Contact: Kevin Flaherty 0208 3149327
No. | Item |
Declaration of Interests Decision: None. Minutes: None were made. |
Matters Raised by Scrutiny and other Constitutional Bodies Decision: None. Minutes: No matters were raised. |
Annual Budget Update Report Additional documents: Decision: Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the non-voting job share Cabinet Member for Finance, Skills and Jobs, Councillor Amanda De Ryk, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that:
(1) Council be recommended to approve a Band D Council Tax for 2019/20 of £1,263.94 for the Council’s element. This is an increase of 4.99% (including a social care precept of 2%), based on a General Fund Budget Requirement of £243.012m for 2019/20;
(2) Council be asked to note an overall increase in the total Council Tax for 2019/20 of 5.76% to include the Greater London Authority (GLA) precept being increased by £26.28 to £320.51 (Band D equivalent), an 8.9% increase from its 2018/19 level as proposed;
(3) Council be recommended to approve the statutory calculation of the Budget Requirement for Lewisham for 2019/20, attached at Appendix A;
(4) Council be recommended to approve the motion on the budget, attached at Appendix B, including any modifications made to the proposals published in the 2019/20 Budget Report;
(5) the provisional and estimated precept and levies from the GLA and other bodies be noted as detailed in Appendix C and authority be delegated to the Acting Chief Finance Officer to include any changes to these in the report for Council;
(6) the final settlement figure for 2019/20 announced on 29 January and confirmed as £121.175 be noted;
(7) the confirmation be noted from the Lewisham and Greenwich Trust to manage the Health Visiting service at current levels within the available Public Health grant allocated this service in 2019/20
(8) seven responses from Business Rate payers to the consultation on the draft Budget which took place from 14 January 2019 to 1 February 2019 be noted as detailed as received in Appendix D;
(9) the Section 25 Statement from the Chief Finance Officer as attached at Appendix E be received. Minutes: Officers clarified that the correct figure for Public Health reductions in paragraph 4.6 was £642,000. The Health Visitor cut was £197,000 and not the £250,000 quoted.
Officers reported seven responses had been received in the required Business Rates consultation but that none of these required changes to the proposed Budget.
The Acting Chief Finance Officer confirmed his Section 25 Statement and stated there was an adequacy of reserves sufficient for the coming year.
Councillor Best commented on very positive conversations held with the NHS Trust on Health Visitors and confirmed recruitment of Health Visitors would continue.
Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the non-voting job share Cabinet Member for Finance, Skills and Jobs, Councillor Amanda De Ryk, the Mayor and Cabinet, for the reasons set out in the report by a vote of 8-0:
(1) Council be recommended to approve a Band D Council Tax for 2019/20 of £1,263.94 for the Council’s element. This is an increase of 4.99% (including a social care precept of 2%), based on a General Fund Budget Requirement of £243.012m for 2019/20;
(2) Council be asked to note an overall increase in the total Council Tax for 2019/20 of 5.76% to include the Greater London Authority (GLA) precept being increased by £26.28 to £320.51 (Band D equivalent), an 8.9% increase from its 2018/19 level as proposed;
(3) Council be recommended to approve the statutory calculation of the Budget Requirement for Lewisham for 2019/20, attached at Appendix A;
(4) Council be recommended to approve the motion on the budget, attached at Appendix B, including any modifications made to the proposals published in the 2019/20 Budget Report;
(5) the provisional and estimated precept and levies from the GLA and other bodies be noted as detailed in Appendix C and authority be delegated to the Acting Chief Finance Officer to include any changes to these in the report for Council;
(6) the final settlement figure for 2019/20 announced on 29 January and confirmed as £121.175 be noted;
(7) the confirmation be noted from the Lewisham and Greenwich Trust to manage the Health Visiting service at current levels within the available Public Health grant allocated this service in 2019/20
(8) seven responses from Business Rate payers to the consultation on the draft Budget which took place from 14 January 2019 to 1 February 2019 be noted as detailed as received in Appendix D;
(9) the Section 25 Statement from the Chief Finance Officer as attached at Appendix E be received. |
Draft Corporate Strategy Additional documents:
Decision: Having considered an officer report and a presentation by the Mayor, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that:
(1) the (revised) draft Corporate Strategy be approved;
(2) Consider the views and recommendations of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee
(3) the Corporate Strategy be adopted and this replace the 2008 Community Strategy
(4) the Corporate Strategy be refered to Council for endorsement. Minutes: The Mayor introduced the report stating the promises made in his successful election Manifesto had been translated into the draft Corporate Strategy. The direction of travel for all Council services were to be framed by the Corporate Strategy. He said the Council would take a different course with a new left direction rooted in a Socialist manifesto. The Mayor indicated the Strategy would be presented at the next meeting of the Council.
Having considered an officer report and a presentation by the Mayor, the Mayor and Cabinet, for the reasons set out in the report by a vote of 8-0
(1) the (revised) draft Corporate Strategy be approved;
(2) Consider the views and recommendations of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee
(3) the Corporate Strategy be adopted and this replace the 2008 Community Strategy
(4) the Corporate Strategy be refered to Council for endorsement. |
Adoption of Co-operative Party Charter against Modern Slavery Additional documents:
Decision: Having considered an officer report, and presentations by the non-voting job share Cabinet Member for Finance, Skills and Jobs, Councillor Amanda De Ryk and the Cabinet Member for Safer Communities, Councillor Joani Reid, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that:
(1) the approval by Council of a motion that Lewisham Council signs the Cooperative Party Charter against Modern Slavery (Council meeting 3rd October 2018) be noted;
(2) the potential impact of adoption of the Charter, the Lewisham Modern Slavery Protocol, and the draft Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery Statement for 2018/19 on current and future arrangements including with partners as set out be noted;
(3) the Council adopts and signs up to the Co-operative Party Charter on Modern Slavery;
(4) the Lewisham Modern Slavery Protocol (developed jointly with partners) be approved;
(5) the Council’s draft Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery Statement for 2018/19 be approved. Minutes: Having considered an officer report, and presentations by the non-voting job share Cabinet Member for Finance, Skills and Jobs, Councillor Amanda De Ryk and the Cabinet Member for Safer Communities, Councillor Joani Reid, the Mayor and Cabinet, for the reasons set out in the report by a vote of 8-0
(1) the approval by Council of a motion that Lewisham Council signs the Cooperative Party Charter against Modern Slavery (Council meeting 3rd October 2018) be noted;
(2) the potential impact of adoption of the Charter, the Lewisham Modern Slavery Protocol, and the draft Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery Statement for 2018/19 on current and future arrangements including with partners as set out be noted;
(3) the Council adopts and signs up to the Co-operative Party Charter on Modern Slavery;
(4) the Lewisham Modern Slavery Protocol (developed jointly with partners) be approved;
(5) the Council’s draft Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery Statement for 2018/19 be approved. |
Public Health Neighbourhood Grants Additional documents:
Decision: Having considered an officer report and a presentation by the Deputy Mayor, Councillor Chris Best, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that grants be awarded for the amounts of £11,437 and £13,500 to Voluntary Services Lewisham/Entelechy Arts and North Lewisham Good Neighbours respectively for the financial year 2018/19. Minutes: Having considered an officer report and a presentation by the Deputy Mayor, Councillor Chris Best, , the Mayor and Cabinet, for the reasons set out in the report by a vote of 8-0:
RESOLVED that grants be awarded for the amounts of £11,437 and £13,500 to Voluntary Services Lewisham/Entelechy Arts and North Lewisham Good Neighbours respectively for the financial year 2018/19. |
Determined Admissions Arrangements 2020-21 Additional documents:
Decision: Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for School Performance and Children’s Services, Councillor Chris Barnham, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that:
(1) The admissions arrangements for mainstream community nursery, primary, secondary schools and sixth forms as set out in Appendix A to G.
(2) The Published Admissions Number (PAN) for each mainstream school in the borough as detailed in Appendix H including the reductions to the PAN for Deptford Green and Holbeach schools be approved and the reduction of PAN for St.George’s CE Primary School (an Academy) be noted;
(3) The pan London Admissions Schemes for reception and secondary transfer and a local scheme for in year admissions be approved as detailed in Appendix I.
(4) the council continues to co-ordinate in year admissions and a full consultation exercise amongst all own admission authority schools be undertaken during the autumn of 2019 on co-ordination arrangements which will inform Lewisham’s admissions arrangements for 2021/22. Minutes: Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for School Performance and Children’s Services, Councillor Chris Barnham, the Mayor and Cabinet, for the reasons set out in the report by a vote of 8-0:
(1) The admissions arrangements for mainstream community nursery, primary, secondary schools and sixth forms as set out in Appendix A to G.
(2) The Published Admissions Number (PAN) for each mainstream school in the borough as detailed in Appendix H including the reductions to the PAN for Deptford Green and Holbeach schools be approved and the reduction of PAN for St.George’s CE Primary School (an Academy) be noted;
(3) The pan London Admissions Schemes for reception and secondary transfer and a local scheme for in year admissions be approved as detailed in Appendix I.
(4) the council continues to co-ordinate in year admissions and a full consultation exercise amongst all own admission authority schools be undertaken during the autumn of 2019 on co-ordination arrangements which will inform Lewisham’s admissions arrangements for 2021/22. |
Financial Regultions and Schemes of Delegation Additional documents:
Decision: Having considered an officer report and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for Democracy, Refugees and Accountability, Councillor Kevin Bonavia, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that:
(1) Council be asked to approve the latest version of the Financial Regulations (Appendix 1);
(2) Council be asked to endorse the Directorate Schemes of Delegation (Appendices 2 to 5) as they relate to non-executive functions. Minutes: Councillor Bonavia confirmed the intended changes would be considered at Council on February 27.
Having considered an officer report and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for Democracy, Refugees and Accountability, Councillor Kevin Bonavia, the Mayor and Cabinet, for the reasons set out in the report by a vote of 8-0
(1) Council be asked to approve the latest version of the Financial Regulations (Appendix 1);
(2) Council be asked to endorse the Directorate Schemes of Delegation (Appendices 2 to 5) as they relate to non-executive functions. |
Mayow Road 118 Canonbie Road Demolition Additional documents: Decision: Having considered an officer report and a presentation by the Mayor, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that:
(1) the strategy for the redevelopment of Mayow Road Warehouse be approved;
(2) subject to planning consent for demolition being obtained, Mayow Road Warehouse be demolished and the Council seek to deliver new high quality council homes on the site;
(3) a statutory S105 consultation be undertaken to consult with secure tenants regarding the demolition process;
(4) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Customer Services to consider any responses to the S105 consultation and to make any necessary decision in this respect;
(5) officers submit a bid to NHS England Transforming Care Programme Capital Fund for the Supported Living element of the Mayow Road scheme;
(6) officers submit a bid to the GLA Supported Housing and Specialist Housing Capital Fund for the Supported Living element of the Mayow Road scheme;
(6) 2.6. Subject to the bids referred to above being successful, authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Customer Services in consultation with the Head of Law to negotiate the final terms and conditions of the funding agreements with both NHS England and the GLA, and to enter into the funding agreements;
(7) the strategy for the redevelopment of 118 Canonbie Road be noted;
(8) subject to planning consent being obtained, the existing property at 118 Canonbie Road be demolished and that the Council seek to deliver new high quality council homes on the site;
(9) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Customer Services to approve the submission of these two schemes (Mayow Road Warehouse & 118 Canonbie Road) for planning approval;
(10) a post planning funding and delivery strategy be presented to Mayor and Cabinet for approval prior to the commencement of demolition and construction works for the Mayow Road scheme and prior to the commencement of demolition and construction works at 118 Canonbie Road. Minutes: The Mayor welcomed the report saying it was very good news and was in accordance with a Manifesto commitment.
Having considered an officer report and a presentation by the Mayor, the Mayor and Cabinet, for the reasons set out in the report by a vote of 8-0:
(1) the strategy for the redevelopment of Mayow Road Warehouse be approved;
(2) subject to planning consent for demolition being obtained, Mayow Road Warehouse be demolished and the Council seek to deliver new high quality council homes on the site;
(3) a statutory S105 consultation be undertaken to consult with secure tenants regarding the demolition process;
(4) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Customer Services to consider any responses to the S105 consultation and to make any necessary decision in this respect;
(5) officers submit a bid to NHS England Transforming Care Programme Capital Fund for the Supported Living element of the Mayow Road scheme;
(6) officers submit a bid to the GLA Supported Housing and Specialist Housing Capital Fund for the Supported Living element of the Mayow Road scheme;
(6) 2.6. Subject to the bids referred to above being successful, authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Customer Services in consultation with the Head of Law to negotiate the final terms and conditions of the funding agreements with both NHS England and the GLA, and to enter into the funding agreements;
(7) the strategy for the redevelopment of 118 Canonbie Road be noted;
(8) subject to planning consent being obtained, the existing property at 118 Canonbie Road be demolished and that the Council seek to deliver new high quality council homes on the site;
(9) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Customer Services to approve the submission of these two schemes (Mayow Road Warehouse & 118 Canonbie Road) for planning approval;
(10) a post planning funding and delivery strategy be presented to Mayor and Cabinet for approval prior to the commencement of demolition and construction works for the Mayow Road scheme and prior to the commencement of demolition and construction works at 118 Canonbie Road. |
Decision: Having considered an officer report the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that the Committee’s comments as set out be received and the Executive Director for Community Services be asked to provide a response. Minutes: Having considered an officer report the Mayor and Cabinet:
RESOLVED that the Committee’s comments as set out be received and the Executive Director for Community Services be asked to provide a response. |
Exclusion of Press and Public Decision: Approved. Minutes: RESOLVED that in accordance with Regulation 4(2)(b) of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information)(England) Regulations 2012 and under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3, of Part 1 of Schedule 12(A) of the Act, and the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information
12. Athena Contract Extension 13. Award of a Shared ICT Service Contract for Printing Services 14. Prevention and Inclusion Contracts Extensions |
Athena Contract Extension
Decision: Having considered a confidential officer report and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for Safer Communities, Councillor Joani Reid, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that the contract for the provision of the Athena Service provided by Refuge be extended for a period of one year until the end of March 2020 at a stated annual value. Minutes: Having considered a confidential officer report and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for Safer Communities, Councillor Joani Reid, the Mayor and Cabinet, for the reasons set out in the report by a vote of 8-0
RESOLVED that the contract for the provision of the Athena Service provided by Refuge be extended for a period of one year until the end of March 2020 at a stated annual value. |
Shared ICT Service Printing Award
Decision: Having considered a confidential officer report and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for Democracy, Refugees and Accountability, Councillor Kevin Bonavia, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that Brent enter into a contract with Ricoh UK Ltd for a term of 4 + 3 years at a stated total cost on behalf of Lewisham for the provision of printing services. Minutes: Having considered a confidential officer report and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for Democracy, Refugees and Accountability, Councillor Kevin Bonavia, the Mayor and Cabinet for the reasons set out in the report by a vote of 8-0:
RESOLVED that Brent enter into a contract with Ricoh UK Ltd for a term of 4 + 3 years at a stated total cost on behalf of Lewisham for the provision of printing services. |
Prevention and Inclusion Contracts Extensions
Decision: Having considered a confidential officer report and a presentation by the Deputy Mayor, Councillor Chris Best, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that:
(1) the one year extension of the accommodation support service contracts shown below be approved until the end of March 2020 following a previous agreement to extend on 9 December 2015 within overall contracts of 3 years with an option to extend for a further 2 years:
(2) Hexagon for the provision of support at Newstead Road for one year at a stated cost (part funded via the CCG under S256 of the NHS Act 2006);
(3) One Support for the provision of support at the Parent and Child service for one year at a stated cost;
(4) St Mungos for the provision of support at the Hither Green site for one year at a stated cost;
(5) Single Homeless Project for the provision of the support at the Young Persons Assessment Centre for one year at a cost of £361,140.
(6) Single Homeless Project for the provision of the support at Vulnerable ` Adults Accommodation Based Service for one year at a stated cost;
(7) Peabody for the provision of support at the Tredown service for one year at a stated cost;
(8) One Housing Group for the provision of support at the Honor Lea and Rokeby service for one year at a stated cost; and
(9) Marsha Phoenix Memorial Trust for the provision of support for young women at their Brockley service for 1 year at a stated cost with an uplift in annual funding of for the reasons set out.
Minutes: Having considered a confidential officer report and a presentation by the Deputy Mayor, Councillor Chris Best, the Mayor and Cabinet for the reasons set out in the report by a vote of 8-0:
(1) the one year extension of the accommodation support service contracts shown below be approved until the end of March 2020 following a previous agreement to extend on 9 December 2015 within overall contracts of 3 years with an option to extend for a further 2 years:
(2) Hexagon for the provision of support at Newstead Road for one year at a stated cost (part funded via the CCG under S256 of the NHS Act 2006);
(3) One Support for the provision of support at the Parent and Child service for one year at a stated cost;
(4) St Mungos for the provision of support at the Hither Green site for one year at a stated cost;
(5) Single Homeless Project for the provision of the support at the Young Persons Assessment Centre for one year at a cost of £361,140.
(6) Single Homeless Project for the provision of the support at Vulnerable ` Adults Accommodation Based Service for one year at a stated cost;
(7) Peabody for the provision of support at the Tredown service for one year at a stated cost;
(8) One Housing Group for the provision of support at the Honor Lea and Rokeby service for one year at a stated cost; and
(9) Marsha Phoenix Memorial Trust for the provision of support for young women at their Brockley service for 1 year at a stated cost with an uplift in annual funding of for the reasons set out.
The meeting closed at 7.04pm |