Council meetings

Agenda, decisions and minutes

Contact: Kevin Flaherty 0208 3149327 


No. Item


Declaration of Interests pdf icon PDF 207 KB




None were made.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 25 KB

Additional documents:




RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on December 8 2021 be

confirmed and signed as a correct record.


Matters Raised by Scrutiny and other Constitutional Bodies pdf icon PDF 26 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered an open officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for Environment and Transport, Councillor Patrick Codd, the Mayor

and Cabinet agreed that:


(1) the officer response be approved and reported to the Sustainable

Development Select Committee;


(2) the results and feedback from the public consultation be received;


(3) a requirement for motorcycles to hold a valid permit or parking session to

park in any permit holder, shared use, or short-stay parking bays, subject to

statutory consultation via the TMO process be approved;


(3) a new proposed pricing structure for motorcycle parking charges, subject

to statutory consultation via the TMO process be approved;


(4) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Housing, Regeneration

and Public Realm to consider the outcome of the TMO statutory consultation

process and whether to approve the implementation of the new scheme.


Councillor Codd presented the report which as well as responding to a referral

from the Sustainable Development Committee, contained some further

recommendations which would be liable for further consideration at the

Overview & Scrutiny Business Panel.


Having considered an open officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for Environment and Transport, Councillor Patrick Codd, the Mayor

and Cabinet for the reasons set out in the report and by a vote of 7-0:




(1) the officer response be approved and reported to the Sustainable

Development Select Committee;


(2) the results and feedback from the public consultation be received;


(3) a requirement for motorcycles to hold a valid permit or parking session to

park in any permit holder, shared use, or short-stay parking bays, subject to

statutory consultation via the TMO process be approved;


(3) a new proposed pricing structure for motorcycle parking charges, subject

to statutory consultation via the TMO process be approved;


(4) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Housing, Regeneration

and Public Realm to consider the outcome of the TMO statutory consultation

process and whether to approve the implementation of the new scheme.


Young Mayor's Budget 2020-2021 pdf icon PDF 64 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered an open officer report, and presentations by the Cabinet

Member for Children’s Services and School Performance, Councillor Chris

Barnham, and by the outgoing Young Mayor, Deputy Young Mayor and a

Young Advisor, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that the Young Mayor’s budget

proposals set out in section 8 be approved


Following a presentation by Councillor Barnham there was a detailed

presentation followed by questions and answers on the proposal to fund the

Bank of Things, by the outgoing Young Mayor, Femi Komolafe, the outgoing

Deputy Young Mayor, Aaliyah Odedina and a Young Advisor, Shanti Elliott.


The Mayor paid tribute to Femi and his team for serving two years through the

pandemic while at the same time maintaining a high level of activity as

reflected in their Powerpoint presentation and in the written report.


Having considered an open officer report, and presentations by the Cabinet

Member for Children’s Services and School Performance, Councillor Chris

Barnham, and by the outgoing Young Mayor, Deputy Young Mayor and a

Young Advisor, the Mayor and Cabinet, for the reasons set out in the report

and by a vote of 7-0


RESOLVED that that the Young Mayor’s budget proposals set out in section 8

be approved.


Lewisham and Lee Green Low Traffic Neighbourhood: Consultation and next steps pdf icon PDF 75 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered an open officer report, and presentations by the Cabinet

Member for Environment and Transport, Councillor Patrick Codd, Councillors

Maslin, Krupski, Rathbone and Ingleby and by two members of the public, the

Mayor and Cabinet agreed that:


(1) the findings of the review of the LTN, including the data monitoring and

feedback from the public consultation be noted;


(2) the Equalities Impact Assessment (EqIA) and specific equalities

considerations summarised in section 8 and the full EqIA detailed in Appendix

J, be received;


(3) proposals for a permanent traffic order retaining the revised Lewisham and

Lee Green LTN be published, and that the statutory processes be conducted,

be approved;


(4) the physical modal filters within the Lewisham and Lee Green Low Traffic

Neighbourhood be converted to automatic number plate recognition (ANPR)

camera enforcement and that Lewisham blue badge holders and emergency

services be exempt;


(5) officers work with schools in the LTN area to implement traditional school

streets, where schools are supportive;


(6) additional complementary measures be implemented within the LTN and

surrounding areas, subject to statutory processes and detailed design,


- planters/trees and green spaces

- additional electric vehicle charging points

- additional bike hangars and cycle stands

- additional and/or improved pedestrian crossing points

- new seating 


(7) approval be given to continue to monitor the area using a range of

indicators, including, but not limited to, traffic counts, speed surveys, air

quality and bus journey times.


(8) officers use their existing delegated powers to implement the above

recommendations and deliver the package of complementary measures.



The report was presented by Councillor Patrick Codd, the Cabinet Member for

Environment and Transport. In moving the recommendations, Councillor Codd

said they reflected the COP26 accords to tackle climate change by aiming to

reduce the number of car journeys as part of the process.


Councillor Paul Maslin, the Chair of Overview and Scrutiny confirmed the

Business Panel would scrutinise the outcomes reached by the Cabinet at their

next meeting on Tuesday January 25.


Councillor Louise Krupski, the Chair of the Sustainable Development Select

Committee, reported that her Select Committee had considered the proposals

and had expressed a range of views.


Councillor James Rathbone, a Lee Green Ward Councillor outlined the history

of the proposals since 2019 and expressed support for the latest



Councillor Mark Ingleby, the Mayor’s Cycling Champion, added his support for

the recommendations.


Rosamund Addo Kissi-Debra, mother of Ella Roberta, attended saying she

was present to represent her remaining children. Their health had been

monitored during the operation of the LTN and she remained concerned about

the effects of pollution on young people. She suggested that rather than be

made permanent, the LTN only be extended by six months. She reserved the

right to seek a possible Judicial Review on the Cabinet’s decision.


Brian Turpin representing Lewisham Cyclists suppoted the case made by

Councillor Ingleby and asked that the LTN be made permanent.


In concluding the debate, the Mayor said difficult decisions had to be made.

He believed he should follow the evidence on air quality and traffic counts

which demonstrated behavioural change had taken place. In supporting the

recommendations he asked that there be continuous monitoring over the next

six months and a report come back to Cabinet.


Having considered an open officer report, and presentations by the Cabinet

Member for Environment and Transport, Councillor Patrick Codd, Councillors

Maslin, Krupski, Rathbone and Ingleby and by two members of the public, the

Mayor and Cabinet for the reasons set out in the report and from the options

available, by a vote of 7-0:




(1) the findings of the review of the LTN, including the data monitoring and

feedback from the public consultation be noted;


(2) the Equalities Impact Assessment (EqIA) and specific equalities

considerations summarised in section 8 and the full EqIA detailed in Appendix

J, be received;


(3) proposals for a permanent traffic order retaining the revised Lewisham and

Lee Green LTN be published, and that the statutory processes be conducted,

be approved;


(4) the physical modal filters within the Lewisham and Lee Green Low Traffic

Neighbourhood be converted to automatic number plate recognition (ANPR)

camera enforcement and that Lewisham blue badge holders and emergency

services be exempt;


(5) officers work with schools in the LTN area to implement traditional school

streets, where schools are supportive;


(6) additional complementary measures be implemented within the LTN and

surrounding areas, subject to statutory processes and detailed design,


- planters/trees and green spaces

- additional electric vehicle charging points

- additional bike  ...  view the full minutes text for item 596.


Council Tax Base 2022-23 pdf icon PDF 72 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered an open officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for Finance & Resources, Councillor Amanda De Ryk, the Mayor and

Cabinet agreed that:


(1) the Council Tax Base calculation for 2022/23, as set out in the annual

Council Tax Base government return, attached at Appendix A; be noted;


(2) Council be recommended to agree a Council Tax Base of 88,904.9 Band

D equivalent properties for 2022/23;


(3) Council be recommended to agree a budgeted Council Tax collection rate

of 95.0%;


(4) Council be recommended to agree no changes be made to the Council

Tax Reduction Scheme (CTRS) for 2022/23, that eligible claimants make a

minimum contribution of 25% towards their council tax;


(5) Council be recommended to approve the continuation of the discretionary

Council Tax discount of 100% for care leavers up to the age of 25, as set out

in section five;


(6) Council be recommended to agree that the existing policy of a 0%

discount for second homes for 2020/21 be continued for 2022/23, as set out in

section five; and


(7) Council be recommended to agree that the existing policy of a 0%

discount for empty homes Class A (an empty property undergoing structural

alteration or major repair to make it habitable) be continued, as set out in

section five;


(8) Council be recommended to agree that the existing policy of a 100%

discount awarded for a period of four weeks and then a 0% discount

thereafter, for empty homes – Class C (a substantially empty and unfurnished

property) be continued, as set out in section five of this report;


(9) Council be recommended to agree that the existing Long Term Empty

Property homes premium of 100% for properties empty between 2 and 5

years, and 200% for those empty for over five years continues, and introduce

a 300% premium for properties that remain empty for 10 years or more, as set

out in section five;


(10) Council be recommended to agree the introduction of a 25% ‘sanctuary’

discount to ensure residents eligible for a single person discount are not

financially worse off as a result of housing a refugee, as set out in section five;


(11) the proposed 2022/23 National Non Domestic Rate (NNDR) estimated

net yield of £70m be noted, based on current information available and

excluding any potential additional Covid reliefs or rateable value changes; and


(12) Council be recommended to agree to delegate the approval of the final

2022/23 NNDR1 form to the Executive Director for Corporate Resources for

submission by the deadline of 31 January 2022.



Having considered an open officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for Finance & Resources, Councillor Amanda De Ryk, the Mayor and

Cabinet, for the reasons set out in the report and by a vote of 7-0,




(1) the Council Tax Base calculation for 2022/23, as set out in the annual

Council Tax Base government return, attached at Appendix A; be noted;


(2) Council be recommended to agree a Council Tax Base of 88,904.9 Band

D equivalent properties for 2022/23;


(3) Council be recommended to agree a budgeted Council Tax collection rate

of 95.0%;


(4) Council be recommended to agree no changes be made to the Council

Tax Reduction Scheme (CTRS) for 2022/23, that eligible claimants make a

minimum contribution of 25% towards their council tax;


(5) Council be recommended to approve the continuation of the discretionary

Council Tax discount of 100% for care leavers up to the age of 25, as set out

in section five;


(6) Council be recommended to agree that the existing policy of a 0%

discount for second homes for 2020/21 be continued for 2022/23, as set out in

section five; and


(7) Council be recommended to agree that the existing policy of a 0%

discount for empty homes Class A (an empty property undergoing structural

alteration or major repair to make it habitable) be continued, as set out in

section five;


(8) Council be recommended to agree that the existing policy of a 100%

discount awarded for a period of four weeks and then a 0% discount

thereafter, for empty homes – Class C (a substantially empty and unfurnished

property) be continued, as set out in section five of this report;


(9) Council be recommended to agree that the existing Long Term Empty

Property homes premium of 100% for properties empty between 2 and 5

years, and 200% for those empty for over five years continues, and introduce

a 300% premium for properties that remain empty for 10 years or more, as set

out in section five;


(10) Council be recommended to agree the introduction of a 25% ‘sanctuary’

discount to ensure residents eligible for a single person discount are not

financially worse off as a result of housing a refugee, as set out in section five;


(11) the proposed 2022/23 National Non Domestic Rate (NNDR) estimated

net yield of £70m be noted, based on current information available and

excluding any potential additional Covid reliefs or rateable value changes; and


(12) Council be recommended to agree to delegate the approval of the final

2022/23 NNDR1 form to the Executive Director for Corporate Resources for

submission by the deadline of 31 January 2022.



Housing Revenue Account Budget 2022/23 pdf icon PDF 73 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered an open officer report, and presentations by the Cabinet

Member for Finance & Resources, Councillor Amanda De Ryk, and by the

Cabinet Member for Housing & Planning, Councillor Paul Bell, the Mayor and

Cabinet agreed that:


(1) the comments of the Housing Select Committee be received;


(2) having considered the views of those consulted on the budget, and subject

to proper process, as required, the following recommendations be approved; t


Housing Revenue Account


(3) the consultation report on service charges to tenants’ and leaseholders in

the Brockley area, presented to area panel members on 10th November

2021, as attached at Appendix 3, be noted;


(4) the consultation report on service charges to tenants’ and leaseholders

and the Lewisham Homes budget strategy presented to area panel members

on 24th November 2021 as attached at Appendix 4;


(5) an increase in dwelling rents of 4.1% be set (an average of £4.07 per

week) – as per the formula rent calculations outlined in section 4;


(6) an increase in the hostels accommodation charge by 4.1% be set (or

£3.27 per week), in accordance with formula rent calculations;


(7) the following average weekly increases/decreases for dwellings be

approved for:


(a) service charges to non-Lewisham Homes managed dwellings (Brockley) to

ensure full cost recovery and 5.90% inflationary uplift for 2022/23;

           caretaking                             5.90%                         (£0.29)

           grounds                                 5.90%                         (£0.13)

           communal lighting               5.90%                         (£0.08)

           bulk waste collection           5.90%                         (£0.09)

           window cleaning                 5.90%                         (£0.01)

           tenants’ levy                         0.00%                         (£0.00)


(b) service charges to Lewisham Homes managed dwellings:

           caretaking                             4.00%                         (£0.27)

           grounds                                 4.00%                         (£0.09)

           window cleaning                 8.00%                         (£0.01)

           communal lighting               20.00%                       (£0.21)

           block pest control                 15.00%                       (£0.27)

           waste collection                   0.00%                         (£0.00)

           heating & hot water             10.00%                       (£1.05)

           tenants’ levy                         0.00%                         (£0.00)

           bulk waste disposal             4.00%                         (£0.03)

           sheltered housing               0.00%                         (£0.00)


(8) the following average weekly percentage changes for hostels and shared

temporary units be approved for;

           service charges (hostels) – caretaking etc.; no change

           energy cost increases for heat, light & power; no change

           water charges increase; no change


(9) an increase in garage rents by 4.9% (£0.77 per week) for Brockley and

Lewisham Homes residents be approved as outlined in Appendix 6;


(10) the budgeted expenditure be noted for the Housing Revenue Account

(HRA) for 2022/23 is £304.0m, split £94.4m revenue and £209.6m capital,

which includes the decent homes and new build programmes;


(11) the HRA budget strategy cut proposals in order to achieve a balanced

budget in 2022/23, be approved, as attached at Appendix 1;


(12) to write off twenty-one cases of Former Tenants’ Arrears as set out in

paragraphs 4.25 to 4.28 and Appendix 7, totalling £365,462.94;

HRA Capital Programme;


(13) the 2021/22 Quarter 2 HRA Capital Programme monitoring position and

the Capital Programme potential future schemes and resources be noted, as

set out in section 5;


(14) the significant proposed rise in prudential borrowing of more than

£397.5m by 2026/27, primarily to fund the Building for Lewisham programme  ...  view the full decision text for item 598.


Having considered an open officer report, and presentations by the Cabinet

Member for Finance & Resources, Councillor Amanda De Ryk, and by the

Cabinet Member for Housing & Planning, Councillor Paul Bell, the Mayor and

Cabinet, for the reasons set out in the report and by a vote of 7-0,




(1) the comments of the Housing Select Committee be received;


(2) having considered the views of those consulted on the budget, and subject

to proper process, as required, the following recommendations be approved; t


Housing Revenue Account


(3) the consultation report on service charges to tenants’ and leaseholders in

the Brockley area, presented to area panel members on 10th November

2021, as attached at Appendix 3, be noted;


(4) the consultation report on service charges to tenants’ and leaseholders

and the Lewisham Homes budget strategy presented to area panel members

on 24th November 2021 as attached at Appendix 4;


(5) an increase in dwelling rents of 4.1% be set (an average of £4.07 per

week) – as per the formula rent calculations outlined in section 4;


(6) an increase in the hostels accommodation charge by 4.1% be set (or

£3.27 per week), in accordance with formula rent calculations;


(7) the following average weekly increases/decreases for dwellings be

approved for:


(a) service charges to non-Lewisham Homes managed dwellings (Brockley) to

ensure full cost recovery and 5.90% inflationary uplift for 2022/23;

           caretaking                             5.90%                         (£0.29)

           grounds                                 5.90%                         (£0.13)

           communal lighting               5.90%                         (£0.08)

           bulk waste collection           5.90%                         (£0.09)

           window cleaning                 5.90%                         (£0.01)

           tenants’ levy                         0.00%                         (£0.00)


(b) service charges to Lewisham Homes managed dwellings:

           caretaking                             4.00%                         (£0.27)

           grounds                                 4.00%                         (£0.09)

           window cleaning                 8.00%                         (£0.01)

           communal lighting               20.00%                       (£0.21)

           block pest control                 15.00%                       (£0.27)

           waste collection                   0.00%                         (£0.00)

           heating & hot water             10.00%                       (£1.05)

           tenants’ levy                         0.00%                         (£0.00)

           bulk waste disposal             4.00%                         (£0.03)

           sheltered housing               0.00%                         (£0.00)


(8) the following average weekly percentage changes for hostels and shared

temporary units be approved for;

           service charges (hostels) – caretaking etc.; no change

           energy cost increases for heat, light & power; no change

           water charges increase; no change


(9) an increase in garage rents by 4.9% (£0.77 per week) for Brockley and

Lewisham Homes residents be approved as outlined in Appendix 6;


(10) the budgeted expenditure be noted for the Housing Revenue Account

(HRA) for 2022/23 is £304.0m, split £94.4m revenue and £209.6m capital,

which includes the decent homes and new build programmes;


(11) the HRA budget strategy cut proposals in order to achieve a balanced

budget in 2022/23, be approved, as attached at Appendix 1;


(12) to write off twenty-one cases of Former Tenants’ Arrears as set out in

paragraphs 4.25 to 4.28 and Appendix 7, totalling £365,462.94;

HRA Capital Programme;


(13) the 2021/22 Quarter 2 HRA Capital Programme monitoring position and

the Capital Programme potential future schemes and resources be noted, as

set out in section 5;


(14) the significant proposed rise in prudential borrowing of more than  ...  view the full minutes text for item 598.


Annual Complaints Report 2020-2021 pdf icon PDF 65 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered an open officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for Democracy, Refugees and Accountability, Councillor Kevin

Bonavia, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that the contents of the report

including the improvement action plan under Appendix 5 be noted


Having considered an open officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for Democracy, Refugees and Accountability, Councillor Kevin

Bonavia, the Mayor and Cabinet, for the reasons set out in the report and by a

vote of 7-0,


RESOLVED that the contents of the report including the improvement action

plan under Appendix 5 be noted


Building for Lewisham Ladywell s105 Consultation pdf icon PDF 249 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered an open officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for Housing and Planning, Councillor Paul Bell, the Mayor and

Cabinet agreed that:


(1) the responses to the consultation carried out on The Longbridge Road

Estate under Section 105 of the Housing Act 1985 and Section 137 of Part V

of the Housing Act 1996 between 1 November 2021 and 29 November 2021

be received;


(2) the responses to the consultation carried out with leaseholders and

freeholders between 1 November 2021 and 29 November 2021 be received;


(3) having considered the responses to the consultation, with the proposal to

build new homes on the site of the former Ladywell Leisure Centre be

continued, subject to planning permission being granted.


Having considered an open officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for Housing and Planning, Councillor Paul Bell, the Mayor and

Cabinet, for the reasons set out in the report and by a vote of 7-0,




(1) the responses to the consultation carried out on The Longbridge Road

Estate under Section 105 of the Housing Act 1985 and Section 137 of Part V

of the Housing Act 1996 between 1 November 2021 and 29 November 2021

be received;


(2) the responses to the consultation carried out with leaseholders and

freeholders between 1 November 2021 and 29 November 2021 be received;


(3) having considered the responses to the consultation, with the proposal to

build new homes on the site of the former Ladywell Leisure Centre be

continued, subject to planning permission being granted.


Building for Lewisham Update (part 1) pdf icon PDF 66 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered an open and a confidential officer report, and a

presentation by the Cabinet Member for Housing and Planning, Councillor

Paul Bell, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that:


(1) the allocation of funding be approved and Lewisham Homes appoint a

contractor once the procurement process is complete to deliver construction

works for 5 new homes at the scheme known as Elderton Road Garages at a

scheme cost indicated in Part 2;


(2) Subject to planning permission being granted, the allocation of funding be

approved and Lewisham Homes appoint a contractor once the procurement

process is complete to deliver construction works for 5 new homes at the

scheme known as Walsham Road Garages at a scheme cost indicated in Part



(3) Subject to planning permission being granted, the allocation of funding be

approved and Lewisham Homes appoint a contractor to undertake the

necessary enabling works for the Greystead Road development and support

investment works at a cost stated in Part 2; and


(4) authority be delegated to the Executive Director of Corporate Resources in

consultation with the Executive Director for Housing, Regeneration and Public

Realm and Director of Law, Governance and Elections, to agree the final

contract sum and Total Scheme Costs.


Having considered an open and a confidential officer report, and a

presentation by the Cabinet Member for Housing and Planning, Councillor

Paul Bell, the Mayor and Cabinet, for the reasons set out in the report and by

a vote of 7-0,




(1) the allocation of funding be approved and Lewisham Homes appoint a

contractor once the procurement process is complete to deliver construction

works for 5 new homes at the scheme known as Elderton Road Garages at a

scheme cost indicated in Part 2;


(2) Subject to planning permission being granted, the allocation of funding be

approved and Lewisham Homes appoint a contractor once the procurement

process is complete to deliver construction works for 5 new homes at the

scheme known as Walsham Road Garages at a scheme cost indicated in Part



(3) Subject to planning permission being granted, the allocation of funding be

approved and Lewisham Homes appoint a contractor to undertake the

necessary enabling works for the Greystead Road development and support

investment works at a cost stated in Part 2; and


(4) authority be delegated to the Executive Director of Corporate Resources in

consultation with the Executive Director for Housing, Regeneration and Public

Realm and Director of Law, Governance and Elections, to agree the final

contract sum and Total Scheme Costs.


Mayow Road Supported Living - Award of contract (part 1) pdf icon PDF 74 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered an open and a confidential officer report, and a

presentation by the Cabinet Member for Health & Adult Social Care,

Councillor Chris Best, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that the award of

contract for the supported living service at Mayow Road be made to PLUS

(Providence Linc United Services) for a contract period of 4 years, at a total

value of approximately £3,453,561 following a mini-competition carried out

under Lot 1: Supported Living of the Framework Agreement for Adults with

Learning Disabilities 2019-2023.


Having considered an open and a confidential officer report, and a

presentation by the Cabinet Member for Health & Adult Social Care,

Councillor Chris Best, the Mayor and Cabinet, for the reasons set out in the

report and by a vote of 7-0,


RESOLVED that the award of contract for the supported living service at

Mayow Road be made to PLUS (Providence Linc United Services) for a

contract period of 4 years, at a total value of approximately £3,453,561

following a mini-competition carried out under Lot 1: Supported Living of the

 Framework Agreement for Adults with Learning Disabilities 2019-2023.


Lewisham Community Wellbeing Service pdf icon PDF 156 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered an open officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for Health & Adult Social Care, Councillor Chris Best, the Mayor and

Cabinet agreed that approval be given to officers to extend the contract held

with BLG Mind, for the delivery of the Lewisham Community Wellbeing

service for the period of March 2022 to February 2023 at a cost of £560,345



Having considered an open officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for Health & Adult Social Care, Councillor Chris Best, the Mayor and

Cabinet, for the reasons set out in the report and by a vote of 7-0,


RESOLVED that approval be given to officers to extend the contract held

with BLG Mind, for the delivery of the Lewisham Community Wellbeing

service for the period of March 2022 to February 2023 at a cost of £560,345



Food and Garden Waste Contract Award (part 1) pdf icon PDF 79 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered an open and a confidential officer report, and a

presentation by the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport,

Councillor Patrick Codd, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that:


(1) the contract be awarded to East London Biogas Limited for the provision of

the disposal and treatment of the food waste and garden waste based on their

tender, for a period of three years with a extension for another two years upon

M&C agreement at an estimated annual cost of  £240,498.


(2) the current contract be extended for a further two months until 31st March

2022 at an estimated cost of £140,000.


Having considered an open and a confidential officer report, and a

presentation by the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport,

Councillor Patrick Codd, the Mayor and Cabinet, for the reasons set out in the

report and by a vote of 7-0,




(1) the contract be awarded to East London Biogas Limited for the provision of

the disposal and treatment of the food waste and garden waste based on their

tender, for a period of three years with a extension for another two years upon

M&C agreement at an estimated annual cost of £240,498.


(2) the current contract be extended for a further two months until 31st March

2022 at an estimated cost of £140,000.


Proposed revisions to the Statement of Community Involvement pdf icon PDF 66 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered an open officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet  

Member for Housing and Planning, Councillor Paul Bell, the Mayor and

Cabinet agreed that:


(1) an amendment to paragraph 6.9 of the Councils Statement of Community

Involvement be authorised so that the requirement to refer certain schemes to

the Design Panel applies at pre-application stage and not at application stage



(2) the reference to the Design Panel be amended so as to read Design

Review Panel.


Having considered an open officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet 

Member for Housing and Planning, Councillor Paul Bell, the Mayor and

Cabinet for the reasons set out in the report and by a vote of 7-0,




(1) an amendment to paragraph 6.9 of the Councils Statement of Community

Involvement be authorised so that the requirement to refer certain schemes to

the Design Panel applies at pre-application stage and not at application stage



(2) the reference to the Design Panel be amended so as to read Design

Review Panel.


Contract Award-School Minor Works Programme Consultant (part 1) pdf icon PDF 65 KB

Additional documents:


Having considered an open officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for Children’s Services and School Performance, Councillor Chris

Barnham, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that:


(1) the award of contract, for an initial period of 4 years,be made to McBains

Limited for the provision of a Surveyor-led Multi-Disciplinary Consultancy

Service to design and project manage the School Minor Works Programme

2022 to 2025;


(2) the value  of this contract be based on an annual percentage rate of 6.45%

of the annual total SMWP works cost and assuming a SMWP budget of

£2.58m, this would equate to an estimated annual fee of £166,410, with an

estimated potential total value of £665,640 over the four year period.


(3) the contract will include a break clause every 12 months, for a period of up

to 4 years, from 2022 to 2025 and an option to extend the contract for a

further year allowing the Council to terminate the contract at the end of each

year at its own discretion.


Having considered an open officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for Children’s Services and School Performance, Councillor Chris

Barnham, the Mayor and Cabinet for the reasons set out in the report and by

a vote of 7-0,




(1) the award of contract, for an initial period of 4 years,be made to McBains

Limited for the provision of a Surveyor-led Multi-Disciplinary Consultancy

Service to design and project manage the School Minor Works Programme

2022 to 2025;


(2) the value  of this contract be based on an annual percentage rate of 6.45%

of the annual total SMWP works cost and assuming a SMWP budget of

£2.58m, this would equate to an estimated annual fee of £166,410, with an

estimated potential total value of £665,640 over the four year period.


(3) the contract will include a break clause every 12 months, for a period of up

to 4 years, from 2022 to 2025 and an option to extend the contract for a

further year allowing the Council to terminate the contract at the end of each

year at its own discretion.


Exclusion of Press and Public pdf icon PDF 27 KB


Not required.


This item was not required.


Building for Lewisham Update (part 2)


This item was considered in conjunction with the Part 1 report on the same



This item was considered in conjunction with the Part 1 report on the same



Mayow Road Supported Living - Award of contract (part 2)


This item was considered in conjunction with the Part 1 report on the same




This item was considered in conjunction with the Part 1 report on the same




Food and Garden Waste Contract Award Report (part 2)


This item was considered in conjunction with the Part 1 report on the same




This item was considered in conjunction with the Part 1 report on the same




Contract Award-School Minor Works Programme Consultant (part 2)


This item was considered in conjunction with the Part 1 report on the same




This item was considered in conjunction with the Part 1 report on the same




The meeting closed at 8.15pm.