical Activity Strategy 2023-2028


2.    Note the Lewisham Indoor Built Sports Facilities – Independent Assessment 2021 – 2033


Having considered an open officer report, Cllr Bourne MOVED, duly seconded SECONDED and it was RESOLVED to:


1.    Adopt the Physical Activity Strategy 2023-2028


2.    Note the Lewisham Indoor Built Sports Facilities – Independent Assessment 2021 – 2033


Approval of the councils updated Homelessness & Rough Sleeping Strategy 2023-26 pdf icon PDF 75 KB

Additional documents:


It was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED the strategy set out in this report is approved


Having considered an open officer report, Cllr Davis MOVED, Cllr Barnham SECONDED and it was RESOLVED the strategy set out in the report is approved


Cultural Strategy pdf icon PDF 634 KB

Additional documents:




1.    Note that We are Lewisham – A cultural strategy for Lewisham 2023 – 2028 is a partnership strategy for culture in Lewisham.


2.    Adopt the attached strategy document We are Lewisham – A cultural strategy for Lewisham 2023 - 2028


Having considered an open officer report, Cllr Walsh MOVED, it was duly SECONDED and it was RESOLVED to


1.    Note that We are Lewisham – A cultural strategy for Lewisham 2023 – 2028 is a partnership strategy for culture in Lewisham.


2.    Adopt the attached strategy document We are Lewisham – A cultural strategy for Lewisham 2023 - 2028


Affordable Workspace Strategy DOTX 54 KB

Additional documents:




1.    Approve the Affordable Workspace Strategy and action plan


2.    Approve the proposed grant programmes for occupying empty properties and creating more workspace in the borough, including in Council-owned assets, funded by UK Shared Prosperity Fund


Having considered an open officer report, Cllr Powell MOVED, and duly SECONDED and it was RESOLVED to


1.    Approve the Affordable Workspace Strategy and action plan


2.    Approve the proposed grant programmes for occupying empty properties and creating more workspace in the borough, including in Council-owned assets, funded by UK Shared Prosperity Fund


Medium Term Financial Strategy 2024/25 - 2028/29 pdf icon PDF 67 KB

Additional documents:




1. Note the risks with regards to current year budget reduction measures, the persistent overspends and the uncertainty of future government funding; and the potential for this to impact negatively on the forecast balanced budget position for 2024/25; and


2. Agree the 2024/25 to 2027/28 Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) and outline approach being taken to identify budget reduction proposals required to meet the remaining estimated budget gap of £15m over the next four years


Having considered an open officer report, Cllr De Ryk MOVED, Cllr Krupski SECONDED and it was RESOLVED to


1. Note the risks with regards to current year budget reduction measures, the persistent overspends and the uncertainty of future government funding; and the potential for this to impact negatively on the forecast balanced budget position for 2024/25; and


2. Agree the 2024/25 to 2027/28 Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) and outline approach being taken to identify budget reduction proposals required to meet the remaining estimated budget gap of £15m over the next four years


Financial Monitoring Period 2 pdf icon PDF 67 KB

Additional documents:


It was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to note the current financial forecasts for the year ending 31 March 2024 and that Executive Directors will continue to work on bringing forward action plans to manage down budget pressures within their directorates.


Having considered an open officer report, Cllr De Ryk MOVED, and duly SECONDED and it was RESOLVED to note the current financial forecasts for the year ending 31 March 2024 and that Executive Directors will continue to work on bringing forward action plans to manage down budget pressures within their directorates.


Exclusion of Press and Public pdf icon PDF 186 KB


All Part 2 reports were considered alongside their open counterparts therefore there was no need to exclude the press and public.


All Part 2 reports were considered alongside their open counterparts therefore there was no need to exclude the press and public.


Excalibur Phase 4 & 5 update - Part 2


This item was considered in conjunction with item 9.


Update on the 6 Annual Besson Street Business Plan - Part 2


Considered in conjunction with item 8.


Home Park and Edward Street Development Budget and Programme Update - Part 2 THIS ITEM HAS BEEN WITHDRAWN


This item was withdrawn.


LUF Lewisham Library Refurbishment Works - Approval to award contract to Lead Consultant - Part 2


Considered in conjunction with item 7.