Council meetings

Agenda, decisions and minutes

Contact: Emma Aye-Kumi 


No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 272 KB


The minutes of the last meeting held on 7 December 2022 were agreed as an accurate record, subject to the following ammendment:


“Julia Webb, of the Bell Green Neighbourhood Forum, presented the referral” with

“Councillor Campbell presented the referral. The Mayor allowed Julia Webb of the Bell Green Neighbourhood Forum five minutes to speak on the matter.”



The minutes of the last meeting held on 7 December 2022 were agreed as an accurate record, subject to the following ammendment:


“Julia Webb, of the Bell Green Neighbourhood Forum, presented the referral” with

“Councillor Campbell presented the referral. The Mayor allowed Julia Webb of the Bell Green Neighbourhood Forum five minutes to speak on the matter.”



Declaration of Interests pdf icon PDF 207 KB






Matters Raised by Scrutiny and other Constitutional Bodies pdf icon PDF 278 KB


The Mayor and Cabinet received a referral from the Housing Select Committee with their comments on presentations by Social Housing Providers regarding their retrofitting work.


Councillor Bell asked whether Regenter had given an indication of cost and was advised that they had not.


It was agreed that a formal response would be provided to the Housing Select Committee.




Permission to Award to The Commissioning Alliance pdf icon PDF 61 KB

Additional documents:


It was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to grant permission for:

·         The council to join the Commissioning Alliance Dynamic Purchasing Vehicle for the provision of Fostering, Residential and Semi-Independent Living placements, from the 1st April 2023 to the 31st March 2026 at a cost of £87,000 per year, or £251,000 over the three year initial contract term. This includes an option to extend for two additional years (1+1), taking the maximum possible value of the contract, including the extension period, to £415,000.

·         The award of contracts (placements) under the Commissioning Alliance Dynamic Purchasing Vehicle, provided the placements are made in accordance with the award criteria as set out under the agreement, and provided the total value of placements does not exceed £77,356,014 over the initial three-year period.



Having considered an open report and a presentation from the relevant Cabinet Member, it was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to grant permission for:

·         The council to join the Commissioning Alliance Dynamic Purchasing Vehicle for the provision of Fostering, Residential and Semi-Independent Living placements, from the 1st April 2023 to the 31st March 2026 at a cost of £87,000 per year, or £251,000 over the three year initial contract term. This includes an option to extend for two additional years (1+1), taking the maximum possible value of the contract, including the extension period, to £415,000.

·         The award of contracts (placements) under the Commissioning Alliance Dynamic Purchasing Vehicle, provided the placements are made in accordance with the award criteria as set out under the agreement, and provided the total value of placements does not exceed £77,356,014 over the initial three-year period.



Permission to Award - Lewisham Wellbeing Service - PART 1 pdf icon PDF 62 KB

Additional documents:


It was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to allow the award of a contract to Together for Mental Health Wellbeing to deliver Lewisham Community Wellbeing Service. The contract will be for an initial period of 3 years, commencing on 1 April 2023, with an option to extend for a further 2 years up to a maximum contract value of £2,800,000.


Having considered an open and a confidential report and a presentation from the relevant Cabinet Member, it was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to allow the award of a contract to Together for Mental Health Wellbeing to deliver Lewisham Community Wellbeing Service. The contract would be for an initial period of 3 years, commencing on 1 April 2023, with an option to extend for a further 2 years up to a maximum contract value of £2,800,000.


Permission to Award - Dementia Hub - PART 1 pdf icon PDF 61 KB

Additional documents:


It was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to award a contract to the Alzheimer’s Society to deliver Lewisham’s Dementia Hub. The contract will be for an initial period of 3 years, commencing on 1 April 2023 with an option to extend for a further 2 years up to a maximum contract value of £1.45m.



Having considered an open and a confidential report and a presentation from the relevant Cabinet Member, it was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to award a contract to the Alzheimer’s Society to deliver Lewisham’s Dementia Hub. The contract would be for an initial period of 3 years, commencing on 1 April 2023 with an option to extend for a further 2 years up to a maximum contract value of £1.45m


Permission to Award - New Hope Housing Project - PART 1 pdf icon PDF 62 KB

Additional documents:


It was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to allow the award of a contract to PENROSE OPTIONS to deliver New Hope Mental Health Housing. The contract will be for an initial period of three years, commencing on 1 April 2023, with an option to extend for a further two years up to a maximum contract value of £2,070,000.



Having considered an open and a confidential report and a presentation by the relevant Cabinet Member, it was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to allow the award of a contract to PENROSE OPTIONS to deliver New Hope Mental Health Housing. The contract will be for an initial period of three years, commencing on 1 April 2023, with an option to extend for a further two years up to a maximum contract value of £2,070,000.



Provision of Parking and Traffic Enforcement Division Service - PART 1 pdf icon PDF 28 KB

Additional documents:



·         Agree a 3-month extension to the existing contract

·         To agree a new procurement via open tender process for Parking and Traffic Enforcement and its associated Services contract for a period of 8 years with the option to extend for a further 2 years and to award the contract.



The Mayor and Cabinet considered an open and a confidential report, and a presentation by the relevant Cabinet Member.


The Mayor extended his and the Cabinet’s thanks and best wishes to Zahur Khan, Director of Public Realm, who was leaving Lewisham.  


It was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED that the following be agreed:

·        A 3-month extension to the existing contract

·        A new procurement via open tender process for Parking and Traffic Enforcement and its associated Services contract for a period of 8 years with the option to extend for a further 2 years and to award the contract.



Secure Children's Home for London Children and Pan-London Vehicle for Commissioning pdf icon PDF 145 KB

Additional documents:



1.1.        Permit the council to become a member of a not-for-profit company, limited by guarantee, provisionally to be known as the Pan London Vehicle, to:

a.    develop and then oversee the running of London’s secure children’s home provision for a five-year period from 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2028, with a break-point after three years once the refreshed business case has been developed as well as the service pricing structure, commissioning approach, operating model, practice model and the SCH’s location is confirmed.  Once the provision has launched, membership will be at a fixed annual cost of £20K (subject to inflation adjustment), unless an alternative model for funding the PLV, that does not require annual subscription, is agreed by members during the development phase and


b.    collaborate with other PLV members on future joint commissioning programmes.

1.2.        Commit in principle to joint oversight and risk/benefit sharing of the secure children’s home provision, through the PLV, for a five-year period to 31st March 2028 (with three-year break point),that includes the build, service development and service commissioning phases, subject to ratification after the revision of the SCH business case, and renewable on a ten yearly cycle thereafter, with break-point after five years.

1.3.        Delegate authority to Executive Director of Children & Young people’s service in consultation with the Director of Finance and the Council’s Monitoring Officer to:


a.    finalise the legal documents required to set up, join and run the PLV,


b.    make the final determination on the Council’s membership of the PLV, following completion of the revised SCH business case and, if appropriate, enter into all the legal agreements, contracts and other documents on behalf of the Council required to implement and run any aspect of the PLV arrangements,


c.     to exercise the break clause as described in paragraph 9.2 and


d.    to continue the membership of the PLV beyond March 2028.



Having considered an open report and a presentation by the relevant Cabinet Member, it was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to:

1.1.        Permit the council to become a member of a not-for-profit company, limited by guarantee, provisionally to be known as the Pan London Vehicle, to:

a.    develop and then oversee the running of London’s secure children’s home provision for a five-year period from 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2028, with a break-point after three years once the refreshed business case has been developed as well as the service pricing structure, commissioning approach, operating model, practice model and the SCH’s location is confirmed.  Once the provision has launched, membership will be at a fixed annual cost of £20K (subject to inflation adjustment), unless an alternative model for funding the PLV, that does not require annual subscription, is agreed by members during the development phase; and

b.    collaborate with other PLV members on future joint commissioning programmes.

1.2.        Commit in principle to joint oversight and risk/benefit sharing of the secure children’s home provision, through the PLV, for a five-year period to 31st March 2028 (with three-year break point),that includes the build, service development and service commissioning phases, subject to ratification after the revision of the SCH business case, and renewable on a ten yearly cycle thereafter, with break-point after five years.

1.3.        Delegate authority to Executive Director of Children & Young people’s service in consultation with the Director of Finance and the Council’s Monitoring Officer to:

a.    finalise the legal documents required to set up, join and run the PLV;

b.    make the final determination on the Council’s membership of the PLV, following completion of the revised SCH business case and, if appropriate, enter into all the legal agreements, contracts and other documents on behalf of the Council required to implement and run any aspect of the PLV arrangements; 

c.     to exercise the break clause as described in paragraph 9.2; and

d.    to continue the membership of the PLV beyond March 2028.



Financial Monitoring Period 7 pdf icon PDF 191 KB

Additional documents:


It was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED that the Mayor & Cabinet:

·         Notes the use of £6.6m Reserve Funding to meet the unbudgeted financial impact of the Pay Award and Energy Tarff pressures during 2022/23, previously £5.5m of Reserve funding was being used in Period 4, the additional reserve usage fully funds the reported pressure on Energy and the Staff pay award. 

·         Notes the current financial forecasts for the year ending 31 March 2023 and that Executive Directors will continue to work in bringing forward action plans to manage down budget pressures within their directorates.



Having considered an open report and a presentation by the relevant Cabinet Member, it was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED that the Mayor & Cabinet:

·         Notes the use of £6.6m Reserve Funding to meet the unbudgeted financial impact of the Pay Award and Energy Tarff pressures during 2022/23, previously £5.5m of Reserve funding was being used in Period 4, the additional reserve usage fully funds the reported pressure on Energy and the Staff pay award. 

·         Notes the current financial forecasts for the year ending 31 March 2023 and that Executive Directors will continue to work in bringing forward action plans to manage down budget pressures within their directorates.



Setting the Council Tax Base, the NNDR Tax Base & Discounts for Second Homes and Empty Homes pdf icon PDF 195 KB

Additional documents:


It was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED that the Mayor and Cabinet:


·         note the Council Tax Base calculation for 2023/24, as set out in the annual Council Tax Base government return, attached at Appendix A;

·         recommend Council agree a Council Tax Base of 88,848.5 B and D equivalent properties for 2023/24;

·         recommend Council agree a budgeted Council Tax collection rate of 94.0%;

·         recommend Council agree no changes be made to the Council Tax Reduction Scheme (CTRS) for 2023/24, that eligible claimants make a minimum contribution of 25% towards their council tax;

·         recommend Council approve the continuation of the discretionary Council Tax discount of 100% for care leavers up to the age of 25, as set out in section five of this report;                                                                                                                                                                                               

·         recommend Council agree that the existing policy of a 0% discount for second homes for 2020/21 be continued for 2023/24, as set out in section five of this report;

·         recommend Council agree that the existing policy of a 0% discount for empty homes Class A (an empty property undergoing structural alteration or major repair to make it habitable) be continued, as set out in section five of this report;

·         recommend Council agree the amendment to the current policy and removes the 100% discount awarded for a period of four weeks, such that the 0% discount is applied immediately for empty homes – Class C (a substantially empty and unfurnished property), as set out in section five of this report;

·         recommend Council agree that the existing Long Term Empty Property homes premium of 100% for properties empty between 2 and 5 years, 200% for those empty for over five years, and 300% for properties that remain empty for 10 years or more continues, as set out in section five of this report;

·         recommend Council agree the continuation of the existing policy of a 25% ‘sanctuary’ discount to ensure residents eligible for a single person discount are not financially worse off as a result of housing a refugee, as set out in section five of this report;

·         note the proposed 2023/24 National Non Domestic Rate (NNDR) estimated net yield of £72m, based on current information available.

·         recommend Council agree to delegate the approval of the final 2023/24 NNDR1 form to the Executive Director for Corporate Resources for submission by the deadline of 31 January 2023.



Having considered an open report and a presentation by the relevant Cabinet Member, it was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED that the Mayor and Cabinet:

·       note the Council Tax Base calculation for 2023/24, as set out in the annual Council Tax Base government return, attached at Appendix A;

·       recommend Council agree a Council Tax Base of 88,848.5 B and D equivalent properties for 2023/24;

·       recommend Council agree a budgeted Council Tax collection rate of 94.0%;

·       recommend Council agree no changes be made to the Council Tax Reduction Scheme (CTRS) for 2023/24, that eligible claimants make a minimum contribution of 25% towards their council tax;

·       recommend Council approve the continuation of the discretionary Council Tax discount of 100% for care leavers up to the age of 25, as set out in section five of this report;                                                                     

·       recommend Council agree that the existing policy of a 0% discount for second homes for 2020/21 be continued for 2023/24, as set out in section five of this report;

·       recommend Council agree that the existing policy of a 0% discount for empty homes Class A (an empty property undergoing structural alteration or major repair to make it habitable) be continued, as set out in section five of this report;

·       recommend Council agree the amendment to the current policy and removes the 100% discount awarded for a period of four weeks, such that the 0% discount is applied immediately for empty homes – Class C (a substantially empty and unfurnished property), as set out in section five of this report;

·         recommend Council agree that the existing Long Term Empty Property homes premium of 100% for properties empty between 2 and 5 years, 200% for those empty for over five years, and 300% for properties that remain empty for 10 years or more continues, as set out in section five of this report;

·      recommend Council agree the continuation of the existing policy of a 25% ‘sanctuary’ discount to ensure residents eligible for a single person discount are not financially worse off as a result of housing a refugee, as set out in section five of this report;

·      note the proposed 2023/24 National Non Domestic Rate (NNDR) estimated net yield of £72m, based on current information available.

·        recommend Council agree to delegate the approval of the final 2023/24 NNDR1 form to the Executive Director for Corporate Resources for submission by the deadline of 31 January 2023.



Exclusion of Press and Public pdf icon PDF 123 KB


All closed (Part 2) reports were considered alongside their open (Part 1) counterparts, therefore there was no need to exclude the Press and Public.


All closed (Part 2) reports were considered alongside their open (Part 1) counterparts, therefore there was no need to exclude the Press and Public.


Permission to Award - Lewisham Wellbeing Service - PART 2


Considered alongside Item 5.


Considered alongside Item 5.


Permission to Award - Dementia Hub - PART 2


Considered alongside Item 6.


Permission to Award - New Hope Housing Project - PART 2


Considered alongside Item 7.


Considered alongside Item 7.


Provision of Parking and Traffic Enforcement Division Service - PART 2


Considered alongside Item 8.


Considered alongside Item 8.