Venue: Council Chamber - Civic Suite
Contact: Kevin Flaherty 0208 3149327
No. | Item |
Declaration of Interests Minutes: Councillors Walsh and Dromey declared a personal interest in Item 6 as Founder members of the Bakerloo Extension Campaign.
Councillor Copley declared a personal interest in Item 6 as a private tenant.
Councillor Hall a personal interest in Item 12 as a member of Lewisham Trades Council and as Chair of the Lewisham, Bexley and Greenwich Branch of the Unite Union. |
Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on January 23 2019 be confirmed and signed as a correct record. |
Minutes: Nicola Johnson presented a petition bearing more than 5,000 names calling for the protection of open green space at the junction of Duncombe Hill and Brockley Rise SE23 1QY.
Heather Gilmore presented a petition bearing 1650 names call for the community redevelopment of the Old Tidemill land and a change to the plans already agreed by the Council.
Councillor Hilary Moore presented a petition bearing 330 names opposing a proposal by CTIL (Vodafone + O2) for the erection of a 15m antenna at the junction of Winn Road in Lewisham and Guibal Road in Greenwich.
Councillor Patrick Codd presented a petition bearing 94 names expressing concern that their street is being used by commuters and for long term parking by non-residents to the detriment of residents and calling on the Council to carry out a consultation to extend the Hither Green CPZ to the Woodlands and adjacent streets. |
Announcements or Communications Minutes: International Women’s Day
Councillor Joan Millbank informed the Council that International Women’s Day would take place on March 8 2019 under the theme of “Equality for all” and that the Council’s collaborative participation would see a range of activities taking place to which all genders were welcome.
Director of Public Health
Councillor Chris Best noted the retirement of the Director of Public Health, Dr Danny Ruta and praised him for his vision and passion.
Lady Mayoress
The Chair announced that the Bromley and Catford Synagoue were organising a Shabbat on March 16 to honour the Lady Mayoress Liane Segal for her year’s service. Further details were to follow. |
Additional documents: Minutes: 54 questions were received from members of the public which were answered by the Cabinet Member indicated. In the time available 25 questioners were given the opportunity to raise supplementary questions.
A copy of the questions and answers was circulated separately and can be viewed on the Council website with the meeting papers. |
Additional documents: Minutes: 20 questions were received from Councillors which were answered by the Cabinet Members indicated. A copy of the questions and answers was circulated separately and can be viewed on the Council’s website with the meeting papers. |
Council Budget 2019-20 Additional documents: Minutes: The Budget proposals were introduced by the Mayor who concluded that this was not the budget he would have liked to have offered but was the least harmful cuts option and came as the result of unprecedented levels of participation. He predicted that subsequent years would be faced with more difficult decisions and that the Government’s so called ‘Fair Funding Review’ gave little grounds for optimism. He paid particular thanks to Councillor De Ryk for her help throughout the process.
The Mayor confirmed that he was proposing a Council Tax rise of 4.99% and proposed to use Council reserves for the fifth consecutive year in order to ensure a balanced budget was achieved.
The Mayor confirmed that he did not intend to vary the budget proposals he had already fully set out at Mayor and Cabinet on February 6 and 13 and which did not require further amendment.
A motion that the proposals be accepted was moved by the job share Cabinet Member for Resources, Councillor Amanda De Ryk and seconded by the Chair of the Public Accounts Select Committee, Councillor Jim Mallory. During the debate on the budget the 5 minute limit on speeches for the Mayor and Councillors De Ryk and Mallory was suspended.
Once the debate was concluded, there was, in accordance with statutory provisions, a recorded vote on the Mayor’s proposed Budget. The result of the vote was as follows:
51 Votes In favour of the Mayor’s Budget Proposals
Councillor Obajimi Adefiranye Councillor Tauseef Anwar Councillor Abdeslam Amrani Councillor Chris Barnham Councillor Paul Bell Councillor Peter Bernhards Councillor Chris Best Councillor Kevin Bonavia Councillor Andre Bourne Councillor Bill Brown Councillor Juliet Campbell Councillor Suzannah Clarke Councillor Patrick Codd Councillor Tom Copley Councillor Liam Curran Councillor Janet Daby Councillor Brenda Dacres Councillor Amanda De Ryk Councillor Joe Dromey Mayor Damien Egan Councillor Colin Elliott Councillor Aisling Gallagher Councillor Leo Gibbons Councillor Alan Hall Councillor Carl Handley Councillor Octavia Holland Councillor Sue Hordijenko Councillor Coral Howard Councillor Mark Ingleby Councillor Liz Johnston-Franklin Councillor Caroline Kalu Councillor Silvana Kelleher Councillor Louise Krupski Councillor Jim Mallory Councillor Joan Millbank Councillor Hilary Moore Councillor Pauline Morrison Councillor John Muldoon Councillor Olurotimi Ogunbadewa Councillor Jacq Paschoud Councillor John Paschoud Councillor Stephen Penfold Councillor James Rathbone Councillor Joani Reid Councillor Sakina Sheikh Councillor Jonathan Slater Councillor Alan Smith Councillor Luke Sorba Councillor Eva Stamirowski Councillor James-J Walsh Councillor Susan Wise
Votes Against the Mayor’s Budget Proposals nil
Abstentions nil
(1) the recommendations shown below be agreed in respect of the 2019/20 Budget having considered the views of those consulted on the budget, and subject to consideration of the outcome of consultation with business ratepayers and subject to proper process, as required,
Capital Programme
(2) the 2018/19 Quarter 3 Capital Programme monitoring position and the Capital Programme potential future schemes and resources as set out in section 5 be noted;
(3) the 2019/20 to 2021/22 Capital Programme of £344.7m, as set out in section 5 and attached at Appendices W1 and W2 ... view the full minutes text for item 37. |
Financial Regulations and Schemes of Delegation Additional documents:
Minutes: Councillor Kevin Bonavia moved that the recommendations be approved and this was formally seconded by Councillor Jim Mallory and it was then unanimously:
RESOLVED that: (1) the latest version of the Financial Regulations (Appendix 1) be approved;
(2) the Directorate Schemes of Delegation (Appendices 2 to 5) as they relate to non-executive functions be endorsed;
(3) officers be authorised to update the Council’s Constitution accordingly.
Modern Day Slavery and human trafficking Additional documents:
Minutes: Councillor Amanda De Ryk moved that the recommendations be approved and this was seconded by Councillor Joani Reid and it was then unanimously:
(1) the approval by Council of a motion that Lewisham Council signs the Cooperative Party Charter against Modern Slavery be noted (Council meeting 3 October 2018)
(2) the potential impact of adoption of the Charter, the Lewisham Modern Slavery Protocol, and the draft Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery Statement for 2018/19 on current and future arrangements including with partners as set out be noted;
(3) the Council adopts and signs up to the Co-operative Party Charter on Modern Slavery;
(4) the Lewisham Modern Slavery Protocol (developed jointly with partners) be approved;
(5) the Council’s draft Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery Statement for 2018/19 be approved. |
Additional documents: Minutes: The Mayor moved that the recommendations be approved and this was seconded by Councillor Bill Brown and it was then unanimously:
RESOLVED that the attached Corporate Strategy replace the 2008 Community Strategy. |
Minutes: Albion Green Millennium Trust
Councillor Millbank proposed a nomination and this was seconded by Councillor Moore and there being no other nominations it was:
RESOLVED that Councillor Sophie Davis be appointed to the Albion Green Millennium Trust. |
Motion 1 proposed Cllr Rathbone seconded Cllr Moore Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair agreed to use her Constitutional discretion and changed the order of the agenda by taking this motion immediately after Item 5, Public Questions.
The Head of Law was questioned concerning the legal advice which was tabled in connection with this motion and she confirmed her advice was purely facilitative.
The motion was moved by Councillor Rathbone and seconded by Councillor Moore. Following contributions from Councillors Bonavia, Slater, the Mayor and Councillor Hall, the motion was then put to the vote and declared to be unanimously carried.
RESOLVED that the following motion be agreed:
Lewisham Council is concerned by the rise in hate crime and racism across the UK and the wider world. Lewisham is proud of its diverse community, and works to tackle discrimination in all its forms. As part of this work we believe that we must establish clear definitions of what is and isn’t acceptable as part of our Equalities Policy, whether this relates to gender, disability, sexuality or discrimination against people on the grounds of race, religion or culture.
2017 saw the highest recorded level of antisemitism in over twenty years, with the recorded level for 2018 being only slightly lower. Antisemitism accounts for 12% of all religious hate crime in the UK, despite the Jewish population being less than 0.5% of the total population. Roughly 75% of antisemitic incidents occur in Greater London and Manchester.
Antisemitism comes in many forms, such as physical violence, vandalism and criminal damage, but also as verbal and online abuse. It is increasingly common to see antisemitism disguised as criticism of Israel, or criticism of Israel expressed via anti-Semitic tropes, conspiracies and language. This definition does not in any way undermine freedom of speech regarding the Israeli Government or its actions. Whilst this criticism can be legitimate, that is not the case if it stems from antisemitism, or is expressed using the tropes and imagery of antisemitism.
The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance Working Definition of Antisemitism and its examples is the only definition supported by the Jewish community of the UK, as represented by their communal organisations the Jewish Leadership Council and the Board of Deputies. The IHRA Definition and its examples has already been adopted by the Government of the UK and over 130 Local Authorities, as well as numerous other national and international bodies, including both the European Union and United Nations.
It is also noted that nothing in the IHRA definition of Antisemitism, or in other documents with a bearing on the Authority’s code of conduct and disciplinary procedures, can be used or interpreted in a way that violates the right to freedom of expression entrenched in the Human Rights Act 1998.
This Council resolves to:
1. Reaffirm its condemnation of all forms of hate crimes and racism.
2. Adopt the IHRA definition of antisemitism as the working model for challenging and confronting incidents of this form of hate crime and racism.
3. Ask the Mayor and Cabinet to look into adopting similarly ... view the full minutes text for item 42. |
Motion 2 proposed Cllr Anwar seconded Cllr Krupski Minutes: The motion was moved by Councillor Anwar and seconded by Councillor Krupski. Following contributions from Councillors Sorba and Sheikh, the motion was then put to the vote and declared to be unanimously carried.
RESOLVED that the following motion be agreed:
Lewisham Council notes:
Humans have already caused irreversible climate change, the impacts of which are being felt around the world. Global temperatures have increased by 1 degree Celsius from pre-industrial levels. Atmospheric CO2 levels are above 400 parts per million (ppm) and continue to rise. This far exceeds the 350 ppm deemed to be a safe level for humanity;
Without significant and sustained action, the world will exceed the Paris Agreement’s 1.5°C limit before 2050. The government’s policies and programmes to cut carbon emissions by 80% by 2050 are insufficient.
Individual and collective action is needed to make this reduction. Society needs to change its laws, taxation, infrastructure and culture to recognise and meet the full cost of greenhouse gases.
The public sector has a fundamental role in enabling individuals and communities to make sustainable low carbon choices.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C, published in October 2018, describes the enormous harm that a 2°C rise is likely to cause compared to a 1.5°C rise. The IPCC identify that limiting global warming to 1.5°C may still be possible with ambitious action from national and sub-national authorities, civil society, the private sector and local communities;
In Lewisham, the consequences of inaction to address this climate emergency will include: • Increased risk of flooding and damage to buildings, infrastructure and the local economy. • Health problems, particularly for children, older people and those with pre-existing conditions. • Higher living costs including energy, food, travel and insurance costs. • Increases in social injustice and inequality. • Financial and emotional consequences for residents with families around the world adversely affected by the impact of a changing climate
Councils around the world, including the Mayor of London and other local authorities in London and the UK have responded by declaring a ‘climate emergency’ and committing resources to address this emergency.
Lewisham Council resolves to:
1. Declare a ‘climate emergency’
2. Recognise that a changing climate will have severe and enduring social, economic and environmental implications, and that tackling climate change is an issue of inequality as the greatest impact will be on the most vulnerable and those least able to protect themselves.
Call on the Mayor and Cabinet to:
1. Pledge to do everything within their power to make Lewisham carbon neutral by 2030.
2. Launch a review to report to on delivering a Zero-Carbon Lewisham including:
• Publishing a new Lewisham Action Plan on Climate Change, with an interim draft ready for scrutiny by the Sustainable Development Select Committee and Mayor & Cabinet before the end of the municipal year 2019/20. • Setting specific and measurable targets to reduce carbon emissions for the Council and for the borough as a whole, including costed milestones to zero-carbon; • Consider ... view the full minutes text for item 43. |
Motion 3 proposed Cllr Walsh seconded Cllr Bernards Minutes: Councillor Copley successfully moved and Councillor Ingleby seconded a motion without notice that Standing Orders be suspended to allow the meeting to continue past the 10pm guillotine.
The motion was moved by Councillor Copley and seconded by Councillor Bernards. Following a contributions from the Mayor, the motion was then put to the vote and declared to be unanimously carried.
RESOLVED that the following motion be agreed:
This Council notes:
PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) is a drug taken by HIV-negative people before sex that reduces the risk of getting HIV from sex by more than 90%. If taken as prescribed, it is highly effective at preventing HIV
PrEP has already been approved for use across the world including in the United States, Canada and France
PrEP has been recommended for use by the World Health Organization
However, access to the treatment in the UK differs according to the country you live in:
- In England, the PrEP trial scheme has places limited to just 13,000 people, leaving thousands across the country who want to protect their health having to import the PrEP and paying up to £4,200 a year
- Meanwhile, in Scotland PrEP is available to high-risk groups on the NHS, while in Wales and Northern Ireland there are trial schemes with no limits on places
This Council believes:
- That the founding principles of the NHS are just as important as today • That the NHS meet the needs of everyone • That it be free at the point of delivery • That it be based on clinical need, not ability to pay
- PrEP is a vital tool for public health and achieving zero HIV transmissions - By failing to make PrEP available on the NHS in England, the founding principles of the NHS are being broken - PrEP should be available on the NHS in England and the UK for those who need it
This Council resolves: - To work with organisations including the Terrence Higgins Trust to campaign for PrEP to be available on the NHS in England. - To call on the government to fund the availability of PrEP on the NHS in England. |
Motion 4 proposed Cllr Copley seconded Cllr Walsh Minutes: The motion was moved by Councillor Walsh and seconded by Councillor Kelleher. Following a contributions from Councillor Adefiranye, the motion was then put to the vote and declared to be unanimously carried.
RESOLVED that the following motion be agreed:
“Russia: End the persecution of LGBT people in Chechnya
This Council believes:
- Chechen Authorities under the auspices of the Russian Government have been carrying out large-scale arrests of individuals believed to be gay or lesbian. - LGBT people in Chechnya are being abducted, locked up in secret detention sites, tortured and sometimes killed - purely because of their sexual orientation. - Two people have already been tortured to death during a recent revival of the crackdown on LGBTI people that started two years ago. This must stop now. - People are living in fear of humiliation, torture and death at the hands of the authorities. Their passports are being confiscated and destroyed by the authorities, so even when people are released, they are trapped in Chechnya. - Chechen authorities deny that gay people exist but also incite homophobic violence by telling people to murder their own family members because of their sexual orientation. This means anyone who is suspected of being LGBTI in Chechnya is at extreme risk.
This Council further believes:
Lewisham in its aspiration to act as borough of sanctuary, should not only house those dispossessed by natural disaster, war or persecution, but should also shine a light on those that create regimes that force those to flee their country.
This Council resolves:
- To ensure that our role as a sanctuary borough is fully inclusive, and welcomes and fully understands the needs of LGBT+ Asylum Seekers. - To work with LGBT+ Asylum/immigration charities such as UKLGIG to help build our understanding, and theirs, as Lewisham as s a sanctuary Borough - For the Mayor of Lewisham to write to the The Secretary of State for Foreign & Commonwealth Affairs and the The Secretary of State for International Development & Minister for Women & Equalities, copying their Shadow Ministerial counterpart, asking how they’re planning on responding to this humanitarian crisis and to publish that response back to Council.”
The meeting closed at 10.12pm |