Contact: Kevin Flaherty 0208 3149327
No. | Item |
Declaration of Interests Decision: The Mayor declared a prejudicial interest in the final recommendation of Item 13 as his wife was a Governor in that Federation. Minutes: The Mayor declared a prejudicial interest in the final recommendation of Item 13 as his wife was a Governor in that Federation and he withdrew from the meeting during consideration of that part of the item. |
Additional documents: Decision: Approved. Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on June 29 2016 be confirmed and signed as a correct record. |
Matters Raised by Scrutiny and other Constitutional Bodies Additional documents: Decision: Matters referred by the Safer Stronger Communities Select Committee on the Lewisham Metropolitan Police Service update
Having considered an officer report, the Mayor agreed the comments and views of the Select Committee be received, and the Executive Director for Community Services be asked to prepare a response. Minutes: Matters referred by the Safer Stronger Communities Select Committee on the Lewisham Metropolitan Police Service update
Having considered an officer report, the Mayor:
RESOLVED that the comments and views of the Select Committee be received, and the Executive Director for Community Services be asked to prepare a response. |
Outstanding Scrutiny Matters Decision: Noted. Minutes: The Mayor was informed there had been no slippage of items.
RESOLVED that the report be noted. |
Additional documents: Decision: Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for Resources, Councillor Kevin Bonavia, the Mayor agreed that:
(1) the current financial forecasts for the year ending 31 March 2016 and the action being taken by the Executive Directors to manage down the forecasted year end overspend be noted; and
(2) the updated capital programme budgets be noted. Minutes: Councillor Kevin Bonavia confirmed the forecast overspend was still £7.7m. Five areas of expenditure were highlighted as requiring particular attention, namely Children’s Social Care, Strategic Housing, Fleet Vehicles, Adult Social Care, and Public Health.
Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for Resources, Councillor Kevin Bonavia, the Mayor, for the reasons set out in the report:
(1) the current financial forecasts for the year ending 31 March 2016 and the action being taken by the Executive Directors to manage down the forecasted year end overspend be noted; and
(2) the updated capital programme budgets be noted. |
Medium Term Financial Strategy Additional documents: Decision: Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for Resources, Councillor Kevin Bonavia, the Mayor agreed that:
(1) the 2017/18 to 2019/20 Medium Term Financial Strategy be noted; and
(2) a further update be brought back as part of the savings and budget setting process to reflect any changes arising from the local government finance settlement. Minutes: Councillor Bonavia advised the Mayor the unknown repercussions of the nation’s Brexit vote created wider uncertainty to an already bleak forecast.
Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for Resources, Councillor Kevin Bonavia, the Mayor, for the reasons set out in the report;
(1) the 2017/18 to 2019/20 Medium Term Financial Strategy be noted; and
(2) a further update be brought back as part of the savings and budget setting process to reflect any changes arising from the local government finance settlement. |
Public Health Savings Consultation Additional documents:
Decision: Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for Health, Well-Being & Older People, Councillor Chris Best, the Mayor agreed that
(i) the consultation activity for preventative health services be approved following consideration by Healthier Communities Select Committee on 28 June 2016.
(ii) the consultation activity for health visiting and school nursing services be approved following consideration by Healthier Communities Select Committee on 28 June 2016;
(iii) the consultation activity for sexual health services be approved following consideration by Healthier Communities Select Committee on 28 June 2016.
(iv) the procurement activity for substance misuse services be approved following consideration by Healthier Communities Select Committee on 28 June 2016. Minutes: Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for Health, Well-Being & Older People, Councillor Chris Best, the Mayor, for the reasons set out in the report:
(i) the consultation activity for preventative health services be approved following consideration by Healthier Communities Select Committee on 28 June 2016.
(ii) the consultation activity for health visiting and school nursing services be approved following consideration by Healthier Communities Select Committee on 28 June 2016;
(iii) the consultation activity for sexual health services be approved following consideration by Healthier Communities Select Committee on 28 June 2016.
(iv) the procurement activity for substance misuse services be approved following consideration by Healthier Communities Select Committee on 28 June 2016. |
Library Savings Programme Update Additional documents:
Decision: Having considered an officer report, and presentations by Mr Peter Richardson (Friends of Manor House Library) and by the Cabinet Member for Health, Well-Being & Older People, Councillor Chris Best, the Mayor agreed that
(1) V22 be approved as the preferred partner for Forest Hill and authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Regeneration, in consultation with the Executive Director for Community Services and the Head of Law, to negotiate the terms of a lease for the Forest Hill Library building with V22 for a minimum term of 25 years at a nil rent to enable the provision of a community library in partnership with Lewisham Council;
(2) The Archibald Corbett Society working with the Corbett Residents Association be approved as the preferred partners for Torridon Road Library building and authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Community Services to negotiate the terms of a premises management agreement for an interim period whilst their business plan for the building is further developed in order to be considered for a lease;
(3) Officers be instructed to carry out a further exercise, to identify a suitable partner organisation for Manor House Library and that interim arrangements for the management of the building be put in place, as described;
(4) an update on progress of the exercise for Manor House Library be reported to Safer Stronger Select Committee in September 2016 and the final outcome be reported back to Mayor and Cabinet for approval;
(5) the proposed arrangement for the provision of library services in Laurence House, Catford be noted;
(6) the Executive Director for Community Services be asked to prepare a response to the referral from the Safer Stronger Communities Select Committee on the Library Savings Programme Update; and
(7) the Executive Director for Community Services be asked to prepare a response to the referral from the Safer Stronger Communities Select Committee on DBS checks for library staff. Minutes: The Mayor reported he had received a late submission from Councillor Paul Upex expressing full support for the recommendation concerning Forest Hill Library.
The Mayor was first addressed by Councillor Best who set the context of a library service forced to make £1m cuts. She then advised the Mayor that she was able to make positive recommendations about partners to run Forest Hill and Torridon libraries but that before proposals for Manor House Library could be considered, a further exercise was required. She further asked the Mayor to note the proposals for Catford Library with the deployment of two qualified library assistants.
The Mayor was next addressed by Mr Peter Richardson, Chair of the Friends of Manor House Library. He said major concerns still existed about the future of Manor House Library and that he was not surprised that the original proposals considered for the future of the library had not yielded any positive results. Mr Richardson raised a number of detailed questions about the future of Manor House Library and in response received an assurance from Cllr Best that there was no current intention to close Manor House Library and that any negative speculation to that effect was not helpful. The Executive Director for Community Service’s representative confirmed that the next step would be a report to the Safer, Stronger Communities Select Committee in September.
The Mayor concluded by stressing his belief that libraries were important and highly regarded but were set in a context of a Council facing massive public spending reductions. He noted Forest Hill and Torridon Road were at different stages in the progress of a partnership but that he was happy to endorse both proposals. For Manor House Library he endorsed the further efforts that still needed to be made by Councillor Best and officers to find alternative interested parties.
The Mayor also referred to two referrals from the Safer, Stronger Communities Select Committee and asked the Executive Director for Community Services to prepare responses.
Having considered an officer report, and presentations by Mr Peter Richardson (Friends of Manor House Library) and by the Cabinet Member for Health, Well-Being & Older People, Councillor Chris Best, the Mayor, for the reasons set out in the report:
(1) V22 be approved as the preferred partner for Forest Hill and authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Regeneration, in consultation with the Executive Director for Community Services and the Head of Law, to negotiate the terms of a lease for the Forest Hill Library building with V22 for a minimum term of 25 years at a nil rent to enable the provision of a community library in partnership with Lewisham Council;
(2) The Archibald Corbett Society working with the Corbett Residents Association be approved as the preferred partners for Torridon Road Library building and authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Community Services to negotiate the terms of a premises management agreement for an interim period whilst their business plan for the building is further ... view the full minutes text for item 457. |
Phoenix Community Housing Additional documents: Decision: Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for Housing, Councillor Damien Egan, the Mayor agreed that:
(i) the rationale for allowing Phoenix Community Housing to retain Right to Buy receipts for sales in its stock in light of the changing housing context and to enable it to develop new affordable homes be noted;
(ii) the increase the number of new homes in the borough, and especially in the Bellingham, Downham and Whitefoot wards, and that the Council will have the right to nominate tenants to the new properties be noted;
(iii) the Council waives its right to any payments of Right to Buy receipts due to it under the Transfer Contract between the Council and Phoenix Community Housing from 1 April 2016, subject to any conditions agreed by the Council and Phoenix Community Housing.
(iv) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Resources and Regeneration on the advice of the Head of Law to finalise the terms of the waiver. Minutes: Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for Housing, Councillor Damien Egan, the Mayor, for the reasons set out in the report:
(i) the rationale for allowing Phoenix Community Housing to retain Right to Buy receipts for sales in its stock in light of the changing housing context and to enable it to develop new affordable homes be noted;
(ii) the increase the number of new homes in the borough, and especially in the Bellingham, Downham and Whitefoot wards, and that the Council will have the right to nominate tenants to the new properties be noted;
(iii) the Council waives its right to any payments of Right to Buy receipts due to it under the Transfer Contract between the Council and Phoenix Community Housing from 1 April 2016, subject to any conditions agreed by the Council and Phoenix Community Housing.
(iv) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Resources and Regeneration on the advice of the Head of Law to finalise the terms of the waiver. |
Private Sector Leased Hostels transfer Additional documents: Decision: Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for Housing, Councillor Damien Egan, the Mayor agreed that:
(1) the rationale for enabling Lewisham Homes to manage homeless hostels and the Private Sector Leased (PSL) portfolio be noted; and
(2) Lewisham Homes take over the management of the homeless hostels and the Private Sector Leased (PSL) portfolio on or after 1 September 2016. Minutes: Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for Housing, Councillor Damien Egan, the Mayor, for the reasons set out in the report:
(1) the rationale for enabling Lewisham Homes to manage homeless hostels and the Private Sector Leased (PSL) portfolio be noted; and
(2) Lewisham Homes take over the management of the homeless hostels and the Private Sector Leased (PSL) portfolio on or after 1 September 2016. |
Gypsy and Traveller Local Plan Additional documents:
Decision: Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Deputy Mayor, Councillor Alan Smith, the Mayor agreed that the final search parameters and site selection criteria be approved and the Council be recommended to do the same. Minutes: Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Deputy Mayor, Councillor Alan Smith, the Mayor, for the reasons set out in the report:
RESOLVED that the final search parameters and site selection criteria be approved and the Council be recommended to do the same. |
Local Authority Governor Nomination Additional documents: Decision:
Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for Children & Young People, Councillor Paul Maslin, the Mayor agreed that the following person be nominated to be a school governor:
Emilie Lemons Torridon Junior Minutes:
Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for Children & Young People, Councillor Paul Maslin, the Mayor, having considered the information supplied about the candidate:
RESOLVED that the following person be nominated to be a school governor:
Emilie Lemons Torridon Junior |
Federations revisions to instruments of government Additional documents: Decision: Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for Children & Young People, Councillor Paul Maslin, the Mayor agreed that
(1) the Instrument of Government for the federation of schools identified below be made by Local Authority order dated 13 July 2016.
The Brindishe Federation The Eliot Bank and Gordonbrock Primary Schools Federation Grinling Gibbons and Lucas Vale Federation
The Cabinet, in the absence of the Mayor agreed that an Instrument of Government for the federation of schools identified below be made by Local Authority order dated 13 July 2016.
The Oakbridge Federation Minutes: Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for Children & Young People, Councillor Paul Maslin, the Mayor
(1) the Instrument of Government for the federation of schools identified below be made by Local Authority order dated 13 July 2016.
The Brindishe Federation The Eliot Bank and Gordonbrock Primary Schools Federation Grinling Gibbons and Lucas Vale Federation
Having declared a prejudicial interest relating to the Oakbridge Federation, the Mayor withdrew from the meeting during consideration of the final item and Councillor Smith assumed the Chair. The Cabinet, in the absence of the Mayor;
RESOLVED that an Instrument of Government for the federation of schools identified below be made by Local Authority order dated 13 July 2016.
The Oakbridge Federation |
Council Tax Reduction Scheme Additional documents: Decision: Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for Resources, Councillor Kevin Bonavia, the Mayor agreed that:
(1) consultation takes place on a local CTRS for 2017/18 that passes on a cut in government funding to working age claimants;
(2) consultation takes place on introducing a means test for applicants of working-age who receive UC in addition to their earnings. This will maintain the current position where all those with earnings are means tested;
(3) there be a continuation of the provision of discretionary support in cases of exceptional hardship using Section 13(A) of the LGFA (2012). Minutes: Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for Resources, Councillor Kevin Bonavia, the Mayor, for the reasons set out in the report:
(1) consultation takes place on a local CTRS for 2017/18 that passes on a cut in government funding to working age claimants;
(2) consultation takes place on introducing a means test for applicants of working-age who receive UC in addition to their earnings. This will maintain the current position where all those with earnings are means tested;
(3) there be a continuation of the provision of discretionary support in cases of exceptional hardship using Section 13(A) of the LGFA (2012). |
Besson Street Re-development Additional documents: Decision: Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for Housing, Councillor Damien Egan, the Mayor agreed that:
(1) the process carried to date be noted;
(2) the Council pursue the scheme for Besson Street, to deliver around 230 homes for private rent with 35% at “living rent” levels through partnership with a joint venture partner;
(3) the Strategic case for this approach be approved;
(4) the appropriation of the Council owned land shown hatched black in an attached plan 1, from housing purposes to planning purposes be approved under Section 122 of the Local Government Act 1972 as set out in section 10;
(5) Officers investigate future sites for further delivery; and
(6) the position and work carried out to date on the Achilles Street estate be noted. Minutes: In her capacity as a Ward Member, Councillor Joan Millbank welcomed the scheme which she believed would address a need that was not otherwise being addressed.
Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for Housing, Councillor Damien Egan, the Mayor, for the reasons set out in the report:
(1) the process carried to date be noted;
(2) the Council pursue the scheme for Besson Street, to deliver around 230 homes for private rent with 35% at “living rent” levels through partnership with a joint venture partner;
(3) the Strategic case for this approach be approved;
(4) the appropriation of the Council owned land shown hatched black in an attached plan 1, from housing purposes to planning purposes be approved under Section 122 of the Local Government Act 1972 as set out in section 10;
(5) Officers investigate future sites for further delivery; and
(6) the position and work carried out to date on the Achilles Street estate be noted. |
Response to SSCSC referral on Crime Enforcement and Regulation Additional documents: Decision: Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Deputy Mayor, the Mayor agreed that the proposed response to the comments and views of the Select Committee as set out be approved and reported to the Select Committee. Minutes: Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Deputy Mayor, the Mayor:
RESOLVED that the proposed response to the comments and views of the Select Committee as set out be approved and reported to the Select Committee. |
SDSC Referral - Lewisham Cyclist Cycling Strategy Decision: Having considered an officer report, the Mayor agreed the comments and views of the Select Committee be received, and the Executive Director for Resources and Regeneration be asked to prepare a response. Minutes: Having considered an officer report, the Mayor:
RESOLVED that the comments and views of the Select Committee be received, and the Executive Director for Resources and Regeneration be asked to prepare a response. |
SDSC Referral - Catford review interim report Decision: Having considered an officer report, the Mayor agreed the comments and views of the Select Committee be received, and the Executive Director for Resources and Regeneration be asked to prepare a response. Minutes: Having considered an officer report, the Mayor:
RESOLVED that the comments and views of the Select Committee be received, and the Executive Director for Resources and Regeneration be asked to prepare a response. |
Exclusion of Press and Public Decision: Approved. Minutes: RESOLVED that in accordance with Regulation 4(2)(b) of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information)(England) Regulations 2012 and under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs [3, 4 and 5] of Part 1 of Schedule 12(A) of the Act, and the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information
20. Beeson Street Re-development Part 2
21. Campshill Road Extra Care Scheme |
Besson Street Re-development Part 2
Decision: Having considered a confidential officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for Housing, Councillor Damien Egan, the Mayor agreed that:
(1) the rationale for pursuing a joint venture approach to housing development be noted;
(2) the likely outline financial arrangements for the scheme be noted;
(3) officers commence a process to select an investment partner with whom to form that LLP, and to finalise with that partner the proposed detailed terms of the partnership;
(4) authority to select the shortlist of potential bidders be delegated to the Executive Director of Resources and Regeneration;
(5) authority to negotiate a variant to the proposed preferred 50:50 Joint Venture model be delegated to the Executive Director of Resources and Regeneration;
(6) the final proposal negotiated through this exercise be subject to final approval from Mayor and Cabinet, and that this is likely to be sought in early 2017;
(7) the position with the New Cross Gate Trust be noted and the key aspects of the Heads of Terms as set out be approved;
(8) delegated authority be given the Executive Director for Resources and Regeneration to enter into further negotiations with the New Cross Gate Trust.
(9) an additional stated capital programme budget be approved in order to fund the additional tasks that will be required throughout the procurement process, until the point of returning to Mayor and Cabinet in early 2017. Minutes: Having considered a confidential officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for Housing, Councillor Damien Egan, the Mayor, for the reasons set out in the report:
(1) the rationale for pursuing a joint venture approach to housing development be noted;
(2) the likely outline financial arrangements for the scheme be noted;
(3) officers commence a process to select an investment partner with whom to form that LLP, and to finalise with that partner the proposed detailed terms of the partnership;
(4) authority to select the shortlist of potential bidders be delegated to the Executive Director of Resources and Regeneration;
(5) authority to negotiate a variant to the proposed preferred 50:50 Joint Venture model be delegated to the Executive Director of Resources and Regeneration;
(6) the final proposal negotiated through this exercise be subject to final approval from Mayor and Cabinet, and that this is likely to be sought in early 2017;
(7) the position with the New Cross Gate Trust be noted and the key aspects of the Heads of Terms as set out be approved;
(8) delegated authority be given the Executive Director for Resources and Regeneration to enter into further negotiations with the New Cross Gate Trust.
(9) an additional stated capital programme budget be approved in order to fund the additional tasks that will be required throughout the procurement process, until the point of returning to Mayor and Cabinet in early 2017. |
Campshill Road Extra Care Scheme
Decision: Having considered a confidential officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for Housing, Councillor Damien Egan, the Mayor agreed that:
(1) the original rationale for delivering extra care housing at Campshill Road be noted;
(2) the selected partner, Notting Hill’s, withdrawal of interest in the scheme owing to changes in legislation and funding available for supported housing be noted;
(3) from on-going discussions with partners about housing for older people an alternative model for delivering the scheme has been proposed by One Housing Group;
(4) the valuation advice be noted;
(5) the Council disposes of the site shown edged in red on an attached plan to One Housing on a 250 year leasehold basis for a stated premium; and
(6) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Resources and Regeneration, in consultation with the Executive Director for Customer Services and the Head of Law, to negotiate and agree the final terms of the documentation for the disposal. Minutes: Having considered a confidential officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for Housing, Councillor Damien Egan, the Mayor, for the reasons set out in the report:
(1) the original rationale for delivering extra care housing at Campshill Road be noted;
(2) the selected partner, Notting Hill’s, withdrawal of interest in the scheme owing to changes in legislation and funding available for supported housing be noted;
(3) from on-going discussions with partners about housing for older people an alternative model for delivering the scheme has been proposed by One Housing Group;
(4) the valuation advice be noted;
(5) the Council disposes of the site shown edged in red on an attached plan to One Housing on a 250 year leasehold basis for a stated premium; and
(6) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Resources and Regeneration, in consultation with the Executive Director for Customer Services and the Head of Law, to negotiate and agree the final terms of the documentation for the disposal.
The meeting closed at 7.30pm |