Venue: Committee Rooms 1 & 2 - Civic Suite. View directions
Contact: Kevin Flaherty 0208 3149327
No. | Item |
Declaration of Interests PDF 207 KB Decision: Councillor Paul Bell declared a prejudicial interest in Item 4 as a UNISON employee and left the meeting while this item was considered. Minutes: Councillor Paul Bell declared a prejudicial interest in Item 4 as a UNISON employee and left the meeting while this item was considered. |
Additional documents: Decision: Approved. Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on July 11 2108 be confirmed and signed as a correct record. |
Outstanding Scrutiny Matters PDF 109 KB Decision: Noted. Minutes: RESOLVED that the report be noted. |
Ethical Care Charter PDF 71 KB Additional documents: Decision: Having considered an officer report and a presentation by the Deputy Mayor, Councillor Chris Best, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that:
(1) the Council’s recommendation to adopt the Unison Ethical Care Charter be accepted; and
(2) a phased implementation of an Ethical Care Charter, with a structured approach to the adoption of the pledges for each new contract procured from April 2019 be approved to ensure that future procurements of homecare are taken in the context of Lewisham’s commitment to being an Ethical Care Council as well as ensuring affordability and market sustainability. Minutes: The Mayor welcomed the report recalling the Council debate in February and the commitments given in his May election manifesto.
Having considered an officer report and a presentation by the Deputy Mayor, Councillor Chris Best, the Mayor and Cabinet, for the reasons set out in the report:
RESOLVED by six votes to nil that:
(1) the Council’s recommendation to adopt the Unison Ethical Care Charter be accepted; and
(2) a phased implementation of an Ethical Care Charter, with a structured approach to the adoption of the pledges for each new contract procured from April 2019 be approved to ensure that future procurements of homecare are taken in the context of Lewisham’s commitment to being an Ethical Care Council as well as ensuring affordability and market sustainability. |
Homes for Londoners Bid PDF 143 KB Additional documents:
Decision: Having considered an officer report, the tabled comments of the Housing Select Committee and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for Housing, Councillor Paul Bell, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that:
(1) the Council’s intention to bid for in the region of £51.4m additional HRA borrowing be approved;
(2) the Council’s intention to bid for in the region of £57.5m grant funding from the GLA be approved;
(3) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Customer Services to sign off the final bid submission, subject to the approval of the Executive Director for Resources and Regeneration; and
(4) the Council be willing in principle to participate in the GLA ring fencing offer for Right to Buy receipts, subject to further details of the arrangements being provided by the GLA and that this will be the subject of a separate report to Mayor and Cabinet once those details are available.
Minutes: The Mayor commented that this was an important bid to the GLA which could go a long way to meeting the new social homes target promised in his election manifesto. In presenting the report, Councillor Bell thanked the Housing Select Committee for their tabled comments which were very supportive of the bid.
Having considered an officer report, the tabled comments of the Housing Select Committee and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for Housing, Councillor Paul Bell, the Mayor and Cabinet, for the reasons set out in the report:
RESOLVED by six votes to nil that:
(1) the Council’s intention to bid for in the region of £51.4m additional HRA borrowing be approved;
(2) the Council’s intention to bid for in the region of £57.5m grant funding from the GLA be approved;
(3) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Customer Services to sign off the final bid submission, subject to the approval of the Executive Director for Resources and Regeneration; and
(4) the Council be willing in principle to participate in the GLA ring fencing offer for Right to Buy receipts, subject to further details of the arrangements being provided by the GLA and that this will be the subject of a separate report to Mayor and Cabinet once those details are available. |
Refugee Resettlement Programme PDF 154 KB Additional documents:
Decision: Having considered an officer report and a presentation by the Mayor, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that:
(1) the proposed timetable for receiving the further 100 households in the borough, under the Syrian Vulnerable Persons Resettlement scheme (and the Vulnerable Children’s Scheme) as set out be approved;
(2) the proposed expansion of the Lewisham Syrian Refugee Offer be noted and the tendering and appointment of a support resettlement service be approved;
(3) the offer set out now proposes the Council works with its partners and local organisations to scale up and commission new support services as appropriate; and
(4) as the Government funding arrangements is only up until 2020 and that funding beyond this is not clear, the Cabinet Member for Refugees writes to the Home Secretary requesting an extension of the Government’s current pledge to continue to support the resettlement of vulnerable refugees. Minutes: The Mayor presented the report and thanked Councillor Bonavia, who was unable to be present, for his support. The Mayor mentioned the need to develop English language skills and suggested that officers might review the ESOL scheme in place for the existing families who had been settled in the borough. The Mayor highlighted the progress being made with another significant manifesto commitment and said he looked forward to Lewisham being recognised as the leading London borough for refugee resettlement.
Having considered an officer report and a presentation by the Mayor, the Mayor and Cabinet, for the reasons set out in the report:
RESOLVED by six votes to nil that:
(1) the proposed timetable for receiving the further 100 households in the borough, under the Syrian Vulnerable Persons Resettlement scheme (and the Vulnerable Children’s Scheme) as set out be approved;
(2) the proposed expansion of the Lewisham Syrian Refugee Offer be noted and the tendering and appointment of a support resettlement service be approved;
(3) the offer set out now proposes the Council works with its partners and local organisations to scale up and commission new support services as appropriate; and
(4) as the Government funding arrangements is only up until 2020 and that funding beyond this is not clear, the Cabinet Member for Refugees writes to the Home Secretary requesting an extension of the Government’s current pledge to continue to support the resettlement of vulnerable refugees. |
Lewisham borough wide 20mph speed limit – update PDF 72 KB Additional documents:
Decision: Having considered an officer report and a presentation by Councillor Brenda Dacres, the non voting jobshare Cabinet Member for Parks, Neighbourhood & Transport, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that:
(1) the approach set out for prioritising roads for speed reduction measures to reduce speeds where compliance to the new speed limit is low and speeds remain at unacceptable speeds be approved;
(2) the proposed list of roads to be treated with speed reduction measures based on the approach agreed and shown in Appendix A be approved;
(3) officers be authorised to further investigate the use of average speed cameras to enforce the 20mph speed limit and the management options and costs of such systems;
(4) the impact of the implementation of the borough wide 20mph limit continue to be monitored for changes in speeds and personal injury traffic collisions (when sufficient collision data becomes available); and
(5) the possible use of average speed cameras subject to their suitability, affordability and approval by Mayor and Cabinet be noted. Minutes: Having considered an officer report and a presentation by Councillor Brenda Dacres, the non voting jobshare Cabinet Member for Parks, Neighbourhood & Transport, the Mayor and Cabinet, for the reasons set out in the report:
RESOLVED by six votes to nil that:
(1) the approach set out for prioritising roads for speed reduction measures to reduce speeds where compliance to the new speed limit is low and speeds remain at unacceptable speeds be approved;
(2) the proposed list of roads to be treated with speed reduction measures based on the approach agreed and shown in Appendix A be approved;
(3) officers be authorised to further investigate the use of average speed cameras to enforce the 20mph speed limit and the management options and costs of such systems;
(4) the impact of the implementation of the borough wide 20mph limit continue to be monitored for changes in speeds and personal injury traffic collisions (when sufficient collision data becomes available); and
(5) the possible use of average speed cameras subject to their suitability, affordability and approval by Mayor and Cabinet be noted. |
Draft Transport Strategy and Local Implementation Plan 2019-2041 PDF 64 KB Additional documents:
Decision: Having considered an officer report and a presentation by Councillor Brenda Dacres, the non voting jobshare Cabinet Member for Parks, Neighbourhood & Transport, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that:
(1) the draft of the Third Transport Strategy and Local Implementation Plan 2019-2041 (LIP3), be approved for public consultation and submission to TfL, for comment, in late September 2018;
(2) the LIP Annual Spending Submission for 2019/20 to TfL as set out be approved;
(3) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Resources & Regeneration, for minor changes to the draft LIP in the lead up to the public consultation and submission to Transport for London, and for further detail to be included in the 2019/20 Annual Spending Submission, as necessary, in consultation with the appropriate Cabinet Member; and
(4) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Resources & Regeneration, for approval of the accompanying draft SEA and EIA for the purposes of consultation and submission to TfL.
Minutes: In answer to a question from Councillor Dromey, Councillor Dacres confirmed Commonplace had been regarded as a successful consultation tool and could be adapted for other consultations.
Having considered an officer report and a presentation by Councillor Brenda Dacres, the non voting jobshare Cabinet Member for Parks, Neighbourhood & Transport, the Mayor and Cabinet, for the reasons set out in the report:
RESOLVED by six votes to nil that:
(1) the draft of the Third Transport Strategy and Local Implementation Plan 2019-2041 (LIP3), be approved for public consultation and submission to TfL, for comment, in late September 2018;
(2) the LIP Annual Spending Submission for 2019/20 to TfL as set out be approved;
(3) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Resources & Regeneration, for minor changes to the draft LIP in the lead up to the public consultation and submission to Transport for London, and for further detail to be included in the 2019/20 Annual Spending Submission, as necessary, in consultation with the appropriate Cabinet Member; and
(4) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Resources & Regeneration, for approval of the accompanying draft SEA and EIA for the purposes of consultation and submission to TfL.
Lewisham Homes Business and Delivery Plan Plan 2018 - 2020 PDF 144 KB Additional documents:
Decision: Having considered a confidential officer report and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for Housing, Councillor Paul Bell, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that:
(1) the performance of Lewisham Homes against its targets, as set out be noted; and
(2) the Business and Delivery Plan for 2018-20 be approved.
Minutes: Adam Barret, the representative of Lewisham Homes who was in attendance, recognised the new social homes commitment made in the Mayor’s election manifesto and he confirmed this Business Plan would be in line with Council objectives.
Having considered an officer report and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for Housing, Councillor Paul Bell, the Mayor and Cabinet for the reasons set out in the report:
RESOLVED by six votes to nil that:
(1) the performance of Lewisham Homes against its targets, as set out be noted; and
(2) the Business and Delivery Plan for 2018-20 be approved.
Lewisham Homes Governance Review PDF 143 KB Additional documents: Decision: Having considered a confidential officer report and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for Housing, Councillor Paul Bell, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that:
(1) Lewisham Homes should remunerate its non-councillor board members, on the terms set out commencing from the date of decision; and
(2) a proposal to pay Lewisham Homes councillor board members a special responsibility allowance under the Scheme of Members’ Allowances be recommended to full Council at a future meeting. Minutes: Having considered an officer report and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for Housing, Councillor Paul Bell, the Mayor and Cabinet, for the reasons set out in the report:
RESOLVED by six votes to nil that:
(1) Lewisham Homes should remunerate its non-councillor board members, on the terms set out commencing from the date of decision; and
(2) a proposal to pay Lewisham Homes councillor board members a special responsibility allowance under the Scheme of Members’ Allowances be recommended to full Council at a future meeting. |
Baring Instrument of Goverment PDF 67 KB Additional documents: Decision: Having considered an officer report and a presentation by the Mayor, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that the Instrument of Government for Baring Primary School be made by Local Authority order dated 18 October 2018 as set out. Minutes: Having considered an officer report and a formal proposal by the Mayor, the Mayor and Cabinet for the reasons set out in the report:
RESOLVED by six votes to nil that the Instrument of Government for Baring Primary School be made by Local Authority order dated 18 October 2018, as set out. |
Drumbeat Instrument of Goverment PDF 67 KB Additional documents: Decision: Having considered an officer report and a presentation by the Mayor, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that the Instrument of Government for Drumbeat School and ASD Service be made by Local Authority order dated 5 October 2018 as set out. Minutes: Having considered an officer report and a formal proposal by the Mayor, the Mayor and Cabinet for the reasons set out in the report:
RESOLVED by six votes to nil that the Instrument of Government for Drumbeat School and ASD Service be made by Local Authority order dated 5 October 2018, as set out. |
Oakbridge Federation Instrument of Government PDF 67 KB Additional documents: Decision: Having considered an officer report and a presentation by the Mayor, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that the Instrument of Government for the Oakbridge Federation be made by Local Authority order dated 3 October 2018 as set out. Minutes: Having considered an officer report and a formal proposal by the Mayor, the Mayor and Cabinet, for the reasons set out in the report:
RESOLVED by six votes to nil that the Instrument of Government for the Oakbridge Federation be made by Local Authority order dated 3 October 2018, as set out. |
Local Government Social Care Ombudsman report PDF 68 KB Additional documents:
Decision: Having considered an officer report and a presentation by the Mayor, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that the contents of the report be received and forwarded to Council for consideration. Minutes: The Mayor received an assurance that this item would be fully reported to the October meeting of the Council.
Having considered an officer report and a presentation by the Mayor, the Mayor and Cabinet for the reasons set out in the report:
RESOLVED by six votes to nil that the contents of the report be received and forwarded to Council for consideration. |
Independent Panel Member Appointment PDF 127 KB Additional documents: Decision: Having considered an officer report and a presentation by the Mayor, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that the appointment to the independent education appeals panel of Bridget Prentice be confirmed. Minutes: Having considered an officer report and a presentation by the Mayor, the Mayor and Cabinet for the reasons set out in the report:
RESOLVED by six votes to nil that the appointment to the independent education appeals panel of Bridget Prentice be confirmed. |
Additional documents: Decision: Having considered an officer report and a presentation by the non voting jobshare Cabinet Member for Finance, Skills and Jobs, Councillor Joe Dromey, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that the officer response to the referral by the Sustainable Development Select Committee on the Implementation of the Work and Skills Strategy 2016-18 be approved and reported to the Select Committee. Minutes: Having considered an officer report and a presentation by the non voting jobshare Cabinet Member for Finance, Skills and Jobs, Councillor Joe Dromey, the Mayor and Cabinet for the reasons set out in the report:
RESOLVED by six votes to nil that the officer response to the referral by the Sustainable Development Select Committee on the Implementation of the Work and Skills Strategy 2016-18 be approved and reported to the Select Committee. |
Response to Sustainable Development Select Committee Home Energy Conservation Act PDF 182 KB Additional documents: Decision: Having considered an officer report and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for Community Sector, Councillor Jonathan Slater, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that the officer response to the referral by the Sustainable Development Select Committee be approved and reported to the Select Committee. Minutes: Having considered an officer report and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for Community Sector, Councillor Jonathan Slater, the Mayor and Cabinet for the reasons set out in the report:
RESOLVED by six votes to nil that the officer response to the referral by the Sustainable Development Select Committee be approved and reported to the Select Committee. |
Response to Sustainable Development Select Committee on the Rail Vision PDF 190 KB Additional documents: Decision: Having considered an officer report and a presentation by the Mayor, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that the officer response to the referral by the Sustainable Development Select Committee be approved and reported to the Select Committee. Minutes: Having considered an officer report and a presentation by Councillor Brenda Dacres, the non voting jobshare Cabinet Member for Parks, Neighbourhood & Transport, Mayor and Cabinet for the reasons set out in the report:
RESOLVED by six votes to nil that officer response to the referral by the Sustainable Development Select Committee be approved and reported to the Select Committee. |
Comments of the Sustainable Development Select Committee on air quality PDF 182 KB Decision: Having considered an officer report, Mayor and Cabinet noted the Committee’s comments as set out and asked the Executive Director for Community Services to provide a response. Minutes: Having considered an officer report, Mayor and Cabinet, by six votes to nil:
RESOLVED that the Committee’s comments as set out be noted and the Executive Director for Community Services be asked to provide a response. |
Referral from Healthier Communities Select Committee - Healthwatch annual report PDF 11 KB Decision: Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Chair of the Healthier Communities Select Committee, Councillor John Muldoon, Mayor and Cabinet welcomed the Committee’s comments as set out and asked that the Healthwatch report be circulated to all members of the Cabinet. Minutes: Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Chair of the Healthier Communities Select Committee, Councillor John Muldoon, Mayor and Cabinet, by six votes to nil:
RESOLVED that the Select Committee’s comments as set out be welcomed and the Healthwatch report be circulated to all members of the Cabinet. |
Approval for the Procurement for the disposal of Organic Waste Decision: Item withdrawn. Minutes: Item withdrawn. |
Church Grove - Underwriting GLA Grant - PART 1 PDF 143 KB Additional documents: Decision: Having considered an open and a confidential officer report and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for Housing, Councillor Paul Bell, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that:
(1) the underwriting of the GLA Innovation Fund grant of £988,000 as set out in a confidential report; and
(2) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Resources & Regeneration, in consultation with the Head of Law, to agree the underwriting as set out in a confidential report. Minutes: The proposals were welcomed by Ward Councillor Joani Reid who said community involvement and co-design were at the heart of the proposals.
Having considered an open and a confidential officer report and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for Housing, Councillor Paul Bell, the Mayor and Cabinet, for the reasons set out in the report:
RESOLVED by six votes to nil that:
(1) the underwriting of the GLA Innovation Fund grant of £988,000 as set out in a confidential report; and
(2) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Resources & Regeneration, in consultation with the Head of Law, to agree the underwriting as set out in a confidential report. |
Exclusion of Press and Public PDF 26 KB Decision: Agreed. Minutes: RESOLVED that in accordance with Regulation 4(2)(b) of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information)(England) Regulations 2012 and under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3, of Part 1 of Schedule 12(A) of the Act, and the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information
24. Church Grove Community Led Housing: Underwriting GLA Grant
25. Approval to tender Accommodation Based Services
26. SELCHP |
Church Grove - Underwriting GLA Grant - PART 2
Decision: Considered in conjunction with Part 1 report Minutes: This item was considered in conjunction with the Part 1 report on the same issue. |
Approval to tender Accommodation Based Services
Decision: Having considered a confidential officer report and a presentation by the Deputy Mayor, Councillor Chris Best, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that:
(1) the following services be procured under the current joint (with LB Southwark) Supported Accommodation Commissioning Framework, established in 2015:
• Lewisham Vulnerable Adult Assessment Centre, including the dispersed units at Evelyn Street – at a stated current contract value pa(Currently delivered by St Mungo’s)
• Young Persons specialist services in North Lewisham and Perry Vale – at a stated current contract value pa (currently delivered by Centrepoint)
• Lewisham Mental Health Specialist service (Edward Street), including the Adult Placement Scheme – at a stated current contract value pa – including funding received from South London and Maudsley NHS Trust (SLAM) (currently delivered by Certitude);
(2) these contracts be procured for an initial three years followed by an additional two years based on strategic need and performance with standard 6 month termination clauses;
(3) Mayor and Cabinet receive a further report in December 2018 outlining the outcome of the procurement process and seeking approval for the issuing on new contracts; and
(4) The maximum total value of all contracts and extensions in this report is at costs stated although the procurement process is designed to drive cost reductions wherever possible. Minutes: Having considered a confidential officer report and a presentation by the Deputy Mayor, Councillor Chris Best, the Mayor and Cabinet for the reasons set out in the report:
RESOLVED by six votes to nil that:
(1) the following services be procured under the current joint (with LB Southwark) Supported Accommodation Commissioning Framework, established in 2015:
• Lewisham Vulnerable Adult Assessment Centre, including the dispersed units at Evelyn Street – at a stated current contract value pa(Currently delivered by St Mungo’s)
• Young Persons specialist services in North Lewisham and Perry Vale – at a stated current contract value pa (currently delivered by Centrepoint)
• Lewisham Mental Health Specialist service (Edward Street), including the Adult Placement Scheme – at a stated current contract value pa – including funding received from South London and Maudsley NHS Trust (SLAM) (currently delivered by Certitude);
(2) these contracts be procured for an initial three years followed by an additional two years based on strategic need and performance with standard 6 month termination clauses;
(3) Mayor and Cabinet receive a further report in December 2018 outlining the outcome of the procurement process and seeking approval for the issuing on new contracts; and
(4) The maximum total value of all contracts and extensions in this report is at costs stated although the procurement process is designed to drive cost reductions wherever possible. |
SELCHP Extension
Decision: Having considered an officer report and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for Community Sector, Councillor Jonathan Slater, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that:
(1) an extension of the current contract between the Council and SELCHP Ltd from its current expiration date of the 31st December 2023 until 30th June 2027 be approved being a contract for the provision of waste disposal via incineration at the SELCHP facility;
(2) implementation of approval of this extension is dependent on approval from the Royal Borough of Greenwich, as this is a joint contract between Lewisham and Greenwich with SELCHP Ltd. Minutes: Having considered an officer report and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for Community Sector, Councillor Jonathan Slater, the Mayor and Cabinet, for the reasons set out in the report:
RESOLVED by six votes to nil that:
(1) an extension of the current contract between the Council and SELCHP Ltd from its current expiration date of the 31st December 2023 until 30th June 2027 be approved being a contract for the provision of waste disposal via incineration at the SELCHP facility;
(2) implementation of approval of this extension is dependent on approval from the Royal Borough of Greenwich, as this is a joint contract between Lewisham and Greenwich with SELCHP Ltd.
The meeting closed at 7.24pm |